Papers by Damir Stanić

Michael Weise is a German historian of the younger generation. He studied and worked as a student... more Michael Weise is a German historian of the younger generation. He studied and worked as a student research assistant at the University of Giessen from 2006 to 2012. From 2012 to 2015. he was a “research assistant” at the Research Group of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft “Gewaltgemeinschaften on the sub-project Fremde Gewalt – Grenzkriegergruppen in Binnenraum des europäischen Kriegstheaters im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. He is currently employed as “head of exhibitions and collections” at Stiftung Lutherhaus Eisenach. Already in his master’s thesis, he wrote about the role of Croatian soldiers in the Thirty Years’ War, more precisely on their activities in the territory of the German federal state of Hessen. He published several more articles about Croatian soldiers in the Thirty Years’ War and is currently writing his doctoral dissertation entitled “Kroatenjahre” – Gewalthandeln und Gewaltwahrnehmung einer “fremden” Kriegergruppe im Dreißjährigen Krieg, i.e. in English translation “Year of the Croats” – Acts of Violence and Perception of the Violence of Mercenaries in the Thirty Years’ War.
Colleague Weise was also a member of the editorial board of the collection of papers Zwischen Tätern und Opfern. Gewaltbeziehungen und Gewaltgemeinschaften (Between Perpetrators and Victims. Violent Relationships and Community Violence), Göttingen, 2017.
It should be emphasized that he was also one of the participants of the notable International Scientific Conference “Chronicles of mercenaries, legends and stereotypes” held on the occasion of marking the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War in April 2018 in Zagreb. Since he is writing his doctoral dissertation, which will undoubtedly arouse great interest in the domestic historiographic scene, I asked him for an interview in which he would present the results of his research to the Croatian and International readership.
Colleague Weise’s bibliography is attached to the interview.

Radovi - Zavod za hrvatsku povijest, Vol. 53, br. 2, 2021
Nakon dugotrajne ekspanzije, osmansko napredovanje na ugarsko-hrvatskom prostoru suzbijeno je tij... more Nakon dugotrajne ekspanzije, osmansko napredovanje na ugarsko-hrvatskom prostoru suzbijeno je tijekom Dugog rata 1593 – 1606, odnosno potpisivanjem Žitvanskog mirovnog sporazuma. Od tog trenutka pograničje između Habsburške Monarhije i Osmanskog Carstva postaje stabilnije i bez osobito velikih teritorijalnih promjena sve do početka Velikoga bečkog rata 1683 – 1699. Međutim, iako velikih teritorijalnih promjena nije bilo, ipak je u međuvremenu dolazilo do određenog zauzimanja, od nosno gubitka teritorija s obiju suprotstavljenih strana. Iako se iz makroperspektive takve teritorijalne promjene nisu smatrale nepremostivim problemom dostatnim za prekidanje mirovnog sporazuma i pokretanje općeg rata, one su na hrvatskom prostoru bile od velike sociopolitičke važnosti. Upravo je na prostoru Hrvatske i Primorske krajine u razdoblju od 1620-ih do 1640-ih došlo do osmanskog zauzi manja niza napuštenih utvrda, smještenih između suprotstavljenih imperija, koje su prema Žitvanskom mirovnom sporazumu morale ostati puste i nezaposjednute. Takav razvoj događaja izazvao je poprilično negodovanje Habsburgovaca, tada silno opterećenih sukobima u Tridesetogodišnjem ratu (1618 – 1648), te potom i opreznu vojnu reakciju habsburške strane. U ovom radu prikazat će se kako se ta osmanska ekspanzija odvijala te kakve su bile reakcije s habsburške strane.
The Ottoman Occupation of Abandoned Fortifications along the Croatian and Littoral Border from the 1620 to 1640s After more than a century of expansion, the Ottoman advance into Hungarian Croatian territory was finally halted during the Long Turkish War of 1593-1606, i.e., after the conclusion of the Peace of Zsitvatorok in 1606. From that moment onward, the border zone between the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire became more stable and did not endure major territorial changes until the beginning of the Great Vienna War of 1683-1699. However, although no major territorial shifts occurred until the 1680s, there was still some territorial adjustments on both opposing sides. Even though such changes were not considered insurmountable problems sufficient to break the peace agreement and spark open warfare, they had great socio-political significance from the Croatian standpoint. From the 1620s to the 1640s, the Ottomans occupied a series of abandoned fortifications between opposing empires adjacent to the Croatian Military Fron tier, which, according to the Zsitvatorok Treaty, had to be completely abandoned. This development caused quite a stir among the Habsburgs, heavily burdened by the conflicts of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), and then prompted a limited Habsburg military response. In this paper I shall analyse the manner in which this Ottoman expansion unfolded and the reactions from the Habsburg side.
Katalog izložbe „Hrvati – ljudi iza mita. Janko Šajatović Krabat i hrvatske garde u Europi“ / Exhibition catalogue „Croats – Men behind the Myth. Janko Šajatović Krabat and Croat Guards in Europe“, 2020
Katalog izložbe „Hrvati – ljudi iza mita. Janko Šajatović Krabat i hrvatske garde u Europi“, Etn... more Katalog izložbe „Hrvati – ljudi iza mita. Janko Šajatović Krabat i hrvatske garde u Europi“, Etnografski muzej Zagreb, 28.1.2020.-10.4.2020./ Exhibition catalogue „Croats – Men behind the Myth. Janko Šajatović Krabat and Croat Guards in Europe“. Etnographic Museum Zagreb, January 28th-April 10th 2020. Coauthors - Vladimir Brnardić, Filip Hren, Hans-Jurgen Schroter, Monika Šajatović Bračika, Tanja Kocković Zaborski, Ana Kolonić
Riječi, Časopis za književnost, kulturu i znanost Matice hrvatske Sisak 1-2/2020., 2020
Esej o Kordunu i bivšem vojnokrajiškom prostoru u cjelovitoj formi. U Zarezu je bio objavljen sam... more Esej o Kordunu i bivšem vojnokrajiškom prostoru u cjelovitoj formi. U Zarezu je bio objavljen samo prvi dio eseja.

