Papers by Daniel Ankah Odoom

African journal of empirical research, Jan 2, 2024
Climate change communication remains a vital issue globally in view of the increasing concerns on... more Climate change communication remains a vital issue globally in view of the increasing concerns on the adverse impacts of climate change. Using a total of 327 Ghanaians, this research investigated public perception on the level of effectiveness of climate change communication channels in the country. Simple random and convenience sampling methods were employed to select respondents who filled a set of questionnaires. In analyzing the data, cross tabulation, means, standard deviations, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test were employed. Though many respondents believed climate change is already harming local communities, they were dissatisfied with the existing institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks for addressing climate change impacts. Also, the respondents believed that local authorities, the media and political officeholders were not actively addressing climate change impacts. Radio, television, and social media platforms were perceived as generally effective climate change communication channels in Ghana. However, respondents were lowly satisfied with the overall level of effectiveness of climate change communication channels in the country. Significant differences existed in the views of respondents on the effectiveness of climate change communication channels used in Ghana based on gender (Z score=-2.022, P<0.5). Similarly, there were significant differences in the views of respondents on the effectiveness of climate change communication channels and their level of education (X 2 =23.763, P<0.05). The Ministry of Environment, Science and Innovation should team up with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, and the Ministry of Information to develop a more comprehensive program aimed at promoting behavior and social change towards climate change adaptation and mitigation. The Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies should liaise with community radios to come up with measures to promote the use of climate change communication channels based on the unique demographic characteristics and socio-cultural contexts of target audience.

Tanzania journal of development studies, Dec 22, 2021
Despite increasing calls for adequate measures to promote participatory development, stakeholder ... more Despite increasing calls for adequate measures to promote participatory development, stakeholder satisfaction with participation in development projects remains a challenge. This study explored the views of beneficiaries of Cocoa Life Project interventions and local authorities of Wassa East District of Ghana regarding their satisfaction with participation during the planning, implementation and evaluation stages of a development project. The study used sequentialdependence mixed methods design. A total of 410 respondents including farmers, members of Village Savings and Loans Groups, Head of District Agriculture Department, Head of Business Advisory Centre, District Education Planner and Extension Agents were selected for the study. Interview schedule, focus group discussion and interview guides were used for data collection. The study found that, apart from awareness creation on development problems and problem identification, project beneficiaries and local authorities were lowly satisfied with participation in planning activities. Again, satisfaction with participation in evaluation activities of the project was low among beneficiaries and local authorities. Also, no significant difference manifested in the overall satisfaction with participation among project beneficiaries irrespective of differences in sex and marital status.

International journal of innovative research and development, Dec 31, 2018
This study examined the recruitment and selection challenges faced by higher educational institut... more This study examined the recruitment and selection challenges faced by higher educational institutions in Ghana with using Takoradi Technical University (TTU) as a case. The convergent parallel mixed method research approach was adopted in a descriptive survey design. A total of 94 respondents made up of 92 teaching staff and two key officers of the University were involved in the study using stratified, simple random and purposive sampling techniques, with questionnaire and interview guide as the instruments for data collection. Statistical tools such as frequencies, percentages and independent sample t-test were used for analyzing the quantitative data, whilst in the case of the qualitative analysis, transcribed data were analyzed thematically. The study observed that low salary and inadequate incentive packages in the institution, insufficient autonomy, competition from other tertiary institutions, and favoritism and personal contact were challenges to recruitment and selection. Other challenges found include over-reliance on internal recruitment, delays in declaring vacant positions, and political influence. These challenges were problematic to the success of recruitment and selection process of the University. Also, the recruitment and selection challenges that male lecturers faced were not different from that of their female colleagues. It is recommended that government should facilitate the employment of persons to teach in the tertiary institutions by way of removing embargos and providing the necessary clearance to enable the institution address its human resource capacity gaps. The Management of Takoradi Technical University should team up with the HRM Division to come out with clear measures to enhance transparency in recruitment and selection process.

