Papers by Deborah Previdoli

Technology, Knowledge and Learning
The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the importance of the digital transformation of edu... more The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the importance of the digital transformation of educational organizations. The effects of this transformation process are not limited to the classroom level but extend into various areas of the school, such as Equipment and Technology, Strategy and Leadership, Organization, Employees, and Culture. Against this background, we assessed the status quo of the digital transformation in Swiss vocational schools from the perspective of both school management members and teachers. For this endeavor, two surveys were conducted: the first one in the period from November 2019 to January 2020 (school management members) and the second one between June and September 2020 (teachers). In total, 202 school management members and 1,739 teachers from 62 schools participated in the study. The results of the analyses indicate that the digitization-related dimensions of Strategy and Leadership, as well as Pedagogical IT Support, were perceived better by scho...
Afin de prédire au mieux les fluctuations des prix de l’énergie et de réduire ainsi le risque auq... more Afin de prédire au mieux les fluctuations des prix de l’énergie et de réduire ainsi le risque auquel les acteurs sont confrontés, on utilise différentes approches telles que les outils de la finance et des sciences économétriques. Il est également nécessaire d’introduire la notion de territorialité liée à la décentralisation de la production de l’électricité. Ce premier article, qui sera suivi de deux autres, analyse la volatilité des prix horaires du marché spot allemand
Covid-19 et avenir numérique
Panorama, 2020
COVlD-19 und die digitale Zukunft
Panorama, 2020
Die Berufsfachschulen waren dank digitalisierten Prozessen und Lernmedien gut auf die COVlD-19-Kr... more Die Berufsfachschulen waren dank digitalisierten Prozessen und Lernmedien gut auf die COVlD-19-Krise vorbereitet. Dies zeigt eine kurz vor der Krise durchgeführte Befragung. Dennoch glauben vier von fünf Schulleitungsmitgliedern, dass die digitalen Kompetenzen des Kollegiums nicht ausreichen
Le marché financier de l'électricité en Allemagne
Bulletin 5 / 2016 Comment les ménages perçoivent-ils la valeur des services énergétiques ? Une ét... more Bulletin 5 / 2016 Comment les ménages perçoivent-ils la valeur des services énergétiques ? Une étude de cas dans un quartier durable suisse Un quartier durable est défini comme une zone urbaine incluant des concepts modernes et écologiques. L'impact de tels concepts sur les habitants de ces quartiers n'est cependant pas toujours clair. Dans l'étude de cas présentée dans cet article, l'équipe de la HES-SO Valais Wallis s'est concentrée sur l'influence de la perception des services énergétiques sur la satisfaction générale d'habiter dans un tel quartier. Deborah Previdoli et al.

2018 7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM), 2018
Feedforward controls (i.e., preventative controls), as opposed to classical feedback controls (i.... more Feedforward controls (i.e., preventative controls), as opposed to classical feedback controls (i.e., corrective controls), are based on the early detection of risks and the implementation of solutions before damage occurs. However, despite their inherent advantages (e.g., increasing the flexibility of supply chains), feedforward controls remain underdeveloped in the pharmaceutical distribution sector, largely due to the tediousness of identifying applicable anticipatory indicators. To properly anticipate the achievement of business objectives, in our in-depth case study of a Swiss wholesale distributor of pharmaceutical products we relied on the notion of weak signals as conceptualized by Ansoff to develop a conceptual framework of feedforward. We identified a weak signal that showed more occurrences of error when less versatile employees were involved in executing tasks. The standard operating procedure for customer complaint management was recently adapted to include a feedforward control based on the weak signal. Keywords-error occurrence; feedforward control; pharmaceutical distribution; supply chain management; weak signal I. CONTEXT Supply chain management is the backbone of pharmaceutical distribution. Medicines are dispatched to drugstores, pharmacies, hospitals, doctors, and social healthcare establishments. In pharmaceutical supply chains, medicines and drugs distributed contain expensive active substances that have been carefully traced from origination to destination. However, perhaps for that reason, such supply chains are also exceptionally liable to encounter threats such as counterfeiting, diversion, cargo theft, and the importation of unapproved medicines [1]. For that reason, the European Union and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) have imposed stringent regulations upon pharmaceutical

In this article, we consider the existing literature in business ecosystem design and business mo... more In this article, we consider the existing literature in business ecosystem design and business model design to propose a method called Bifocals. The method aims to align the two ecosystem and business perspectives. We illustrate how to use Bifocals by describing how we supported the creation of a new service, which adapts to recent evolution in the business ecosystem of nursing homes. The access to the field for the instantiation of the method is provided by an ongoing research project, which is mainly addressed to managers of nursing homes. Indeed, recent events have obliged nursing homes to redefine the interactions among stakeholders in their business ecosystem. In the end, we claim that our method (a) allows representing in greater details the niche ecosystem where the firm is located, (b) it offers a more structured way to respond to an everevolving ecosystem, and (c) it underlines a coherent way to build and test new business model features to restructure the firm, in response to its ecosystem.

This article describes an ongoing research project, which is mainly addressed to managers of nurs... more This article describes an ongoing research project, which is mainly addressed to managers of nursing homes. Recent events have obliged nursing homes to redefine the interactions among stakeholders in their business ecosystem. By combining the existing literature in business ecosystem design and business model design, we propose a method called Bifocals to align the two ecosystem and business perspectives. We claim that our method (1) allows representing in details the niche ecosystem where the firm is located, (2) it offers a more structured way to respond to an ever-evolving ecosystem and (3) it underlines a coherent way to build and test new business model features to restructure the firm, in response to its ecosystem. We illustrate how to use Bifocals by describing how we supported the creation of a new service that adapts to recent evolution in the business ecosystem of nursing homes. In the future, we intend to validate our method by working with a group of nursing homes and he...

Energy management in a public building: A case study co-designing the building energy management system
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2017
Buildings are important contributors to energy consumption accounting for around one-third of ene... more Buildings are important contributors to energy consumption accounting for around one-third of energy consumed in cities, where large public buildings are the dominant energy consumers. Accordingly, building energy management system (BEMS) can be defined as a system with combination of both intelligent and green building technology [1]. Previous literature has already presented a set of technical features of a BEMS. Therefore, in this paper, we shall focus on stakeholders of a BEMS and we aim at understanding how to engage and empower them in order to design a system that fits the needs of the different sub-groups in public buildings. We have tested the Living Lab method to co-design the BEMS, with a case study in a large public building. The main findings can be summarized as follow: the implication of all the stakeholders since the beginning is crucial to reduce failure risks. The establishment of a steering committee empowers key stakeholders to improve the BEMS. Information given by smart-meters installed to monitor energy consumption has to be transformed into actionable indicators to be helpful for the building service maintenance. Automatic advices based on algorithm should be proposed as, even though they might be more expensive. The proposed method offers a relevant contribution to the existing body of knowledge, as it allows BEMS designers to integrate the relevant stakeholders in the co-design of the system and describes how to proceed. In the future, we intend to apply our approach to other public buildings to further improve and validate the method.
Schulleitungshandeln in Zeiten der digitalen Transformation-"Business as usual" oder "Alles ist n... more Schulleitungshandeln in Zeiten der digitalen Transformation-"Business as usual" oder "Alles ist neu"?
Papers by Deborah Previdoli