Bihać kao sjedište Bihaćke kapetanije i slobodni kraljevski grad / Bihać as a Seat of the Bihać Captaincy and a Free Royal City, 2020
Doktorski rad / Doctoral Dissertation, 2020
Slobodni kraljevski grad Bihać bio je do osmanskog o... more Doktorski rad / Doctoral Dissertation, 2020
Slobodni kraljevski grad Bihać bio je do osmanskog osvajanja 1592. jedan od najvažnijih urbanih, a time i sociopolitičkih centara onodobnoga hrvatskog prostora. Izvanredno pozicioniran uz komunikaciju koja je spajala jadranski i panonski prostor, smješten na toku rijeke Une, zaštićen planinama te dobro naseljen i utvrđen, Bihać će vrlo brzo postati važno vojno središte u kontekstu sukoba s Osmanlijama. Desetljećima prije stupanja dinastije Habsburg na ugarsko-hrvatsko prijestolje započet će proces transformacije Bihaća u jedan od centara protuosmanskoga obrambenog sustava, a taj će proces kulminirati nakon 1527. kada grad postaje sjedište Bihaćke kapetanije, zborno mjesto Hrvatske krajine te ključna točka za sigurnost hrvatskog prostora i unutrašnjeaustrijskih zemalja, primarno Kranjske.
Iako je slobodni kraljevski grad Bihać nastavio funkcionirati pod naslijeđenom gradskom upravnom strukturom, odvijalo se to u bitno drugačijem kontekstu. Sve izraženija osmanska ekspanzija i formiranje krajiškog sustava kao habsburškog odgovora, u konačnici je dovelo do podređenosti civilne gradske strukture onoj kapetanijskoj - o kojoj je uostalom ovisila i obrana grada.
U prvom dijelu disertacije istražio sam i prezentirao kontekst nastanka Bihaćke kapetanije, njezin teritorijalni razvoj, promjene u strateškom značenju kroz promatrani period, broj i karakteristike vojnika gradske posade te vojnih postrojbi slanih u pomoć gradu, stanje i promjene u fortifikacijskoj infrastrukturi grada, a posebno poglavlje posvećeno je bihaćkim kapetanima i višim časnicima koji su bili dio gradske posade. Istražio sam i problematiku dopreme i skladištenja oružja i opreme u gradu te obavještajnu, stražarsku i poštansku važnost Bihaća u krajiškom kontekstu.
U drugom dijelu disertacije fokusirao sam se na pojedine društvene procese kao posljedice pograničavanja, odnosno militarizacije hrvatskog prostora koja se očitovala u porastu stanovništva uključenog u ratne aktivnosti i uzdizanjem krajiške upravne strukture nad tradicionalnom civilnom strukturom ‒ u ovom slučaju bihaćkom gradskom općinom. Nakon prikaza razvoja, statusa i dostupnih podataka o pripadnicima gradske općine u promatranom periodu, prezentirao sam dinamiku suodnosa civilnih i vojnih vlasti, demografsku problematiku Bihaća, odnosno pitanje broja stanovnika, poziciju Bihaća u kontekstu velikih migracija stanovništva na pograničju i prema unutrašnjosti uključujući i uskočka kretanja. Na kraju sam istražio kako i odakle se prehranjivalo bihaćko stanovništvo, kako je uređen opskrbni sustav te odakle su i kojim komunikacijama pristizale namirnice za gradsku vojnu posadu.
Budući da je hrvatsko pograničje bilo dio protuosmanskoga defenzivnog sustava na širem europskom prostoru te da je Bihać bio najvažniji grad na hrvatskom pograničju, vjerujem da će istraživanje navedene problematike biti relevantno i na široj regionalnoj/europskoj razini. Protuosmanski napor prije svega je zajednički regionalni pothvat stoga istraživanje tema poput ove implicira aplikaciju širega međunarodnog rakursa, što otvara prostor za precizniju kontekstualizaciju položaja hrvatskih zemalja u onodobnome međunarodnom kontekstu. Također, istraživanje razvoja Bihaćke kapetanije kao pogranične vojne institucije, a zatim i transformacija koje su zahvatile društvo jednog grada na pograničju može biti relevantno i u kontekstu znanstvene discipline „studija granica“ koja postaje sve aktualnija u današnjem svijetu, opterećenom geoplitikom, klimatskim promjenama i ekstenzivnim migracijama.
Prior to the Ottoman conquest in 1592, the free royal city of Bihać was one of the most important urban, and therefore, socio-political centres in the Croatian territory. Extremely well positioned on the communication that connected the Adriatic and Pannonian area, located along the Una River, protected by the mountains, well populated and fortified, Bihać very soon became one of the most important military centres within the context of the conflict with the Ottoman Empire. The process of transformation of Bihać into one of the anti-Ottoman defence centres began decades before the Habsburg dynasty claimed the Hungarian-Croatian throne in 1526/1527. This process would eventually culminate after 1527, when the city became the headquarters of the Bihać captaincy, a rallying place on the Croatian border and a key defensive location for the security of the Croatian and the lands of Inner Austria - primary Carniola.
The free royal city of Bihać continued to function with its traditional administrative structure, but now in a very different context. The ever increasing Ottoman expansion and the formation of the border captaincy as a response to that expansion finally led to the subordination of the city’s civil administrative structure to the administration of the border captaincy - upon which the city’s defence eventually depended.
In the first part of the dissertation I will present the context of the creation of the Bihać captaincy, its territorial development, changes in strategic importance through the observed period, the number and characteristics of the paid soldiers that made the city’s garrison and military units sent as reinforcement, the characteristics and changes in the fortification infrastructure of the city. Special chapter is dedicated to the Bihać’s captains and senior officers who were part of the city's garrison. I will also address the problem of transport and storage of weapons and equipment in the city, as well as the relevance of Bihać for intelligence, guarding and postal networks within the anti-Ottoman border context.
In the second part of the dissertation I will focus on certain social processes which occurred as the consequence of the militarization of the Croatian territory, which are reflected in the increase of the population involved in war activities and the elevation of the military border administrative structure over the traditional civil structure one - in this case, Bihać’s city municipality. After presenting the position, status and available information about the members of the city’s social and administrative structure during the observed period, I will present the dynamics of the relations between civil and military authorities, the demographic issues of Bihać, i.e. the issue of the number of inhabitants, the position of Bihać within the context of the large population movements on the border and towards the interior. In the end I will research how and form where did the population of Bihać ensure its sustenance, how did the supply system function and by which transport routes were the supplies for the military garrison brought into the city.
Since the Croatian border was one of the sections of the anti-Ottoman defensive system in the wider European area, and Bihać was most important city on the Croatian border, I believe that this research will be relevant on a wider regional/European level. The anti-Ottoman effort is primarily a joint regional venture and the addressing of topics such as the aforementioned, implies the appliance of the wider international perspective, which opens the scope/space for a more precise contextualization of the position of Croatian countries in the contemporary international context. Also, exploring the development of the Bihać captaincy as a border military institution, and then the transformations that affected the society of a specific border city can be relevant within the context of the scientific discipline of the "border study", which, in today's world burdened with geopolitical, climate and migratory issues, could become all the more relevant.
