Papers by Danut Viorel

Dănuț Viorel PRESURĂ*
Social reinsertion of imprisoned persons as depicted in some Transylvanian documents
Abstract: Society has always adopted punishments that corresponded to a given historical period. One has to adapt to others around him, this is what is expected. This expectation has been solidified over time, fixed in rules, in standards that essentially refer to human behavior and are named «rules of conduct». At first, these rules were just in people’s minds. Some society members were aware of what others were expecting. Forensic science explicitly retraces millennia of slavery and feudal social organization, the use of the epitome of death, mutilation, corporal punishment and social embarrassment. Contrary to these methods, used until the end of the Middle Ages, society then opened itself towards a new approach to the application of punishment, to the awareness of the offender and his attempt to rehabilitate, his active and real reintroduction into the community. The interest shown by our forerunners in the social reintegration of detainees can be discovered by examining special documents kept in archival funds. By analyzing the content of administrative papers concerning Transylvanian prisons at the end of the 19th century, we will present obvious evidence that their criminal policies accepted progressive Western influences, given the fact that they tried to create a socially-positive behavior in detainees in order to eliminate, as far as possible, criminal recidivism. These methods might seem surprising for the times, but they confirm that changes in the perspective concerning convicted persons manifested since the mid-nineteenth century.
Keywords: prison, Alba Iulia, detainees, dungeon, dual administration, social reintegration, detention conditions
Apulum , 2020
Penitenciarul Alba Iulia între anii 1907 - 1968
Conference Presentations by Danut Viorel

THE DIALOGUE OF MULTICULTURAL DISCOURSES Section: History, Political Sciences, International Relations, vol.8, 2020
Perioada interbelică a reprezentat pentru România, stat a cărei suprafață crescuse semnificativ l... more Perioada interbelică a reprezentat pentru România, stat a cărei suprafață crescuse semnificativ la sfârșitul primului război mondial, o provocare intensă. Întreaga societate românească resimțea urmările nefaste ale unui război ce a secătuit economiile statelor implicate în acest conflict. Transilvania, revenită la sânul patriei mamă, trecea printr-o restructurare amplă a societății, a vieții economice, politice, administrative dar și legislative. Imediat după război se resimțea nevoia alinierii atât a legislației judiciare practicate în fostul teritoriu austro-ungar cu cea din Regat dar și a tuturor aspectelor legate de transferul de putere.
Am evidențiat latura penală întrucât ea stabilea și noile reguli de funcționare a penitenciarelor din Ardeal dar și eforturile depuse de administrația română pentru uniformizarea aspectelor de tip infracțional cu legislația românească, de dincolo de Carpați precum și a celor ce ținea de gestionarea din punct de vedere economic. Evident că reorganizarea noilor teritorii a continuat pe parcursul mai multor ani, fapt consfințit la 14 iunie 1925 prin votarea legii pentru unificarea administrativă, întrucât pe teritoriul României au funcționat patru regimuri administrative diferite, în următoarele zone: Vechiul
Opțiunea alegerii penitenciarului din Alba Iulia pentru acest material a fost determinată de faptul că acesta a intrat, din punct de vedere istoric, într-un con de umbră nemeritat, poate și datorită faptului că a fost un penitenciar județean care, ulterior a fost desființat în anul 1968.
