Papers by Darwati Susilastuti

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Jan 7, 2024
The potential of the fisheries sector in Eastern Indonesia is very large. Investment as a driving... more The potential of the fisheries sector in Eastern Indonesia is very large. Investment as a driving force for the fisheries subsector is not only needed for infrastructure, but the fish processing industry sector also requires very large investment. Even though foreign investment is helping to drive this sector, the amount is still not optimal, the main reason is that licensing is long and complicated. Limited investment gives rise to illegal fishing and overfishing which cannot be avoided even though prevention is always carried out in various ways. This research uses a panel data linear regression method to determine the magnitude of the contribution of investment as a driver of the fisheries sector. The result is that investment, employment and the fish processing industry sector can jointly influence the growth of the fisheries sector. Investment in infrastructure development must be followed by investment for the needs of the fish processing industry Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) e

International Journal of Science and Society
Urban farming farmers in Jakarta City, Indonesia are able to survive in the midst of increasing l... more Urban farming farmers in Jakarta City, Indonesia are able to survive in the midst of increasing land conversion so that agricultural land is increasingly narrow. The strategy to increase the competitiveness of cultivation technology and digital technology is the main key to its development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the simultaneous and partial effects of competitiveness variables as measured by production, capital and labor on digital technology strategies and their impact on the income of urban farming MSMEs in Jakarta City. The survey research method uses OLS Multiple Regression data analysis techniques for urban farming farmers or MSMEs in the Jakarta City area. The results of the study are that simultaneously products, capital and labor have a positive effect on the strategy for determining digital technology. The competitiveness of capital and labor plays a positive role in determining digital technology, while products cannot compete and have no real effect. Dig...
Jurnal Progresif Manajemen Bisnis, Nov 30, 2016

Journal Research of Social Science, Economics, and Management, May 27, 2023
Background: The Human Improvement File is a marker used to quantify one of the significant perspe... more Background: The Human Improvement File is a marker used to quantify one of the significant perspectives connected with the nature of monetary advancement results, to be specific the level of human improvement in view of three pointers, in particular wellbeing, training accomplished, and expectations for everyday comforts. Poverty is a condition of the population who is unable to meet the minimum basic needs for a decent life. Poverty results in a decrease in the quality of human resources which is a global problem in development. Aim: This study expects to examine the impact of Territorial Unique Income, Capital Use and Financial Development (Gross domestic product) on the Human Advancement File and Destitution Levels in the Rule/City of the Bangka Belitung Islands Region in 2017-2021. Method: The insightful technique utilized is board information relapse with the Normal Impact Model methodology through e-sees 10 programming. Finding: The consequences of this study demonstrate that Territorial Unique Income, Capital Consumptions and Monetary Development (Gross domestic product) to some extent fundamentally affect the Human Improvement File, and Provincial Unique Income and Financial Development (Gross domestic product) to some degree essentially affect the Neediness Level, while Capital Uses affect the Destitution Level. All the while, Territorial Unique Income, Capital Uses and Financial Development (Gross domestic product) essentially affect the Human Advancement Record and Destitution Levels in the Rule/City of the Bangka Belitung Islands Region in 2017-2021.

Jurnal bakti masyarakat Indonesia, Nov 2, 2022
An integrated Farming System (IFS) is an environmentally friendly agriculture that combines agric... more An integrated Farming System (IFS) is an environmentally friendly agriculture that combines agricultural, fishery, livestock, and other activities with the concept of zero waste. IFS is very suitable to be applied to urban agriculture, because, with the IFS concept, you will get a friendly business environment, and efficient, does not require a large area of land, provides ecological benefits, and can prosper the manager. Residents of RW 01 Cipinang Melayu, East Jakarta already have various urban agricultural cultivation activities on the land under the Becakayu Toll Road, including vegetable cultivation with a hydroponic system, catfish and tilapia cultivation, chicken farming, pigeons, horticulture cultivation and seasonal food crops, including: are turi plants as barrier plants (fences), as well as vegetable horticulture cultivation. However, these activities are still partial, unintegrated, and unproductive in infertile landfills. Problems with partners are identified as follows: (1). Not yet understood integrated agriculture (IFS); (2). The existence of local resources of turi and other plants that have not been utilized, either as fertilizer, feed supplements, and compost; (3). There has been no attempt to turn his business into a business that produces commercial products; and (4). There is no rejuvenation/preservation of local resources of turi plants and others. The result of the PKM is that participants understand the concept of integrated agriculture by compiling an IFS map for urban agriculture RW 01, Cipinang Melayu Village which is used as a guide in modeling integrated agriculture by utilizing local Turi resources (Sesbania grandiflora, L.) as an integrator. Utilization of local turi plant resources, both as liquid organic fertilizer and as feed supplements, as well as compost has significantly increased plant productivity by increasing the yield of mustard plants by 100 percent.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education, ICLSSEE 2023, 6 May 2023, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia

KALANDRA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Pupuk organik cair (POC) merupakan pupuk cair yang bahan bakunya berbahan organik, baik hewan mau... more Pupuk organik cair (POC) merupakan pupuk cair yang bahan bakunya berbahan organik, baik hewan maupun tumbuhan. POC daun kelor adalah salah satu POC yang berbahan dasar daun kelor (Moringa oleifera, L.) dan POC kulit pisang bahan bakunya kulit buah pisang (Musa sp., L).  Daun kelor mengandung Nitrogen tinggi, sedangkan kulit pisang mengandung Kalium tinggi, disamping unsur hara lainnya. Penggunaan kedua POC dapat saling melengkapi untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. KWT (Kelompok Wanita Tani) Matahari telah mengusahakan tanaman Lidah Buaya (Aloe barbadensis, M.) yang diolah menjadi bahan makanan berupa serbuk minuman, minuman segar dan makanan kering. Untuk itu diperlukan bahan daun lidah buaya yang sehat, tidak tercemar dan kandungan gizi tinggi. Oleh karena itu, aplikasi pupuk organik merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk mendukung budidaya lidah buaya. Kelor dan pisang merupakan tanaman yang mudah didapat di area KWT Matahari yaitu di kelurahan Kebon Pala, dan mudah diolah ...

Pemanfaatan sumber daya lokal pada Urban Farming (pertanian perkotaan) berupa bahan tumbuhan menj... more Pemanfaatan sumber daya lokal pada Urban Farming (pertanian perkotaan) berupa bahan tumbuhan menjadi produk input pertanian akan meningkatkan produktivitas, efisiensi, kelestarian dan keberlanjutanya. Intergrasi produk pada pertanian terpadu perkotaan memadukan kegiatan pertanian, perikanan, peternakan dan lainnya dengan konsep zero waste.   Petani, Karang Taruna RW 01 Cipinang Melayu bersama Ibu-Ibu PKK telah mempunyai kegiatan pertanian di area kolong jalan tol Becakayu  antara lain hidroponik,  ikan lele dan nila, ternak ayam, burung dara, hortikultura dan tanaman pangan dan tahunan dan diantaranya adalah tanaman turi sebagai tanaman pembatas (barrier) dengan jalan raya.  Usaha tersebut dilakukan pada lahan sekitar 1600m2 dengan berbagai tananam sumber daya lokal termasuk turi.  Usahanya masih parsial, konvensional, tidak pruduktif pada lahan urugan yang tidak subur dan belum memanfaatkan sumber daya lokal sebagai produk input pertanian.Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyaraka...

Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary International Conference, MIC 2022, 12 November 2022, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2023
This study was directed to dissect the determinants of the development of the travel industry in ... more This study was directed to dissect the determinants of the development of the travel industry in southern Sumatra. The information utilized is from 2009 to 2020 with 5 regions in the southern piece of Sumatra which incorporate Bengkulu, South Sumatra, Lampung, Jambi, and Bangka Belitung Islands. The examination technique utilized in this exploration is board information relapse investigation. The examination factors utilized are unfamiliar traveler visits, length of stay of unfamiliar sightseers, how much convenience, and street foundation as autonomous factors that influence the development of the travel industry. The consequences of the review show that unfamiliar vacationer visits, length of stay of unfamiliar travelers, the quantity of facilities, and street foundation meaningfully affect the development of the travel industry. The variable number of facilities has the greatest impact on the development of the travel industry, while the variable length of stay of unfamiliar sightseers affects the development of the travel industry.
Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary International Conference, MIC 2022, 12 November 2022, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2023
The purpose of the research is to present a review of a case study in Indonesia regarding general... more The purpose of the research is to present a review of a case study in Indonesia regarding general insurance supply in the presence of economy regulation. The supply of general insurance is affected by gross domestic product, asset, liabilities and equties of general insurance industry, inflation, exchange rate US$1/Rupiah and the presence of economy regulation released by the authority institution. The study shows that asset, exchange rate US$1/Rupiah and inflation have positive correlations to general insurance supply whilt gross domestic product, liability, eqauty and economy regulation presence had negative correlations to general insurance supply.
Journal of Applied Business and Economic, Mar 27, 2022
The creative economy is present as a way to improve people's welfare and reduce poverty. The grow... more The creative economy is present as a way to improve people's welfare and reduce poverty. The growth of the creative economy has progressed very rapidly in recent years, many creative economy actors have begun to appear in the country. This study aims to determine the effect of the creative economy on poverty in Java. This research is a quantitative research using panel data regression analysis to determine the relationship between creative economy variabels and poverty. The data source of this study used secondary data derived from various literatures and agencies from 6 provinces on the island of Java with the period 2010-2019. The results of the study show that the creative economy is significantly able to reduce poverty in Java .

International Journal of Multidisciplinary, Dec 12, 2022
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 was marked by the development of the information economy... more The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 was marked by the development of the information economy era accompanied by the proliferation of new discoveries in the fields of technology, information, and communication. In this era, the creative economy is growing. In addition to the use of information technology, the creative economy prioritizes workers who have ideas and creativity, so the protection of intellectual property rights is very important in the growth and development of the creative economy. The purpose of this study is to identify, study, analyze, find and describe the influence of labor, information technology and intellectual property rights on creative economic growth in Java. This study uses secondary data in the form of panel data consisting of 6 provinces in Java for the period 2010-2019. Data analysis used panel data regression. The results of data analysis show that partially or simultaneously labor, information technology and intellectual property rights have a positive and significant influence on the growth of the creative economy in Java. The results of this study are expected to be input for the provincial government in Java to better support and assist creative economy actors to obtain legal protection for intellectual property rights and play a more active role in increasing the quantity and quality of creative and innovative human resources as well as mastering information technology and infrastructure provision. more adequate information technology for the development of the creative economy.

Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary International Conference, MIC 2022, 12 November 2022, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
This research is to find out whether or not there are differences between higher vocational educa... more This research is to find out whether or not there are differences between higher vocational education graduates and higher academic graduation graduates as university on workforce participation. This paper is comparative-quantitative based, conducting hypothesis-based experiments. The experiments were carried out upon on Higher vocational education graduates and university graduates in the West Java Province in the years 2011-2021. The method of analysis used is the SSPS with the Mann Whitney U test. Comes about conclude that there is indeed a significant difference of workforce participation between the two groups. This was shown by the Mann Whitney test, where it accumulated a score of Asymp. Sig. (2 tailed) 0000,0<0,05, meaning the hypothesis were accepted.

Return : Study of Management, Economic and Bussines
Bangka Belitung Islands Province is the largest tin producer in Indonesia, which has an impact on... more Bangka Belitung Islands Province is the largest tin producer in Indonesia, which has an impact on mining activities with a poor pattern causing a number of damages. The presence of the Bangka Botanical Garden has provided a new breakthrough to repair the environment damaged by mining. This study aims to determine to determine the influence campaign that encourages travelers to visit Bangka Botanical Garden, to determine the effect of consumer tastes to encourage tourists to visit the Bangka Botanical Garden, and to determine the effect of promotion and consumer tastes in simultan which encourages tourists to visit the Bangka Botanical Garden in City Pangkalpinang Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The method used in this study a correlation method that aims to see how far the relationship between the campaign against the decision visiting of Botanical Garden Botanical Garden of tourists. From these results of obtained rs of 0.761. On a scale of Guilford is that there is a high relati...