Deplijan izložbe „Hrvati – ljudi iza mita. Janko Šajatović Krabat i hrvatske garde u Europi“, Etn... more Deplijan izložbe „Hrvati – ljudi iza mita. Janko Šajatović Krabat i hrvatske garde u Europi“, Etnografski muzej Zagreb, 28.1.2020.-10.4.2020./ Exhibition leaflet „Croats – Men behind the Myth. Janko Šajatović Krabat and Croat Guards in Europe“. Etnographic Museum Zagreb, January 28th-April 10th 2020.Etnografski muzej Zagreb, 28.1.2020.-10.4.2020./ Exhibition leaflet „Croats – Men behind the Myth. Janko Šajatović Krabat and Croat Guards in Europe“. Etnographic Museum Zagreb, January 28th-April 10th 2020.
Coauthors - Vladimir Brnardić, Filip Hren, Hans-Jurgen Schroter, Monika Šajatović Bračika, Tanja Kocković Zaborski, Ana Kolonić

Zbornik "Franz Vaniček i vojnokrajiška historiografija", ur. Robert Skenderović, Stanko Andrić, S... more Zbornik "Franz Vaniček i vojnokrajiška historiografija", ur. Robert Skenderović, Stanko Andrić, Slavonski Brod, 2017. (Franz Vaniček and the Historiography of the Military Frontier, ed Robert Skenderović, Stanko Andrić, Slavonski Brod, 2017.)
Istraživanje ambivalentne lojalnosti pograničnog stanovništva od velike je važnosti za razumijevanje dinamike razvoja hrvatskog, odnosno habsburško–osmanskog krajišta, jer pretpostavlja odmak od krute »mi ili oni«, ili u našem slučaju suštinski točne, ali interpretativno prenaglašene »antemurale Christianitatis« perspektive. Osmanska osvajanja radikalno su izmijenila društvenu strukturu pogođenih područja, ali su istovremeno pokrenula kompleksne procese transformacija u kojima su na razne načine i s različitim ambicijama, participirale različite društvene skupine. Iako je problematika upitne lojalnosti uvrježeno vezana uz vlaške zajednice, izvori pokazuju da su takvi obrasci ponašanja prisutni i kod domicilnog hrvatskog stanovništva. Štoviše, čini se da su Osmanlije neke od svojih najvećih uspjeha na prostoru Hrvatske krajine ostvarili uz asistenciju domaćeg stanovništva, a to je pak mnogo više od puke digresije — to je indikativan podatak koji zorno svjedoči o kompleksnim društvenim odnosima na hrvatskom krajištu.
Studies of interactions and questionable loyalties of the frontier population are of great importance not only for the understanding of the character of Ottoman advancement in Croatian territory at the time, but also for the understanding of the character of Croatian and Habsburg–Ottoman frontier space in general, as confirmed by the fact that studies referring to issues such as interconnections, survival strategies, manipulations with violence at the frontier etc have been very popular among foreign historians lately. This presentation has therefore been designed as a contribution to the implementation of this rather established paradigm in the studies of the history of the Croatian Military Frontier in the aforementioned period. Based on still unused archival sources, the author will present several cases demonstrating that the communities on both sides of the frontier communicated, traded etc, even in the period of the most intensive fighting, and changed their allegiances even more often than we think. Ottoman conquests changed the social structures of the affected areas radically, but at the same time they started the process of transformation that various social groups participated in in different ways and with different ambitions. Even though the issue of questionable loyalties is customarily associated with the Vlach communities, the sources show that such behaviour patterns can be observed in the domicile Croatian population as well. What is more, it seems that the Ottoman Turks have the assistance of the domicile population to thank for some of their biggest successes at the Military Frontier, which is much more than a mere digression: it is an indicative piece of information and a very eloquent testimony of the complex social relations in the aforementioned area in the time period in question.
Prvi dio eseja o Kordunu objavljenog u Zarezu, dvotjedniku za kulturu i društvena pitanja, god. X... more Prvi dio eseja o Kordunu objavljenog u Zarezu, dvotjedniku za kulturu i društvena pitanja, god. XVII, br. 422-23, 4. prosinca 2016. godine.
U ovom radu je, na temelju neiskorištenih izvora pohranjenih u raznim fondovima
Hrvatskoga državn... more U ovom radu je, na temelju neiskorištenih izvora pohranjenih u raznim fondovima
Hrvatskoga državnog arhiva u Zagrebu pobliže istražen proces kolonizacije
teritorija koji je Habsburška Monarhija stekla nakon Turskog rata 1788-1791.
na području današnjega Korduna i Ličkog Pounja. S obzirom na karakter dostupnog
gradiva, istraživački je fokus primarno usmjeren na okolnosti prelaska
prebjega s osmanskog na habsburški teritorij, na kolonizaciju krajišnika na novu
stečevinu te na karakter novopodignutih sela na isturenom pograničju.
Conference Presentations by Damir Stanić

The (im)penetrable Barriers Book of Abstracts International Conference. eds. Robert Kurelić, Davor Bulić, Iva Milovan Delić and Marina Zgrablić, 2020
Over the last couple of years thousands of migrants have attempted to enter Croatia from the nort... more Over the last couple of years thousands of migrants have attempted to enter Croatia from the north-western part of Bosnia and Hercegovina via roads that lead to Croatian border crossing Maljevac and the surrounding Kordun area. These endeavours present a significant security and humanitarian crisis, especially for the authorities of the Una-Sana Canton in Bosnia and Hercegovina. However, this particular area, has a long and tumultuous history. It was a part of the so called Dry border, a borderland area where the border between the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire ran on dry land and not along the rivers, and as such was more exposed to migration, raids, skirmishes and various illegal activities. In my presentation I will address the question of the Ottoman conquest of abandoned fortresses along the Croatian Border in the course of the 1630s - which was an important step in forming of the aforementioned Dry border. After decades-long process of Ottoman advance on the Croatian territory, their expansion stopped in the late 1590s i.e. after the Peace of Zsitvatorok in 1606. From then on, the border between the Habsburg and Ottoman side on the Croatian territory was rather stabile. Nevertheless, sandwiched between the Ottoman Empire and Habsburg Monarchy stood a number of abandoned fortresses that by the terms of the peace treaty had to remain unoccupied and unmanned. It was so until the 1630s when Ottomans began seizing these fortresses which caused a big stir and protests form the Habsburg side. Based on the Habsburg sources I will demonstrate how this process occurred, how was the issue handled from the Habsburg side and what were the consequences of this late Ottoman expansion.

