An understanding of the allocation of research among regions, problem areas, and academic discipl... more An understanding of the allocation of research among regions, problem areas, and academic disciplines is essential to coordinating ongoing rural development research activities and setting the direction of future research programs. This paper uses data compiled from the Current Research Information System (CRIS) research abstracts for the entire U.S. to present and discuss the allocaiton of rural development research in the U.S. and the South. The results show that the distribution of research projects, funds and scientist years within each region are allocated in a similar fashion except for a smaller number of natural resource projects in the Southern region. Compared to the distribution of rural population, only the Northeast had a total number of projects and research funds significantly greater than its share of the rural population. Within the Southern region the distribution of projects has changed significantly between 1973 and 1976 with a greater emphasis now being given to economic development projects. The distribution of research funds among academic departments is not different between the South and the U.S., although the distribution of research funds does show a significant difference. A correlation analysis of funding in the four major research areas with indicators of rural development needs as measured by variables such as the unemployment rate, average family income, and the high school completion rate showed only the percent of population in rural areas to be significantly correlated (at the 5 percent level) with all four research categories. In the people building area, average family income, the percent of population below the poverty level, the high school completion rate and the percent of housing without plumbing was significantly correlated at the 5 percent level with the
Adding value to agricultural products is often seen as a means to dispose of raw commodity surplu... more Adding value to agricultural products is often seen as a means to dispose of raw commodity surpluses and to add jobs, boost incomes, and otherwise promote rural economic development. A major component of this development strategy has been federal and state investments in research intended to boost the production, marketing, and distribution of valueadded agricultural products. This symposium explored the economic rationale and implications of such research investments.
This research examines the relationship of social capital, measured at the community level, to co... more This research examines the relationship of social capital, measured at the community level, to community and economic development outcomes. We empirically examine the independent influence of social capital on development outcomes as well as social capital's interactive effect with other community characteristics including human capital, economic, and locational factors.
For almost 20 years, Open Educational Resources (OER) are an integral part of the debate about th... more For almost 20 years, Open Educational Resources (OER) are an integral part of the debate about the digitisation of education. However, the empirical landscape of OER research is vivid and largely obscure. This article reviews the state of international empirical research on OER to reveal trends and gaps and, in this manner, identify possible desiderata for further research. We use a systematic mapping approach to examine the empirical English-speaking research landscape from 2015 to 2019. The results reveal that research primarily concentrates on the higher education sector while only a few studies are available for the school and other educational sectors. In terms of research methodologies, quantitative approaches are prevalent, with most of them being survey-based. The main research interests of the empirical studies lie in the perception of OER and the barriers to their use in educational practices. Open textbooks as a form of OER and their comparative cost advantages or qualitative comparability with traditional educational material constitute an emerging research field that is almost exclusively located in the U.S. Research gaps exist regarding the usability and user-friendliness of OER repositories. Addressing these gaps could support the numerous initiatives in different countries to establish and equip repositories. Additional gaps for empirical research were identified regarding the effects of the use of OER on pedagogical approaches and established educational practices.
ZusammenfassungOpen Educational Resources (OER) bilden ein wichtiges Element im Diskurs über eine... more ZusammenfassungOpen Educational Resources (OER) bilden ein wichtiges Element im Diskurs über eine Digitalisierung von Bildung. Der Beitrag erhebt den Stand der internationalen empirischen Forschung zu OER, um dadurch Desiderate für eine zukünftige Forschungsagenda aufzuzeigen. Mittels eines systematischen Mapping-Ansatzes wird dafür die empirische, englischsprachige Forschungslandschaft kartiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Forschung vor allem im Hochschulbereich betrieben wird und wenige Studien für den Bereich Schule vorliegen. Forschungsmethodisch sind quantitative Studien prävalent, die vorwiegend umfragebasiert durchgeführt werden. Das primäre Forschungsinteresse der Studien konzentriert sich auf Wahrnehmungsfaktoren von OER sowie auf deren Übernahme und Nutzung in der Bildungspraxis. Ein weiteres Forschungsfeld sind Offene Textbücher und deren komparative Kostenvorteile oder qualitative Vergleichbarkeit mit kostenpflichtigem Bildungsmaterial. Forschungsdesiderate liegen im Fel...
The results of this analysis based on the 2007 Census of Agriculture show that agriculture remain... more The results of this analysis based on the 2007 Census of Agriculture show that agriculture remains a critical component of Iowa's overall economic well-being. Iowa agriculture is connected to a large integrated set of industries -- from the production of agricultural commodities to food and feed processing to agricultural input manufacturing and many other ag-support industries. Iowa's agriculture and ag-related industries have maintained or increased their share of the state's total output since a previous study based on 2002 U.S. Ag Census data.
10th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2010). Managing the Change, 2010
Standard communication protocols have been used for substation automation for many years. The app... more Standard communication protocols have been used for substation automation for many years. The applications are mainly on the station level communication to indicate alarms and events within a substation and make them visible to the operator. However the ...