Decentralization has been advocated by development partners and agencies as well as civil societi... more Decentralization has been advocated by development partners and agencies as well as civil societies in both developed and developing nations as an essential mechanism for broadening citizen participation and improving local governance. Its aim is the enhancement of the socio- economic conditions of the citizens to facilitate poverty reduction. Indeed, the resurgence of decentralization has become a momentous dimension of political, fiscal and administrative reforms in many developing countries in recent times due to globalization and progressive improvement in technology. This appears to justify the unmatched attention given to decentralization as a form of government by scholars and organizations. Theapparently unending debate over the concept is a demonstration of the fact that caution ought to be taken in terms of the appreciation of decentralization so as to avoid confusion. This paper sought to contribute to the debates on decentralization through an analysis of some the existing literature in order to help situate the concept into its proper perspective.

American Journal of Economics, 2020
Effective transport systems are critical in the socio-economic development of nations. Globally, ... more Effective transport systems are critical in the socio-economic development of nations. Globally, there is a wide recognition of the need to put in place adequate measures to achieve sustainable transport systems for the greater good of society. To do this, requires an awareness of the myriad of challenges faced by stakeholders in the transport sector. Against this background, the researchers sought to explore the transportation challenges companies in Ghana face using Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis (STM) as a case. The study adopted the mixed methods approach with descriptive survey as the design. A total of 85 employees of three companies in the Metropolis was involved in the study through census data collection method. The research instruments used were questionnaire and interview guide whilst percentages, means, standard deviation and thematic analytical tools were employed for the study. The study discovered that the greatest transport management challenge in the Metropolis is the ...

This study examined the contributions of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) to the Ghanaian... more This study examined the contributions of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) to the Ghanaian organizations, with a particular emphasis on Anglogold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine Limited using the quantitative research approach and the descriptive research design. The target population was the employees of the Company, with a total of 201 respondents selected based on simple random sampling method and a response rate of about 60%. A set of questionnaire was used to collect data for the study whilst frequencies and percentages were used to analyze the collected data. The study found that HRIS in the Company has proven to be very useful. For example, time spent on recruiting, training, data inputting, processing of documents, etc. has reduced due to the introduction of HRIS in the Company. Also, HRIS has led to cost savings in the Organization in areas including recruiting, hiring and training of employees, as well as data inputting. Again, HRIS has contributed to effective dissemination...

European Journal of Business and Management, 2018
Human resource is essential in the development of every nation. Nations including Ghana have and ... more Human resource is essential in the development of every nation. Nations including Ghana have and continue to make concerted efforts in terms of human capital formation required to drive their development agenda. To achieve effective human resource means that institutions such as the polytechnics and universities charged with the responsibility of churning out well-qualified personnel have the capacity to carry out their mandate. Efforts towards human resource capacity at the polytechnics and universities require that investments are made in staff development and retention at these institutions. Failing to develop and retain well-qualified personnel in these institutions will make the dream of sustainable human resource development a mirage. In essence, staff development within the tertiary institutions is vital in positioning them as centers of excellence within the discourse of strategic human capital formation measures. This paper therefore focuses on analyzing factors affecting s...

Journal of Development and Communication Studies, 2021
Decentralisation policy is important in ensuring effective delivery of development services at th... more Decentralisation policy is important in ensuring effective delivery of development services at the local level. Governments across the globe utilize decentralised government system as a way of promoting people-centered development. Notwithstanding the value of decentralisation policy, governments struggle with the provision of development services at the local level. This suggests that more efforts need to be made to ensure the realisation of the dividends of decentralisation. However, this cannot be made without an awareness of the challenges local actors face in the delivery of development services. This paper examines the views of stakeholders on the challenges associated with the delivery of development projects within the Ghanaian decentralised government system using the Shama District as a case in order to proffer some measures to improve the situation in the country using the sequential-explanatory mixed method design. Data were collected using interview guide and interview...

