Papers by Daniela Di Donato

Form@re - Open Journal per la formazione in rete
Twenty-first century teachers are faced with challenges and rapid societal changes that inevitabl... more Twenty-first century teachers are faced with challenges and rapid societal changes that inevitably require skills that facilitate the development of resilience and coping factors. These factors become fundamental above all for specialized teachers, who today are indispensable figures for integrating and supporting not only the individual student with difficulties, but the entire class group. In this regard, the contribution presents some results of a research carried out on 139 enrolled in the Active Formative Training (AFT) course on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for special teaching, to identify the skills and limitations perceived during their professional career. From the results of the interviews, it emerges that the participants in the training, mostly teachers, consider some aspects related to teaching practices and the working context as indispensable to develop processes of inclusion at school, which in turn are associated with perceived emotional, social...
Lo smartphone in sé non è uno strumento nocivo per bambini e ragazzi, ma è sbagliato lasciarli tr... more Lo smartphone in sé non è uno strumento nocivo per bambini e ragazzi, ma è sbagliato lasciarli troppo soli davanti agli schermi. Per questo la scuola deve intervenire e fare da bussola, fornendo indicazioni e modelli diversi da quelli offerti dai genitori
Q-Times, 2021
Pubblicato il: aprile 2021 ©Tutti i diritti riservati. Tutti gli articoli possono essere riprodot... more Pubblicato il: aprile 2021 ©Tutti i diritti riservati. Tutti gli articoli possono essere riprodotti con l'unica condizione di mettere in evidenza che il testo riprodotto è tratto da Registrazione Tribunale di Frosinone N. 564/09 VG
Tecnologie a scuola, competenze, autonomia e digital
Che cosa distingue la lettura della pagina di un libro dalla lettura di un testo online su uno sc... more Che cosa distingue la lettura della pagina di un libro dalla lettura di un testo online su uno schermo, quali sono le competenze necessarie per comprendere un testo online e perché questo è più accessibile per le persone con DSA. Il ruolo della scuola nel formare lettori forti e responsabili
Il nuovo esame di Stato conclusivo del primo ciclo di istruzione: il colloquio orale, le tipologi... more Il nuovo esame di Stato conclusivo del primo ciclo di istruzione: il colloquio orale, le tipologie testuali, esempi di prove d'esame, strumenti di supporto (mappe concettuali, schede di supporto per Dsa
Le nuove competenze chiave per l’apprendimento permanente del Consiglio dell’Unione Europea rispo... more Le nuove competenze chiave per l’apprendimento permanente del Consiglio dell’Unione Europea rispondono ai cambiamenti socioeconomici, nelle relazioni personali e con le istituzioni. Nella competenza digitale, focus su alfabetizzazione, sicurezza, gestione di informazioni, contenuti, dati e identità digitali
Il decalogo Dieci punti per l’uso dei dispositivi mobili a scuola, pubblicato ora dal Miur, espri... more Il decalogo Dieci punti per l’uso dei dispositivi mobili a scuola, pubblicato ora dal Miur, esprime l’ambizione di portare la Scuola italiana nel XXI secolo. E’ questa la sfida e l’ambizione. Ma anche il dovere comune che nessuno può più ignorare

Oriented educational, research-technology and museum Partners will analyze the practices adopted ... more Oriented educational, research-technology and museum Partners will analyze the practices adopted by different countries connected to Science teaching, European Commission document and recommendations in educational field. They also will discuss on some experiences of "best practices" to identify access modality, use and reuse of cultural heritage and the arrangements for making learner-centered teaching unit. The partner will be able to define such skills needed by teachers for working in an innovative way and therefore which practices for permanent professional development and experience sharing among teachers of different countries of the Union should be adopted. The partners expect positive results related to: Teach in the classroom through multimedia tools with new approaches to the scientific disciplines for learning enhancing; Propose a trail for reality perception by students as an open system in which you can draw and exchange information with the help of technology; Constructivist theory application, creating a synergistic relationship between different learning environment; Develop relationships between schools, cultural institutions and in general between school, research and culture environment; Increase and stimulate students for Science learning. The Project goal will be to share and exchange best practices and applications among school models of different countries, to enable the teachers training on how to design cross-disciplinary learning activities for improving a collaborative work to include scientific issues in different areas of the school curricula. Important aims will be innovative relationships between teachers and museum staff, the accessibility to resources as tools to enable teachers to create teaching units to be shared as OER (Open Educational Resources), providing students formal and no formal educational content adopting a language close to the one they use on every day. Dissemination and communication plan provides information and content of Project activities for involving and stimulating stakeholders, national and international educational agencies to replicate experimental methodology and instruments for increasing motivation of the students to choice of higher studies in science field. Previous studies show that museum resources are not systematically used in the framework of classrooms and that on site visits are not always producing the expected results in terms of learning. These institutions also highlight the importance of emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools to allow the embedding of such resources in the learning environment. However, the relationship between school and museum, with the scientific and digital realities that compose it, is both an expansion of training and a fun and valuable experience for the training of students and teachers. Especially the university museum is a place of integrated culture, based on the observation of objects and the possibility of interacting with them, where the student may track through the use of "exhibits", what he has learned, theoretically, in connection with the historical and artistic disciplines. 1 The Erasmus + Project "Education and Museum: Cultural Heritage for learning science" aims to promote innovative methods of teaching and learning through reusing digital learning objects of museums. This aim can be achieved through the EdMuse platform that enable personalized and adaptive eLearning pathways.
ICERI2021 Proceedings, 2021
Dal 2015, quando si è chiusa la sperimentazione che ha portato al modello di Certificazione nazio... more Dal 2015, quando si è chiusa la sperimentazione che ha portato al modello di Certificazione nazionale delle competenze in vigore, poco è cambiato in tema di innovazione digitale e scuola. Cosa impedisce di ripensare gli spazi dell’educazione? Riflessioni a margine del seminario Miur su Cittadinanza e cultura digitale
Papers by Daniela Di Donato