Papers by Darsono Nababan
JPENTUS : Jurnal Pendidikan, Teknologi dan Sains, Aug 12, 2021

JIF: Jurnal Imiah Informatika, Mar 22, 2019
In a distributor company, stock is one of the important factors that need to be considered by the... more In a distributor company, stock is one of the important factors that need to be considered by the company. The amount of stock in and out must be considered, the aim is to keep the stock available stable. A stable stock means that in a warehouse there is no excess stock or lack of stock. The problem is that each item has a different buying interest. Then a calculation is needed to be able to predict what items need to be added or reduced in the warehouse. C4.5 algorithm is a group of algorithms using decision trees. Decision trees are a very strong and well-known method of classification and prediction. The richer the information or knowledge contained by training data, the accuracy will increase. This algorithm is used to analyze the time of purchase of goods that have been depleted by classifying the items which are already in stock added or not, so that the availability of goods keep stable. The application of the C 4.5 algorithm can be used to predict stock availability at CV Harapan Raya. The results of calculating the entropy value in algorithm C 4.5 can predict the amount of stock provided by CV Harapan Raya.
Data communication is a common thing carried out in any process that involves the<br> excha... more Data communication is a common thing carried out in any process that involves the<br> exchange of information in the network, sometimes during the communication process carried out<br> there may be a errors because the information transmitted as a series of frames, to identify and control<br> these errors need to use a mechanism by the name of ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request), in this<br> mechanism, There are several techniques that can be used to control and correct the error frame but in<br> this study using Selective Reject ARQ

ABSTRAK Sistem pendukung keputusan atau dikenal dengan Decision Support System, pada tahun 1970-a... more ABSTRAK Sistem pendukung keputusan atau dikenal dengan Decision Support System, pada tahun 1970-an sebagai pengganti istilah management Information System, Sistem pendukung keputusan penentuan bonus kedisiplinan, merupakan salah satu bentuk dari sistem pendukung keputusan biasa dipakai guna membantu memberikan keputusan sesuai kriteria-kriteria tertentu, Masalah yang terjadi banyaknya karyawan pada suatu instansi menyulitkan untuk menentukan karyawan yang berhak menerima bonus kedisiplinan.Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang dan membuat sistem untuk menentukan karywan yang berhak menerima bonus kedisiplinan yang lebih baik dari sistem sebelumnya dimana masih bersifat manual, untuk itu diperlukan suatu konsep pendukung keputusan yang memudahkan memberikan keputusan pemberian reward bonus, pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Technique Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) dimana akan memudahkan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Kata Kunci : TOPSIS, Reward , SPK...

The Regency that rich in the natural resources needs many stake holders to attract the investors ... more The Regency that rich in the natural resources needs many stake holders to attract the investors to open new enterprises or collaborate the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). A map out procedure was carried ou to seek the natural resources as backbone of community development and business growth in Simalungun Regency of North Sumatra Province of Indonesia. Data collection was made by seeking the data of official documents and studies reports. Data obtained revealed that Simalungun Regency in 2019 and 2020 has a great economic growth in agriculture. It found that the sector of forestry, agriculture and fisheries in 2019 increases 6.15 % and in 2020 it grew 9 % . Beside it has registered 1,200 SMEs, it will make the increase of SMEs whenever the Agropolitan Development Plan set up within 5 years. Simalungun Regency has very huge natural resources that needed to be developed as an agropolitan area to support the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology, 2019

The problem of emphasis on the cost of spending on the need for ordering within a company is very... more The problem of emphasis on the cost of spending on the need for ordering within a company is very complex where the company demands a very optimal achievement that will lead to a huge profit for the company. Gundaling Farm is a company engaged in the business of producing and selling cow's milk is always trying as much as possible to meet customer demand. In this research used Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method with a genetic algorithm to solve supply problem on Pt.Gundaling Farm. This research is expected to help PT.Gundaling Farm to consider and determine the policy in inventory control activities in order to run more effectively and efficiently. EOQ is the quantity of goods that can be obtained with a minimal cost, or often said to be the optimal amount of purchases. So by applying EOQ method, PT.Gundaling Farm will know how many order (quantity order) goods and when PT.Gundaling Farm should re-order goods during the period 2015. Thus PT.Gundaling Farm can optimize the cost...
Paragraph consists of sentences which has main idea. In this research, it applied the genetic alg... more Paragraph consists of sentences which has main idea. In this research, it applied the genetic algorithm to recognize a paragraph. It has several steps to do it, firstly on the alphabet forms word, then sentence, and finally paragraph. The process start from typing the paragraph and then the genetic algorithm will identify the paragraph accordingly by stages which are initial population, selection, crossover and mutation. Genetic algorithm is heuristic searching algorithm which based on nature selection of mechanism and nature genetics. Paragraph is a set of words or other characters with one or more languages are written especially if arranged in a customary order. The final result of this research is that showing the exact paragraph that is targeted.