New Media and Mass Communication, 2021
Health is closely tied to human development and the overall development of a nation. Indeed, thro... more Health is closely tied to human development and the overall development of a nation. Indeed, throughout history, improved public health has been a major determinant of development. Within this context, the consequences of infectious diseases including the novel Coronavirus are not in doubt. Particularly, the COVID-19 pandemic has destabilized the much-talked about world civilization with many nations still under various infection control measures. Globally, the pandemic has resulted in several losses in the areas of jobs, income, government revenues, foreign direct investments, among others. Beyond the incalculable economic losses, the pandemic constitutes a great threat to physical, social and mental health. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, several studies have been conducted on the experiences of different countries to help deepen global knowledge on the pandemic. This review paper chronicles the Ghanaian experience of COVID-19 and attempts to probe whether the country's overall response to the disease is worthy of emulation by other nations. Part one introduces the paper by looking at the intersection of health and development, a brief history of COVID-19, challenges associated with the pandemic and measures some countries have employed to rebuild their economies. Part two describes the key issues underpinning the spread of the virus in Ghana whilst part three considers the efforts key stakeholders employed to contain and manage the spread of the virus. Part four focuses on the challenges Ghana has faced in the management of the pandemic whereas the concluding part presents the core issues which should engage the attention of stakeholders.

International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2018
Development helps to empower people and promote important changes in their lives. However, for de... more Development helps to empower people and promote important changes in their lives. However, for development to occur there is the need for an educated population, physical and financial resources. Within this framework, governments and development partners, all over the world, initiate several approaches aimed at improving the wellbeing of their citizens. Despite the efforts made to improve the lives of people, there is a wide recognition that development projects provided at the local level sometimes fail to meet desired expectations for several reasons. This study sought to explore the views of local authorities and other key stakeholders of Shama District on the sustainability of development projects provided at the local level in order to suggest measures for improvement in a concurrent-dependence mixed method approach. The design of this study was descriptive and exploratory and a total of 79 respondents were selected for the study using purposive, convenience and census data collection techniques. Research instruments used are interview schedule and interview guide. Frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation were used for the quantitative analysis whilst thematic analysis was done for the qualitative data. The study found that even though there was a structure in place for the management of development projects in the District participation of key members was very low. It was also found that several factors such as political, economic, ethical, cultural and environmental affected the management of projects in the District. A number of factors were identified as affecting the sustainability of the development projects in the District. They include local participation in project planning, local ownership of projects, inclusion of local initiatives and knowledge in the planning of projects, transparency in the implementation of projects, accountability in the implementation of development projects, empowerment of the local people, and commitment among the local people. It is recommended that the District Assembly should provide more platforms to ensure active participation of all stakeholders in local decision making in relation to development projects.

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2019
Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) play an important role in making services available to the finan... more Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) play an important role in making services available to the financially excluded masses, especially the needy and the informal sector. MFIs do not only have a considerable influence in reducing poverty but are able to do so in a manner that is sustainable. These institutions predominantly are regarded to be critical tools for growth in battling poverty and over-reliance on central and local governments, in several developing nations including Ghana. In spite of the above, MFIs face a number of challenges in Ghana, with the news of collapse of some MFIs which has become a cause for concern to various stakeholders. This tends to create some doubts regarding the role MFIs play in the Ghanaian economy. Using Takoradi as a case, this study sought to examine the views of operators and employees of MFIs with regard to the contributions of the institutions to the economy of Ghana through descriptive survey design in a quantitative research approach. The researchers adopted the purposive and simple random sampling techniques in selecting 114 respondents for the study, with questionnaire as the research instrument. Analytical tools used for the study were frequencies, percentages and an independent sample t-test. The study revealed that in terms of their types based on client base, most microfinance institutions operating in the city targeted SME operators. Also, based on their services, MFIs in the city were grouped into individual lending, group lending, compulsory and voluntary savings, among others. Again, the study found that MFIs in Takoradi contribute variously to the local economy including provision of financial capital to the people; income generation; employment creation; engaging the non-formal economy and providing support for SMEs to grow. Other contributions are in the areas of women empowerment; savings culture, credit facilities, asset creation tools and financial literacy. It is recommended that MFIs collaborate with local authorities including the District Assemblies and Business Advisory Centres to come with measures to ensure penetration into the rural areas in order to improve the conditions of the rural folks.
Chinese Education & Society, 2006
Translation © 2006 M.E. Sharpe, Inc., from the Chinese text. He Chunlan, “NGO yu Zhongguo jiaoyu ... more Translation © 2006 M.E. Sharpe, Inc., from the Chinese text. He Chunlan, “NGO yu Zhongguo jiaoyu fazhan,” in Zhongguo jiaoyu lanpi shi (Chinese Education Blue Book) (Beijing: Higher Education Publishing House, 2004), pp. 45–61. Translated by Ted Wang. Chinese Education and Society, vol. 39, no. 1, January/February 2006, pp. 21–40. © 2006 M.E. Sharpe, Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN 1061–1932 / 2006 $9.50 + 0.00.

