Papers by Danielle Hanna Rached

Ambiente & Sociedade, 2020
Among the possible developments of the Covid-19 pandemic at the international and national levels... more Among the possible developments of the Covid-19 pandemic at the international and national levels is the advancement of the Global Health Security (GHS) agenda. On the one hand, GHS might be able to give priority to health problems on the political agenda-setting, on the other, however, it might open up space for public security actors in decision-making processes to the detriment of the power of health authorities. This article critically analyzes the concept and the progress of the GHS agenda seeking to demonstrate that there can be no security in matters of public health when sustainability in its multiple dimensions is not taken into account. At the end, sustainability has a twofold responsibility: to maintain the consistency and permanence of emergency response actions, especially with investments in public health systems, with universal access, and to minimize the structural causes of pandemics linked to the environment.
Chapter 1-The concept(s) of accountability 1. Introduction 2. Political and extra-political accou... more Chapter 1-The concept(s) of accountability 1. Introduction 2. Political and extra-political accountability: shifting and contested boundaries 4.2. Probing the accountability of the Executive Board (EB) 4.3 Probing the accountability of the Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) 5. Conclusion Concluding remarks Taking stock What is new? Conventional questions, transitional answers Between "pure instrumentality" and "normative modesty": the limits of GAL Tailoring fit-for-purpose accountability arrangements: the three works-in-progress of the Climate Change Regime

Leiden Journal of International Law, 2016
Accountability has become a cornerstone of current discussion on the prospects of legitimate and ... more Accountability has become a cornerstone of current discussion on the prospects of legitimate and effective global governance. In spite of its rather high currency, accountability does not partake in the select group of first-order political ideals: democracy, human rights, constitutionalism and rule of law have all been historically uttered in much more vocal tones and still remain at the forefront of public demands for legitimate authority. Rather than radiating a comprehensive legal or political vision, accountability supplies a power-constraining toolbox that allows for a variety of more or less attractive permutations. This rather commonplace story, though, tells very little about the concrete configurations, underlying values and ends of accountability. The concept of accountability remains unstable because, among other things, its descriptive and normative aspects lack a clearer articulation; traditional taxonomies fail to precisely illuminate its political and extra-political...
Papers by Danielle Hanna Rached