Papers by Daniela Ingruber
Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the second wave of the Democracy Radar with data on ... more Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the second wave of the Democracy Radar with data on attitudes towards democracy, politics and the political system in Austria and views on the societal as well as the individual situation. Main focus of this wave was the European Union. The Democracy Radar is an ongoing study of politics and democracy in Austria. It is based on a bi-annual survey with a sample of about 4500 respondents per wave. The Democracy Radar is part of the Austrian Democracy Lab (ADL), a project of the Danube University Krems and the University of Graz.
Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the first wave of the Democracy Radar with data on a... more Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the first wave of the Democracy Radar with data on attitudes towards democracy, politics and the political system in Austria and views on the societal as well as the individual situation. Main focus of this wave was trust in politics. The Democracy Radar is an ongoing study of politics and democracy in Austria. It is based on a bi-annual survey with a sample of about 4,500 respondents per wave. The Democracy Radar is part of the Austrian Democracy Lab (ADL), a project of the Danube University Krems and the University of Graz.
When Wolfgang Dietrich met Peter Kirschner, the founder and head of Native Spirit, a nature and w... more When Wolfgang Dietrich met Peter Kirschner, the founder and head of Native Spirit, a nature and wilderness school at the river Inn in Tyrol, it pretty soon became clear for him that Native Spirit is one of the elements he had been looking for as a modular unit in the MA Program. For many years now it has been a learning space for generations of students, not an easy one because visiting this space means to be challenged with oneself in a quite direct or even shamanic way. In this interview Peter Kirschner and his former partner Hanna Raab talk about their personal relation with Wolfgang Dietrich, and how one has influenced the other over the years.

Franz Jenewein, the Director of the Tyrolean Bildungshaus Grillhof, the centre where the MA Progr... more Franz Jenewein, the Director of the Tyrolean Bildungshaus Grillhof, the centre where the MA Program for Peace Studies resides, and Major General Herbert Bauer, Commander of the Austrian Army in Tyrol, have both been crucial partners, important supporters and friends of Wolfgang Dietrich for many years. Dietrich uses to say that without them the MA Program would neither have been possible nor sustainable. Though in quite different roles, Franz Jenewein as the host at the Grillhof and Major General Bauer as the host and organizer of the Military Training Native Challenge in the MA Program, they have quite diverse interpretations of the transrational perspective, which fit together perfectly well. They have integrated them into their lives and work a long time ago. A talk with them adds to the ideas of Wolfgang Dietrich in a very special and practical way, which will make the readers understand new details and perspectives.
Böhlau Verlag eBooks, Dec 12, 2022
Der Donauraum, Oct 21, 2022
Studien Verlag eBooks, 2001
Böhlau Verlag eBooks, Dec 12, 2022
perspektive mediation, 2022
Bilder haben den Anschein, die Wirklichkeit zu porträtieren. Sie sind dabei nicht passiv, sondern... more Bilder haben den Anschein, die Wirklichkeit zu porträtieren. Sie sind dabei nicht passiv, sondern beeinflussen über die Art, wie und wo sie publiziert wer- den. Die Verantwortung dafür aber liegt nicht nur bei den Medien, sondern immer auch bei den Konsument*innen, denn die meisten Filter beim Hinschauen auferlegt man sich selbst. In der Konflikttransformation kann man genau das nützen: das Bewusstmachen des eigenen Blicks und die Chance, die in einer neuen Betrach- tungsweise liegt.
Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the first wave of the Democracy Radar with data on a... more Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the first wave of the Democracy Radar with data on attitudes towards democracy, politics and the political system in Austria and views on the societal as well as the individual situation. Main focus of this wave was trust in politics. The Democracy Radar is an ongoing study of politics and democracy in Austria. It is based on a bi-annual survey with a sample of about 4,500 respondents per wave. The Democracy Radar is part of the Austrian Democracy Lab (ADL), a project of the Danube University Krems and the University of Graz.
Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the second wave of the Democracy Radar with data on ... more Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the second wave of the Democracy Radar with data on attitudes towards democracy, politics and the political system in Austria and views on the societal as well as the individual situation. Main focus of this wave was the European Union. The Democracy Radar is an ongoing study of politics and democracy in Austria. It is based on a bi-annual survey with a sample of about 4500 respondents per wave. The Democracy Radar is part of the Austrian Democracy Lab (ADL), a project of the Danube University Krems and the University of Graz.

Franz Jenewein, the Director of the Tyrolean Bildungshaus Grillhof, the centre where the MA Progr... more Franz Jenewein, the Director of the Tyrolean Bildungshaus Grillhof, the centre where the MA Program for Peace Studies resides, and Major General Herbert Bauer, Commander of the Austrian Army in Tyrol, have both been crucial partners, important supporters and friends of Wolfgang Dietrich for many years. Dietrich uses to say that without them the MA Program would neither have been possible nor sustainable. Though in quite different roles, Franz Jenewein as the host at the Grillhof and Major General Bauer as the host and organizer of the Military Training Native Challenge in the MA Program, they have quite diverse interpretations of the transrational perspective, which fit together perfectly well. They have integrated them into their lives and work a long time ago. A talk with them adds to the ideas of Wolfgang Dietrich in a very special and practical way, which will make the readers understand new details and perspectives.
When Wolfgang Dietrich met Peter Kirschner, the founder and head of Native Spirit, a nature and w... more When Wolfgang Dietrich met Peter Kirschner, the founder and head of Native Spirit, a nature and wilderness school at the river Inn in Tyrol, it pretty soon became clear for him that Native Spirit is one of the elements he had been looking for as a modular unit in the MA Program. For many years now it has been a learning space for generations of students, not an easy one because visiting this space means to be challenged with oneself in a quite direct or even shamanic way. In this interview Peter Kirschner and his former partner Hanna Raab talk about their personal relation with Wolfgang Dietrich, and how one has influenced the other over the years.

Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
Ein lebendiger politischer Diskurs ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil einer funktionierenden Demokr... more Ein lebendiger politischer Diskurs ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil einer funktionierenden Demokratie. Mit steigenden Nutzerzahlen der sozialen Medien besitzt auch die politische Diskussion, die über diese Plattformen geführt wird, eine zunehmende Bedeutung. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht deshalb die KonsumentInnen von politischer Information über soziale Netzwerke anhand des wenig untersuchten Fallbeispiels Österreich. Unsere Modelle basieren auf einer Sekundärdatenauswertung der Studie Digitalmonitor (N=1.200). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die NutzerInnen von politischer Information über soziale Netzwerke unter anderem politisch stark interessiert, auf einer Links-Rechts-Skala eher extrem eingestellt sind und ein geringes Vertrauen in traditionelle Medien haben. Der neue Informationskanal sorgt nicht zwangsläufig für einen gleichberechtigteren Zugang zu Information. Für Menschen, die mit dem bisherigen Angebot nicht zufrieden waren, bietet er jedoch eine Alternative.
Kulturwissenschaftliche Konfliktforschung an den Grenzen von Ursache und Wirkung, 2012
Papers by Daniela Ingruber