Daniel Tanuro
Phone: +32 476 820 950
Phone: +32 476 820 950
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Papers by Daniel Tanuro
ENGLISH: During a debate organized by the Loire Atlantique CGT Departmental Union on May 16, 2024, Sophie Binet, general secretary of the French union CGT, and Daniel Tanuro, ecosocialist activist, author of Écologie, luttes sociales et révolution (published by La Dispute), discussed the challenges that the ecological crisis poses to trade unionism: transformation of the production system, rights of employees, their role in the ecological shift, prospects for reindustrialization, etc. The Labor is at the heart of the ecological crisis but also of the responses to it. This requires a profound transformation of union cultures.
ENGLISH: During a debate organized by the Loire Atlantique CGT Departmental Union on May 16, 2024, Sophie Binet, general secretary of the French union CGT, and Daniel Tanuro, ecosocialist activist, author of Écologie, luttes sociales et révolution (published by La Dispute), discussed the challenges that the ecological crisis poses to trade unionism: transformation of the production system, rights of employees, their role in the ecological shift, prospects for reindustrialization, etc. The Labor is at the heart of the ecological crisis but also of the responses to it. This requires a profound transformation of union cultures.
In the short term, this proposal for a dividend tax runs up against the nonsense of climate-negationists, who hold the upper hand in the Great Old Party. But the pressure will increase, as transnational capital is largely convinced of the need to deepen the neoliberal climate policy put in place in Paris, at COP21. In a logic of "green capitalism", businesses therefore want to know how carbon will be priced in the future, and how its price will evolve, in order to plan their investments. Baker et al.’s proposal gives an idea of the threats that flow from this logic. The currents in the Left who are engaged in supporting James Hansen’s fee and dividend are thus at risk to be trapped. Again, it is necessary to note that, whether in the form of a tax or in the form of tradable emission rights, no market strategy can provide an exit to climate change caused by the market : Catastrophe can only be averted by confronting capitalism and its accumulation dynamics.
This book was edited in 2010 by La Découverte (Paris) en translated in English under the title "Green capitalism. Why it can't work", in German, Turkish, Spanish, Portugues and Italian.
En actes, c’est une autre paire de manches! Le « Manifeste écosocialiste » de Paul Magnette contraste en effet crûment avec la politique sociale-libérale de son parti. Au niveau wallon, le PS domine des coalitions dont les projets de développement, notamment aéroportuaires (avec Ryanair et Alibaba en particulier), sont carrément aux antipodes de l’écosocialisme. Au niveau fédéral, le PS participe au pouvoir presque sans discontinuer depuis 1988. Quelle crédibilité ont les plaidoyers de son Président pour la réduction du temps de travail, l’augmentation des salaires, l’amélioration de la sécurité sociale, l’expansion du secteur public,… quand on sait que des ministres de sa famille politique ont ouvert la porte à la journée de dix heures, capitulé devant l’allongement de l’âge de la retraite à 67 ans, assumé la loi sur compétitivité concoctée par la droite pour verrouiller les rémunérations, cassé l’individualisation des droits en sécurité sociale, baissé radicalement les cotisations patronales à la Sécu, piloté la privatisation des entreprises publiques?…
Le moins qu’on puisse dire est que l’initiative du Président du PS soulève autant d’incrédulité que de curiosité. Les questions sont nombreuses. L’avenir seul permettra d’y répondre. En attendant, l’importance de l’enjeu et la qualité de l’ouvrage justifient de mener le débat sérieusement.