Papers by Dayana Bastos Costa

COSTA, D.B. Guidelines for the development of Benchmarking Collaborative Process aiming the Imple... more COSTA, D.B. Guidelines for the development of Benchmarking Collaborative Process aiming the Implementation of Improvements in Construction Companies. 2008. 310 p. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Civil) – Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia Civil, UFRGS, Porto Alegre. Several efforts have been developed by practitioner and academics in order to establish innovative mechanisms which facilitate the insertion of performance measurement and comparison in the construction companies decision process. One of these efforts refers to the international initiatives for the development of performance measurement benchmarking systems and benchmarking clubs. In particular, these clubs can be considered as collaborative groups, providing an environment in which companies can acquire and share knowledge from the external environment aiming to implement performance improvements. However, little is known about the conditions under which effective networking takes place and the real benefits achieved...
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
O objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver e implementar uma plataforma web para inspeção da seguran... more O objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver e implementar uma plataforma web para inspeção da segurança em obras com uso de VANT e dispositivos móveis em obras. O desenvolvimento deste artefato envolveu as linguagens HTML, CSS e JavaScript e a infraestrutura do Firebase. A implementação piloto ocorreu em 14 inspeções de segurança. A plataforma web contribuiu para a melhoria do compartilhamento de informações na obra e reduziu em média 80% do tempo de inspeção com uso do VANT sem sistema e 50% do tempo necessário para a conclusão do relatório quando comparado ao protótipo deste sistema.

A implementação do BIM está crescendo no nível organizacional, tanto em organizações públicas qua... more A implementação do BIM está crescendo no nível organizacional, tanto em organizações públicas quanto privadas. Há uma grande quantidade de estudos que identificaram fatores influenciadores do processo de adoção do BIM, inclusive com foco em organizações públicas. Entretanto, a identificação de ações e estratégias para gerenciamento desses fatores ainda demanda esforços. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é propor ações potenciais no gerenciamento dos Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) para implementação do BIM por organizações públicas contratantes. Baseado em uma revisão da literatura e entrevistas em visitas técnicas em três organizações brasileiras, trinta duas ações potenciais foram propostas. Os resultados possibilitam o conhecimento de ações que podem ser exercidas pelos envolvidos em organizações públicas para gerenciamento da implementação.
Proc. 29th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC)
International Journal of Civil Engineering
18ª Conferência Internacional da LARES

Ambiente Construído
Resumo Ainda que diversos métodos para gestão sustentável em canteiro de obras tenham sido desenv... more Resumo Ainda que diversos métodos para gestão sustentável em canteiro de obras tenham sido desenvolvidos nos últimos anos, observa-se a falta de ferramentas para medir e avaliar o desempenho da gestão. O objetivo deste estudo é propor um sistema de indicadores (SI) para avaliar o desempenho da gestão sustentável em canteiros de obras, definindo boas práticas como estratégia para apoiar a implementação desse sistema e a mitigação dos impactos ambientais. A abordagem de pesquisa adotada é o Design Science Research e envolve as etapas de (1) revisão bibliográfica, para identificar as boas práticas e indicadores propostos nas pesquisas; (2) levantamento de dados, para avaliar a utilização dos indicadores propostos; (3) implementação piloto do SI proposto em um canteiro de obra; e (4) avaliação do SI, dos impactos positivos esperados, da implementação e monitoramento das ações, e da operacionalidade e facilidade do SI. As principais contribuições deste artigo são o desenvolvimento do Sis...
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management

Proc. 27th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC)
Construction progress monitoring may help for an efficient management process as planned. Studies... more Construction progress monitoring may help for an efficient management process as planned. Studies have proposed the use of visual data technologies; however, little has yet been done for the development and implementation of methods for integrating such technologies into construction management routine. This study aims to implement and evaluate the proposed method for systematic visual progress monitoring integrating into the production planning and control process, supported by 4D BIM, photogrammetric 3D mapping using Unmanned Arial System imagery, and performance indicators. The proposed method was implemented for 20 weeks in a case study on a construction project. The data collection included construction site 3D mapping generation, visual comparison of 4D BIM and 3D mapping status, measurement of performance indicators, and structured interviews. The evaluation focused on the following research constructs: compliance with the planned goals, impact on the construction progress deviations, transparency, and collaboration. The main findings indicate an improved integration of progress analysis and decision-making, improvement of progress deviations' identification, and allowed for better compliance with planned goals and increased transparency and collaboration. The main contribution of this work is a better understanding of the impact and added value of the new information flow provided by using the proposed method.

Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present an exploratory study in order to understand the c... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present an exploratory study in order to understand the contributions of the resilience engineering (RE) concept and the use of unmanned aerial systems (UASs) technology to support the safety planning and control (SPC) process. Design/methodology/approach A case study on a construction project was conducted and involved the following steps: diagnosis of the SPC process; development of a safety monitoring protocol using UASs; and field tests to monitor safety performance using UASs and data analysis. Findings In terms of its theoretical contribution, this work presents a conceptual framework explaining how the RE and the UASs can contribute to the SPC process. Also, this paper provides, as a practical contribution, a protocol for safety monitoring with UASs integrated into the safety routine, highlighting the tasks that can be checked and unsafe conditions and safety/production conflicts identified through monitoring. Practical implications Thi...

Construction Innovation
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present an exploratory study which aims to assess the pot... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present an exploratory study which aims to assess the potential use of 3D mapping of buildings and construction sites using unmanned aerial system (UAS) imagery for supporting the construction management tasks. Design/methodology/approach The case studies were performed in two different residential construction projects. The equipment used was a quadcopter equipped with digital camera and GPS that allow for the registry of geo-referenced images. The Pix4D Mapper and PhotoScan software were used to generate the 3D models. The study sought to examine three main constructs related to the 3D mapping developed: the easiness of development, the quality of the models in accordance with the proposed use and the usefulness and limitations of the mapping for construction management purposes. Findings The main contributions of this study include a better understanding of the development process of 3D mapping from UAS imagery, the potential uses of this m...

Ambiente Construído
Sustainability on construction sites and its impacts on the environment have become increasingly ... more Sustainability on construction sites and its impacts on the environment have become increasingly relevant. Large quantities of materials, water and energy, among other resources of various types and origins, are consumed on construction sites during the production activities and by the temporary facilities. This paper aims at presenting a set of criteria for the adoption of sustainable management practices on construction sites aiming at mitigating environmental impacts produced during the construction phase. An in-depth case study was carried out on the new building of the Construction Chamber for the state of Bahia, Brazil. Different environmental impacts for each construction activity specific to the construction site were studied and an economic feasibility study of each solution was performed, followed by the implementation of these practices. Monitoring data was collected through checklists, indicators and periodic project management meetings. Participant observation and docum...
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2016
Papers by Dayana Bastos Costa