Na temelju istraživanja arhivskoga gradiva Hrvatskoga državnog arhiva, predavanje će prezentirati... more Na temelju istraživanja arhivskoga gradiva Hrvatskoga državnog arhiva, predavanje će prezentirati glavne karakteristike procesa kolonizacije teritorija kojega je Habsburška Monarhija stekla nakon rata s Osmanskim Carstvom 1788. – 1791., na području današnjega Korduna i Ličkoga Pounja, čime je uglavnom i definirana današnja državna granica između Republike Hrvatske i Republike Bosne i Hercegovine. S obzirom na karakter dostupnoga gradiva, istraživački će fokus biti usmjeren na okolnosti prelaska prebjega s osmanskoga na habsburški teritorij, zatim na proces kolonizacije krajišnika te karakter novopodignutih sela na isturenome pograničnom području. Za razliku od ranijih kolonizacija, taj je proces imao bitno drukčije karakteristike jer su nova pogranična naselja prvi put podizana planski i u kontroliranim uvjetima. Nova sela razlikovala su se od starih krajiških sela u unutrašnjosti također zbog činjenice što su bila važan segment kordonskoga sustava, koji je habsburški prostor štitio od upada neprijateljskih jedinica i učestalih pojava epidemija, što je znatno utjecalo na njihov izgled i smještaj. Kolonizacija je, između ostaloga, podrazumijevala formiranje sela na točno određenim lokacijama, izgradnju kuća iste forme te normiranje veličine zemljišnoga posjeda, čiji se dio prostirao tik uz kuće. Krajiška administracija vodila je računa i o broju stanovnika u pojedinim selima, kao i o prosječnome broju članova unutar pojedine obitelji/zadruge. Međutim, uz navedene pozitivne čimbenike prisutni su i neki negativni: cijeli je proces izveden tijekom (u konačnici neuspješne) administrativne reforme kojom je na vojnokrajiškome prostoru odvojena vojna od civilne uprave. Važan su negativan društveni kontekst i uvjeti prolongiranoga ratovanja jer Habsburška Monarhija nakon uspješna okončanja rata s Osmanskim Carstvom ulazi u dramatično i dugotrajno razdoblje konfrontacija s revolucionarnom Francuskom, što je u onodobnome krajiškom društvu izazvalo duboku društvenu krizu.

Zrinski kaštel u Gvozdanskom simbolizira važne temelje obiteljske moći – rudokope i kovnicu novca... more Zrinski kaštel u Gvozdanskom simbolizira važne temelje obiteljske moći – rudokope i kovnicu novca. Redovite prihode od poljoprivrede Zrinski su znatno povećali bogatim nalazima olova, željeza i srebra. Dio svog velikog vlastelinstva, smještenog na obroncima Zrinske gore uz Unu, usmjerili su prema kopanju i preradi ruda. Kaštel Gvozdansko izgradili su u drugoj polovici 15. stoljeća, nakon što su od kralja Matije Korvina dobili pravo na kopanje rudače. Isposlovali su i povlasticu za kovanje novca, pa je kaštel udomio kovnicu i riznicu. U arhitektonskom smislu kaštel je bio kombinacija srednjovjekovnih obrambenih i modernih renesansnih formi. Pravilan tlocrt s kulama na uglovima i visokim zidovima bio je tipičan za renesansne kaštele koji su trebali zadovoljiti potrebe komfornijeg stanovanja i smještaja upravnih djelatnosti, ali i potrebe primarne, kratkotrajne obrane. Kovnica i riznica u unutrašnjosti kaštela bile su dodatno osigurane izgradnjom staromodne obrambene kule s visokim ulazom na ljestve. Gvozdansko i njegovi rudnici dobro su funkcionirali do polovice 16. stoljeća kada je počela jača osmanska najezda na pounske utvrde. Osvajanja su kulminirala padom Zrina i Gvozdanskog 1577/8. godine, a upravo ti gubici dodatno su potaknuli cjelovitu reformu kršćanskog obrambenog sustava. Osmanlije su nastavile iskorištavati rudnike, kao i brojni vlasnici nakon njih, sve do polovine 20. stoljeća. Ipak, sam kaštel pretvorio se u ruševinu mnogo ranije.
Books by Damir Stanić

Katalog izložbe održane u sklopu međunarodne konferencije u povodu 400. godišnjice početka Trides... more Katalog izložbe održane u sklopu međunarodne konferencije u povodu 400. godišnjice početka Tridesetogodišnjeg rata "Kronike plaćenika, legende i stereotipi". Zagreb, 9-10 travanj 2018.
Na izložbi Tko su bili ti „strašni Hrvati”? izložen je reprezentativan izbor reprodukcija arhivskoga, bibliotečnoga i likovnoga gradiva o hrvatskim postrojbama u Tridesetogodišnjemu ratu, pohranjenoga u Hrvatskome državnom arhivu u Zagrebu, Hrvatskom povijesnom muzeju u Zagrebu, Metropolitanskoj knjižnici Zagrebačke Nadbiskupije u Zagrebu, Austrijskome državnom arhivu u Beču, Arhivu Republike Slovenije u Ljubljani, Vojnopovijesnome muzeju u Beču i Vojnome muzeju u Stockholmu. Treba apostrofirati kako je zbog stanja istraženosti i kompleksnosti teme rakurs primarno hrvatski, što podrazumijeva da se nakon kratkoga uvoda u širi kontekst, izloženi materijal ponajprije fokusira na hrvatsku komponentu unutar Tridesetogodišnjega rata.
Catalogue of the exhibition held during the international conference on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the Thirthy Years War. Zagreb, 9-10. April 2018.
The exhibition Who Were Those “Terrible Croats”? presents representative selection of reproductions of archival, library- and visual art records pertaining to the Croatian troops in the Thirty Years’ War, stored at the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb, the Croatian History Museum in Zagreb, the Metropolitan Library of the Archdiocese of Zagreb iz Zagreb, the Austrian State Archives in Vienna, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana, Museum of Military History in Vienna and the Military Museum in Stockholm. It should be emphasized that due to the state of research and the complexity of the subject the viewpoint is primarily a Croatian one, which means that after a short introduction into the wider context the exhibited material is primarily focused on the Croatian component within the Thirty Years’ War.
Papers by Damir Stanić
Colleague Weise was also a member of the editorial board of the collection of papers Zwischen Tätern und Opfern. Gewaltbeziehungen und Gewaltgemeinschaften (Between Perpetrators and Victims. Violent Relationships and Community Violence), Göttingen, 2017.