Papers by Danut Viorel
Social reinsertion of imprisoned persons as depicted in some Transylvanian documents
Abstract: Society has always adopted punishments that corresponded to a given historical period. One has to adapt to others around him, this is what is expected. This expectation has been solidified over time, fixed in rules, in standards that essentially refer to human behavior and are named «rules of conduct». At first, these rules were just in people’s minds. Some society members were aware of what others were expecting. Forensic science explicitly retraces millennia of slavery and feudal social organization, the use of the epitome of death, mutilation, corporal punishment and social embarrassment. Contrary to these methods, used until the end of the Middle Ages, society then opened itself towards a new approach to the application of punishment, to the awareness of the offender and his attempt to rehabilitate, his active and real reintroduction into the community. The interest shown by our forerunners in the social reintegration of detainees can be discovered by examining special documents kept in archival funds. By analyzing the content of administrative papers concerning Transylvanian prisons at the end of the 19th century, we will present obvious evidence that their criminal policies accepted progressive Western influences, given the fact that they tried to create a socially-positive behavior in detainees in order to eliminate, as far as possible, criminal recidivism. These methods might seem surprising for the times, but they confirm that changes in the perspective concerning convicted persons manifested since the mid-nineteenth century.
Keywords: prison, Alba Iulia, detainees, dungeon, dual administration, social reintegration, detention conditions
Conference Presentations by Danut Viorel
Am evidențiat latura penală întrucât ea stabilea și noile reguli de funcționare a penitenciarelor din Ardeal dar și eforturile depuse de administrația română pentru uniformizarea aspectelor de tip infracțional cu legislația românească, de dincolo de Carpați precum și a celor ce ținea de gestionarea din punct de vedere economic. Evident că reorganizarea noilor teritorii a continuat pe parcursul mai multor ani, fapt consfințit la 14 iunie 1925 prin votarea legii pentru unificarea administrativă, întrucât pe teritoriul României au funcționat patru regimuri administrative diferite, în următoarele zone: Vechiul
Opțiunea alegerii penitenciarului din Alba Iulia pentru acest material a fost determinată de faptul că acesta a intrat, din punct de vedere istoric, într-un con de umbră nemeritat, poate și datorită faptului că a fost un penitenciar județean care, ulterior a fost desființat în anul 1968.
Social reinsertion of imprisoned persons as depicted in some Transylvanian documents
Abstract: Society has always adopted punishments that corresponded to a given historical period. One has to adapt to others around him, this is what is expected. This expectation has been solidified over time, fixed in rules, in standards that essentially refer to human behavior and are named «rules of conduct». At first, these rules were just in people’s minds. Some society members were aware of what others were expecting. Forensic science explicitly retraces millennia of slavery and feudal social organization, the use of the epitome of death, mutilation, corporal punishment and social embarrassment. Contrary to these methods, used until the end of the Middle Ages, society then opened itself towards a new approach to the application of punishment, to the awareness of the offender and his attempt to rehabilitate, his active and real reintroduction into the community. The interest shown by our forerunners in the social reintegration of detainees can be discovered by examining special documents kept in archival funds. By analyzing the content of administrative papers concerning Transylvanian prisons at the end of the 19th century, we will present obvious evidence that their criminal policies accepted progressive Western influences, given the fact that they tried to create a socially-positive behavior in detainees in order to eliminate, as far as possible, criminal recidivism. These methods might seem surprising for the times, but they confirm that changes in the perspective concerning convicted persons manifested since the mid-nineteenth century.
Keywords: prison, Alba Iulia, detainees, dungeon, dual administration, social reintegration, detention conditions
Am evidențiat latura penală întrucât ea stabilea și noile reguli de funcționare a penitenciarelor din Ardeal dar și eforturile depuse de administrația română pentru uniformizarea aspectelor de tip infracțional cu legislația românească, de dincolo de Carpați precum și a celor ce ținea de gestionarea din punct de vedere economic. Evident că reorganizarea noilor teritorii a continuat pe parcursul mai multor ani, fapt consfințit la 14 iunie 1925 prin votarea legii pentru unificarea administrativă, întrucât pe teritoriul României au funcționat patru regimuri administrative diferite, în următoarele zone: Vechiul
Opțiunea alegerii penitenciarului din Alba Iulia pentru acest material a fost determinată de faptul că acesta a intrat, din punct de vedere istoric, într-un con de umbră nemeritat, poate și datorită faptului că a fost un penitenciar județean care, ulterior a fost desființat în anul 1968.