Papers by Daniela Triadan
KIVA, 1991
... JOHN R. WELCH Department of Anthropology University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 DANIELA TRIAD... more ... JOHN R. WELCH Department of Anthropology University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 DANIELA TRIADAN ... to prehistoric mining in California (Heizer and Treganza 1951), to New Mexico's enormous Cerrillos ... think it unlikely that Locus One was ever worked simultaneously ...
KIVA, 2000
... Both local and non-local Pinto polychromes have been identified in late Pueblo III period sit... more ... Both local and non-local Pinto polychromes have been identified in late Pueblo III period sites in the Roosevelt, Vosberg, Globe, Silver Creek ... with the immigration of Kayenta Anasazi people at the end of the thir-teenth century (Crown 1994; Haury 1958; Lindsay 1987; Zedeflo ...
Nuevas Ciudades Nuevas Patrias Fundacion Y Relocalizacion De Ciudades En Mesoamerica Y El Mediterraneo Antiguo 2006 Isbn 84 923545 4 2 Pags 131 148, 2006
Aguateca fue establecida como una nueva sede de poder por una dinastÃa intrusa durante el perÃodo... more Aguateca fue establecida como una nueva sede de poder por una dinastÃa intrusa durante el perÃodo Clásico TardÃo, y el proceso de su influencia sobre otros centros está relativamente bien documentado en diversas inscripciones glÃficas. La segunda fase del Proyecto Arqueológico Aguateca, realizada en 2004 y 2005, se enfocó hacia el estudio de la dinámica polÃtica asociada con la fundación de Aguateca.
El Ritual En El Mundo Maya De Lo Privado a Lo Publico 2010 Isbn 978 84 923545 5 9 Pags 29 48, 2010
... Localización: El ritual en el mundo maya: de lo privado a lo público / coord. por Andrés Ciud... more ... Localización: El ritual en el mundo maya: de lo privado a lo público / coord. por Andrés Ciudad Ruiz, MarÃa Josefa Iglesias Ponce de León, Miguel Angel Sorroche Cuerva, 2010, ISBN 978-84-923545-5-9 , págs. 29-48. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
Mayab, 2000
Extensive excavations of rapidly abandoned structures at the Classic Maya center of Aguateca have... more Extensive excavations of rapidly abandoned structures at the Classic Maya center of Aguateca have provided rich assemblages of complete and reconstructible objects. A particularly interesting result is the presence of objects related to scribal and artistic production in all rapidly abandoned elite residences that have been excavated. Although evidence of such activities is difficult to detect in gradually abandoned structures, researchers need to consider the possibility that a significant portion of elites engaged in scribal and artistic work in their houses.
Publicaciones De La S E E M, 2003
Résumé/Abstract Beaucoup de sociétés humaines pratiquent des formes variées d'homicides inst... more Résumé/Abstract Beaucoup de sociétés humaines pratiquent des formes variées d'homicides institutionnels, tels que guerres, châtiments, sacrifices. Une certaine variabilité s' observe quant au caractère public, voire éventuellement théâtralisé, de ces pratiques. ...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015
Our archaeological investigations at Ceibal, a lowland Maya site located in the Pasión region, do... more Our archaeological investigations at Ceibal, a lowland Maya site located in the Pasión region, documented that a formal ceremonial complex was built around 950 B.C. at the onset of the Middle Preclassic period, when ceramics began to be used in the Maya lowlands. Our refined chronology allowed us to trace the subsequent social changes in a resolution that had not been possible before. Many residents of Ceibal appear to have remained relatively mobile during the following centuries, living in ephemeral post-in-ground structures and frequently changing their residential localities. In other parts of the Pasión region, there may have existed more mobile populations who maintained the traditional lifestyle of the preceramic period. Although the emerging elite of Ceibal began to live in a substantial residential complex by 700 B.C., advanced sedentism with durable residences rebuilt in the same locations and burials placed under house floors was not adopted in most residential areas until 500 B.C., and did not become common until 300 B.C. or the Late Preclassic period. During the Middle Preclassic period, substantial formal ceremonial complexes appear to have been built only at a small number of important communities in the Maya lowlands, and groups with different levels of sedentism probably gathered for their constructions and for public rituals held in them. These collaborative activities likely played a central role in socially integrating diverse groups with different lifestyles and, eventually, in developing fully established sedentary communities.
Latin American Antiquity, 2002
The Aguateca Archaeological Project cqnducted extensive excavations of elite residences at the Ma... more The Aguateca Archaeological Project cqnducted extensive excavations of elite residences at the Maya center of Aguateca, which was attacked by enemies and abandoned rapidly at the end of the Classic period. Burned buildings contained rich floor assem-blages, providing ...
Journal of Archaeological Science, 1997
A weak-acid extraction technique for inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (ICP) was recently a... more A weak-acid extraction technique for inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (ICP) was recently advocated as an inexpensive, highly precise method of chemical characterization of archaeological ceramics. We critically evaluate this approach on the basis of a large sample of Southwestern ceramics which were analysed both by weak-acid extraction ICP and neutron activation analysis. The comparison of the two data sets shows significant compositional discrepancies that lead to widely divergent archaeological interpretations.
Journal of Field Archaeology, 2001
The Aguateca Archaeological Project extensively excavated two structures (M7-22 andM7-32) in the ... more The Aguateca Archaeological Project extensively excavated two structures (M7-22 andM7-32) in the Palace Group of the Late ClassicMaya (AC 600-830) center ofAguateca) Guatemala. Multiple lines of evidence) including site layout) architectural features) soil ...
Papers by Daniela Triadan