Papers by Daniel Constantino Zacharias
Marine pollution bulletin, 2021
In 2019-2020, a mysterious oil spill reached a large part of the Brazilian coast. In order to con... more In 2019-2020, a mysterious oil spill reached a large part of the Brazilian coast. In order to contribute to the clarification part of these mysteries involving this accident, the present study aims to estimate the initial volume spilled using the STFM (Spill, Transport and Fate Model). We started from the hypothesis that the leak was caused by tanker buoyancy problems (hull rupture or engine failure), resulting in slow loss of part of its cargo (leaking or dumping) in the subsurface waters. The estimated volume (5000-12,500 m3) was similar to that expected in a continuous leak from an internal compartment tanker with the size between PANAMAX and SUEZMAX. This volume may have been the largest oil spill on the Brazilian coast since 2004, and it caused institutional and socioeconomic crisis because of the poor management of public resources.

This study analyses the relationship between the atmospheric blocking event that occurred over th... more This study analyses the relationship between the atmospheric blocking event that occurred over the South Pacific Ocean and extreme events observed at Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station (EACF), during 20-25 August 2000. The local scale analysis was done using data collected at EACF. The synoptic scale analysis was based on reanalysis composites at the sea level, 925hPa and 500hPa. During the five days period, the following extreme events were observed: wind speeds above the upper quartile of the seasonal distribution during one day and sustained maximum intensity of 25,6m/s for one hour; sea level pressures above the upper quartile of the seasonal distribution in three days; temperatures below the lower quartile of seasonal distribution during four days and the record of low hourly mean temperature of the year (-18,6˚C). This study indicates that the observed local variations occurred due to the synoptic conditions that were generated by the blocking event.

Os derramamentos de petróleo são consequência inevitável e indesejável da produção e transporte d... more Os derramamentos de petróleo são consequência inevitável e indesejável da produção e transporte do petróleo e seus derivados. A maioria desses derramamentos são relativamente pequenos, mas alguns deles são grandes o suficiente para causar significativo impacto ambiental. Nessas situações, os modelos computacionais são ferramentas importantes para estimar a trajetória, dimensionamento e comportamento do óleo derramado no ambiente marinho, sendo determinantes na elaboração de planos de ação e trabalho das equipes de resposta. O transporte e destino de óleo offshore derramado são regidos majoritariamente, no curto período, por processos de transporte e de transformação físico-químicos e no longo período por processos de degradação biológica, de acordo com as condições ambientais locais (oceânicas e atmosféricas). Os principais processos que atuam sobre as manchas de óleo offshore incluem, no curto período, advecção, difusão turbulenta, espalhamento superficial, evaporação, dissolução, emulsificação, sedimentação e a interação de mancha de óleo com a linha da costa. O STFM (Spill, Transport and Fate Model) foi o modelo computacional desenvolvido nesse trabalho. Os algoritmos foram desenvolvidos com base em formulações físico-químicas propostas na literatura, sendo testadas as proposições de diversos autores e selecionadas as equações que apresentaram melhores resultado para integrar o conjunto físico-químico que compõe o STFM. Os resultados do trabalho mostraram que o STFM apresentou desempenho superior aos demais modelos testados na descrição do espalhamento e difusão dando mais estabilidade à mancha por utilizar a derivação de Dodge para a proposta de espalhamento de Fay e substituir o método usual de "Randon Walk" por "Randon Flight" (avançado no tempo) na forma canônica dada por Lynch. O algoritmo do STFM também traz outra evolução importante ao incluir um modelo de evaporação baseado nas equações empíricas de Fingas, substituindo as atuais parametrizações baseadas no ADIOS2 e nos métodos de pseudocomponentes. Palavras-chave: STFM, derramamento Offshore, partícula Lagrangeana, modelagem de dispersão de óleo, modelagem de pluma.
... Ricardo de Camargo1, Joseph Harari2, Pedro L. Silva Dias1, Amaury ... O fechamento de portos ... more ... Ricardo de Camargo1, Joseph Harari2, Pedro L. Silva Dias1, Amaury ... O fechamento de portos devido à condições meteorológicas adversas, os processos de erosão costeira, a destruição de construções à beira-mar e as enchentes anômalas são algumas das ...

The basins of Campos and Santos, the most important offshore oil reserves in Brazil, hold potenti... more The basins of Campos and Santos, the most important offshore oil reserves in Brazil, hold potential for being the largest offshore oil exploration fields in the next decades, mainly due to the oil located in the pre-salt layer. This region presents real conditions for the occurrence of intense atmospheric events added to the high velocity of the meanders of the Brazilian current. However, the increasing risk of accidents and damage in the region has been the subject of concern and discussion. The risks in the basins of Campos (2011) and Santos (2012) may not exhibit the the same potential for disastrous events as do those in the oil fields of Alaska and of the Gulf of Mexico, but accidents in these areas are not unlikely, as already evidenced by previous accidents under similar operating conditions (e.g. Chevron Platform accident in Campos Basin, RJ, Brazil, 2011). This paper highlights discussion of the multidisciplinary and substantial environmental features in oil exploration fields along the Brazilian coast based on Semi-Systematic Review methodology. The aspects evaluated cover not only geological traits, oceanic and meteorological circulation, but also current oil production, the most significant oil spill accidents recorded up to 2019 and the discussion about some current levels of seawater contamination.
Papers by Daniel Constantino Zacharias