Papers by Davoli Pietromaria

This record contains pre-processed data of a ten-and-a-half-month monitoring period of the HeLLo ... more This record contains pre-processed data of a ten-and-a-half-month monitoring period of the HeLLo project. The datafiles titled MeasProcessed_YYYY-MM-DD.dat correspond to the prepared data into a form for data analysis and processing as presented in "Hygrothermal performance of an internally insulated masonry wall: experimentations without vapour barrier in a historic Italian Palazzo", accepted for publication in journal energy and buildings ( Each file, format MeasProcessed _YYYY-MM-DD.dat, corresponds to the daily registered data monitored every minute. Each file, format MeasProcessed_YYYY-MM-DD.dat, contains temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) values, monitored through T-RH sensors (Telaire T9602; Amphenol). The general architecture of the acquisition system is based on a Master Slave configuration, as described in "Development of a Compatible, Low Cost and High Accurate Conservation Remote Sensing Technology for...

Reviews on Environmental Health
There is a growing awareness that spending time in nature is associated with improvement of well-... more There is a growing awareness that spending time in nature is associated with improvement of well-being; nevertheless, the prescription of forest bathing is still limited. The aim of this systematic review was to explore the physiological and psychological benefits of different forest therapies on healthy and pathological elderly populations (>60 years) to identify the most-effective type, duration, and frequency of these interventions. A search for literature was carried out in December 2021 using PubMed, EMBASE, ResearchGate, Google Scholar and Web of Science. Grey literature was searched as well. After removal of the duplicates, within the 214 articles identified, ten met the inclusion criteria. The methodological quality of the selected studies was rated. Forest walking, alone and in combination with other activities is the most effective intervention. The selected studies reported a positive impact on physical components, including reduction in blood pressure and heart rate a...
Alinea Editrice eBooks, Nov 1, 2012
TECHNE, Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, May 30, 2023
TECHNE, Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, May 30, 2023
Techne. Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 2016
Among the multiple possible interventions on historical and consolidated urban contexts, two diff... more Among the multiple possible interventions on historical and consolidated urban contexts, two different approaches are the most diffused today: interpreting the project as a discontinuity with the surrounding environment, on one side, and reading it as a form of continuity with the existing fabric, on the other. Starting from these methods and through the analysis of the international state-of-the-art in the field of adaptive reuse, the article explores the opportunities of a third possible direction, resulting as synthesis of the above and showing different levels of controlled densification. This new language seems particularly suitable today for supporting deep renovation processes of existing and historic buildings, thanks to its ability of enhancing their tangible and intangible values.
Energy and Buildings, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

The paper presents the first phase of the core research “Energy screening of the building heritag... more The paper presents the first phase of the core research “Energy screening of the building heritage of the University of Ferrara and preliminary proposals for the retrofit strategies planning phase”, started from a dual need of the Management of the University of Ferrara: first, the necessity of having appropriate tools for an effective energy audit, due to the Italian implementation of the Legislative Decree 102/2014 (transposition of the European Directive 2012/27/EU), demanding the Public Sector to produce the Energy Performance Certificate of all their buildings in the near future; second, the request for a tool to plan the most effective energy refurbishment of its building stock to optimize its financial resources. The first phase of the research starts from the know-how acquired in the energy management of large real estates, which led to identify targeted retrofit strategies for new, recent or ancient buildings thanks to an easy and swift procedure specifically codified for this aim. The objective of the research is hence the development of a parametric energy assessment tool to ease the planning of retrofit actions, preliminarily considering both the effects of the energy improvement, and the cost/benefit ratio of planned operations. As a first step, the buildings of the heterogeneous campus of the University of Ferrara were grouped in subgroups (clusters), accounting for typological and technological characteristics. For each cluster, a representative building (head-cluster building) was selected in order to determine a characteristic pattern of the energy demands that could be later extended to all the other facilities belonging to the same categories. A digital model of this building was implemented and some energy simulations under quasi-steady state method were run being later compared to the figures provided by the official energy recordings collected from the energy provider bills. This allowed adjusting the energy model of the head-cluster building, finally identifying specific parametric indexes to characterize the energy behaviour and the retrofit potential of all the other buildings belonging to the same clusters. In the future, the research will define a parametric procedure to run suitable energy simulations on buildings, and provide a first energy and financial assessment of their benefits to the University Management, thus optimizing its resources and time

