Papers by David G R A N T Taylor

viXra, Jun 1, 2013
This paper formulates additional relativistic equations examining Einstein's deductions from a Re... more This paper formulates additional relativistic equations examining Einstein's deductions from a Relativistically Distorted Perspective. The equations derived from a theoretic ideal "non-Relativistic" velocity distorted in the same manner as length, time, and mass -into an apparent "Relativistic" velocity. Absolute velocity is a necessary logic component for all Relativity equations -its actual determination is unimportant. Relativity physics equations presume ideals. The equations that are formulated here examine the absolute/real (no Special Relativistic Perspective Distortion, noSRPD) velocity and use it to determine the distorted (Special Relativistic Perspective Distortion, or SRPD) velocity. For an observer moving at a Relativistic Speed, some aspects of everything outside that traveller's immediate environment would appear sped up. That would include the traveller's movement through space: meaning an apparently higher Relativistic velocity. Velocity |v| is one of the valid, theoretic ideals that Classic relativity (all of Physics) relies upon. Two equations developed in this paper show this relationship. Independent variables have no relativistic deformation [VnoSRPD||Time], the dependent variable is |Time'| because of relativistic deformation. Existence/non-existence of ideal values for absolute non-relativistic velocity values are not contested, they are indeterminate real ideals. Two examples of Relativistic Perspective equations are: .5 This paper reasons an inverse relationship: when an independent variable is the observed velocity from the Relativistically Distorted viewpoints. The parallel equation from that Relativistic Perspective is: .5 Time' is the increase in Time units passing on an undistorted Clock, but observed from the distorted viewpoint. |Time| is what the value would be were there no distortion. The above relationship allows for the additional development of eight formulae/equations for the velocity, mass, time, and linear deformations. D. G. Taylor 2 Relativistic Perspective equations have been confirmed to be consistent with the Classic equations to 2000 significant digits for 37 velocity values ranging from 1.0E-500m/s to (c -(1.0E-500))m/s.

viXra, Jun 1, 2015
There is an alternate cause for the decay rate proposed by Monsieur le Curé Georges Lemaître, and... more There is an alternate cause for the decay rate proposed by Monsieur le Curé Georges Lemaître, and later defined by Edwin Hubble as a Constant -the Hubble Constant [ H 0 ]. It can be proposed because the motion observed in the local Galaxies||Star groups around the Milky Way is inward not outward. The recession velocity of Galaxies farther out is reasoned entirely from the increasing Red shift in the frequency. The smaller the image of observed Galaxy/Cluster objects, the greater the downward shift in frequency of all Electro-Magnetic signals [EM]. An alternate cause for that downward shift could be through the absorption and re-emission through matter, leading to of the absorption of some fraction of the energy quanta. There is nowhere in our Local Universe that is both absolutely devoid of matter and the continual formation of objects of all scales. If Red shift were because of space expansion, it would increase the distance that signal had to travel. So a signal from GN-z11 stellar structure at 13.4 Billion light years [LY] would take would take 13.4 Billion years to travel. Assuming 13.8 Billion years since the Big Bang would mean GN-z11 object travelled 13.4 Billion LY in 400 million years. Support for this alternate supposition is reasoned from the fact that the M31 Galaxy and the NGC 300 Galaxy are at distances inconsistent with their Hubble recession velocity.
viXra, Sep 1, 2015
The Classic escape velocity equation shows mathematical parallels between the General Relativity ... more The Classic escape velocity equation shows mathematical parallels between the General Relativity & Special Relativity Time distortion equations. Like the light speed limit that Special Relativity puts to "Real" velocity, General Relativity puts a parallel limit to Escape velocity. Time Distortion slows Bosons. General Relativity Boson||Graviton slowdown limits the escape velocity from any body to never be greater than light speed. The principal equation introduced is a rephrased General Relativity Time equation. The Escape velocity equation |v esc =(2GM/r) ½ | can also be written |v esc 2 =(2GM/r)|. So the Time distortion equation could be rewritten:

