Papers by Dainis Karepovs

RESUMO : O Brasil, em suas relacoes com os paises do continente americano, usualmente e entendido... more RESUMO : O Brasil, em suas relacoes com os paises do continente americano, usualmente e entendido como uma nacao bifronte. Ao mesmo tempo em que se submeteu a relacoes subordinadas com os Estados Unidos, manteve uma longa trajetoria de comedido relacionamento com os demais paises. E senso comum a afirmativa de que o Brasil nao se ve como latino-americano, embora tambem se possa objetar que a reciproca seja plausivel. Essa maneira de ver o outro se consolidou ao longo do primeiro seculo depois das independencias das colonias espanholas e portuguesa e adentrou o seculo XX. De certo modo, no caso da esquerda marxista brasileira, esta postura tambem encontrou manifestacoes nas primeiras decadas do seculo XX. No exame das publicacoes e periodicos das correntes trotskista e stalinista em seus primordios nas raras mencoes encontradas a respeito de outros paises do continente ou se da sob a apresentacao de eventos politicos ou por meio da simples informacao sobre as atividades das organizac...
Criado sob a influencia do interventor nomeado por Getulio Vargas apos o esmagamento da revolta d... more Criado sob a influencia do interventor nomeado por Getulio Vargas apos o esmagamento da revolta de 9 de Julho de 1932, o Partido Socialista Brasileiro de Sao Paulo incorporou ao seu ideario influencias contraditorias: socialismo e corporativismo. Tais orientacoes foram determinantes na sua acao e na atuacao dos parlamentares eleitos por sua legenda para a Constituinte Brasileira, que se reuniu durante os anos de 1933 e 1934.
This article examines the actions of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCB) in its early days, in th... more This article examines the actions of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCB) in its early days, in the second half of the 1920’s, dealing in particular with the demands made by the Communists in the first elections in which they took part. This approach, at the same time, allowed the Brazilian communists to break with their anarchist origins and to assess the set of proposals presented to the Brazilian working class, which, in turn, marked, on the one hand, the points of view of the Russian Revolution and, on the other, its differentiation with the retrograde and late Brazilian bourgeoisie.

Historia, 2002
Established in 1924, the Departamento Estadual de Ordem Politica e Social de Sao Paulo (DEOPS-SP)... more Established in 1924, the Departamento Estadual de Ordem Politica e Social de Sao Paulo (DEOPS-SP) - the Internal Security Section of the Sao Paulo Police Department - was extinguished in 1982. Since its beginning until the failure of the November 1935 communist rebellion, it was an organization that acted mostly locally and of which action methods, in general, could be classified as not very sophisticated, in this first moment. It was since the communist putsch that both the improvements of the methods of action and the national integration of DEOPS from the various Brazilian states got started, simultaneously to the Estado Novo dictatorship instauration process. Taking a nearer view of DEOPS-SP actuation in this period of time, particularly concerning an important and wide split that took place within the Brazil's Communist Party (PCB) in 1936-1938, one can observe this evolution.

Historia, 2002
Established in 1924, the Departamento Estadual de Ordem Politica e Social de Sao Paulo (DEOPS-SP)... more Established in 1924, the Departamento Estadual de Ordem Politica e Social de Sao Paulo (DEOPS-SP) - the Internal Security Section of the Sao Paulo Police Department - was extinguished in 1982. Since its beginning until the failure of the November 1935 communist rebellion, it was an organization that acted mostly locally and of which action methods, in general, could be classified as not very sophisticated, in this first moment. It was since the communist putsch that both the improvements of the methods of action and the national integration of DEOPS from the various Brazilian states got started, simultaneously to the Estado Novo dictatorship instauration process. Taking a nearer view of DEOPS-SP actuation in this period of time, particularly concerning an important and wide split that took place within the Brazil's Communist Party (PCB) in 1936-1938, one can observe this evolution.
Capítulos de história dos comunistas no Brasil, 2016
All the contents of this work, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons... more All the contents of this work, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Todo o conteúdo deste trabalho, exceto quando houver ressalva, é publicado sob a licença Creative Commons Atribição 4.0. Todo el contenido de esta obra, excepto donde se indique lo contrario, está bajo licencia de la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimento 4.0.
This text discusses the emerging and the action of the Workers Colligation of Santos during muni... more This text discusses the emerging and the action of the Workers Colligation of Santos during municipal elections that took place in November, 29, 1925. The Workers Colligation, which acted until 1930, was the first electoral organization created by the Communist Party of Brazil (PCB, in Portuguese) which had many difficulties because of the resistant abstentionist culture of Brazilian working class. The Workers Colligation, whose foundation was based in labour unions, influenced by communists, was one of the initial steps towards Brazilian workers insertion into the political scene in Brazil.
Papers by Dainis Karepovs