Curah hujan yang jatuh di setiap negara itu berbeda beda, ada negara yang memiliki curah hujan ti... more Curah hujan yang jatuh di setiap negara itu berbeda beda, ada negara yang memiliki curah hujan tinggi dan ada negara yang memiliki curah hujan rendah. Perkiraan klimatologi ini harus bisa kita laksanakan agar negara kita siap untuk menghadapi musim banjir, salah satunya cara adalah dengan menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan metode backpropagation. Agar hasil prediksi memiliki tingkat error yang rendah, diperlukan arsitektur jaringan backpropagation yang optimal,caranya dengan mengoptimalkan penggunaan data latih dan data uji yang diambil dari data sampel dan dibentuk menjadi tabel data di excel dan dihitung menggunakan excel, kemudian data tersebut digunakan pada MATLAB berupa input, hidden , dan output, dengan penggunaan neuron pada input layer berjumlah 12, hidden layer berjumlah 10, dan output layer berjumlah 1. Berdasarkan hasil proses pelatihan pada data latih menggunakan MATLAB akan mendapatkan hasil berupa Regression = 0.98559 dan MSE = 0.00099844. Perhitungan data latih juga ...

Jurnal Abdimas Ilmiah Citra Bakti, 2021
The COVID-19 emergency period changed the education system in Indonesia in a very short time, req... more The COVID-19 emergency period changed the education system in Indonesia in a very short time, requiring every student to study remotely. Of course this encourages teachers to innovate and policy makers in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to make adjustments during the COVID-19 pandemic by changing some rules by issuing circular letter number 2 of 2020 regarding the prevention and handling of COVID-19 in the environment. Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as circular letter number 3 of 2020 regarding the prevention of COVID-19 in education units. The readiness of schools in implementing distance learning received various positive and negative responses from various elements of society. The readiness of teachers in the implementation of online education has not been maximized, this is due to the lack of knowledge in the field of Information Technology. Therefore, to support government policies in implementing distance learning and mi...

The Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) dirancang sebagai alat pengukuran sederhana untuk menen... more The Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) dirancang sebagai alat pengukuran sederhana untuk menentukan lima kepribadian utama ( Big Five Personality Domain ) manusia : Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, dan Neuroticism (OCEAN). Dalam pengisian survey, responden cenderung merasa jenuh jika diminta untuk menjawab questionnaire yang panjang. Tes TIPI mengatasi hal tersebaut dengan memberikan solusi sepuluh pertanyaan. Menggunakan algoritma decision tree, spreadsheet yang terdiri dari data responden tes TIPI akan diubah menjadi file xls, yang akan diproses melalui program data mining , RapidMiner . Kumpulan data yang dimuat akan dipecahkan menggunakan metode klasifikasi pohon keputusan, di mana sifat kepribadian yang dominan akan diterapkan sebagai atribut target. Hasil yang diharapkan dari studi ini adalah simulasi tes TIPI yang bisa menelaah kepribadian dominan responden secara akurat. Kata Kunci – TIPI, OCEAN, data mining, pohon keputusan , RapidMiner
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Education in Indonesia still faces various problems and challenges in teaching and learning proce... more Education in Indonesia still faces various problems and challenges in teaching and learning process both internal and external factors such as props, media and also implementation of information technology. The use of multimedia-based learning media in the learning process will helps students to understand the material to be delivered. Random and match is a game consisting of 4 different games that are addressed to kindergarten children to know the use of technology positively in learning process, and by applying Model Learning Technology System Architecture learning an utilization using computer will be more useful for teacher and kindergarten students.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
Abstract. This paper aims to facilitate the owner to control water pump machine from the vacuum, ... more Abstract. This paper aims to facilitate the owner to control water pump machine from the vacuum, and the condition of the water is it full or not in house or apartment. The current control system still has many limitations in controlling the water pump machine at home or apartment. The water machine control system was designed with device that has a smart surveillance system that can be accessed with Android smartphone and all information from or to machine control system will command by using SMS, this device create a development of Arduino UNO microcontroller technology that allows the reading of the GSM Module and connected with SMS Gateway. Experiment results facilitate real-time water control and much easy for the owner to control water tank.
Social media is a means to convey aspirations directly, but every aspiration is from social media... more Social media is a means to convey aspirations directly, but every aspiration is from social media users. Everyone who expresses opinions on social media contains positive, negative, and neutral sentiments. The implementation of the Ministry of Education and Culture's policy on the implementation of distance learning policies during the pandemic COVID-19 received various responses from the people of Indonesia. neutral as many as 894 comments, then 52 comments with negative sentiment, and 32 comments with positive sentiment with an accuracy value of 98.79%