The escape velocity equation shows mathematical parallels between General Gravitational Relativit... more The escape velocity equation shows mathematical parallels between General Gravitational Relativity & Special Relativity Time distortions. Like the light speed limit that SR puts to Real velocity, GR puts a parallel limit to escape velocity. Time Distortion would mean all Bosons are slowed. There is a mathematic argument that General Relativity Graviton slowdown leads to that escape velocity limit -the fundamental escape velocity from any body will never be greater than light speed. The principal equation introduced in this paper is a rephrased GR Time equation. The Escape velocity equation |v esc =(2GM/r) ½ | can also be as written |v esc 2 =(2GM/r)|. So |1 -2GM/rc 2 | can be re-expressed as |1 -v esc 2 /c 2 |. It is reasoned the expression will never have a zero value, only a Graviton||Boson slowdown. Time passage would never cease; only approach cessation. Time slowdown predicted by Relativistic distortion is confirmed by muon decay. The different phrasing of the Gravitational Force equation |F=GMm/r 2 | would mean a limitless gravitational force. While Bosons compression would be unlimited, any matter could escape after formation absorbing sufficient kinetic energy from slowing Photons||Bosons. This reasoning is illustrated by calculating Classic Relativity interpretations for distortions for Sagittarius A [SA] body at the center of the Milky Way.

viXra, 2018
This article offers a device by which our local observed Universe could have come to be in an inf... more This article offers a device by which our local observed Universe could have come to be in an infi-nite Cosmos. It reasons how a Schwarzschild Object||Black Hole [SO] could have come to be from a Universe that was nothing but pure matter particles be they Hydrogen (or elements higher up the Periodic Table), Quantum Particles or Boson particles could have spontaneously formed into an SO. It presents mathematic arguments as to how the escape velocity on any object could never exceed lightspeed. It also explains how Bosons (including Gravitons) would be slowed by Relativistic distortion, adding both mass and velocity to matter. Because of that slowdown the Bosons would escape the SO in much smaller numbers. It would allow any matter formed by the slowing Bosons to eventually escape and generate EM signals upon collisions with newly captured Atoms. It establishes that the finite Universe we currently observe is much older than is currently thought, and possibly much larger. It also esta...
This paper formulates additional General Relativistic [GR] equations that do not contradict the o... more This paper formulates additional General Relativistic [GR] equations that do not contradict the originals. They rephrase Dr. Einstein's equations from a Relativistically distorted Perspective. The equations reason the distorted Escape velocity of a GR object, determining its real Escape velocity after the distortions of Relativity slow Bosons||Gravitons. In contrast to the variables in the Classical equations of Relativity, variables are more specific in their respect and relationship to Escape Velocity and Graviton distortion, not just the Time distortion.

Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2016
There is an alternate cause for the decay rate defined by Edwin Hubble's Cosmological Constant Th... more There is an alternate cause for the decay rate defined by Edwin Hubble's Cosmological Constant Theory. It can be proposed because inward motion is observed in the local Galaxies||Star groups around the Milky Way. The recession velocity of Galaxies farther out of is reasoned entirely from the increasing redshift in the frequency. The smaller the image of observed Galaxy/Cluster objects, the greater the downward shift in frequency of all ElectroMagnetic signals [EM]. An alternate cause for that downward shift could be through the absorption and re-emission through matter, leading to the absorption of some fraction of the energy quanta. There is nowhere in our Local Universe that is both absolutely devoid of matter and the continual formation of objects of all scales. If redshift was because of space expansion, it would increase the distance that signal had to travel. So a signal from GN-z11 stellar structure at 13.4 billion light years [LY] would take 13.4 billion years to travel. Assuming 13.8 billion years since the Big Bang would mean GN-z11 object travelled 13.4 billion LY in 400 million years. A current value for the Hubble constant is:

Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2016
There are parallels between the time distortion equations of General and Special Relativity. The ... more There are parallels between the time distortion equations of General and Special Relativity. The time distortion in Special Relativity limits the "Real" velocity of a particle to the speed of light |c| by slowing the velocity of bosons/energy and increasing the mass of fermion||lepton (or matter) particles. In General Relativity, the gravitational slowdown of bosons/gravitons limits the escape velocity | Esc v | to light speed. | ′ 0.5 2 2 Time Time 1 1 Esc v c = − * () ′ 0.5 2 2 Time Time 1 Esc v c = − The above contests currently held properties of Schwarzschild Objects. Relativistic theory predicts the slowdown of gravitons/bosons, while their velocity only approaches zero. The different mathematical logic of Gravitational Force ||GF|| 2 GF GMm r = would mean no limit on the force. Matter formed through compression of bosons can escape after formation by absorbing kinetic energy from the slowing photons/bosons in its surroundings. So matter formation can occur via a steady-state mechanism. The limit on Esc v allows matter to escape in events that parallel both the Big Bang and Cyclic cosmology. Additional arguments are made as to the validity of relativity.

Journal of Modern Physics, 2016
This paper formulates additional relativistic equations examining Einstein's equations from a Rel... more This paper formulates additional relativistic equations examining Einstein's equations from a Relativistically Distorted Perspective. The equations derived from a theoretic ideal "non-Relativistic" velocity distorted as length, time, and mass -into an apparent "Relativistic" velocity. Absolute velocity is a logic component in all Relativity physics equations: they presume ideals. The equations that are formulated here examine the absolute/real (no Special Relativistic Perspective Distortion, noSRPD) velocity and use it to determine the distorted (Special Relativistic Perspective Distortion, or SRPD) velocity. For an observer moving at a Relativistic Speed, some aspects of everything outside that traveller's immediate environment would appear sped up. It would include movement through space: in observations of some of those distortions, an apparently higher Relativistic velocity. Though monitoring different proportion between matter and Boson energy would mean it could not be a simple slowdown in time. Velocity |v| is one of the valid, theoretic ideals that Classic relativity (all of Physics) relies upon. Two of the equations developed in this paper show this relationship. Independent variables have no relativistic deformation v noSRPD || Time ⎡ ⎣ ⎤ ⎦ , but the dependent variable Time' ⎡ ⎣ ⎤ ⎦ does. Exist- ence/non-existence of ideal values for absolute non-relativistic velocity values are not contested, they are indeterminate real ideals. This paper does not contest Classic Relativity or revise it, it adds to it, less than Relativity added to Classic Newtonian Physics. It reasons an mirror grammar for the Time distortion equations when the independent velocity variables v SRPD || Time' ⎡ ⎣ ⎤ ⎦ are ones observed from a Relativistically Distorted viewpoint. The Relativistic Perspective equations have been confirmed consistent with Classic Relativity equations to 2000 significant digits for 37 velocity values ranging from 1.0E-500m/s to (c -(1.0E-500))m/s.

viXra, 2015
This paper now appears the |Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmolgy| at more This paper now appears the |Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmolgy| at The escape velocity equation shows mathematical parallels between General Gravitational Relativity & Special Relativity Time distortions. Like the light-speed limit that SR puts to Real velocity, GR puts a parallel limit to escape velocity. Time Distortion would mean all Bosons are slowed. There is a mathematic argument that General Relativity Graviton slowdown leads to that escape velocity limit – the fundamental escape velocity from any body will never be greater than light speed. The principal equation introduced in this paper is a rephrased GR Time equation. The Escape velocity equation |vesc=(2GM/r)^½| can also be as written |vesc^2=(2GM/r)|. So |1 – 2GM/rc^2| can be re-expressed as |1 – vesc^2/c^2|. It is reasoned the expression will never have a zero value, only a Graviton||Boson slowdown. Time passage would never cease; onl...

