Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015

The role of Academic Digital library (DL) in our educational system has becoming of paramount imp... more The role of Academic Digital library (DL) in our educational system has becoming of paramount important in bringing education knowledge and information closer and faster to academic users. Moreover, through the fast-changing development of the information and communication technology, it is further positively proliferated the sphere of information diffusion. This paper aims to investigate the academic digital library effectiveness towards selected public university students in fulfilling their study needs. A total of seven latent variables proposed in building PLS model in examining the relationships between Information Quality, Service Quality, System Quality and DL Collection, and Student Satisfaction. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that the mentioned relationships were mediated by Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness. A survey method is opted and a total of 200 students were randomly selected. The PLS model results indicated that about 76%, a satisfactory percentage of variance accounted for in the DV, is explained by the IVs. However, Service Quality was the only IV that showed no direct effect on Student Satisfaction. Moreover, findings also revealed that mediating effects might not be critical in describing the posited relationships however it might offer a new point of view in examining DL effectiveness (due to some significant results shown) and could make meaningful contribution to the literature in other research setting.

Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences, 2017
Over the past, a decade, companies in Malaysia show deep interest in implementing the Enterprise ... more Over the past, a decade, companies in Malaysia show deep interest in implementing the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to improve their business processes. Due to the capability offered by this so-called robust system, it yields interest in companies to implement this system but is lacking in knowledge on the impact after the execution of the system. Notionally, the effectiveness of the system can be measured only after successfully implementing the system. The user acceptance and satisfaction of using the system thus need to be investigated to measure its effectiveness. This research is conducted via a cross-sectional survey of 150 respondents. The responses were analyzed with employing structural equation modeling (SEM). The role of user satisfaction as a mediator is addressed in identifying the most important and significant factors contributing to the effectiveness of ERP system. Findings of this study revealed that the highest contribution was due to service quality wh...
![Research paper thumbnail of A framework for development of model-driven decision support system / Mohd Razilan Abdul Kadir ... [et al.]](
With expansion and growth in computing technology, systems for supporting decision-makers in plan... more With expansion and growth in computing technology, systems for supporting decision-makers in planning can be crucial, either to expedite and enhance the work environment or to gain efficient and effective forecasting results, as to compete with other rivals in business war-gaming. In this article, we will explore the state-of-art in developing a Model- Driven Decision Support System (DSS) namely Forecasting Support Systems (FSS), via time series forecasting model which based on Box- Jenkins approach known as ARIMA, as the analytic model in model base; for managerial and executive level, dominantly who involves inforecasting field. The aim of this paper to discuss on how decision-making process (with respect to forecasting and planning) can have its computerized support by a DSS, also to understand the concepts of FSS component and its development via DSS technology levels, which may support managers in decision making process, emphasizing on concept and approach of Box-Jenkins.
![Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-faktor kesedaran terhadap perpustakaan digital di institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia / Razilan A. Kadir … [et al.]](
Kemunculan teknologi terkini dalam bidang maklumat dan sistem maklumat telah membawa kepada satu ... more Kemunculan teknologi terkini dalam bidang maklumat dan sistem maklumat telah membawa kepada satu fenomena baru dalam teknik-teknik pembelajaran, pengajaran dan penyelidikan. Kehadiran fenomena inijuga telah mengubah dan memperlebarkan evolusi sistem perpustakaan tradisional ke sistem perpustakaan digital. Keperluan terhadap perpustakaan digital tidak boleh disangkal apatah lagi pencarian dan kedapatan maklumat akademik berasaskan kepada atas-talian dan tanpa sempadan. Di sebalik tersebarnya penggunaan perpustakaan digital, namun kajian ke atas kesedaran terhadap sistem sedemikan masih lagi jarang didapati. Kebanyakan kajian menumpu kepada kesedaran terhadap interaksi-manusia-komputer, begitu juga terhadap penggunaan Internet namun terlalu jarang terhadap perpustakaan digital. Sorotan kajian ini adalah untuk menyelidik faktor-faktor kesedaran terhadap perpustakaan digital akademik, di kalangan pengguna di institusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia. Kaji selidik terhadap 944 responden di ...

