Papers by Daniel Collado-Ruiz

Creativity attracts the attention of very different disciplines. But what is creativity when put ... more Creativity attracts the attention of very different disciplines. But what is creativity when put under the spotlight? This book presents the work and findings of the participants to the Creativity Engineering Summer University in Vienna, July 2011. The motto: from a creative idea to its successful implementation. The reader is guided through the common steps and reflections that occur when trying to deliver a solid outcome, out of our ideas. How does the mind behave? Why and how do we have ideas? How do we develop them into tangible solutions? The basic concepts are introduced, serving as an introduction to five different and inspiring projects, all of them facing creativity in the different way. From children to professional work, from products to spaces, from networks to consultancy, creativity has its impact on all fields of life.Collado Ruiz, D.; Ostad-Ahmad-Ghorabi, H. (2013). Exercising Creativity 2012. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.
Dyna, 2015
La repercusión de los impactos a l medio ambiente ocasionado por la actividad humana, afecta a to... more La repercusión de los impactos a l medio ambiente ocasionado por la actividad humana, afecta a todas las actividades productiva s y comerciales que sustentan el dí a a día. Los productos de consu mo masivo como el calzado, prov ocan grandes impactos de acuerdo a los materiales y procesos usados para su fabricación. Este trabajo de revisión y análisis, tiene p or objetivo conocer cuáles son las etapas y materiales que provocan mayores i mpactos al medio ambiente, cen trado en el calzado de piel. Los resultados demuestran que dist intos autores llegan a resultados similares en cuanto a etapas y mate riales de mayor impacto. Lo cual permite tomar medidas para rev ertir esta situación, así como canalizar los esfuerzos de investigación en los procesos d e curtido.

Life Cycle Assessment is one of the most popular environmental assessment tools. However, due to ... more Life Cycle Assessment is one of the most popular environmental assessment tools. However, due to its comparative nature, assessing a newly developed product relies on having benchmark information. Since data on previous products is bound not to be of identical products, this entails scaling on functional terms (i.e., in terms of the product s functional unit). For that reason, the authors developed the concept of LCP-families for scaling, and that of fuons to standardize the parameters by which they would be scaled. In order to facilitate the development of new fuons, a systematic stepwise approach is presented in this paper. Step one defined the basic functional flows of the fuon, step two defines and analyzes the scaling parameters through a linear regression model, and step three covers parameters that can potentially differentiate between LCP-families. The framework is shown in the development of two fuons in a case study, and their statistical suitability to be used in scaling...

En un mundo cada vez mas complejo, millones de personas sufren la pobreza, desnutricion, enfermed... more En un mundo cada vez mas complejo, millones de personas sufren la pobreza, desnutricion, enfermedades, guerra, etc. En un intento de mejorar esta situacion, un grupo de miembros de las secciones jovenes (Young Crew) de las asociaciones miembro (o Member Association, MA) de la International Project Management Association (IPMA) ha creado Coaching for Development. Esta plataforma busca compartir con sociedades en vias de desarrollo conocimientos inter-culturales en direccion de proyectos, desarrollando las competencias mediante tutelaje y dando la oportunidad de expandir las redes de contactos de los participantes. Esta iniciativa busca convertirse en una plataforma para que profesionales de la direccion de proyectos en todo el mundo puedan colaborar en paises en vias de desarrollo con sus conocimientos, ayudando a emprendedores sociales con metodos, herramientas e ideas para enfrentarse a los retos organizacionales de sus proyectos. El equipo encargado de organizar esta iniciativa es...

Sustainability, 2018
The aim of this work was to analyse consumers' attitudes to economic, environmental, and social i... more The aim of this work was to analyse consumers' attitudes to economic, environmental, and social information on shoe labels, in particular on sustainable consumption, and also to examine the importance of the source of the information. Three steps were followed to develop an appropriate method of extracting, analysing, and interpreting the information contained in the questionnaire used in the survey: an Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA) to evaluate the reliability and dimensionality of the questionnaire; a Cluster Analysis (CA) and an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to test the ability of the questionnaire to identify different customer categories and the main purchase characteristics included in the questionnaire to characterize each homogeneous group; and a tree classification method using the Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) to characterize the hypothetical scenario of the purchase selection. The results show that consumers, especially those aged between 21 and 30, are concerned about elements related to economic, environmental, and social dimensions on shoe labels. The most important variable in the purchase process was the presence of Environmental Management Systems (e.g., ISO 14001, EMAS). These results could help to optimize the information on shoe labels and would add value by including variables other than environment and price.
The aim of this project was to understand the environment and needs of deaf and hard to hear peop... more The aim of this project was to understand the environment and needs of deaf and hard to hear people to develop a portable vibration device to enhance music perception. An interactive platform for the creation of new ways of musical expression is discussed. The paper presents an introduction to the world of sound and its silence, giving some glimpses about the creativity process that generated the idea as well as its development through different methods and techniques.

The concept of "carbon footprint" is more and more used worldwide, and more and more co... more The concept of "carbon footprint" is more and more used worldwide, and more and more companies use it to launch and to promote their products. The "carbon footprint" of a product is the total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event or product, and usually is expressed in terms of the equivalent of carbon dioxide. Its measurement must include the whole life cycle. As GHG, the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change, IPCC, considers the following: CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2 O, HFC, SF 6 , NF 3 , SF 5 CF 3 , ethers, and other hydrocarbons not considered in the Protocol of Montreal. At university level, there are many institutions that are at the moment directing their efforts to adopt initiatives focused on the reduction of the emissions, as: reduction of energy consumption, investments in renewable energies or the promotion of alternative transports.

