A decade after Mantovani's report (2007), that detected for the first time the arrival of the Moo... more A decade after Mantovani's report (2007), that detected for the first time the arrival of the Moorish Gecko Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758) in Cremona (Lombardy, Italy), we aim to take stock of the permanence of this species, native of the Mediterranean climatic band, in a city of Northern Italy. Furthermore, we takes the opportunity to disclose the presence, in the same city, of a small breeding population of Turkish Gecko Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758), known for some years.
Un decennio dopo la segnalazione di Mantovani (2007), che riscontrava per la prima volta l'insediamento a Cremona del geco comune Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758), ci si prefigge di fare il punto, con una breve nota, sulla permanenza di questa specie, originaria di regioni appartenenti alla fascia climatica mediterranea, in una città dell'Italia continentale. Si coglie inoltre l'occasione per divulgare la presenza, nella stessa città, di una piccola popolazione riproduttiva del geco verrucoso Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758), conosciuta da alcuni anni. Parole chiave: Tarentola mauritanica, Hemidactylus turcicus, espansione dell'areale, habitat urbano, clima, Cremona, Lombardia, Italia settentrionale.
158 years after Strobel’s reporting (1857), no longer confirmed by the following literature, the... more 158 years after Strobel’s reporting (1857), no longer confirmed by the following literature, the snail Papillifera papillaris (O.F. Müller, 1774) was observed again in Cremona, a city located in an inner plain of Northern Italy with continental climate. This Clausiliidae mollusk has its origin in the middle of the Mediterrean basin, but are known other cases of acclimatization in not Mediterranean places. Those evenements happened because of snails dispersion out of the original environment, due to passive transport through anthropic activity. In Cremona, these little snails only live in some of the last remains of the ancient city wall circle that surrounded the city. It is supposed that the settlement of P. papillaris in Cremona may be very ancient and perhaps, as suggested in some other cases of presence of this species outside of its natural distribution area, date back to the Roman origins of the city.
Recent records of vitrinid gastropods are provided from a central-southern area of the Lombardy p... more Recent records of vitrinid gastropods are provided from a central-southern area of the Lombardy plain from where they had not previously been reported. It is suggested, based on further analyses and literature data, that these belong to the species Vitrinobrachium breve (A. Férussac, 1821) (Mollusca Gastropoda Stylommatophora Vitrinidae).
We show here for the first time in form of check-list the phenological situation of the birds of Cremona province updated to 31.12.94, built up in the last 10-20 years by local amatorial birdwatchers who consulted also some historical publications on the subject with data from 1850 about and other data from most recently publications.
The species which proved to invalve in different degrees our province are 295, belonging to 18 orders and 59 families (rejected species are 12) . Breeding species are 103 including irregular ones but not the doubtful ones as such, the wintering species are 101, strictly regular migrants are 64, the accidental are 50.
Recent signallings about five mammal species (Myoxus glis, Hystrix cristata, Sciurus vulgaris, Ca... more Recent signallings about five mammal species (Myoxus glis, Hystrix cristata, Sciurus vulgaris, Capreolus capreolus, Mustela vison) in the province of Cremona
About the presence of italian spade-foot toad (Pelobates fuscus) near the Po River in the area o... more About the presence of italian spade-foot toad (Pelobates fuscus) near the Po River in the area of Casalmaggiore (Lombardy)
Some recent notices of presence of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in the province of ... more Some recent notices of presence of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in the province of Cremona are here reported. They come from ten different places located along the main rivers which bound this area of the region Lombardy (North of Italy). As far as the population of Emys is concerned, which is experiencing a worring decline like in the whole west-central Po area, the level of incidence of the enironmental factors which can have a negative influence on the species survival is weighed up and the practicable environmentalist countermeasures are supposed.
The presence of the American freshwater decapods, Orconectes limosus and Procambarus clarkii, has... more The presence of the American freshwater decapods, Orconectes limosus and Procambarus clarkii, has been reported in the province of Cremona (as also established by the Authors); the two species have also shown sympatry, thus revealing their ability to penetrate even highly intact natural environments, such as the Natural Reserve Naviglio di Melotta. It is worth pointing out that the spread of exotic species, carriers of pathologies that cause devastating effects on European cambaroides, is certainly lethal, especially for those autochthonous crayfishes Austropotamobius sp. which, at least until 1999 (POLONI et al. 2001), were reported to live in the provincial territory.