An understanding of the allocation of research among regions, problem areas, and academic discipl... more An understanding of the allocation of research among regions, problem areas, and academic disciplines is essential to coordinating ongoing rural development research activities and setting the direction of future research programs. This paper uses data compiled from the Current Research Information System (CRIS) research abstracts for the entire U.S. to present and discuss the allocaiton of rural development research in the U.S. and the South. The results show that the distribution of research projects, funds and scientist years within each region are allocated in a similar fashion except for a smaller number of natural resource projects in the Southern region. Compared to the distribution of rural population, only the Northeast had a total number of projects and research funds significantly greater than its share of the rural population. Within the Southern region the distribution of projects has changed significantly between 1973 and 1976 with a greater emphasis now being given to economic development projects. The distribution of research funds among academic departments is not different between the South and the U.S., although the distribution of research funds does show a significant difference. A correlation analysis of funding in the four major research areas with indicators of rural development needs as measured by variables such as the unemployment rate, average family income, and the high school completion rate showed only the percent of population in rural areas to be significantly correlated (at the 5 percent level) with all four research categories. In the people building area, average family income, the percent of population below the poverty level, the high school completion rate and the percent of housing without plumbing was significantly correlated at the 5 percent level with the
Adding value to agricultural products is often seen as a means to dispose of raw commodity surplu... more Adding value to agricultural products is often seen as a means to dispose of raw commodity surpluses and to add jobs, boost incomes, and otherwise promote rural economic development. A major component of this development strategy has been federal and state investments in research intended to boost the production, marketing, and distribution of valueadded agricultural products. This symposium explored the economic rationale and implications of such research investments.
This research examines the relationship of social capital, measured at the community level, to co... more This research examines the relationship of social capital, measured at the community level, to community and economic development outcomes. We empirically examine the independent influence of social capital on development outcomes as well as social capital's interactive effect with other community characteristics including human capital, economic, and locational factors.
For almost 20 years, Open Educational Resources (OER) are an integral part of the debate about th... more For almost 20 years, Open Educational Resources (OER) are an integral part of the debate about the digitisation of education. However, the empirical landscape of OER research is vivid and largely obscure. This article reviews the state of international empirical research on OER to reveal trends and gaps and, in this manner, identify possible desiderata for further research. We use a systematic mapping approach to examine the empirical English-speaking research landscape from 2015 to 2019. The results reveal that research primarily concentrates on the higher education sector while only a few studies are available for the school and other educational sectors. In terms of research methodologies, quantitative approaches are prevalent, with most of them being survey-based. The main research interests of the empirical studies lie in the perception of OER and the barriers to their use in educational practices. Open textbooks as a form of OER and their comparative cost advantages or qualitative comparability with traditional educational material constitute an emerging research field that is almost exclusively located in the U.S. Research gaps exist regarding the usability and user-friendliness of OER repositories. Addressing these gaps could support the numerous initiatives in different countries to establish and equip repositories. Additional gaps for empirical research were identified regarding the effects of the use of OER on pedagogical approaches and established educational practices.
ZusammenfassungOpen Educational Resources (OER) bilden ein wichtiges Element im Diskurs über eine... more ZusammenfassungOpen Educational Resources (OER) bilden ein wichtiges Element im Diskurs über eine Digitalisierung von Bildung. Der Beitrag erhebt den Stand der internationalen empirischen Forschung zu OER, um dadurch Desiderate für eine zukünftige Forschungsagenda aufzuzeigen. Mittels eines systematischen Mapping-Ansatzes wird dafür die empirische, englischsprachige Forschungslandschaft kartiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Forschung vor allem im Hochschulbereich betrieben wird und wenige Studien für den Bereich Schule vorliegen. Forschungsmethodisch sind quantitative Studien prävalent, die vorwiegend umfragebasiert durchgeführt werden. Das primäre Forschungsinteresse der Studien konzentriert sich auf Wahrnehmungsfaktoren von OER sowie auf deren Übernahme und Nutzung in der Bildungspraxis. Ein weiteres Forschungsfeld sind Offene Textbücher und deren komparative Kostenvorteile oder qualitative Vergleichbarkeit mit kostenpflichtigem Bildungsmaterial. Forschungsdesiderate liegen im Fel...
The results of this analysis based on the 2007 Census of Agriculture show that agriculture remain... more The results of this analysis based on the 2007 Census of Agriculture show that agriculture remains a critical component of Iowa's overall economic well-being. Iowa agriculture is connected to a large integrated set of industries -- from the production of agricultural commodities to food and feed processing to agricultural input manufacturing and many other ag-support industries. Iowa's agriculture and ag-related industries have maintained or increased their share of the state's total output since a previous study based on 2002 U.S. Ag Census data.
10th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2010). Managing the Change, 2010
Standard communication protocols have been used for substation automation for many years. The app... more Standard communication protocols have been used for substation automation for many years. The applications are mainly on the station level communication to indicate alarms and events within a substation and make them visible to the operator. However the ...
Papers by Daniel Otto