Papers by DR Vedna Kumari
Crop & Pasture Science, Dec 31, 2022

International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
Aim, Design and Methodology: A research with 21 soybean genotypes including three checks was carr... more Aim, Design and Methodology: A research with 21 soybean genotypes including three checks was carried out in kharif 2021 at Research Farm of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CSK HPKV Palampur to estimate the genetic variation, heritability and genetic advance for 13 agro-morphological & seed yield component traits that can be used as selection criteria in breeding programmes. RBD design was used to set up the experiment with a plot size of 3 × 1.35=4.05 m2 and replicated three times. Results and Conclusion: The results of the analysis of variance revealed that the genotypes varied considerably for days to 50 percent flowering, days to 75 percent maturity, plant height (cm), number of nodes per plant, inter-nodal length (cm), number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, pod length (cm), number of seeds per pod, seed yield per plant (g), 100-seed weight (g), biological yield per plant (g) and harvest index (%) showing the genetic divergence of the planting materials from one ano...

Genetika, 2023
interaction (GEI) is crucial for development of stable and wider adaptable soybean varieties. In ... more interaction (GEI) is crucial for development of stable and wider adaptable soybean varieties. In the current study, 10 elite breeding lines were evaluated across 19 diverse locations for days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, hundred seed weight and grain yield during 2020. The stability index as measured through weighted average of absolute scores (WAASB) identified SL 1213 and DS 1320 to have stable grain yield. WAASBY superiority index, which is based on mean performance and stability, was also higher for SL 1213. Multitrait stability index (MTSI) was employed to select genotypes with higher grain yield, early flowering, early maturity, higher hundred seed weight and plant height, simultaneously and genotypes DS 1320 and SL 1213 were identified through MTSI. Based on the three indices, SL 1213 was found to be the candidate genotype for breeding for higher yield, wider adaptability and for ideotype breeding. Based on cluster analysis, SL 1213 × JS 22-07 and SL 1213 × NRC 149 were found to be the ideal cross combinations for developing high-yielding and wider adaptable genotypes. Through Principal Component Analysis (PCA), grain yield was found to be positively associated with Relative Humidity, Effect of temperature on radiation use efficiency, Deficit by precipitation, Total rainfall precipitation during the crop cycle, Global solar radiation based on latitude and Julian day and Dew-point temperature at 2 m above the surface of the earth.
Plant Disease Research, 2018
Crop improvement, 2009
Ten genetically diverse soybean strains, derived from six different crosses, along with three che... more Ten genetically diverse soybean strains, derived from six different crosses, along with three checks were evaluated for genotype x environment (G x E) interaction for yield and maturity under eight environments. The pooled analysis of variance for both the traits indicated ...

Scientific Reports, Aug 18, 2020
Soybean is an important oilseed cum vegetable crop, susceptible to various biotic stresses which ... more Soybean is an important oilseed cum vegetable crop, susceptible to various biotic stresses which is attributed to recent decline in crop productivity. The emergence of virulent biotypes/strains of different plant pathogens necessitates the development of new crop varieties with enhanced host resistance mechanisms. Pyramiding of multiple disease-resistant genes is one of the strategies employed to develop durable disease-resistant cultivars to the prevailing and emerging biotypes of pathogens. The present study, reports the successful introgression of two major R-genes, including Rps2 (Phytophthora rot resistance), Rmd-c (complete-powdery mildew resistance) and effective nodulating gene (rj2) through functional Marker-Assisted Backcross Breeding (MABB) in the genetic background of well-adapted and high yielding soybean varieties, CO 3 and JS 335. We have identified several promising introgressed lines with enhanced resistance to Phytophthora rot and powdery mildew. The improved soybean lines have exhibited medium to high level of resistance against powdery mildew and Phytophthora rot as well as displayed effective nodulation capacity. Our study has proven the generation of resistant genotypes to realize the potential of MABB for achieving host plant resistance in soybean. The improved lines developed can greatly assist the soybean breeding programs in India and other soybean growing countries for evolving disease-resistant varieties.

Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022
Two distinct emaraviruses, Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus-I (PPSMV-I) and Pigeonpea sterility m... more Two distinct emaraviruses, Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus-I (PPSMV-I) and Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus-II (PPSMV-II) were found to be associated with sterility mosaic disease (SMD) of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]. The host range of both these viruses and their vector are narrow, confined to Nicotiana benthamiana identified through mechanical transmission, and to Phaseolus vulgaris cvs. Top Crop, Kintoki, and Bountiful (F: Fabaceae) through mite transmission. A weed host Chrozophora rottleri (F: Euphorbiaceae) was also infected and tested positive for both the viruses in RT-PCR. Among the wild Cajanus species tested, Cajanus platycarpus accessions 15661, 15668, and 15671, and Cajanus scarabaeoides accessions 15683, 15686, and 15922 were infected by both the viruses and mite vector suggesting possible sources of SMD inoculum. Though accession 15666 of C. platycarpus, 15696 of C. scarabaeoides, and 15639 of Cajanus lanceolatus were infected by both the viruses, no mite ...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2020

Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2014
The present investigations were conducted on sixteen genotypes of sprouting broccoli (Brassica ol... more The present investigations were conducted on sixteen genotypes of sprouting broccoli (Brassica oleracea var italica Plenck) in Randomized Complete Block Design in two environments, viz. rabi 2010-11 and rabi 2011-12. Character association analysis revealed that marketable yield/plant was significantly and positively correlated with terminal head weight/plant, harvest index, gross weight/plant, head size index, days to first harvest, leaf size with leaf stalk, plant frame and leaf size without leaf stalk which could be considered as the important selection criteria in the improvement of marketable yield. The results of path analysis revealed that the maximum positive direct effect on marketable yield/plant was exhibited by terminal head weight per plant followed by harvest index, gross weight per plant and head size index. This indicated that a selection procedure based on high terminal head weight/plant along with high harvest index, high gross weight/plant and high head size index may be effective in improving marketable yield.

Agronomy Journal, 2021
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is the leading Indian oilseed crop grown under rainfed condition... more Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is the leading Indian oilseed crop grown under rainfed conditions. Meticulous understanding of genotype × environment interaction patterns is essential to develop superior and widely adaptable soybean varieties. In the current study, 32 soybean genotypes were evaluated at eight locations for two consecutive years. Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction ANOVA revealed that only 41.6% of variance was explained by the first two interaction principal component axes (IPCAs), leaving 58.4% to the remaining 13 IPCs. The weighted average of absolute scores (WAASB) stability index, a best linear unbiased prediction–based mixed model that takes in to account all the IPCAs, has been used in stability analysis. SL1171 (WAASB score, 4.09) was found to be highly stable among the genotypes under study, with grain yield (2,050.87 kg ha−1) lower than the grand mean (2,082.50 kg ha−1). A superiority index that allows weighting between mean performance and...
RASSA Journal of Science for Society

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018
The doubled haploids of Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun) were evaluated along with ... more The doubled haploids of Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun) were evaluated along with mustard under two environments during rabi, 2010-11. Analysis of variance for different traits such as days to flower initiation, days to 50 per cent flowering, days to 75 per cent maturity, plant height, number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, siliquae per plant, length of main shoot, siliquae on main shoot, siliqua length, seeds per siliqua, 1000-seed weight, seed yield per plant, biological yield per plant, harvest index and per cent oil content revealed the presence of sufficient genetic variability for all characters except siliqua length and per cent oil content in Env. I. On the other hand in Env. II, the presence of sufficient genetic variability for most of the traits was observed. Pooled analysis over environments revealed the presence of g x e interactions for all characters except days to flower initiation and per cent oil content. The estimates of PCV were found to be higher than their corresponding GCV for all characters. In pooled over the environments, high PCV values were observed for siliquae per plant and harvest index. The estimates of GCV were found to be moderate for siliquae per plant. High heritability values were observed for days to 50 per cent flowering followed by days to 75 per cent maturity and days to flower initiation. Expected genetic advance expressed as per cent of mean were moderate for siliquae per plant followed by 1000-seed weight, days to flower initiation and plant height.
Journal of Oilseed Brassica, Jul 29, 2020