It should be emphasized that he was also one of the participants of the notable International Scientific Conference “Chronicles of mercenaries, legends and stereotypes” held on the occasion of marking the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War in April 2018 in Zagreb. Since he is writing his doctoral dissertation, which will undoubtedly arouse great interest in the domestic historiographic scene, I asked him for an interview in which he would present the results of his research to the Croatian and International readership.
Colleague Weise’s bibliography is attached to the interview.
The Ottoman Occupation of Abandoned Fortifications along the Croatian and Littoral Border from the 1620 to 1640s After more than a century of expansion, the Ottoman advance into Hungarian Croatian territory was finally halted during the Long Turkish War of 1593-1606, i.e., after the conclusion of the Peace of Zsitvatorok in 1606. From that moment onward, the border zone between the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire became more stable and did not endure major territorial changes until the beginning of the Great Vienna War of 1683-1699. However, although no major territorial shifts occurred until the 1680s, there was still some territorial adjustments on both opposing sides. Even though such changes were not considered insurmountable problems sufficient to break the peace agreement and spark open warfare, they had great socio-political significance from the Croatian standpoint. From the 1620s to the 1640s, the Ottomans occupied a series of abandoned fortifications between opposing empires adjacent to the Croatian Military Fron tier, which, according to the Zsitvatorok Treaty, had to be completely abandoned. This development caused quite a stir among the Habsburgs, heavily burdened by the conflicts of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), and then prompted a limited Habsburg military response. In this paper I shall analyse the manner in which this Ottoman expansion unfolded and the reactions from the Habsburg side.
Slobodni kraljevski grad Bihać bio je do osmanskog osvajanja 1592. jedan od najvažnijih urbanih, a time i sociopolitičkih centara onodobnoga hrvatskog prostora. Izvanredno pozicioniran uz komunikaciju koja je spajala jadranski i panonski prostor, smješten na toku rijeke Une, zaštićen planinama te dobro naseljen i utvrđen, Bihać će vrlo brzo postati važno vojno središte u kontekstu sukoba s Osmanlijama. Desetljećima prije stupanja dinastije Habsburg na ugarsko-hrvatsko prijestolje započet će proces transformacije Bihaća u jedan od centara protuosmanskoga obrambenog sustava, a taj će proces kulminirati nakon 1527. kada grad postaje sjedište Bihaćke kapetanije, zborno mjesto Hrvatske krajine te ključna točka za sigurnost hrvatskog prostora i unutrašnjeaustrijskih zemalja, primarno Kranjske.
Iako je slobodni kraljevski grad Bihać nastavio funkcionirati pod naslijeđenom gradskom upravnom strukturom, odvijalo se to u bitno drugačijem kontekstu. Sve izraženija osmanska ekspanzija i formiranje krajiškog sustava kao habsburškog odgovora, u konačnici je dovelo do podređenosti civilne gradske strukture onoj kapetanijskoj - o kojoj je uostalom ovisila i obrana grada.
U prvom dijelu disertacije istražio sam i prezentirao kontekst nastanka Bihaćke kapetanije, njezin teritorijalni razvoj, promjene u strateškom značenju kroz promatrani period, broj i karakteristike vojnika gradske posade te vojnih postrojbi slanih u pomoć gradu, stanje i promjene u fortifikacijskoj infrastrukturi grada, a posebno poglavlje posvećeno je bihaćkim kapetanima i višim časnicima koji su bili dio gradske posade. Istražio sam i problematiku dopreme i skladištenja oružja i opreme u gradu te obavještajnu, stražarsku i poštansku važnost Bihaća u krajiškom kontekstu.
U drugom dijelu disertacije fokusirao sam se na pojedine društvene procese kao posljedice pograničavanja, odnosno militarizacije hrvatskog prostora koja se očitovala u porastu stanovništva uključenog u ratne aktivnosti i uzdizanjem krajiške upravne strukture nad tradicionalnom civilnom strukturom ‒ u ovom slučaju bihaćkom gradskom općinom. Nakon prikaza razvoja, statusa i dostupnih podataka o pripadnicima gradske općine u promatranom periodu, prezentirao sam dinamiku suodnosa civilnih i vojnih vlasti, demografsku problematiku Bihaća, odnosno pitanje broja stanovnika, poziciju Bihaća u kontekstu velikih migracija stanovništva na pograničju i prema unutrašnjosti uključujući i uskočka kretanja. Na kraju sam istražio kako i odakle se prehranjivalo bihaćko stanovništvo, kako je uređen opskrbni sustav te odakle su i kojim komunikacijama pristizale namirnice za gradsku vojnu posadu.
Budući da je hrvatsko pograničje bilo dio protuosmanskoga defenzivnog sustava na širem europskom prostoru te da je Bihać bio najvažniji grad na hrvatskom pograničju, vjerujem da će istraživanje navedene problematike biti relevantno i na široj regionalnoj/europskoj razini. Protuosmanski napor prije svega je zajednički regionalni pothvat stoga istraživanje tema poput ove implicira aplikaciju širega međunarodnog rakursa, što otvara prostor za precizniju kontekstualizaciju položaja hrvatskih zemalja u onodobnome međunarodnom kontekstu. Također, istraživanje razvoja Bihaćke kapetanije kao pogranične vojne institucije, a zatim i transformacija koje su zahvatile društvo jednog grada na pograničju može biti relevantno i u kontekstu znanstvene discipline „studija granica“ koja postaje sve aktualnija u današnjem svijetu, opterećenom geoplitikom, klimatskim promjenama i ekstenzivnim migracijama.
Prior to the Ottoman conquest in 1592, the free royal city of Bihać was one of the most important urban, and therefore, socio-political centres in the Croatian territory. Extremely well positioned on the communication that connected the Adriatic and Pannonian area, located along the Una River, protected by the mountains, well populated and fortified, Bihać very soon became one of the most important military centres within the context of the conflict with the Ottoman Empire. The process of transformation of Bihać into one of the anti-Ottoman defence centres began decades before the Habsburg dynasty claimed the Hungarian-Croatian throne in 1526/1527. This process would eventually culminate after 1527, when the city became the headquarters of the Bihać captaincy, a rallying place on the Croatian border and a key defensive location for the security of the Croatian and the lands of Inner Austria - primary Carniola.
The free royal city of Bihać continued to function with its traditional administrative structure, but now in a very different context. The ever increasing Ottoman expansion and the formation of the border captaincy as a response to that expansion finally led to the subordination of the city’s civil administrative structure to the administration of the border captaincy - upon which the city’s defence eventually depended.