Gold is one of the people's preferred forms of investment and is considered the safest (save ... more Gold is one of the people's preferred forms of investment and is considered the safest (save -heaven). Gold risk which is considered small is the main attraction because in general Indonesian people are not yet familiar with capital market investments such as stocks and mutual funds. But the price of gold is very volatile as for the factors that affect the fluctuations of gold are consumption demand, volatility and market uncertainty, protection of low-interest rates, and the US dollar. Predicting the movement of the gold price and knowing where the direction of the exchange rate moves and determining the price of gold up or down cannot be done accurately and consistently. For this reason, in reducing the risk of loss, an application is needed to predict gold prices using the Fuzzy Time Series Chen algorithm using MATLAB software. In this study to obtain prediction results and comparison charts using actual data and prediction data for the 2015-2017 gold price. From the calculat...

JUSIM (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Musirawas)
Abstrak Pendidikan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang sangat penting di dalam mansyarakat. Mela... more Abstrak Pendidikan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang sangat penting di dalam mansyarakat. Melalui Pendidikan pola pikir dan kualitas hidup seseorang akan meningkat. Untuk mendapatkan Pendidikan yang berkualitas maka dibutuhkan juga biaya yang sangat tinggi saat ini, untuk itu mahasiswa/mahasiswi banyak yang tertarik untuk mengambil beasiswa untuk dapat meringankan beban tersebut. Dengan memanfaatkan pengisian survei untuk mengukur factor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi mahasiswa dalam mengambil beasiswa. Melalui hasil analisis tersebut diharapkan dapat menghasilkan faktor apa yang paling mendekati sehingga mahasiswa mengambil beasiswa. Pengolahan data mining dilakukan dengan menggunakan Algoritma C4.5 untuk untuk membentuk pohon keputusan. Adapun perangkat lunak yang menerapkan Algoritma C4.5 ini adalah Rapid Miner. Kata kunci—Pendidikan, Beasiswa, Algoritma C4.5, Rapid Miner Education is one of the most important needs in society. Through Education the mindset and qualit...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Protocols Secret Sharing is a method used to divide or break a secret message to 2 (two) or more ... more Protocols Secret Sharing is a method used to divide or break a secret message to 2 (two) or more recipients so that another beneficiary cannot know the results of fractional shares, except each recipient to exchange shares for reconstructing the secret. The problem that occurs is when the process transfer of shares, there are others who know the shares of the recipients and then that party is also able to reconstruct the secret, therefore the secret message required additional security, such as encryption of the message. The protocol used are the Three-Pass, this algorithm will guarantee the exchange of shares between the recipients. The three-pass protocol also provides convenience to the recipient to secure distribution share without having to do the encryption key, and the encrypted share is still safe. This study analyzes the security of secret delivery by combining the Secret Sharing Protocol and the Protocol Three-Pass. 1. Introduction Cryptography is one technique that can be used to obtain information specially the message [1][2][3] and becomes critical when there is a process of data exchange between the sender and the recipient, cryptography can be a solution for data confidentiality [1][4][5]. Cryptography consists of classic and modern Cryptography algorithms and includes symmetric and asymmetric [1] [4] [6] [7], asymmetric algorithms are much more secure than symmetric algorithms [5], and also has a problem that is a distribution of keys [8] [9] [10]. Key distribution is crucial in cryptography [2] [9] [10] [11] [12], Cryptography protocol could be used to solve the problems of the key distribution [2][4][9][10] in this research. Secret sharing is a method to split the information into several parts called sections, to be distributed to multiple recipients with a particular rule [13], Three-Pass Protocol is a scheme process of sending and receiving secret messages without exchanging keys [2][4]. The basic concept of the Three-Pass Protocol that each party can exchange messages without the need to exchange public keys or private key, but require the symmetric cryptography to encrypt messages [2][4]. Suppose Alice wants to send a secret message to Bob and Charlie through a medium of communication, one of them either Bob or Charlie is not trusted by Alice security before they receive the message. Due to distrust it, Alice break (split) of the message in a way that Bob and Charlie cannot read the message, especially to anyone who got it. It is feared that the change in the message by a person not entitled to receive the message. Because none of them can figure out the secret message, unless they work together to unify the message to find a secret message from Alice. The process of breaking the message into several parts (shares) called to as secret sharing [4]. However, anyone who can figure out the shares can also carry out the reconstruction of the message [4]. Scenarios that can happen is, there are those who are not entitled to know the word of Bob and Charlie share, and what they did exchange the share, then that party can also reconstruct the message[14]. Therefore, this research applies additional security in the process of exchange of shares, while the