Journal of Earth System Science, 2021
Polluted aerosol transport from South Asia containing oxides of nitrogen and sulphur and their de... more Polluted aerosol transport from South Asia containing oxides of nitrogen and sulphur and their deposition on surface may acidify coastal waters. To test this hypothesis, we have conducted experiments involving (a) variability in aerosol composition at a coastal station (Visakhapatnam, central east coast of India) during 2013-2014 (monthly) and 2015-2016 (weekly observations), and (b) simultaneous observations of aerosols over land and adjacent coastal water in winter of 2013 and 2016. The annual average composition of aerosols during this study was dominated by SO 4 2À (48%) followed by NO 3 À (15%). Sulphate (*12 lg m À3) exhibited high concentrations in Fall Intermonsoon (FIM) and winter monsoon (WM), whereas higher nitrate (3-4.5 lg m À3) concentrations were observed during summer monsoon (SM) and FIM. The mean [NO 3 À /SO 4 2À ] ratio of 0.32 suggests that atmospheric aerosol over the study region is contributed by transportation of fossil fuel burning emissions from the subcontinent by high-altitude large-scale wind circulation. The concentrations of NO 2 and SO 2 varied from 17.2 to 34.3 and 11.5 to 16.4 lg m À3 , respectively with mean [SO 2 /NO 2 ] ratio of 0.57 and [SO 4 2À /SO 4 2À +SO 2 ] ratio of 0.33 indicates coal burning (power plants/industries) and fossil fuel burning may be the major source of atmospheric dust in the study region. Comparison of total cations and anion concentrations indicate aerosols are acidic in FIM and SM and mixed nature (acidic/basic) in WM but near neutral in spring Intermonsoon (SIM). Simultaneous experiments revealed that about 5-45% of the atmospheric aerosols were deposited within 10 km from the coast. The in vitro experiments indicated that the deposition of atmospheric aerosols resulted in a measurable decrease in pH of surface seawater and displayed significant relationship between decrease in pH and concentration of NO 3 À /SO 4 2À , but it was weaker with NO 2 /SO 2 suggesting former ions contribute significantly in lowering pH of coastal waters than latter. The impact of decrease in pH on acid-base equilibrium, carbonate chemistry and gas exchanges need to be assessed.

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 2022
Aims: To determine the best selection indices for seed yield improvement in Brassica crops Place ... more Aims: To determine the best selection indices for seed yield improvement in Brassica crops Place of Study: Experimental Farm of Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, CSK HPKV, Palampur, during rabi 2018-19. Methodology: The experimental material for the investigation comprised of twenty five advanced breeding lines including released varieties of four different Brassica species laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications which were evaluated for correlation (genotypic and phenotypic) studies, direct and indirect effects using various growth parameters and yield contributing traits. Results: Analysis of variance revealed significant genotypic variances for all the growth parameters and seed yield components under study except for Leaf Area Index (LAI), number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, siliquae per plant and harvest index. Correlation coefficients at phenotypic level indicated that seed yield per plant had signif...

Rapeseed-mustard crops in general, show low average productivity due to the prevalence of various... more Rapeseed-mustard crops in general, show low average productivity due to the prevalence of various biotic and abiotic stresses. Among biotic stresses, diseases such as white rust and Alternaria blight are the major contributing factors. Alternaria blight caused by Alternaria brassicae has been reported to cause variable losses in yield. The present study aimed to induce mutations for Alternaria blight resistance/tolerance in Ethiopian mustard and screen the induced mutants through in vivo (detached leaf method) as well as in vitro (cultural filtrate) methods for disease resistance/tolerance in different generations. About 46 mutants in M2 generation were isolated which showed segregation for A. brassicae tolerance. Only 10 mutants showed very less sporulation intensity along with less halo and concentric ring diameter. These mutants were further evaluated under natural field conditions at Kangra to confirm their reaction. Out of these, only two mutants viz., P (4)2 in 80 kR and P13 i...
Journal of Agrometeorology

Abstract- Callus cultures were established from hypocotyl and cotyledon explants of 8-10 days old... more Abstract- Callus cultures were established from hypocotyl and cotyledon explants of 8-10 days old seedlings obtained from nonirradiated and irradiated seeds of Brassica carinata variety ‘Jayanti ’ on MS medium supplemented with various combinations and concentrations of growth hormones. Shoot formation from the cotyledon explants was observed on MS medium supplemented with BAP (2.0 mg l-1) and NAA (0.1 mg l-1) obtained from non-irradiated seeds. Multiple shoots appeared at the base of cotyledon explants of non-irradiated seeds within 3 weeks. AgNO3 in callus induction medium resulted in greening of callus. However, no significant effect of adding organic additive in shooting medium was observed. The hypocotyl explants showed good callusing but, no shooting response was observed. The callusing potential increased with increase in radiation dose up to 80 kR and afterwards started decreasing with increase in dose. The percentage of shoot formation decreased gradually with the increase ...
Papers by DR Vedna Kumari