In the first part of the dissertation I will present the context of the creation of the Bihać captaincy, its territorial development, changes in strategic importance through the observed period, the number and characteristics of the paid soldiers that made the city’s garrison and military units sent as reinforcement, the characteristics and changes in the fortification infrastructure of the city. Special chapter is dedicated to the Bihać’s captains and senior officers who were part of the city's garrison. I will also address the problem of transport and storage of weapons and equipment in the city, as well as the relevance of Bihać for intelligence, guarding and postal networks within the anti-Ottoman border context.
In the second part of the dissertation I will focus on certain social processes which occurred as the consequence of the militarization of the Croatian territory, which are reflected in the increase of the population involved in war activities and the elevation of the military border administrative structure over the traditional civil structure one - in this case, Bihać’s city municipality. After presenting the position, status and available information about the members of the city’s social and administrative structure during the observed period, I will present the dynamics of the relations between civil and military authorities, the demographic issues of Bihać, i.e. the issue of the number of inhabitants, the position of Bihać within the context of the large population movements on the border and towards the interior. In the end I will research how and form where did the population of Bihać ensure its sustenance, how did the supply system function and by which transport routes were the supplies for the military garrison brought into the city.
Since the Croatian border was one of the sections of the anti-Ottoman defensive system in the wider European area, and Bihać was most important city on the Croatian border, I believe that this research will be relevant on a wider regional/European level. The anti-Ottoman effort is primarily a joint regional venture and the addressing of topics such as the aforementioned, implies the appliance of the wider international perspective, which opens the scope/space for a more precise contextualization of the position of Croatian countries in the contemporary international context. Also, exploring the development of the Bihać captaincy as a border military institution, and then the transformations that affected the society of a specific border city can be relevant within the context of the scientific discipline of the "border study", which, in today's world burdened with geopolitical, climate and migratory issues, could become all the more relevant.
Coauthors - Vladimir Brnardić, Filip Hren, Hans-Jurgen Schroter, Monika Šajatović Bračika, Tanja Kocković Zaborski, Ana Kolonić
Istraživanje ambivalentne lojalnosti pograničnog stanovništva od velike je važnosti za razumijevanje dinamike razvoja hrvatskog, odnosno habsburško–osmanskog krajišta, jer pretpostavlja odmak od krute »mi ili oni«, ili u našem slučaju suštinski točne, ali interpretativno prenaglašene »antemurale Christianitatis« perspektive. Osmanska osvajanja radikalno su izmijenila društvenu strukturu pogođenih područja, ali su istovremeno pokrenula kompleksne procese transformacija u kojima su na razne načine i s različitim ambicijama, participirale različite društvene skupine. Iako je problematika upitne lojalnosti uvrježeno vezana uz vlaške zajednice, izvori pokazuju da su takvi obrasci ponašanja prisutni i kod domicilnog hrvatskog stanovništva. Štoviše, čini se da su Osmanlije neke od svojih najvećih uspjeha na prostoru Hrvatske krajine ostvarili uz asistenciju domaćeg stanovništva, a to je pak mnogo više od puke digresije — to je indikativan podatak koji zorno svjedoči o kompleksnim društvenim odnosima na hrvatskom krajištu.
Studies of interactions and questionable loyalties of the frontier population are of great importance not only for the understanding of the character of Ottoman advancement in Croatian territory at the time, but also for the understanding of the character of Croatian and Habsburg–Ottoman frontier space in general, as confirmed by the fact that studies referring to issues such as interconnections, survival strategies, manipulations with violence at the frontier etc have been very popular among foreign historians lately. This presentation has therefore been designed as a contribution to the implementation of this rather established paradigm in the studies of the history of the Croatian Military Frontier in the aforementioned period. Based on still unused archival sources, the author will present several cases demonstrating that the communities on both sides of the frontier communicated, traded etc, even in the period of the most intensive fighting, and changed their allegiances even more often than we think. Ottoman conquests changed the social structures of the affected areas radically, but at the same time they started the process of transformation that various social groups participated in in different ways and with different ambitions. Even though the issue of questionable loyalties is customarily associated with the Vlach communities, the sources show that such behaviour patterns can be observed in the domicile Croatian population as well. What is more, it seems that the Ottoman Turks have the assistance of the domicile population to thank for some of their biggest successes at the Military Frontier, which is much more than a mere digression: it is an indicative piece of information and a very eloquent testimony of the complex social relations in the aforementioned area in the time period in question.
Hrvatskoga državnog arhiva u Zagrebu pobliže istražen proces kolonizacije
teritorija koji je Habsburška Monarhija stekla nakon Turskog rata 1788-1791.
na području današnjega Korduna i Ličkog Pounja. S obzirom na karakter dostupnog
gradiva, istraživački je fokus primarno usmjeren na okolnosti prelaska
prebjega s osmanskog na habsburški teritorij, na kolonizaciju krajišnika na novu
stečevinu te na karakter novopodignutih sela na isturenom pograničju.
Conference Presentations by Damir Stanić
Books by Damir Stanić
Na izložbi Tko su bili ti „strašni Hrvati”? izložen je reprezentativan izbor reprodukcija arhivskoga, bibliotečnoga i likovnoga gradiva o hrvatskim postrojbama u Tridesetogodišnjemu ratu, pohranjenoga u Hrvatskome državnom arhivu u Zagrebu, Hrvatskom povijesnom muzeju u Zagrebu, Metropolitanskoj knjižnici Zagrebačke Nadbiskupije u Zagrebu, Austrijskome državnom arhivu u Beču, Arhivu Republike Slovenije u Ljubljani, Vojnopovijesnome muzeju u Beču i Vojnome muzeju u Stockholmu. Treba apostrofirati kako je zbog stanja istraženosti i kompleksnosti teme rakurs primarno hrvatski, što podrazumijeva da se nakon kratkoga uvoda u širi kontekst, izloženi materijal ponajprije fokusira na hrvatsku komponentu unutar Tridesetogodišnjega rata.
Catalogue of the exhibition held during the international conference on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the Thirthy Years War. Zagreb, 9-10. April 2018.
The exhibition Who Were Those “Terrible Croats”? presents representative selection of reproductions of archival, library- and visual art records pertaining to the Croatian troops in the Thirty Years’ War, stored at the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb, the Croatian History Museum in Zagreb, the Metropolitan Library of the Archdiocese of Zagreb iz Zagreb, the Austrian State Archives in Vienna, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana, Museum of Military History in Vienna and the Military Museum in Stockholm. It should be emphasized that due to the state of research and the complexity of the subject the viewpoint is primarily a Croatian one, which means that after a short introduction into the wider context the exhibited material is primarily focused on the Croatian component within the Thirty Years’ War.
Colleague Weise was also a member of the editorial board of the collection of papers Zwischen Tätern und Opfern. Gewaltbeziehungen und Gewaltgemeinschaften (Between Perpetrators and Victims. Violent Relationships and Community Violence), Göttingen, 2017.
