Papers by Daniel Aranguren
... Juan Arizaga1,2*, Agustín Mendiburu1, Asier Aldalur1, Daniel Alonso1, Iñaki Aranguren1, Itzia... more ... Juan Arizaga1,2*, Agustín Mendiburu1, Asier Aldalur1, Daniel Alonso1, Iñaki Aranguren1, Itziar Asenjo1, Juan F. Cuadrado1, Eneko Díez1, Alfredo Herrero1 ... estación de anillamiento de Txingudi está financiada por el Go-bierno Vasco, Diputación de Gipuzkoa y Orona S. Coop ...
Diabetes Care, 2009
T he metabolic syndrome is a constellation of cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors associate... more T he metabolic syndrome is a constellation of cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors associated with insulin resistance, which predisposes individuals to diabetes, and appears to be a multifactorial risk factor for cardiovascular disease, although its clinical significance remains controversial (1). Since it may become useful to be able to predict who will develop metabolic syndrome, we explored the value of lipid accumulation product (LAP), a novel index of central lipid accumulation, which has been associated with cardiovascular disease (2) and diabetes (3). LAP is based on a combination of waist circumference and triglyceride: [LAP ϭ (WC Ϫ 65) ϫ TG for men and (WC Ϫ 58) ϫ TG for women] (2), where TG is triglyceride and WC is waist circumference.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2011
Insulin receptor substrate-1 Insulin resistance Metabolic syndrome Polymorphism Smoking Tobacco a... more Insulin receptor substrate-1 Insulin resistance Metabolic syndrome Polymorphism Smoking Tobacco a b s t r a c t Aims: To explore associations between IRS-1 rs1801278 G > A polymorphism and metabolic syndrome (MS). Methods: rs1801278 G > A was genotyped in 610 healthy Argentinian men. Results: GA carriers had lower risk of MS (OR = 0.52, P = 0.045), particularly among smokers (OR = 0.10, P = 0.006). Conclusions: rs1801278 GA carriers had lower risk of MS, especially among smokers.

Journal of The Geological Society, 2006
This study deals with the structure of the El Hongo trondhjemite, a ENE-WSW elongate pluton belon... more This study deals with the structure of the El Hongo trondhjemite, a ENE-WSW elongate pluton belonging to the Famatinian magmatic arc that developed from Late Cambrian to Silurian times in the Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina). Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements combined with structural and microstructural data permit the correlation of magmatic and magnetic fabrics within this ferromagnetic pluton. Magnetic foliations strike north-south and dip steeply west but in the marginal facies the foliation becomes parallel to the ENE-WSW pluton contacts. Magnetic lineations mostly trend north-south and plunge SE. Gravity data reveal that the pluton is in the form of a very thin horizontal sheet resting on two north-south-trending root zones detected below the central portion of the pluton. These root zones represent feeder dykes that exploited tension fractures. The emplacement of the El Hongo pluton took place during the action of a buried sinistral shear zone, parallel to the elongation of the pluton, corresponding to a transfer fault associated with the late extensional exhumation of the Famatinian domain. The emplacement of other Famatinian granites of the Sierras Pampeanas could be related to similar late shear zones.

Journal of Electrostatics, 2009
Charges neutralized by lightning flashes have been usually located and inferred from the quasi-st... more Charges neutralized by lightning flashes have been usually located and inferred from the quasi-static changes in the vertical component of electric field (DE) obtained from multiple synchronized measurement stations. In this paper, the charges neutralized by negative cloud-to-ground (ÀCG) lightning flashes are located and inferred using single station electric field measurements in combination with total lightning (cloud-to-ground and intra-cloud) data from lightning detection networks in the north-eastern region of Spain. The altitude of the negative charge region in 8 thunderstorms examined here was in the range of 5.8-7.2 km as inferred from temperature soundings. Charge locations are assumed to be in the region where the VHF (Very High Frequency) sources associated with the discharge are located. The quantity of charge neutralized is calculated using a point charge model and the measured vertical component of electric field (DE) associated with each flash. The results are compared with those previously obtained from measurements carried out in the NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida. The analysis of 260 ÀCG flashes from eight thunderstorms reveals a median charge value of À9.7 C with 95% of the values ranging between À4.5 C and À45 C.
Journal of Electrostatics, 2009
A numerical study of laser-triggered discharges in air at atmospheric pressure is presented for a... more A numerical study of laser-triggered discharges in air at atmospheric pressure is presented for an ultraviolet laser in small gaps. Two models, one for the ionization of the air by the laser pulse and the second for the streamer evolution have been computed. From results of numerical simulations the influence of the laser parameters such as energy, pulse duration and beam radius is analyzed and electron distributions are obtained for different small gaps. Electric field, streamer velocity and evolution of the ionized volume are calculated by means of streamer simulations. This paper shows the main features of the laser-triggered discharges and also the importance of using numerical simulations in a laser-triggered experiment.

Journal of Electrostatics, 2009
This work presents an analysis of lightning warnings based on atmospheric electrostatic field mea... more This work presents an analysis of lightning warnings based on atmospheric electrostatic field measurements achieved in the city of Terrassa (northeastern Spain). Seven summer thunderstorms were analyzed. Lightning location data were obtained from two lightning detection networks that provide cloud-to-ground (CG) and intra-cloud (IC) flash information. Warning behaviour was studied on the basis of the ''two area method'' using both electrostatic field (EF) thresholds and polarity reversal detection. The study of the total lightning locations (CG þ IC) with respect to the electric field mill (EFM) site lets investigate the possible EF threshold and EF polarity inversion values useful for warning. The probability of detection (POD) and the false alarm ratio (FAR) were evaluated in both cases obtaining slightly better results by using polarity change criteria. The paper also includes a discussion about the lead times (LTs) obtained between the trigger of a warning and a CG located in the area of concern (AOC).
Desarrolle un algoritmo que permita leer dos valores distintos, determinar cual de los dos valore... more Desarrolle un algoritmo que permita leer dos valores distintos, determinar cual de los dos valores es el mayor y escribirlo.
Papers by Daniel Aranguren