Environment, Development and Sustainability, Jan 27, 2023
Nations which are part of the United Nations are required to institute appropriate measures to fu... more Nations which are part of the United Nations are required to institute appropriate measures to fulfil the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, for this to be possible, all stakeholders including the general public need to be fully aware of the SDGs. This research examined the level of public awareness about the SDGs among Ghanaians based on the views of 431 respondents. Means, standard deviation, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis and Pearson Product-Moment Correlations were used for data analysis. The study found that awareness level on SDG 1 (ending poverty), SDG 2 (zero hunger, food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture), SDG 3 (health and well-being), SDG 5 (gender equality), and SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation) was high among Ghanaians. However, awareness level on SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), SDG 14 (conservation of life below water), and SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) was very low among Ghanaians. No significant difference manifested in the level of awareness among male and female Ghanaians. There were statistically significant differences in educational levels of respondents and their overall level of awareness of the SDGs. Also, there was a low, negative correlation between overall level of awareness and the effectiveness of the communication strategies used in creating awareness about the SDGs. Government should reexamine its communication strategies on the SDGs and put in place a more effective communication policy framework which involves grassroots populations and local communities.

E-Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Sciences, Sep 9, 2022
Gender equality has gained unmatched attention in recent times in line with sustainable developme... more Gender equality has gained unmatched attention in recent times in line with sustainable development goals. Globally, governments and organizations are encouraged to institute measures to promote gender equality. This study examined the efforts World Vision Ghana (WVG) made in promoting gender equality under the Cocoa Life Project, using Wassa East District as a case. The alternative development and participation theories grounded this study. Data was obtained from 342 respondents using an interview schedule and focus group discussion guide. Frequencies, percentages and independent samples t-tests were used for the quantitative analysis whereas content analysis was done for the qualitative data. The study discovered that WVG had put in place measures such as the provision of training on modern farming practices and financial literacy equally for men and women to promote gender equality under the Cocoa Life Project. The Organization also offered equal access to information, alternative livelihood programs and credit facilities for men and women as a strategy to promote gender equality in the District. No significant differences manifested in the views of male and female beneficiaries regarding the efforts WVG made to promote gender equality. However, despite the sensitization programs organized by WVG, achieving gender equality in terms of access to farmlands in beneficiary communities was challenging. The paper outlines key theoretical and policy implications of the findings. WVG should effectively collaborate with Cocoa Life Division, Community-Based Organizations and local authorities to design new communication strategies to help enhance women's access to farmlands in beneficiary communities.

E-Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Sciences, May 25, 2020
Communication is critical in any development process. Beyond its role as an empowerment tool, com... more Communication is critical in any development process. Beyond its role as an empowerment tool, communication is used to promote people's participation in development activities.Particularly, citizens rely on knowledge and information in order to successfully respond to the opportunities and challenges of social, economic, cultural, political and technological changes. However, for knowledge and information to be useful in the development process, they must be effectively communicated to people. This brings to the fore the compelling relevance of development communication in development discourse. Though development communication is indispensable in sustainable development drive, many people still struggle to appreciate its underlying philosophical underpinnings, conceptual intentions, core principles and methodologies, hence their failure to make the concept practically relevant in development practice. Besides, the poor appreciation of the underpinnings of development communication contributes to the exclusion and isolation of many people especially the rural people from the process of development. What is more, the ever-increasing demand on the part of the citizenry for participatory development coupled with the significant advancement in technologies and globalization means that concerted efforts ought to be put in place by all development stakeholders including governments, research institutions, researchers, and civil society organisations to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of development communication. To achieve this, however, requires an increased discussion on what really constitutes development communication and also generation of a sustained interest and commitment by all stakeholders to the cause of development communication, bearing in mind its unique principles and methodologies. Any confusion in theorizing and conceptualization of development communication potentially contributes to the seemingly unending complexity associated with efforts towards achieving sustainable development. It is in this regard that this paper contributes to the efforts to help bring clarity to the concept of development communication through a review of some existing literature.