It should be emphasized that he was also one of the participants of the notable International Scientific Conference “Chronicles of mercenaries, legends and stereotypes” held on the occasion of marking the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War in April 2018 in Zagreb. Since he is writing his doctoral dissertation, which will undoubtedly arouse great interest in the domestic historiographic scene, I asked him for an interview in which he would present the results of his research to the Croatian and International readership.
Colleague Weise’s bibliography is attached to the interview.
The Ottoman Occupation of Abandoned Fortifications along the Croatian and Littoral Border from the 1620 to 1640s After more than a century of expansion, the Ottoman advance into Hungarian Croatian territory was finally halted during the Long Turkish War of 1593-1606, i.e., after the conclusion of the Peace of Zsitvatorok in 1606. From that moment onward, the border zone between the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire became more stable and did not endure major territorial changes until the beginning of the Great Vienna War of 1683-1699. However, although no major territorial shifts occurred until the 1680s, there was still some territorial adjustments on both opposing sides. Even though such changes were not considered insurmountable problems sufficient to break the peace agreement and spark open warfare, they had great socio-political significance from the Croatian standpoint. From the 1620s to the 1640s, the Ottomans occupied a series of abandoned fortifications between opposing empires adjacent to the Croatian Military Fron tier, which, according to the Zsitvatorok Treaty, had to be completely abandoned. This development caused quite a stir among the Habsburgs, heavily burdened by the conflicts of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), and then prompted a limited Habsburg military response. In this paper I shall analyse the manner in which this Ottoman expansion unfolded and the reactions from the Habsburg side.
Slobodni kraljevski grad Bihać bio je do osmanskog osvajanja 1592. jedan od najvažnijih urbanih, a time i sociopolitičkih centara onodobnoga hrvatskog prostora. Izvanredno pozicioniran uz komunikaciju koja je spajala jadranski i panonski prostor, smješten na toku rijeke Une, zaštićen planinama te dobro naseljen i utvrđen, Bihać će vrlo brzo postati važno vojno središte u kontekstu sukoba s Osmanlijama. Desetljećima prije stupanja dinastije Habsburg na ugarsko-hrvatsko prijestolje započet će proces transformacije Bihaća u jedan od centara protuosmanskoga obrambenog sustava, a taj će proces kulminirati nakon 1527. kada grad postaje sjedište Bihaćke kapetanije, zborno mjesto Hrvatske krajine te ključna točka za sigurnost hrvatskog prostora i unutrašnjeaustrijskih zemalja, primarno Kranjske.
Iako je slobodni kraljevski grad Bihać nastavio funkcionirati pod naslijeđenom gradskom upravnom strukturom, odvijalo se to u bitno drugačijem kontekstu. Sve izraženija osmanska ekspanzija i formiranje krajiškog sustava kao habsburškog odgovora, u konačnici je dovelo do podređenosti civilne gradske strukture onoj kapetanijskoj - o kojoj je uostalom ovisila i obrana grada.
U prvom dijelu disertacije istražio sam i prezentirao kontekst nastanka Bihaćke kapetanije, njezin teritorijalni razvoj, promjene u strateškom značenju kroz promatrani period, broj i karakteristike vojnika gradske posade te vojnih postrojbi slanih u pomoć gradu, stanje i promjene u fortifikacijskoj infrastrukturi grada, a posebno poglavlje posvećeno je bihaćkim kapetanima i višim časnicima koji su bili dio gradske posade. Istražio sam i problematiku dopreme i skladištenja oružja i opreme u gradu te obavještajnu, stražarsku i poštansku važnost Bihaća u krajiškom kontekstu.
U drugom dijelu disertacije fokusirao sam se na pojedine društvene procese kao posljedice pograničavanja, odnosno militarizacije hrvatskog prostora koja se očitovala u porastu stanovništva uključenog u ratne aktivnosti i uzdizanjem krajiške upravne strukture nad tradicionalnom civilnom strukturom ‒ u ovom slučaju bihaćkom gradskom općinom. Nakon prikaza razvoja, statusa i dostupnih podataka o pripadnicima gradske općine u promatranom periodu, prezentirao sam dinamiku suodnosa civilnih i vojnih vlasti, demografsku problematiku Bihaća, odnosno pitanje broja stanovnika, poziciju Bihaća u kontekstu velikih migracija stanovništva na pograničju i prema unutrašnjosti uključujući i uskočka kretanja. Na kraju sam istražio kako i odakle se prehranjivalo bihaćko stanovništvo, kako je uređen opskrbni sustav te odakle su i kojim komunikacijama pristizale namirnice za gradsku vojnu posadu.
Budući da je hrvatsko pograničje bilo dio protuosmanskoga defenzivnog sustava na širem europskom prostoru te da je Bihać bio najvažniji grad na hrvatskom pograničju, vjerujem da će istraživanje navedene problematike biti relevantno i na široj regionalnoj/europskoj razini. Protuosmanski napor prije svega je zajednički regionalni pothvat stoga istraživanje tema poput ove implicira aplikaciju širega međunarodnog rakursa, što otvara prostor za precizniju kontekstualizaciju položaja hrvatskih zemalja u onodobnome međunarodnom kontekstu. Također, istraživanje razvoja Bihaćke kapetanije kao pogranične vojne institucije, a zatim i transformacija koje su zahvatile društvo jednog grada na pograničju može biti relevantno i u kontekstu znanstvene discipline „studija granica“ koja postaje sve aktualnija u današnjem svijetu, opterećenom geoplitikom, klimatskim promjenama i ekstenzivnim migracijama.
Prior to the Ottoman conquest in 1592, the free royal city of Bihać was one of the most important urban, and therefore, socio-political centres in the Croatian territory. Extremely well positioned on the communication that connected the Adriatic and Pannonian area, located along the Una River, protected by the mountains, well populated and fortified, Bihać very soon became one of the most important military centres within the context of the conflict with the Ottoman Empire. The process of transformation of Bihać into one of the anti-Ottoman defence centres began decades before the Habsburg dynasty claimed the Hungarian-Croatian throne in 1526/1527. This process would eventually culminate after 1527, when the city became the headquarters of the Bihać captaincy, a rallying place on the Croatian border and a key defensive location for the security of the Croatian and the lands of Inner Austria - primary Carniola.
The free royal city of Bihać continued to function with its traditional administrative structure, but now in a very different context. The ever increasing Ottoman expansion and the formation of the border captaincy as a response to that expansion finally led to the subordination of the city’s civil administrative structure to the administration of the border captaincy - upon which the city’s defence eventually depended.