Yudishtira Journal : Indonesian Journal of Finance and Strategy Inside
Sustainable urban development requires various efforts to balance the carrying capacity of the ci... more Sustainable urban development requires various efforts to balance the carrying capacity of the city's environment. Another environmental problem that also appears in urban areas, is traffic congestion which is at risk of increasing carbon monoxide emissions. Air pollution has both acute and chronic effects on human health, affecting a number of different organ systems. Ranging from mild such as upper respiratory irritation (ARI) for chronic respiratory and heart disease, to lung cancer, including acute respiratory infections in children and chronic bronchitis in adults, to pre-existing heart and lung diseases will aggravating the disease, or an asthma attack. This study analyzes the valuation of the degradation of air pollution in order to create a green city in Jakarta. The results of the Degradation Economic Valuation of the City of Jakarta are calculated from the number of pneumonia & tuberculosis patients multiplied by the cost of treatment per capita, the result is for the ...

JABE (Journal of Applied Business and Economic)
Produk perkebunan seperti karet memainkan kiprah penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Selain min... more Produk perkebunan seperti karet memainkan kiprah penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Selain minyak serta gas, karet merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor utama Indonesia, sehingga sebagai sumber krusial devisa negara. Indonesia memproduksi serta mengekspor karet terbanyak di dunia. Sekitar 85 persen dari produksi karet Indonesia diekspor ke luar negeri. Salah satu penghasil karet terbesar di Indonesia adalah Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Karet menyumbang lebih dari setengah total nilai ekspor komoditas pertanian. Karet yang diekspor dari Kalimantan Barat bukan dalam bentuk mentah melainkan sudah menjadi produk turunan dengan nilai tambah. Penelitian ini bertujuan buat mengkaji dampak peningkatan produksi karet Kalimantan Barat terhadap ekspor produk karet. Regresi dengan memakai metodologi Ordinary Least Square (OLS) adalah teknik analisis yang dipergunakan, menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa produktivitas perkebunan kare...

Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary International Conference, MIC 2022, 12 November 2022, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
This research is accompanied by accurate data collection. The processed data is cross section dat... more This research is accompanied by accurate data collection. The processed data is cross section data or cross data where the data consists of one object but requires other sub objects. The cross-section data is then processed using statistical methods so that the authors will obtain results and can provide conclusions on the results of this study. The research data is taken from the respondents' answers (the number of customers who use e-commerce applications. The minimum required in this study amounted to 97.75 respondents. Data analysis technique Data analysis techniques are directed to answer the problem with a framework and formulation of the problem as well as hypotheses that can be concluded. by using data analysis data in this research method, with the Structural Equation Model approach, which is based on Partial Least Square. The questionnaire is a data collection questionnaire to analyze attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and characteristics of several people in an environment that affect an existing system. The questionnaire is a list of questions asked to people called respondents. Each item of questions made in the questionnaire must be valid in order to measure what is intended to be measured. In addition, the questionnaire must also be reliable, which means it will produce consistent results over time so that the questionnaire can be trusted or relied on.
AGRISIA - Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian, 2016
AGRISIA - Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian, 2014

Abdi Wiralodra : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
The pattern of waste management by involving the community as actors who can play an active role ... more The pattern of waste management by involving the community as actors who can play an active role in reducing the volume of waste is the right decision in anticipating an increase in the volume of urban waste that continues to increase due to an increase in population. As the population grows, so does the need for clothing, food, and shelter that will directly or indirectly increase the amount of waste, especially in the village of Mulyasejati, Karawang regency, which is in contact with the Citarum Watershed Sub-watershed. Villages continue to increase which results in generating waste that continues to grow every day. Based on the survey results in Mulyasejati Village, Ciampel Subdistrict, many residents still do not care about their environment, as there are still a lot of garbage scattered on plastic bags. From the results of interviews by the community it was also seen that they did not really understand the handling of waste, the type of waste and the importance of cleanliness a...
Papers by Darwati Susilastuti