Papers by Daniella Oliveira

Anais da Feira de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão do Instituto Federal Catarinense Campus Fraiburgo - e-ISSN 2594-5572, Dec 15, 2020
Introdução. A era tecnológica tem transformado as interações humanas e beneficiado os setores soc... more Introdução. A era tecnológica tem transformado as interações humanas e beneficiado os setores sociais de inúmeras maneiras (FREITAS, SALGADO JÚNIOR, 2015), facilitando e auxiliando tanto na área empresarial como na saúde, educação e lazer. No entanto, o acesso às facilidades tecnológicas não é pleno, pois, embora muitas pessoas estejam inseridas no mundo tecnológico, os idosos, por não dominarem as ferramentas, acabam se sentindo inferiores e incapazes de aprender, o que os leva a se sentirem excluídos da sociedade (SILVA, FADANNI, FANTINI, 2011). Além disso, muitas pessoas da terceira idade querem estar inseridas na cultura e informatividade tecnológica (SILVA, 2010). Segundo a Organização da Saúde (OMS), é considerada idosa a pessoa que possui idade superior a 60 anos (FREITAS, SALGADO JÚNIOR, 2015). Recentemente esse limite passou para 65 anos, em função, principalmente, da expectativa de vida e do direito legal para o início da aposentadoria. Soma-se à dificuldade etária, a exclusão social feminina no setor tecnológico, uma vez que essa é uma área de domínio masculino. Ademais, a formação feminina costuma ser dificultada pela cobrança social de que as mulheres, mesmo na terceira idade, continuem contribuindo com atividades domésticas, como é o cuidado dos netos, por exemplo. Dessa forma, visando contribuir para a amortização dessa dificuldade, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é auxiliar mulheres com mais de 60 anos no uso de recursos tecnológicos.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2011
The Amblyomma cajennense tick species is considered one of the most important and widespread spec... more The Amblyomma cajennense tick species is considered one of the most important and widespread species in Brazil. It salivary secretion has been a target of several studies in biocenology, as the vector of diseases and in investigations related to antihemostatic properties and antitumor. To complement this investigation, neutron activation analysis (NAA) was applied to determine concentrations of elements in saliva samples of this tick species. The saliva samples (50-554 lL) were collected at Butantan Institute (São Paulo city, Brazil) and they were investigated using the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor at IPEN/ CNEN-SP-Brazil. These data were compared with the values established for Amblyomma americanum and Amblyomma variegatum species emphasizing agreement only for Cl, K and Na with the A. americanum species, suggesting similarities in the mechanisms that regulate the osmotic pressure in this hematophagous animal. The knowledge of these limits contributes for tick saliva characterization as well as for the understanding of the many physiological processes, especially those related to salivary secretion.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2011
Abstract The determination of elemental concentrations for Br, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Sr, and ... more Abstract The determination of elemental concentrations for Br, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Sr, and Zn in blood samples from White New Zealand rabbits was performed applying the NAA technique. Twenty whole blood samples (12 male and 8 female) collected in research ...

Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2012
SummaryThe strategic position of factor Xa (FXa) in blood coagulation makes it a compelling targe... more SummaryThe strategic position of factor Xa (FXa) in blood coagulation makes it a compelling target for the development of new anticoagulants. Bloodsucking animals have in their salivary glands mixtures of anticoagulants, which could be used for designing novel antithrombotic compounds. Herein, we describe Vizottin, the first FXa inhibitor from the salivary complex of the leech Haementeria vizottoi. Vizottin was purified by gel filtration and reverse-phase chromatography, and shown to have anticoagulant effects in human plasma, prolonging the recalcification time in a dose-dependent manner (IC50 40 nM). Vizottin induced blood incoagulability in FX-deficient plasma, whereas in normal and reconstituted plasma, Vizottin doubled the prothrombin time at 160 nM. This peptide competitively inhibited human FXa (Ki 2 nM) like FXa inhibitors from other leeches, albeit via a distinct mechanism of action. At high concentrations, vizottin inhibited the amidolytic activity of factor VIIa/tissue fa...
![Research paper thumbnail of 10[1].1007_s10967-011-1318-1.pdf](
The determination of elemental concentrations for Br, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Sr, and Zn in blo... more The determination of elemental concentrations for Br, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Sr, and Zn in blood samples from White New Zealand rabbits was performed applying the NAA technique. Twenty whole blood samples (12 male and 8 female) collected in research centers from Brazil (Aggeu Magalhães in Recife and Butantan Institute in São Paulo) were investigated, using the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor at IPEN/CNEN-SP-Brazil. These data can be used as references to perform biochemistry analyses in veterinary medicine using small quantities of whole blood (100-400 lL), simplifying the collection and the preparation of biological samples (it is not necessary to perform the serum separation nor to use specific reactants). Furthermore, the knowledge of the biochemical values in blood allows us to check the similarities with the blood estimations in human beings, which is an important condition for selecting laboratory animals. Finally, these data suggest a great similarity of the inorganic tissue profile of rabbits (White New Zealand) and humans.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2012
The Amblyomma cajennense tick species is considered one of the most important and widespread spec... more The Amblyomma cajennense tick species is considered one of the most important and widespread species in Brazil. It salivary secretion has been a target of several studies in biocenology, as the vector of diseases and in investigations related to antihemostatic properties and antitumor. To complement this investigation, neutron activation analysis (NAA) was applied to determine concentrations of elements in saliva samples of this tick species. The saliva samples (50-554 lL) were collected at Butantan Institute (São Paulo city, Brazil) and they were investigated using the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor at IPEN/ CNEN-SP-Brazil. These data were compared with the values established for Amblyomma americanum and Amblyomma variegatum species emphasizing agreement only for Cl, K and Na with the A. americanum species, suggesting similarities in the mechanisms that regulate the osmotic pressure in this hematophagous animal. The knowledge of these limits contributes for tick saliva characterization as well as for the understanding of the many physiological processes, especially those related to salivary secretion.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2012
The determination of elemental concentrations for Br, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Sr, and Zn in blo... more The determination of elemental concentrations for Br, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Sr, and Zn in blood samples from White New Zealand rabbits was performed applying the NAA technique. Twenty whole blood samples (12 male and 8 female) collected in research centers from Brazil (Aggeu Magalhães in Recife and Butantan Institute in São Paulo) were investigated, using the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor at IPEN/CNEN-SP-Brazil. These data can be used as references to perform biochemistry analyses in veterinary medicine using small quantities of whole blood (100-400 lL), simplifying the collection and the preparation of biological samples (it is not necessary to perform the serum separation nor to use specific reactants). Furthermore, the knowledge of the biochemical values in blood allows us to check the similarities with the blood estimations in human beings, which is an important condition for selecting laboratory animals. Finally, these data suggest a great similarity of the inorganic tissue profile of rabbits (White New Zealand) and humans.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2012
The determination of elemental concentrations for Br, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Sr, and Zn in blo... more The determination of elemental concentrations for Br, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Sr, and Zn in blood samples from White New Zealand rabbits was performed applying the NAA technique. Twenty whole blood samples (12 male and 8 female) collected in research centers from Brazil (Aggeu Magalhães in Recife and Butantan Institute in São Paulo) were investigated, using the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor at IPEN/CNEN-SP-Brazil. These data can be used as references to perform biochemistry analyses in veterinary medicine using small quantities of whole blood (100-400 lL), simplifying the collection and the preparation of biological samples (it is not necessary to perform the serum separation nor to use specific reactants). Furthermore, the knowledge of the biochemical values in blood allows us to check the similarities with the blood estimations in human beings, which is an important condition for selecting laboratory animals. Finally, these data suggest a great similarity of the inorganic tissue profile of rabbits (White New Zealand) and humans.

Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2012
The strategic position of factor Xa (FXa) in blood coagulation makes it a compelling target for t... more The strategic position of factor Xa (FXa) in blood coagulation makes it a compelling target for the development of new anticoagulants. Bloodsucking animals have in their salivary glands mixtures of anticoagulants, which could be used for designing novel antithrombotic compounds. Herein, we describe Vizottin, the first FXa inhibitor from the salivary complex of the leech Haementeria vizottoi. Vizottin was purified by gel filtration and reverse-phase chromatography, and shown to have anticoagulant effects in human plasma, prolonging the recalcification time in a dose-dependent manner (IC50 40 nM). Vizottin induced blood incoagulability in FX-deficient plasma, whereas in normal and reconstituted plasma, Vizottin doubled the prothrombin time at 160 nM. This peptide competitively inhibited human FXa (K i 2 nM) like FXa inhibitors from other leeches, albeit via a distinct mechanism of action. At high concentrations, vizottin inhibited the amidolytic activity of factor VIIa/tissue factor (IC50 96.4 nM). Vizottin inhibited FXa in the prothrombinase complex and Gla-domainless FXa. Moreover, vizottin did not interfere with FX activation induced by RVV-X, a known enzyme that requires the Gla-domain of FX for activation. Competition experiments in the presence of FXa and GGACK-FXa (active site blocked) demonstrated that the inhibition of FXa by vizottin is through binding to the active site rather than an exosite. This novel inhibitor appears to exert its inhibitory effects through direct binding to the active site of FXa in a time-dependent manner, but not involving a tight-binding model. In this context, vizottin is a promising model for designing novel anticoagulants for the treatment of thrombotic diseases.
Papers by Daniella Oliveira