The recovery and retrofit of Regions damaged by earthquake can be an opportunity to encourage the... more The recovery and retrofit of Regions damaged by earthquake can be an opportunity to encourage the revitalization, valorisation and partial repurposing of smaller towns. This paper presents the results of two studies that Architettura>Energia Research Centre of the Department of Architecture of Ferrara accomplished for Public Administrations as instrument for sustainable reconstructive interventions in areas with very complex environmental, social, economic and historic aspects. The two locations considered are Caporciano, a small town within the area around L’Aquila struck by the earthquake in 2009 and now only partially inhabited; and Apice Vecchia, near Benevento, damaged by two earthquakes in 1962 and 1980, which forced the population to settle a new town in the vicinity. The proposed procedure is structured into two phases. The first consists of a preliminary on-site survey aimed at simplifying the acquisition of a large amount of data which will facilitate a subsequent in de...
The growing complexity of the construction process, pressured by challenges related to safety, cl... more The growing complexity of the construction process, pressured by challenges related to safety, climate change and the reduction of energy consumption, requires the ability to manage more and more skills previously allocated exclusively to other specialists. It is therefore necessary to establish a dialogue based on advanced collaborative designs, which lead to an increase in the adequacy of the design response. The HeLLo MSCA IF Horizon2020 research exemplifies how technological leadership controlled the objectives and final outcomes of a highly interdisciplinary experimental study. Concerning the EU priorities, the research has created hybridization between environmental design, conservation and physical-technical aspects including the dissemination of the project results.

Energies, 2020
The main purpose of the HeLLo project is to contribute to data available on the literature on the... more The main purpose of the HeLLo project is to contribute to data available on the literature on the real hygrothermal behavior of historic walls and the suitability of insulation technologies. Furthermore, it also aims at minimizing the energy simulation errors at the design phase and at improving their conservation features. In this framework, one of the preliminary activities of the study is the creation of a real in situ hot box to measure and analyze different insulation technologies applied to a real historic wall, to quantify the hygrothermal performance of a masonry building. Inside this box, ‘traditional’ experiments can be carried out: recording heat flux, surface temperature, and air temperatures, as well as relative humidity values through the use of a new sensing system (composed of thermocouples and temperature/relative humidity combined sensors). Within this paper, the process of development, construction, and validation of this new metering box is exhibited. The new hot...
techne, 2021
The growing complexity of the construction process, pressured by challenges related to safety, cl... more The growing complexity of the construction process, pressured by challenges related to safety, climate change and the reduction of energy consumption, requires the ability to manage more and more skills previously allocated exclusively to other specialists. It is therefore necessary to establish a dialogue based on advanced collaborative designs, which lead to an increase in the adequacy of the design response. The HeLLo MSCA IF Horizon2020 research exemplifies how technological leadership controlled the objectives and final outcomes of a highly interdisciplinary experimental study. Concerning the EU priorities, the research has created hybridization between environmental design, conservation and physicaltechnical aspects including the dissemination of the project results.

The hygrothermal behaviour of an internally insulated historic wall is still hard to predict, mai... more The hygrothermal behaviour of an internally insulated historic wall is still hard to predict, mainly because the physical characteristics of the materials composing the historic wall are unknown. In this study, the hygrothermal assessment of an internally thermal insulated masonry wall of an historic palace located in Ferrara, in Italy, is shown. In situ non-destructive monitoring method is combined with a hygrothermal simulation tool, aiming to better analyse and discuss future refurbishment scenarios. In this context, the original U-value of the wall (not refurbished) is decreased from 1.44 W/m2K to 0.26 W/m2K (10 cm stone wool). Under the site specific conditions of this wall, not reached by the sun or rain, it was verified that even in the absence of vapour barrier, no frost damage is likely to occur and the condensation risk is very limited. Authors proposed further discussion based on simulation. The results showed that the introduction of a second gypsum board to the studied ...

Energies, 2020
The main purpose of the HeLLo project is to contribute to data available on the literature on the... more The main purpose of the HeLLo project is to contribute to data available on the literature on the real hygrothermal behavior of historic walls and the suitability of insulation technologies. Furthermore, it also aims at minimizing the energy simulation errors at the design phase and at improving their conservation features. In this framework, one of the preliminary activities of the study is the creation of a real in situ hot box to measure and analyze different insulation technologies applied to a real historic wall, to quantify the hygrothermal performance of a masonry building. Inside this box, 'traditional' experiments can be carried out: recording heat flux, surface temperature, and air temperatures, as well as relative humidity values through the use of a new sensing system (composed of thermocouples and temperature/relative humidity combined sensors). Within this paper, the process of development, construction, and validation of this new metering box is exhibited. The new hot box, specifically studied for historic case studies, when compared to other boxes, presents other advantages compared to previous examples, widely exemplified.
Among the multiple possible interventions on historical and consolidated urban contexts, two diff... more Among the multiple possible interventions on historical and consolidated urban contexts, two different approaches are the most diffused today: interpreting the project as a discontinuity with the surrounding environment, on one side, and reading it as a form of continuity with the existing fabric, on the other. Starting from these methods and through the analysis of the international state-of-the-art in the field of adaptive reuse, the article explores the opportunities of a third possible direction, resulting as synthesis of the above and showing different levels of controlled densification. This new language seems particularly suitable today for supporting deep renovation processes of existing and historic buildings, thanks to its ability of enhancing their tangible and intangible values.
Papers by Davoli Pietromaria