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
Factors responsible for the failure of most development projects are multifaceted. This study foc... more Factors responsible for the failure of most development projects are multifaceted. This study focused on unearthing the causes and effects of public project failure from the perspective of project stakeholders. Sixty stakeholders working on different public projects in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana completed a questionnaire. This study found that major causes of project failure were related to corruption, payment delays, procurement processes, planning, monitoring, bureaucracy, communication, and supervision. The perceived effects of project failure included revenue loss, discouraged investment, and unemployment. Project failure increased the initial cost of projects, impacted economic growth, led to the provision of substandard infrastructure and service relocation. Other effects of project failure were loss of capacity for public projects and emotional stress experienced by project stakeholders. The government of Ghana should adopt strategies to overcome corruption, bureaucrac...

Management Science, 2020
This study assessed the impact of tourism on the hospitality sector’s share to the real Gross Dom... more This study assessed the impact of tourism on the hospitality sector’s share to the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of Ghana. It employed the quantitative research approach and the explanatory research design. The study used time series data from 2007 to 2017 on tourism variables such as tourism receipts to GDP, tourism expenditure to GDP, number of international tourism arrivals to GDP; economic variables or transmission channels such as imports to GDP, exports to GDP, real exchange rate and hospitality sector’s share to GDP growth. Theoretically, this study was grounded on the tourism-led growth hypothesis which helped in explaining the link between tourism and economic growth. Regression analysis was employed as the analytical tool for this study. The study established that tourism drivers such as tourism receipts, tourism expenditure, and number of international tourism arrivals have statistically significant positive relationship with hospitality sector’s share to the c...

Ghana Journal of Development Studies
This study interrogated the factors affecting the sustainability of project interventions impleme... more This study interrogated the factors affecting the sustainability of project interventions implemented in the Wassa East District by World Vision Ghana (WVG) under the Cocoa Life Project in the country. Based on a mixed method research approach, a total of 406 respondents who were farmers, members of village savings and loans associations, gari processors, and soap makers were involved in the study using stratified, simple random, and convenience sampling methods. Structured interviews and focus group discussion guides were the instruments used for data collection. For the quantitative data analysis, frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation and chi-square were used whereas qualitative data obtained was analyzed thematically. The study observed that project interventions implemented in the District by WVG were generally sustainable. Factors such as local ownership, commitment of community members, teamwork, and supportive relationship between WVG team and community me...

Management Science, 2020
This study assessed the impact of tourism on the hospitality sector’s share to the real Gross Dom... more This study assessed the impact of tourism on the hospitality sector’s share to the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of Ghana. It employed the quantitative research approach and the explanatory research design. The study used time series data from 2007 to 2017 on tourism variables such as tourism receipts to GDP, tourism expenditure to GDP, number of international tourism arrivals to GDP; economic variables or transmission channels such as imports to GDP, exports to GDP, real exchange rate and hospitality sector’s share to GDP growth. Theoretically, this study was grounded on the tourism-led growth hypothesis which helped in explaining the link between tourism and economic growth. Regression analysis was employed as the analytical tool for this study. The study established that tourism drivers such as tourism receipts, tourism expenditure, and number of international tourism arrivals have statistically significant positive relationship with hospitality sector’s share to the c...

International Journal of Technology and Management Research, 2020
This paper investigated the reflections of Electoral Commission (EC) officers and voters in the J... more This paper investigated the reflections of Electoral Commission (EC) officers and voters in the Jaman South District with regard to ballot paper wastage in elections in Ghana using descriptive exploratory research design. Purposive and convenience sampling techniques were used to select 172 respondents for the study with questionnaires, structured interview and interview guide as the research instruments. The study revealed that elections were conducted to help select leaders for the nation and to help ensure that leaders are accountable to the people. Policies and ideologies of candidates were found to have little influence on how persons vote. Factors such as protest voting, low public education on elections, and high level of illiteracy were responsible for rejected ballots in the district. Rejected ballot paper was a cost to the EC officers and the voters in terms of resources, time and energy especially during periods of run-offs. The study recommended that the government effec...
Papers by Daniel Ankah Odoom