Papers by Dana Gruschwitz

Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems: Towards high-level automated driving, 2019
The market penetration surveys have provided important insights into the state-of play concerning... more The market penetration surveys have provided important insights into the state-of play concerning vehicle-safety systems in Germany. The surveys have confirmed that some building blocks are widely penetrated or almost ubiquitous in the vehicle fleet (e.g. airbags, ESC), whereas advanced systems (e.g. emergency braking) are at the beginning of penetrating the fleet. The combination of system equipment and socio-demographic/geographic indicators has revealed that the presence of systems on the road (fleet km) is higher than the equipment suggests, because there is already a rational incentive that large equipment is most beneficial for vehicles with high annual mileage. Taken together in a temporal perspective, the surveys point at the growing intelligence of and in the vehicles. One can also recognise the penetration pattern following the innovation cascade where new systems are introduced as options in upper class segments, usually bundled in packages. Over time, innovation seeps through to the volume segments [18]. Vehicle-safety systems are experience goods. Acknowledging that some of the vehicle -safety systems can be interpreted as automation Level 1 s or 2 systems, users can collect valuable experience on how to drive assisted by such systems.
European Transport Research Review, 2015

Mit der Studie „Mobilität in Deutschland 2008“ – kurz „MiD 2008“ – wird es erstmals möglich, die ... more Mit der Studie „Mobilität in Deutschland 2008“ – kurz „MiD 2008“ – wird es erstmals möglich, die Mobilitätsentwicklung in Deutschland anhand einer umfangreichen und thematisch breiten Datengrundlage im Längsschnitt zu betrachten. Für alle 16 Bundesländer ebenso wie für differenzierte Regionstypen liegt nunmehr eine Datenreihe vor, die über das Bilden von Kennzahlen hinaus eine differenzierte Betrachtung der Mobilität der Bevölkerung erlaubt, auch im direkten Vergleich zu 2002. Denn die MiD 2008 stellt in weiten Teilen eine Aktualisierung der MiD 2002 dar. Der umfangreiche Ergebnisbericht, der auch im Internet unter verfügbar ist, zeigt die Ergebnisse zur Mobilität 2008 auf, zu einem großen Teil auch schon mit ersten vertiefenden Auswertungen, die einen detaillierten Einblick in das räumliche Mobilitätsverhalten von unterschiedlichen Bevölkerungsgruppen in unterschiedlichen Regionen Deutschlands geben. Der hier vorliegende Kurzbericht gibt einen schne...

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2009
Data quality does not only refer to statistical characteristics of the respective dataset, but al... more Data quality does not only refer to statistical characteristics of the respective dataset, but also includes further dimensions that are closely related to user requirements in terms of content, convenience of access, comprehensibility, and usability. Especially with respect to datasets designated for multiple secondary analyses by heterogeneous users, particular attention must be given to data processing, data documentation and supplementary information. Within the context of a large-scale national household travel survey, a two-stage evaluation approach was developed in order to get a better understanding of the dataset's usability for various users. The evaluation process consisted of two parts: First, a retrospective online user survey was carried out to get a general overview of the user community, the respective context of data usage and the users' overall satisfaction. Subsequently, a one-day user workshop was held. While the survey was mainly designed as exploratory instrument to reveal effectively the majority of relevant issues, the workshop was intended to discuss complex or controversial matters with highly qualified and committed stakeholders. Both the survey as well as the workshop revealed the crucial role of a user-centered approach when conducting a survey. In fact, quite a few adjustments can be accomplished with reasonable effort while ensuring comparability and keeping within a given budget. Mostly, these adjustments are related to data processing, documentation and information. Based on the findings, general recommendations were made with special emphasis on the essential consideration of different user requirements.
Papers by Dana Gruschwitz