Equations developed in this paper show the relationship between Real values measured from a Speci... more Equations developed in this paper show the relationship between Real values measured from a Special Relativity Perspective with no Distortion [noSRPD] and the values measured from the same perspective when those values are distorted. Inverse equations using the values measured from distorted perspective [SRPD] are also reasoned. Equation logic proceeds from the original Real Time distortion equations from Einstein's On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. An alternate Time equation using the distorted velocity measured from a Relativistic Perspective is presented. Since the time distortion range is unlimited, velocity from a Relativistic Perspective can have an infinite value. Eight additional formulas for velocity, mass, time, and linear deformations are reasoned. Relativistic Perspective equations have confirmed consistency with Classic Relativity equations to 2000 significant digits for 37 velocity values ranging from |1.0E−500 m/s| to |(c − (1.0E−500)) m/s|

There is an alternate cause for the decay rate defined by Edwin Hubble's Cosmological Constant Th... more There is an alternate cause for the decay rate defined by Edwin Hubble's Cosmological Constant Theory. It can be proposed because inward motion is observed in the local Galaxies||Star groups around the Milky Way. The recession velocity of Galaxies farther out of is reasoned entirely from the increasing redshift in the frequency. The smaller the image of observed Galaxy/Cluster objects, the greater the downward shift in frequency of all ElectroMagnetic signals [EM]. An alternate cause for that downward shift could be through the absorption and re-emission through matter, leading to the absorption of some fraction of the energy quanta. There is nowhere in our Local Universe that is both absolutely devoid of matter and the continual formation of objects of all scales. If redshift was because of space expansion, it would increase the distance that signal had to travel. So a signal from GN-z11 stellar structure at 13.4 billion light years [LY] would take 13.4 billion years to travel. Assuming 13.8 billion years since the Big Bang would mean GN-z11 object travelled 13.4 billion LY in 400 million years. A current value for the Hubble constant is: |H = 67.8 0.77 (km/s)/Mpc. An alternate expression would be a shift factor 2.261560E-5 over a distance of 3.08567E22 m or a redshift of 7.32923E-28 over a meter because of passage through a medium. Dark matter is a currently accepted phenomenon. It is proposed that properties include redshifts all normal matters that are put upon EM||Boson signals at the fraction stated above. The signal reduction|| frequency distortion happens at a quantum level for each occurrence, and so is not detectable until passage through millions of LY of Dark Matter. Support for this alternate supposition is reasoned from the fact that the M31 Galaxy and the NGC_300 Galaxy are at distances inconsistent with their Hubble recession velocity.

The Journal of Modern Physics, 2016
Equations developed in this paper show the relationship between Real values measured from a Speci... more Equations developed in this paper show the relationship between Real values measured from a Special Relativity Perspective with no Distortion [noSRPD] and the values measured from the same perspective when those values are distorted. Inverse equations using the values measured from distorted perspective [SRPD] are also reasoned. Equation logic proceeds from the original Real Time distortion equations from Einstein's On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. An alternate Time equation using the distorted velocity measured from a Relativistic Perspective is presented. Since the time distortion range is unlimited, velocity from a Rela-tivistic Perspective can have an infinite value. Eight additional formulas for velocity , mass, time, and linear deformations are reasoned. Relativistic Perspective equations have confirmed consistency with Classic Relativity equations to 2000 significant digits for 37 velocity values ranging from 1.0E−500 m/s to (c − (1.0E−500) m/s.

There are parallels between the time distortion equations of General and Special Relativity. The ... more There are parallels between the time distortion equations of General and Special Relativity. The time distortion in Special Relativity limits the " Real " velocity of a particle to the speed of light |c| by slowing the velocity of bosons/energy and increasing the mass of fermion||lepton (or matter) particles. In General Relativity, the gravitational slowdown of bosons/gravitons limits the escape velocity | Esc v | to light speed. | () 0.5 2 Esc v GM r = | can also be written as | 2 2 Esc v GM r = |. So an alternate grammar for the equation could be () ′ 0.5 2 Time Time 1 2GM rc = − () () ′ 0.5 2 Time Time 1 2 1 GM r c = − * () () ′ 0.5 2 2 Time Time 1 1 Esc v c = − * () ′ 0.5 2 2 Time Time 1 Esc v c = − The above contests currently held properties of Schwarzschild Objects. Relativistic theory predicts the slowdown of gravitons/bosons, while their velocity only approaches zero. The different mathematical logic of Gravitational Force ||GF|| 2 GF GMm r = would mean no limit on the force. Matter formed through compression of bosons can escape after formation by absorbing kinetic energy from the slowing photons/bosons in its surroundings. So matter formation can occur via a steady-state mechanism. The limit on Esc v allows matter to escape in events that parallel both the Big Bang and Cyclic cosmology. Additional arguments are made as to the validity of relativity.

