Papers by Adailson Dantas
Ponto turistico que se destaca no cenario da capital do Estado do Para, a Estacao das Docas e tam... more Ponto turistico que se destaca no cenario da capital do Estado do Para, a Estacao das Docas e tambem um espaco permeado por controversias. Nascida no âmbito de grandes projetos urbanos de revitalizacao no comeco da decada de 2000, se caracteriza como um “oasis” moderno, de arquitetura arrojada e esteticamente bela no centro historico de Belem, contando com restaurantes, bares e lojas, voltados sobretudo para turistas e para a populacao de maior poder aquisitivo. Este artigo tem como intencao discutir, atraves de entrevistas feitas no local e pesquisa bibliografica, como o espaco publico e tratado no âmbito de grandes projetos urbanos de revitalizacao e a possibilidade de a Estacao das Docas ser um espaco que permita a criacao e transformacao da vida social baseada no exercicio da cidadania.
Risco Revista de Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (Online)
O artigo objetiva identificar e analisar os discursos que embasam a produção (simbólica e materia... more O artigo objetiva identificar e analisar os discursos que embasam a produção (simbólica e material) do espaço no âmbito do projeto de requalificação urbana e patrimonial “Novo Mercado de São Brás”, desenvolvido pela Prefeitura Municipal de Belém (PA). Para isso, utilizou-se o método de análise do discurso, que busca revelar o corpo significativo deste equipamento de importância histórica em uma perspectiva que o considera um espaço privilegiado de produção e de confronto de sentidos, muitos destes impostos por estruturas e sujeitos discursivos dominantes nem sempre explícitos.

This work investigates the discursive dimension of the urban space of Belém (PA). In this way, th... more This work investigates the discursive dimension of the urban space of Belém (PA). In this way, the significant body of the city is considered from a perspective that considers it a privileged space for the production and confrontation of meanings, many of which imposed by hegemonic discursive subjects that are not always explicit. Therefore, the objective is to identify, characterize and analyze the discursive strategies and their enunciating subjects that guide the symbolic production, but also material, of the urban space in the capital of Pará from two current interventions of urban requalification: "Projeto Belém Porto Futuro" and "Novo Mercado de São Brás". For this, Michel Pêcheux's Discourse Analysis was used as the main theoretical and analytical device for data interpretation, and Henri Lefebvre's notions and concepts about the production of space as secondary theories. First, a literature review was undertaken to find the historical and ideological conditions for the production of a hegemonic discourse about the way of thinking, interpreting, planning and building urban space. Afterwards, the displacement of the meanings of the discourses and its materialization in the urban space of the cities were investigated, in a chain that permeates the global, national, and reaches the local scale. In this investigation, a discursive corpus was constituted witch includes documents, laws, notices, news, photos and videos, newspaper and magazine reports, descriptive memorials and 3D images of the project's electronic models that are the target of investigation. The discursive analysis of this corpus allowed us to discover that hegemonic discourses guide, through displacement of meanings, the conceptions of urban planning and the material production of architectural forms in the city of Belém (PA). These discourses establish a "marketing" and competitive logic, which intends to establish conservative economic growth and urban development models, which are based, above all, on the urban, architectural and landscape requalification of places, aiming at both the economic growth of the city and its tourist projection in a globalized scenario.

This work investigates the discursive dimension of the urban space of Belém (PA). In this way, th... more This work investigates the discursive dimension of the urban space of Belém (PA). In this way, the significant body of the city is considered from a perspective that considers it a privileged space for the production and confrontation of meanings, many of which imposed by hegemonic discursive subjects that are not always explicit. Therefore, the objective is to identify, characterize and analyze the discursive strategies and their enunciating subjects that guide the symbolic production, but also material, of the urban space in the capital of Pará from two current interventions of urban requalification: "Projeto Belém Porto Futuro" and "Novo Mercado de São Brás". For this, Michel Pêcheux's Discourse Analysis was used as the main theoretical and analytical device for data interpretation, and Henri Lefebvre's notions and concepts about the production of space as secondary theories. First, a literature review was undertaken to find the historical and ideological conditions for the production of a hegemonic discourse about the way of thinking, interpreting, planning and building urban space. Afterwards, the displacement of the meanings of the discourses and its materialization in the urban space of the cities were investigated, in a chain that permeates the global, national, and reaches the local scale. In this investigation, a discursive corpus was constituted witch includes documents, laws, notices, news, photos and videos, newspaper and magazine reports, descriptive memorials and 3D images of the project's electronic models that are the target of investigation. The discursive analysis of this corpus allowed us to discover that hegemonic discourses guide, through displacement of meanings, the conceptions of urban planning and the material production of architectural forms in the city of Belém (PA). These discourses establish a "marketing" and competitive logic, which intends to establish conservative economic growth and urban development models, which are based, above all, on the urban, architectural and landscape requalification of places, aiming at both the economic growth of the city and its tourist projection in a globalized scenario.
VICENTINI, Yara. Cidade e história na Amazônia. Curitiba: Editora da UFPR, 2004
O livro “Cidade e Historia na Amazonia” resulta de um esforco de tentar compreender o quadro comp... more O livro “Cidade e Historia na Amazonia” resulta de um esforco de tentar compreender o quadro complexo de discussoes sobre a historia das cidades na Amazonia brasileira. A obra apresenta compreensoes sobre a natureza e a contraposicao entre as visoes sobre a bacia amazonica, nas quais a subjetividade se expressa no periodo contemporâneo pela forte manutencao da memoria coletiva, vinculada as formas de vida florestal como resistencia cultural e como modos de expressao de um inconsciente coletivo. Escrito por Yara Vicentini, o livro tem extensao de 290 paginas e possui configuracoes de texto argumentativo-dissertativo, sendo escrito em lingua portuguesa (BR). Apresenta escrita coerente, coesa, possuindo conteudo e estrutura bem articulados e desenvolvidos.
VICENTINI, Yara. Cidade e história na Amazônia. Curitiba: Editora da UFPR, 2004
O livro “Cidade e Historia na Amazonia” resulta de um esforco de tentar compreender o quadro comp... more O livro “Cidade e Historia na Amazonia” resulta de um esforco de tentar compreender o quadro complexo de discussoes sobre a historia das cidades na Amazonia brasileira. A obra apresenta compreensoes sobre a natureza e a contraposicao entre as visoes sobre a bacia amazonica, nas quais a subjetividade se expressa no periodo contemporâneo pela forte manutencao da memoria coletiva, vinculada as formas de vida florestal como resistencia cultural e como modos de expressao de um inconsciente coletivo. Escrito por Yara Vicentini, o livro tem extensao de 290 paginas e possui configuracoes de texto argumentativo-dissertativo, sendo escrito em lingua portuguesa (BR). Apresenta escrita coerente, coesa, possuindo conteudo e estrutura bem articulados e desenvolvidos.
Papers by Adailson Dantas