Papers in conferences proceedings by David Abreu

Resumo: O Monte do Côto de Sabroso situa-se no topo de um esporão montanhoso sobranceiro ao vale ... more Resumo: O Monte do Côto de Sabroso situa-se no topo de um esporão montanhoso sobranceiro ao vale do Ave. Os primeiros estudos arqueológicos neste monte reportam-se a Sarmento, que aí realiza escavações mencionando a existência de arte rupestre. No séc. XXI algumas desses afloramentos gravados foram relocalizados. São compostos principalmente por motivos inseríveis na Arte Atlântica, gravados entre o 4º e o 3º milénios a.C., mas também por podomorfos e equídeos, considerados mais recentes. Nesse sentido, o Côto de Sabroso pode ser considerado um lugar com uma longa biografia, materializada através da gravação de novos símbolos que lhe incorporam novas narrativas, num processo de reordenação e reinterpretação do mundo.
Palavras-Chave: Monte do Côto de Sabroso; arte rupestre; Monte sacro?
Abstract: Monte do Côto de Sabroso is located at the top of a mountainous spur overlooking the Ave valley. This hill’s first archaeological studies were conducted by Sarmento, which carried out excavations on this site, acknowledging the existence of rock art. In the 21st century some of these engraved outcrops were relocated. They are composed mainly of motifs inserted in the Atlantic Art, recorded between the 4th and 3rd millennium BC, but also composed of later depictions, such as footprints and horses. In this sense, Côto de Sabroso can be considered a place with a long biography, materialized through the recording of new symbols that incorporate new narratives, in a process of reordering and reinterpreting the world.
Key Words: Monte do Côto de Sabroso; rock art; Sacro Mount?
Papers in conferences proceedings by David Abreu
Palavras-Chave: Monte do Côto de Sabroso; arte rupestre; Monte sacro?
Abstract: Monte do Côto de Sabroso is located at the top of a mountainous spur overlooking the Ave valley. This hill’s first archaeological studies were conducted by Sarmento, which carried out excavations on this site, acknowledging the existence of rock art. In the 21st century some of these engraved outcrops were relocated. They are composed mainly of motifs inserted in the Atlantic Art, recorded between the 4th and 3rd millennium BC, but also composed of later depictions, such as footprints and horses. In this sense, Côto de Sabroso can be considered a place with a long biography, materialized through the recording of new symbols that incorporate new narratives, in a process of reordering and reinterpreting the world.
Key Words: Monte do Côto de Sabroso; rock art; Sacro Mount?
Palavras-Chave: Monte do Côto de Sabroso; arte rupestre; Monte sacro?
Abstract: Monte do Côto de Sabroso is located at the top of a mountainous spur overlooking the Ave valley. This hill’s first archaeological studies were conducted by Sarmento, which carried out excavations on this site, acknowledging the existence of rock art. In the 21st century some of these engraved outcrops were relocated. They are composed mainly of motifs inserted in the Atlantic Art, recorded between the 4th and 3rd millennium BC, but also composed of later depictions, such as footprints and horses. In this sense, Côto de Sabroso can be considered a place with a long biography, materialized through the recording of new symbols that incorporate new narratives, in a process of reordering and reinterpreting the world.
Key Words: Monte do Côto de Sabroso; rock art; Sacro Mount?