Presently, the decreasing frequency of Electromagnetic radiation from Galactic/Cluster objects as... more Presently, the decreasing frequency of Electromagnetic radiation from Galactic/Cluster objects as their distance from the Milky Way [MW] increases is taken as an absolute declaration of their motion away from the Solar system. An alternate explanation would be that the frequency reduction of the signal could be due to interfering effect of inter-Galactic gases. This paper makes mathematic and logic arguments against the invalid reasoning of the proposed hyper-Relativistic velocity of Universe expansion demanded by the current Big Bang theory. It offers a mathematical Relativistic argument for how matter could come to be from nothing but free Boson energy. The formation of the “Big Bang” remains completely unexplained, and is simply regarded as an unchallengeable theory because that is the only possible explanation for the reality we know. That is an invalid scientific postulation, and current observed phenomenon could be argued to be part of the process of Boson transformation into matter.
EM frequency shifts downward are evidence of Dark Matter throughout the Universe. A simple parallel to the reddening of solar radiation as it travels through a greater thickness of the atmosphere during both Sunrise and sunset.
Support for this alternate supposition is that in current Hubble Theory, the M31 Galaxy and the NGC 300 Galaxy are at distances inconsistent with their recession velocity.
Drafts by David G R A N T Taylor

This paper formulates additional General Relativistic [GR] equations. They do not contradict Gen... more This paper formulates additional General Relativistic [GR] equations. They do not contradict General Relativity. They examine the deductions of Dr. Einstein from a relativistically distorted perspective. The equations examine the distorted escape velocity of a GR object, determining its real – after the distortions of Relativity slow Bosons||Gravitons – escape velocity |v_esc|. They are more specific in their aspect to the variables in the Classical equations of Relativity. Relationships include escape velocity as well as time distortion. Values of rate quantities (Time and Velocity) include zero escape velocity||deformation.
Fewer seconds for Relativistic Perspectives with distortion means Perspective equations have different relations, calculating higher velocities perceived by observers in a GR distorted body. Increases in undistorted escape velocity would appear to increase in exactly same proportion as time. But energy (and Real/non-Relativistic velocity) would not have a Relativistic increase. Maximum energy needed for escape velocity would never exceed what would be required to reach light velocity without Relativistic effects, because of the slowing of all Bosons – including Gravitons.
Two examples show the principle. The Classic Relativity time equation for the distortion relationship is:
So because escape velocity [ v_esc=(2GM/r)^.5] then [v_esc^2=(2GM/r) ]. The above |Time| equation could also be expressed as:
– that could be reasoned to mean that Escape velocity is limited to light speed, just as Real||non-Relativistic velocity is limited to “c”. Less time will go by the measurement of Time by the velocity of Bosons when there is a relativistic deformation so all Bosons (including the Graviton) would lose their velocity/mass/energy. But that would not mean a simple slow-down of time, because the matter controlled by those Bosons would gain in mass. The inverse relation would be where the independent variables were the observed velocity from the Relativistic or distorted view. The dependent variable would be the True||non-relativistic||non-distorted Time||Escape_Velocity. The parallel equation for that Relativistic Perspective escape velocity: |v_Rel_esc|
This relationship allows the additional development of 2 formula/equations for the Escape velocity. There are a number of other equations for Mass and Radius that will be proposed in a following paper. These equations are all of the two Perspectives.
The equations are confirmed to two to thousand figures for 35 different values to have a range of 1.0E-500 m/s to c-(1.0E-500) m/s without significant error.
Papers by David G R A N T Taylor
EM frequency shifts downward are evidence of Dark Matter throughout the Universe. A simple parallel to the reddening of solar radiation as it travels through a greater thickness of the atmosphere during both Sunrise and sunset.