Some recent news are related here about pigmy white toothed shrew (Suncus etruscus Savi, 1822) in... more Some recent news are related here about pigmy white toothed shrew (Suncus etruscus Savi, 1822) in the outskirts of the town of Cremona and, in light of the previous and in part unpublished data about the presence of this specie, some reflections are expressed about its distribution at local level, supposing that it might be influenced by the changes of climate factors.
The discovery of two different plain settlements of terrestrial gastropod Helicodonta angigyra (R... more The discovery of two different plain settlements of terrestrial gastropod Helicodonta angigyra (Rossmässler 1835) reported for the first time in the province of Cremona are related; the two stations are respectively near the Adda and Oglio rivers, about 30 km from one another but at about the same latitude, which seems to be the southern limit of the Lombard distributional area for this species. Due to some non-exhaustive information about their discovery due to the poor recent, but mainly 19th-century, malacological bibliography, with specific reference to Strobel’s works (1851a, 1851b, 1853, 1859), a further investigation is advisable, along with the monitoring of already located settlements, in order to understand if they permanently live in the plain due to the natural distribution of the species, or if some individuals have been “passively transferred” outside their original distribution area because of human activities or river dynamics.
A survey conducted between 2010 and 2013 led to the discovery, in the central Po Valley, of a num... more A survey conducted between 2010 and 2013 led to the discovery, in the central Po Valley, of a number of sites where Pseudotrichia rubiginosa (Rossmässler, 1838) - a small land
snail characteristic of alluvial environments - occurs. This gastropod is listed from northern Italy in the Italian checklist (MANGANELLI et al., 1995), a record which probably originates from ancient museum collections only (see also GIUSTI, 2003). Nineteenth-century Italian naturalists reported this snail from the Po basin based on partially controversial information often difficult to interpret, whereas STROBEL (1857) provided the first reliable record of its presence along the Po river. The data reported in this article would appear to refer to the first living population of P. rubiginosa found in northern Italy in the last 150 years. The population is distributed along a stretch of river of at least 120 km.
A decade after Mantovani's report (2007), that detected for the first time the arrival of the Moo... more A decade after Mantovani's report (2007), that detected for the first time the arrival of the Moorish Gecko Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758) in Cremona (Lombardy, Italy), we aim to take stock of the permanence of this species, native of the Mediterranean climatic band, in a city of Northern Italy. Furthermore, we takes the opportunity to disclose the presence, in the same city, of a small breeding population of Turkish Gecko Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758), known for some years.
Un decennio dopo la segnalazione di Mantovani (2007), che riscontrava per la prima volta l'insediamento a Cremona del geco comune Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758), ci si prefigge di fare il punto, con una breve nota, sulla permanenza di questa specie, originaria di regioni appartenenti alla fascia climatica mediterranea, in una città dell'Italia continentale. Si coglie inoltre l'occasione per divulgare la presenza, nella stessa città, di una piccola popolazione riproduttiva del geco verrucoso Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758), conosciuta da alcuni anni. Parole chiave: Tarentola mauritanica, Hemidactylus turcicus, espansione dell'areale, habitat urbano, clima, Cremona, Lombardia, Italia settentrionale.
158 years after Strobel’s reporting (1857), no longer confirmed by the following literature, the... more 158 years after Strobel’s reporting (1857), no longer confirmed by the following literature, the snail Papillifera papillaris (O.F. Müller, 1774) was observed again in Cremona, a city located in an inner plain of Northern Italy with continental climate. This Clausiliidae mollusk has its origin in the middle of the Mediterrean basin, but are known other cases of acclimatization in not Mediterranean places. Those evenements happened because of snails dispersion out of the original environment, due to passive transport through anthropic activity. In Cremona, these little snails only live in some of the last remains of the ancient city wall circle that surrounded the city. It is supposed that the settlement of P. papillaris in Cremona may be very ancient and perhaps, as suggested in some other cases of presence of this species outside of its natural distribution area, date back to the Roman origins of the city.
