Mbangkong is located behind the Faculty of Physical Science, Semarang State University. The major... more Mbangkong is located behind the Faculty of Physical Science, Semarang State University. The majority of its citizens work as janitors of Semarang State University. The location, which is close to the campus buildings enables them to get in touch with the society who are aware of the importance of education. However, due to the financial problems of the citizens, the expensive education, parents' busy activities and the hardly-accessible vicinity, the optimalization of the educational facility cannot be reached. Previously, there was an open library called as "Library in Action". However, it became abandoned because of the ineffective maintenance. Based on the conditions mentioned above, we attempt to help the people of Mbangkong to increase the children's reading interest, especially those in elementary schools, by optimizing the function of the existing open library. The open library can facilitate children to learn outside schools-time. They can learn using the textbooks provided. Even, the children-book can already help increasing the reading interest and also improving their knowledge. The methods employed in this community service program consist of three stages: preparation, execution, and monitoring and evaluation. SARI Dukuh Mbangkong terletak di belakang gedung Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Unnes. Mayoritas masyarakat dukuh tersebut berprofesi sebagai tenaga kebersihan Unnes. Letak dukuh yang dekat dengan kampus membuat warga antusias terhadap pendidikan. Namun, mahalnya biaya pendidikan dan keterbatasan ekonomi masyarakat, kesibukan orang tua, serta kondisi alam yang terjal membuat fasilitas pendidikan di dukuh tersebut kurang optimal. Di Dukuh Mbangkong terdapat taman bacaan, hibah program Library in Action. Namun, taman bacaan tersebut terbengkalai karena pengelolaan yang kurang tepat. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, kami mencoba membantu masyarakat Dukuh Mbangkong mengoptimalkan fungsi taman bacaan
Mbangkong is located behind the Faculty of Physical Science, Semarang State University. The major... more Mbangkong is located behind the Faculty of Physical Science, Semarang State University. The majority of its citizens work as janitors of Semarang State University. The location, which is close to the campus buildings enables them to get in touch with the society who are aware of the importance of education. However, due to the financial problems of the citizens, the expensive education, parents' busy activities and the hardly-accessible vicinity, the optimalization of the educational facility cannot be reached. Previously, there was an open library called as "Library in Action". However, it became abandoned because of the ineffective maintenance. Based on the conditions mentioned above, we attempt to help the people of Mbangkong to increase the children's reading interest, especially those in elementary schools, by optimizing the function of the existing open library. The open library can facilitate children to learn outside schools-time. They can learn using the textbooks provided. Even, the children-book can already help increasing the reading interest and also improving their knowledge. The methods employed in this community service program consist of three stages: preparation, execution, and monitoring and evaluation. SARI Dukuh Mbangkong terletak di belakang gedung Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Unnes. Mayoritas masyarakat dukuh tersebut berprofesi sebagai tenaga kebersihan Unnes. Letak dukuh yang dekat dengan kampus membuat warga antusias terhadap pendidikan. Namun, mahalnya biaya pendidikan dan keterbatasan ekonomi masyarakat, kesibukan orang tua, serta kondisi alam yang terjal membuat fasilitas pendidikan di dukuh tersebut kurang optimal. Di Dukuh Mbangkong terdapat taman bacaan, hibah program Library in Action. Namun, taman bacaan tersebut terbengkalai karena pengelolaan yang kurang tepat. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, kami mencoba membantu masyarakat Dukuh Mbangkong mengoptimalkan fungsi taman bacaan
Papers by Dedew Mt