Support for this alternate supposition is that in current Hubble Theory, the M31 Galaxy and the NGC 300 Galaxy are at distances inconsistent with their recession velocity.
Drafts by David G R A N T Taylor
Fewer seconds for Relativistic Perspectives with distortion means Perspective equations have different relations, calculating higher velocities perceived by observers in a GR distorted body. Increases in undistorted escape velocity would appear to increase in exactly same proportion as time. But energy (and Real/non-Relativistic velocity) would not have a Relativistic increase. Maximum energy needed for escape velocity would never exceed what would be required to reach light velocity without Relativistic effects, because of the slowing of all Bosons – including Gravitons.
Two examples show the principle. The Classic Relativity time equation for the distortion relationship is:
So because escape velocity [ v_esc=(2GM/r)^.5] then [v_esc^2=(2GM/r) ]. The above |Time| equation could also be expressed as:
– that could be reasoned to mean that Escape velocity is limited to light speed, just as Real||non-Relativistic velocity is limited to “c”. Less time will go by the measurement of Time by the velocity of Bosons when there is a relativistic deformation so all Bosons (including the Graviton) would lose their velocity/mass/energy. But that would not mean a simple slow-down of time, because the matter controlled by those Bosons would gain in mass. The inverse relation would be where the independent variables were the observed velocity from the Relativistic or distorted view. The dependent variable would be the True||non-relativistic||non-distorted Time||Escape_Velocity. The parallel equation for that Relativistic Perspective escape velocity: |v_Rel_esc|
This relationship allows the additional development of 2 formula/equations for the Escape velocity. There are a number of other equations for Mass and Radius that will be proposed in a following paper. These equations are all of the two Perspectives.
The equations are confirmed to two to thousand figures for 35 different values to have a range of 1.0E-500 m/s to c-(1.0E-500) m/s without significant error.
EM frequency shifts downward are evidence of Dark Matter throughout the Universe. A simple parallel to the reddening of solar radiation as it travels through a greater thickness of the atmosphere during both Sunrise and sunset.
Support for this alternate supposition is that in current Hubble Theory, the M31 Galaxy and the NGC 300 Galaxy are at distances inconsistent with their recession velocity.
Fewer seconds for Relativistic Perspectives with distortion means Perspective equations have different relations, calculating higher velocities perceived by observers in a GR distorted body. Increases in undistorted escape velocity would appear to increase in exactly same proportion as time. But energy (and Real/non-Relativistic velocity) would not have a Relativistic increase. Maximum energy needed for escape velocity would never exceed what would be required to reach light velocity without Relativistic effects, because of the slowing of all Bosons – including Gravitons.
Two examples show the principle. The Classic Relativity time equation for the distortion relationship is:
So because escape velocity [ v_esc=(2GM/r)^.5] then [v_esc^2=(2GM/r) ]. The above |Time| equation could also be expressed as:
– that could be reasoned to mean that Escape velocity is limited to light speed, just as Real||non-Relativistic velocity is limited to “c”. Less time will go by the measurement of Time by the velocity of Bosons when there is a relativistic deformation so all Bosons (including the Graviton) would lose their velocity/mass/energy. But that would not mean a simple slow-down of time, because the matter controlled by those Bosons would gain in mass. The inverse relation would be where the independent variables were the observed velocity from the Relativistic or distorted view. The dependent variable would be the True||non-relativistic||non-distorted Time||Escape_Velocity. The parallel equation for that Relativistic Perspective escape velocity: |v_Rel_esc|
This relationship allows the additional development of 2 formula/equations for the Escape velocity. There are a number of other equations for Mass and Radius that will be proposed in a following paper. These equations are all of the two Perspectives.
The equations are confirmed to two to thousand figures for 35 different values to have a range of 1.0E-500 m/s to c-(1.0E-500) m/s without significant error.