In the first part of the dissertation I will present the context of the creation of the Bihać captaincy, its territorial development, changes in strategic importance through the observed period, the number and characteristics of the paid soldiers that made the city’s garrison and military units sent as reinforcement, the characteristics and changes in the fortification infrastructure of the city. Special chapter is dedicated to the Bihać’s captains and senior officers who were part of the city's garrison. I will also address the problem of transport and storage of weapons and equipment in the city, as well as the relevance of Bihać for intelligence, guarding and postal networks within the anti-Ottoman border context.
In the second part of the dissertation I will focus on certain social processes which occurred as the consequence of the militarization of the Croatian territory, which are reflected in the increase of the population involved in war activities and the elevation of the military border administrative structure over the traditional civil structure one - in this case, Bihać’s city municipality. After presenting the position, status and available information about the members of the city’s social and administrative structure during the observed period, I will present the dynamics of the relations between civil and military authorities, the demographic issues of Bihać, i.e. the issue of the number of inhabitants, the position of Bihać within the context of the large population movements on the border and towards the interior. In the end I will research how and form where did the population of Bihać ensure its sustenance, how did the supply system function and by which transport routes were the supplies for the military garrison brought into the city.
Since the Croatian border was one of the sections of the anti-Ottoman defensive system in the wider European area, and Bihać was most important city on the Croatian border, I believe that this research will be relevant on a wider regional/European level. The anti-Ottoman effort is primarily a joint regional venture and the addressing of topics such as the aforementioned, implies the appliance of the wider international perspective, which opens the scope/space for a more precise contextualization of the position of Croatian countries in the contemporary international context. Also, exploring the development of the Bihać captaincy as a border military institution, and then the transformations that affected the society of a specific border city can be relevant within the context of the scientific discipline of the "border study", which, in today's world burdened with geopolitical, climate and migratory issues, could become all the more relevant.
Coauthors - Vladimir Brnardić, Filip Hren, Hans-Jurgen Schroter, Monika Šajatović Bračika, Tanja Kocković Zaborski, Ana Kolonić
Istraživanje ambivalentne lojalnosti pograničnog stanovništva od velike je važnosti za razumijevanje dinamike razvoja hrvatskog, odnosno habsburško–osmanskog krajišta, jer pretpostavlja odmak od krute »mi ili oni«, ili u našem slučaju suštinski točne, ali interpretativno prenaglašene »antemurale Christianitatis« perspektive. Osmanska osvajanja radikalno su izmijenila društvenu strukturu pogođenih područja, ali su istovremeno pokrenula kompleksne procese transformacija u kojima su na razne načine i s različitim ambicijama, participirale različite društvene skupine. Iako je problematika upitne lojalnosti uvrježeno vezana uz vlaške zajednice, izvori pokazuju da su takvi obrasci ponašanja prisutni i kod domicilnog hrvatskog stanovništva. Štoviše, čini se da su Osmanlije neke od svojih najvećih uspjeha na prostoru Hrvatske krajine ostvarili uz asistenciju domaćeg stanovništva, a to je pak mnogo više od puke digresije — to je indikativan podatak koji zorno svjedoči o kompleksnim društvenim odnosima na hrvatskom krajištu.
Studies of interactions and questionable loyalties of the frontier population are of great importance not only for the understanding of the character of Ottoman advancement in Croatian territory at the time, but also for the understanding of the character of Croatian and Habsburg–Ottoman frontier space in general, as confirmed by the fact that studies referring to issues such as interconnections, survival strategies, manipulations with violence at the frontier etc have been very popular among foreign historians lately. This presentation has therefore been designed as a contribution to the implementation of this rather established paradigm in the studies of the history of the Croatian Military Frontier in the aforementioned period. Based on still unused archival sources, the author will present several cases demonstrating that the communities on both sides of the frontier communicated, traded etc, even in the period of the most intensive fighting, and changed their allegiances even more often than we think. Ottoman conquests changed the social structures of the affected areas radically, but at the same time they started the process of transformation that various social groups participated in in different ways and with different ambitions. Even though the issue of questionable loyalties is customarily associated with the Vlach communities, the sources show that such behaviour patterns can be observed in the domicile Croatian population as well. What is more, it seems that the Ottoman Turks have the assistance of the domicile population to thank for some of their biggest successes at the Military Frontier, which is much more than a mere digression: it is an indicative piece of information and a very eloquent testimony of the complex social relations in the aforementioned area in the time period in question.
Hrvatskoga državnog arhiva u Zagrebu pobliže istražen proces kolonizacije
teritorija koji je Habsburška Monarhija stekla nakon Turskog rata 1788-1791.
na području današnjega Korduna i Ličkog Pounja. S obzirom na karakter dostupnog
gradiva, istraživački je fokus primarno usmjeren na okolnosti prelaska
prebjega s osmanskog na habsburški teritorij, na kolonizaciju krajišnika na novu
stečevinu te na karakter novopodignutih sela na isturenom pograničju.
Na izložbi Tko su bili ti „strašni Hrvati”? izložen je reprezentativan izbor reprodukcija arhivskoga, bibliotečnoga i likovnoga gradiva o hrvatskim postrojbama u Tridesetogodišnjemu ratu, pohranjenoga u Hrvatskome državnom arhivu u Zagrebu, Hrvatskom povijesnom muzeju u Zagrebu, Metropolitanskoj knjižnici Zagrebačke Nadbiskupije u Zagrebu, Austrijskome državnom arhivu u Beču, Arhivu Republike Slovenije u Ljubljani, Vojnopovijesnome muzeju u Beču i Vojnome muzeju u Stockholmu. Treba apostrofirati kako je zbog stanja istraženosti i kompleksnosti teme rakurs primarno hrvatski, što podrazumijeva da se nakon kratkoga uvoda u širi kontekst, izloženi materijal ponajprije fokusira na hrvatsku komponentu unutar Tridesetogodišnjega rata.
Catalogue of the exhibition held during the international conference on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the Thirthy Years War. Zagreb, 9-10. April 2018.
The exhibition Who Were Those “Terrible Croats”? presents representative selection of reproductions of archival, library- and visual art records pertaining to the Croatian troops in the Thirty Years’ War, stored at the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb, the Croatian History Museum in Zagreb, the Metropolitan Library of the Archdiocese of Zagreb iz Zagreb, the Austrian State Archives in Vienna, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana, Museum of Military History in Vienna and the Military Museum in Stockholm. It should be emphasized that due to the state of research and the complexity of the subject the viewpoint is primarily a Croatian one, which means that after a short introduction into the wider context the exhibited material is primarily focused on the Croatian component within the Thirty Years’ War.