Recent records of vitrinid gastropods are provided from a central-southern area of the Lombardy p... more Recent records of vitrinid gastropods are provided from a central-southern area of the Lombardy plain from where they had not previously been reported. It is suggested, based on further analyses and literature data, that these belong to the species Vitrinobrachium breve (A. Férussac, 1821) (Mollusca Gastropoda Stylommatophora Vitrinidae).
We show here for the first time in form of check-list the phenological situation of the birds of Cremona province updated to 31.12.94, built up in the last 10-20 years by local amatorial birdwatchers who consulted also some historical publications on the subject with data from 1850 about and other data from most recently publications.
The species which proved to invalve in different degrees our province are 295, belonging to 18 orders and 59 families (rejected species are 12) . Breeding species are 103 including irregular ones but not the doubtful ones as such, the wintering species are 101, strictly regular migrants are 64, the accidental are 50.
Recent signallings about five mammal species (Myoxus glis, Hystrix cristata, Sciurus vulgaris, Ca... more Recent signallings about five mammal species (Myoxus glis, Hystrix cristata, Sciurus vulgaris, Capreolus capreolus, Mustela vison) in the province of Cremona
About the presence of italian spade-foot toad (Pelobates fuscus) near the Po River in the area o... more About the presence of italian spade-foot toad (Pelobates fuscus) near the Po River in the area of Casalmaggiore (Lombardy)
Some recent notices of presence of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in the province of ... more Some recent notices of presence of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in the province of Cremona are here reported. They come from ten different places located along the main rivers which bound this area of the region Lombardy (North of Italy). As far as the population of Emys is concerned, which is experiencing a worring decline like in the whole west-central Po area, the level of incidence of the enironmental factors which can have a negative influence on the species survival is weighed up and the practicable environmentalist countermeasures are supposed.
The presence of the American freshwater decapods, Orconectes limosus and Procambarus clarkii, has... more The presence of the American freshwater decapods, Orconectes limosus and Procambarus clarkii, has been reported in the province of Cremona (as also established by the Authors); the two species have also shown sympatry, thus revealing their ability to penetrate even highly intact natural environments, such as the Natural Reserve Naviglio di Melotta. It is worth pointing out that the spread of exotic species, carriers of pathologies that cause devastating effects on European cambaroides, is certainly lethal, especially for those autochthonous crayfishes Austropotamobius sp. which, at least until 1999 (POLONI et al. 2001), were reported to live in the provincial territory.
Some recent news are related here about pigmy white toothed shrew (Suncus etruscus Savi, 1822) in... more Some recent news are related here about pigmy white toothed shrew (Suncus etruscus Savi, 1822) in the outskirts of the town of Cremona and, in light of the previous and in part unpublished data about the presence of this specie, some reflections are expressed about its distribution at local level, supposing that it might be influenced by the changes of climate factors.
The discovery of two different plain settlements of terrestrial gastropod Helicodonta angigyra (R... more The discovery of two different plain settlements of terrestrial gastropod Helicodonta angigyra (Rossmässler 1835) reported for the first time in the province of Cremona are related; the two stations are respectively near the Adda and Oglio rivers, about 30 km from one another but at about the same latitude, which seems to be the southern limit of the Lombard distributional area for this species. Due to some non-exhaustive information about their discovery due to the poor recent, but mainly 19th-century, malacological bibliography, with specific reference to Strobel’s works (1851a, 1851b, 1853, 1859), a further investigation is advisable, along with the monitoring of already located settlements, in order to understand if they permanently live in the plain due to the natural distribution of the species, or if some individuals have been “passively transferred” outside their original distribution area because of human activities or river dynamics.
