Papers by Daiji Kobayashi
The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 2005
The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 2005
The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Jun 2, 2018
The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, Jul 30, 2022
The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the contribution of haptic and visual sense to the sens... more The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the contribution of haptic and visual sense to the sense of embodiment (SoE) in the virtual reality (VR) environment by physiological behavior measurement. To achieve the goal, we employed a rod tracking task which passes the rod held in hand in the sinusoidal path. However, there was some problem with the VR system. There is an unstable rotation of an end effector from its shape, as well as the misdirected force resulting from this rotation. In order to solve these problems, we implemented a two-point haptic system and constructed an application that efficiently performs the rod tracking task.
VR technology is still under development and only the evaluation of the performance and functions... more VR technology is still under development and only the evaluation of the performance and functions of VR devices is being studied. There are few studies that are as subjective and difficult to evaluate as the study of immersion in VR. Moreover, methods and indicators for evaluating this characteristic are still unclear. By evaluating this characteristic quantitatively, it seems that technological development for enhancing the immersive feeling in the virtual space will be greatly improved.
HCI International 2021 - Late Breaking Papers: Multimodality, eXtended Reality, and Artificial Intelligence, 2021

Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Knowledge Design, 2015
In our previous study, the requirements for designing memorable vibration patterns such as a rhyt... more In our previous study, the requirements for designing memorable vibration patterns such as a rhythmical vibration pattern called "vibration rhythm" were proposed. However, almost all participants, regardless of their age, could only recognize a few vibration patterns. Therefore, we attempted to determine a method to create memorable vibration patterns that enabled the users to understand the meaning of the many vibration patterns presented. In this study, a method, designing the vibration patterns with language rhythms implied the Japanese pronunciation of the corresponding message, were tried. The method was evaluated through experiments, and its validity was verified by comparing its results with a working memory system proposed by Baddeley. From the results, we concluded that the method can help the user improve his learning skills and memory. Consequently, our proposed new method is a better option to create memorable vibration patterns.
Promotion of Work Ability towards Productive Aging, 2008
The Japanese journal of ergonomics, 2000
The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 1992

Rigakuryoho Kagaku
To translate the Orthotics and Prosthetics Users' Survey-Client Satisfaction with Device (OPUS-CS... more To translate the Orthotics and Prosthetics Users' Survey-Client Satisfaction with Device (OPUS-CSD) that is used in western countries into Japanese, and to verify the reliability and validity of this Japanese version (OPUS-CSD-J) as a basis for developing a scale available in Japan to rate orthotic/prosthetic users' satisfaction. [Participants and Methods] Fifty-four orthotic/prosthetic users were included to examine the reliability of the created OPUS-CSD-J in terms of internal consistency based on Cronbach's alpha for each score, and the correlation coefficient between scores from this and the System Usability Scale as a general-purpose satisfaction rating scale was calculated to examine the former's concurrent validity. [Results] The OPUS-CSD-J was shown to have sufficient reliability and validity for prosthetic users, but not for orthotic users. [Conclusion] It may be necessary to appropriately narrow down target diseases, as well as the types and purposes of prosthetics/orthotics, and to reflect users' opinions, in order to develop a satisfaction rating scale that fits Japan.
The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 2000
2.実 験方法 実験には、Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0を 用い て ノー トパ ソコン(IBM ThinkPad 600)上 に 構築 した単純な メニ ュー構造 を持 ... more 2.実 験方法 実験には、Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0を 用い て ノー トパ ソコン(IBM ThinkPad 600)上 に 構築 した単純な メニ ュー構造 を持 つ食 品の買 い物 システムを用いた。 被験者には、買い物システムを利用 して2種 類の料理 を作 るた めの複数 の食材 をで きるだ け安 く購入するよ うに指示 した。 この買い物 システ ムで食 品を安 く購 入す る には、広告画面を参照 し、お買得商品 とその販 売店(ス ーパ)を 確認 した後、4つ のスーパか ら一つを選択 し、その後、複数の購入す る食品 のカテ ゴリ(肉 、野菜 など)、 そ して購入 目的 の食 品名を選択 しなければならない。なお、食 品を購入す る際には他 のスーパ の同一商品 と の価格 を比較する機能(価 格比較画面)も 利用 す ることができる。 被験者 は、高齢者(61~86歳)6名 、中年(46 ~56歳)7名 、若年(17~20歳)5名 とし、 試行回数は一人1回 とした。実験中は被験者の 発話プロ トコルをMDウ ォークマンで収録 し、 買い物 システムの メニ ュー選択 の履歴 をパ ソ コン本体に記録 した。また、実験終了後に被験

The quality of a virtual environment for a specified task based on the concept of sense of embodi... more The quality of a virtual environment for a specified task based on the concept of sense of embodiment (SoE) was assessed in this study. The quality of virtual reality (VR) is evaluated based on the VR system or apparatus’s performance; however, we focused on VR users executing tasks in virtual environments and tried to assess the virtual environment for the tasks. We focused on the user’s sense of agency (SoA) and sense of self-location (SoSL), which were considered as components of the SoE. The SoA was measured based on the surface electroencephalogram of two body parts and our SoE questionnaire. We analysed the surface electroencephalogram waveforms using signal averaging and determined the observable latent time from the analysed waveforms for estimating the state of SoA. To assess the different virtual environments, we built two virtual environments composed of different versions of SPIDAR-HS as a haptic interface and a common head-mounted display. The experiment was executed in...
The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 2008
The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 2000

Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information in Intelligent Systems, 2019
In recent years, virtual reality (VR) systems, mainly applied to computer games, have become easi... more In recent years, virtual reality (VR) systems, mainly applied to computer games, have become easily available and widely used by young people. Multipurpose haptic devices for the virtual environment, such as the SPIDAR system, have been developed for everyday training tasks. Therefore, the wide range of use contexts and user requirements should be considered to effectively design and evaluate the systems. However, the measurement of objective quality of VR systems from the user’s experience has not been widely considered, although some questionnaires for evaluating the user’s experience based on the sense of embodiment have been proposed. We investigate the measures relating to the user performance, especially with regard to the sense of embodiment. We find that the duration observed between an event and the root-mean-square electromyogram amplitude dropping to a local minimum, within two seconds, could be a measure for evaluating the quality of VR systems from the point of view of user performance.
Papers by Daiji Kobayashi