Globally, the footwear industry is mainly composed by small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). In... more Globally, the footwear industry is mainly composed by small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). In Spain, the Valencian region brings together the majority of their companies (65%), specifically in the province of Alicante. These companies have been affected by growing imports of Asian products; this fact obliges manufacturers to improve the competitive advantage of their products. To accomplish this objective, this study shows the implementation of some ecodesign strategies applicable to the analyzed sample of products, in order to differentiate them from an environmental point of view. With the comparative simplified life cycle assessment of four woman shoes, the stages of life cycle where greater impact is produced have been identified, as well as the component which causes this great impact. Subsequently, according to the stage identified, the most convenient ecodesign strategies applicable are referred, taking into account the characteristics of the companies (SMEs), in the foot...

Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2015
In order to address environmental aspects during redesign, the product specification must include... more In order to address environmental aspects during redesign, the product specification must include related targets that are reachable and challenging. To do so, this article presents a stepwise approach for combining benchmarking information and component impact, out of life cycle assessment (LCA) scaling. This approach requires allocating environmental impacts to each subsystem, which is not commonly done for some life cycle phases in LCAs, most particularly for use phases. This article includes a methodology for allocating such impacts. The underlying criterion is avoiding complex calculations, to make the method more agile. This methodology is presented in a full case study of a complex product: a knuckle boom crane. The case study results in the percentage of impact reduction needed to meet the market average or best competitors. In particular, the results show that the cylinders of the crane have a high contribution to environmental impact, not only because of their weight, but also because of the active power consumed to activate them.
DYNA, 2015
The environmental impacts caused by human activity, affects all productive and commercial activit... more The environmental impacts caused by human activity, affects all productive and commercial activities that support the day to day. The products of massive consume such as footwear drive large impacts according to the materials and processes used for their manufacture. This paper present a literature review with the main aim to identify which are the phases and materials that cause greater environmental impacts to the environment, focusing on leather shoes. The results demonstrate that different authors reach similar results in terms of phases and high impact materials. The results permit change the current way of action and to focus the main efforts of research on tanning process.

"As Ecodesign becomes more popular, more and more people defend that Life Cycle Assessment (... more "As Ecodesign becomes more popular, more and more people defend that Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) constitutes an almost necessary step within this process. However, this has provoked some level of skepticism and reluctance from industry, who sees this as a considerable investment in time and budget. But what is the cause of such divergence? LCA was initially introduced in the design workflow with very minor modifications, and does not seem to meet the requirements of designers as-is. Some problems arise in the information input for LCA, in the dynamics and specificity of the process itself and in the way in which results can affect the rest of the design process. This paper outlines some potential problems, as well as candidate solutions to ease Ecodesign, without limiting itself to the burdens of current environmental practice. Some first steps on adapting environmental evaluation to design thinking are presented, as well as an outlook of further research with this target in mind. An expected midterm outcome is an effective integration of LCA within CAD systems, in parallel with structural or management recommendations as to integration of environmental criteria within the company."
This paper ties to Fuon Theory, where functional icons are suggested to phrase standardized funct... more This paper ties to Fuon Theory, where functional icons are suggested to phrase standardized functional units. Having functional unit parameters at hand, products that can be described by these parameters can be put into one family. This further helps to compare the environmental performances of products that fall into the same family. In this paper, a fuon for digital storage devices is developed and tested. The fuon can be used to phrase the functional units of a variety of products such as magnetic hard-discs, USB flash drives, SD cards or SSD drives. The functional unit parameters are derives for the fuon and its applicability is tested through different statistic tests.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
Most knowledge-and particularly know-how-tends to be implicit, difficult to communicate in an eas... more Most knowledge-and particularly know-how-tends to be implicit, difficult to communicate in an easy form, and sometimes impossible to document, this is the tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge provides competitive advantage for future successful companies. Making tacit knowledge available to others should be the central activity of the knowledge and innovation creating organization. A prerequisite for the evolution of tacit knowledge is an open culture in an organization, interaction with others. So, knowledge sharing is the fundamental means through which employees can contribute to knowledge creating, innovation, and ultimately the competitive advantage of the organization. But there are some barriers in the creation and sharing knowledge so that they become critical processes in corporate knowledge management. This paper proposes a framework approach, to integrate creation and sharing knowledge process, based on the resolution of the main walls which exist within both process, and which the company can exploit using different tools. The expected benefits of this approach include personal satisfaction and development, rationalization of decision-making processes by making them explicit, increase productivity, increasing knowledge creation and sharing culture and innovation.

Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2012
Many authors have agreed on the interest of considering environmental concerns in the early stage... more Many authors have agreed on the interest of considering environmental concerns in the early stages of product development. However, most ecodesign tools are based on life cycle assessment principles and require a model to give information about the product's environmental performance. This modeling can have negative effects on team performance and on the potential for innovation, not to mention on the project's duration. Additionally, the model requires information that is not available in the early design stages. This paper analyzes the potential of inferring conclusions about the life cycle stages with the highest impact, out of similar products. Out of a database of previous products, environmental profile estimations are carried out, that is the assessments of the contribution of each life cycle stage to the total impact and the variability of measure. It is then possible to discardor ensure consideration oflife cycle stages. Furthermore, the level of the conclusions is assessed on a five-point scale. The proposed approach is applied to four case studies with different levels of abstraction and the relevance of the conclusions is assessed. The article resolves the potential of estimating the distribution of the environmental impacts along the life cycle.
Papers by Daniel Collado-Ruiz