A survey conducted between 2010 and 2013 led to the discovery, in the central Po Valley, of a num... more A survey conducted between 2010 and 2013 led to the discovery, in the central Po Valley, of a number of sites where Pseudotrichia rubiginosa (Rossmässler, 1838) - a small land
snail characteristic of alluvial environments - occurs. This gastropod is listed from northern Italy in the Italian checklist (MANGANELLI et al., 1995), a record which probably originates from ancient museum collections only (see also GIUSTI, 2003). Nineteenth-century Italian naturalists reported this snail from the Po basin based on partially controversial information often difficult to interpret, whereas STROBEL (1857) provided the first reliable record of its presence along the Po river. The data reported in this article would appear to refer to the first living population of P. rubiginosa found in northern Italy in the last 150 years. The population is distributed along a stretch of river of at least 120 km.
Papers by Damiano Ghezzi
Un decennio dopo la segnalazione di Mantovani (2007), che riscontrava per la prima volta l'insediamento a Cremona del geco comune Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758), ci si prefigge di fare il punto, con una breve nota, sulla permanenza di questa specie, originaria di regioni appartenenti alla fascia climatica mediterranea, in una città dell'Italia continentale. Si coglie inoltre l'occasione per divulgare la presenza, nella stessa città, di una piccola popolazione riproduttiva del geco verrucoso Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758), conosciuta da alcuni anni. Parole chiave: Tarentola mauritanica, Hemidactylus turcicus, espansione dell'areale, habitat urbano, clima, Cremona, Lombardia, Italia settentrionale.
We show here for the first time in form of check-list the phenological situation of the birds of Cremona province updated to 31.12.94, built up in the last 10-20 years by local amatorial birdwatchers who consulted also some historical publications on the subject with data from 1850 about and other data from most recently publications.
The species which proved to invalve in different degrees our province are 295, belonging to 18 orders and 59 families (rejected species are 12) . Breeding species are 103 including irregular ones but not the doubtful ones as such, the wintering species are 101, strictly regular migrants are 64, the accidental are 50.
snail characteristic of alluvial environments - occurs. This gastropod is listed from northern Italy in the Italian checklist (MANGANELLI et al., 1995), a record which probably originates from ancient museum collections only (see also GIUSTI, 2003). Nineteenth-century Italian naturalists reported this snail from the Po basin based on partially controversial information often difficult to interpret, whereas STROBEL (1857) provided the first reliable record of its presence along the Po river. The data reported in this article would appear to refer to the first living population of P. rubiginosa found in northern Italy in the last 150 years. The population is distributed along a stretch of river of at least 120 km.
Un decennio dopo la segnalazione di Mantovani (2007), che riscontrava per la prima volta l'insediamento a Cremona del geco comune Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758), ci si prefigge di fare il punto, con una breve nota, sulla permanenza di questa specie, originaria di regioni appartenenti alla fascia climatica mediterranea, in una città dell'Italia continentale. Si coglie inoltre l'occasione per divulgare la presenza, nella stessa città, di una piccola popolazione riproduttiva del geco verrucoso Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758), conosciuta da alcuni anni. Parole chiave: Tarentola mauritanica, Hemidactylus turcicus, espansione dell'areale, habitat urbano, clima, Cremona, Lombardia, Italia settentrionale.
We show here for the first time in form of check-list the phenological situation of the birds of Cremona province updated to 31.12.94, built up in the last 10-20 years by local amatorial birdwatchers who consulted also some historical publications on the subject with data from 1850 about and other data from most recently publications.
The species which proved to invalve in different degrees our province are 295, belonging to 18 orders and 59 families (rejected species are 12) . Breeding species are 103 including irregular ones but not the doubtful ones as such, the wintering species are 101, strictly regular migrants are 64, the accidental are 50.
snail characteristic of alluvial environments - occurs. This gastropod is listed from northern Italy in the Italian checklist (MANGANELLI et al., 1995), a record which probably originates from ancient museum collections only (see also GIUSTI, 2003). Nineteenth-century Italian naturalists reported this snail from the Po basin based on partially controversial information often difficult to interpret, whereas STROBEL (1857) provided the first reliable record of its presence along the Po river. The data reported in this article would appear to refer to the first living population of P. rubiginosa found in northern Italy in the last 150 years. The population is distributed along a stretch of river of at least 120 km.