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Matching system is a system that finding an object base on what we are looking for. In this resea... more Matching system is a system that finding an object base on what we are looking for. In this research, the object is a paragraph. Paragraph matching is a process of finding a paragraph which is inputted as a target paragraph. The previous worked on this filed is that focus on finding a sentence. It shows that it took 490 generations or iterations in order to find the sentence, which mean it is not so fast or takes more times. This paper intends to bring into expand research which means from sentence matching into paragraph matching. It means that there are two points to bring about that is paragraph matching and increase performance. On this research used genetic algorithm to get best speed of finding the sentence through several genetic algorithm components that is population, selection, crossover, and mutation. In implementation side, it sets the parameter value of genetic algorithm that is chromosome= 10, 20, 50, crossover probability=0.5 and mutation probability=0.05. The outcome of this research is to give a better approach of finding a paragraph accurately and also faster in term of speed. The final result is that the generation or iterations is 144.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Institution or college, especially those with computer-related departement, the avability of a co... more Institution or college, especially those with computer-related departement, the avability of a computer lab is very important to support teaching and learning activities, research, or training for the users. The equipment that recorded in the inventory of computer lab have a lifespan, and each year there will be depreciation or impairment of assets. Using straight-line method and the depreciation and amortization guideline from the regulation from the minister of the treasury of the Republic Indonesia in 2013 on the depreciation module of goods, it can be calculated the amount of depreciation of computer lab inventory such as computer and networking equipment. It is expected that with the use of straight-line method, there will be a depreciation analysis and issued a depreciation policy related to equipment inventory in computer lab.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Mar 1, 2019
Protocols Secret Sharing is a method used to divide or break a secret message to 2 (two) or more ... more Protocols Secret Sharing is a method used to divide or break a secret message to 2 (two) or more recipients so that another beneficiary cannot know the results of fractional shares, except each recipient to exchange shares for reconstructing the secret. The problem that occurs is when the process transfer of shares, there are others who know the shares of the recipients and then that party is also able to reconstruct the secret, therefore the secret message required additional security, such as encryption of the message. The protocol used are the Three-Pass, this algorithm will guarantee the exchange of shares between the recipients. The three-pass protocol also provides convenience to the recipient to secure distribution share without having to do the encryption key, and the encrypted share is still safe. This study analyzes the security of secret delivery by combining the Secret Sharing Protocol and the Protocol Three-Pass. 1. Introduction Cryptography is one technique that can be used to obtain information specially the message [1][2][3] and becomes critical when there is a process of data exchange between the sender and the recipient, cryptography can be a solution for data confidentiality [1][4][5]. Cryptography consists of classic and modern Cryptography algorithms and includes symmetric and asymmetric [1] [4] [6] [7], asymmetric algorithms are much more secure than symmetric algorithms [5], and also has a problem that is a distribution of keys [8] [9] [10]. Key distribution is crucial in cryptography [2] [9] [10] [11] [12], Cryptography protocol could be used to solve the problems of the key distribution [2][4][9][10] in this research. Secret sharing is a method to split the information into several parts called sections, to be distributed to multiple recipients with a particular rule [13], Three-Pass Protocol is a scheme process of sending and receiving secret messages without exchanging keys [2][4]. The basic concept of the Three-Pass Protocol that each party can exchange messages without the need to exchange public keys or private key, but require the symmetric cryptography to encrypt messages [2][4]. Suppose Alice wants to send a secret message to Bob and Charlie through a medium of communication, one of them either Bob or Charlie is not trusted by Alice security before they receive the message. Due to distrust it, Alice break (split) of the message in a way that Bob and Charlie cannot read the message, especially to anyone who got it. It is feared that the change in the message by a person not entitled to receive the message. Because none of them can figure out the secret message, unless they work together to unify the message to find a secret message from Alice. The process of breaking the message into several parts (shares) called to as secret sharing [4]. However, anyone who can figure out the shares can also carry out the reconstruction of the message [4]. Scenarios that can happen is, there are those who are not entitled to know the word of Bob and Charlie share, and what they did exchange the share, then that party can also reconstruct the message[14]. Therefore, this research applies additional security in the process of exchange of shares, while the
Papers by Darsono Nababan