Academic digital libraries emerged as a result of advances in computing and information systems t... more Academic digital libraries emerged as a result of advances in computing and information systems technologies, and had been introduced in universities and to public. As results, moving in parallel with current technology in learning and researching environment indeed offers myriad of advantages especially to students and academicians, as well as researchers. This is due to dramatic changes in learning environment through the use of digital library system which giving spectacular impact on these societies- way of performing their study/research. This paper presents a survey of current criteria for evaluating academic digital libraries- performance. The goal is to discuss criteria being applied so far for academic digital libraries evaluation in the context of user-centered design. Although this paper does not comprehensively take into account all previous researches in evaluating academic digital libraries but at least it can be a guide in understanding the evaluation criteria being w...

Social media opens wider rooms for enhancement of academic digital library to expand its services... more Social media opens wider rooms for enhancement of academic digital library to expand its services/collections/functionalities for greater benefits of its students' community. By using social media, libraries can engage with their clienteles and enable them to participate in the production of library products/services. Moreover, the use of social media marketing of academic digital library marked the technological advancement in library science for its value added in provisioning library and information services. This paper presents an insight-driven discovery analytic to visualize and analyze using R software, on the effectiveness of digital library service quality with the use of social media marketing. A total of 252 private university students participated in the survey where this discovery found meaningful insights via R visualization technique to aid library management's decision making by penetrating the basic issue unseen before. Overall, students satisfied with the university's digital library however insight of this study is also giving us lead that male students age below 30 years with Diploma level are having challenges of using digital library via social media. Hence, a more deep-dive study is reckoned to library management to identify those challenges and so forth to overcome the issue.

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019
The rapid increase of data generated has brought challenges on data quality level. Fog computing ... more The rapid increase of data generated has brought challenges on data quality level. Fog computing in general has been supporting the requirements of end user devices that could not be met by cloud computing solution and it is acknowledged to have a major impact on how an organisation decides to adopt for preprocessing a huge amount of data being generated by the devices. Since IoT devices generating very heterogeneous and dynamic data, there are challenges for the level of data quality. The limitation has hindered the development of fog systems framework that capable operating the dynamic execution of edge devices that handling generation and collection large amounts of data on-premise and off-premise. Thus,sufficient operations of identifying Quality of Result enable user to detect any problems when conducting the decision making. The aim of this paper is to address the factors that perceived likely to influence the adoption of fog computing in evaluating the data analysis on data t...

Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences, 2017
In current research environment and needs, the online database becomes one of the main resources ... more In current research environment and needs, the online database becomes one of the main resources in retrieving latest academic information and knowledge. This is due to reason that its synchronization (latest and frequently updated resources) with the on-going research trends and demands. The online database contains a collection of data, text, numerical, graphical, electronic journals, multimedia products and others. Usability of an online database for students may imply on accessing resources for meeting their assignment, project papers and research requirements. In education needs at the higher institution, students have long been using the database to fit in with their study. Nevertheless, little is known from the past works on the students’ online database usability. A survey is conducted on undergraduate students at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Malaysia. The aim is to examine the relationships between learnability and efficiency, and usage of the online database among ...

Advanced Science Letters, 2017
RFID technology is widely used in many areas including library. Library benefits from RFID techno... more RFID technology is widely used in many areas including library. Library benefits from RFID technology to automate its core processes and offers services to its user including self-service. However, not all RFID implementation in library carried out successfully. It was reported that RFID Self Service implementation can be chaotic, complicated and expensive. To account these issues, the implementation of RFID Self Service has been conducted in a controlled environment. This paper investigates the technology used in RFID Self Service implementation using Koha ILS, describes the implementation setup and further explains internal SIP2 communication between Automated Circulation System (ACS) and Self Check (SC) which are critical in RFID Self Service process. The implementation has achieved its objective. An automated RFID Self-Service is successfully implemented and an implementation framework is established. This documented experience might be helpful to understand and uncover the complicated myth behind RFID Self Service system implementation.
Global Journal of Business & Social Science Review (GJBSSR), Aug 10, 2014
Objective – The purpose of this study is to identify the impacts of implementing marketing mix on... more Objective – The purpose of this study is to identify the impacts of implementing marketing mix on the usage of library services towards library users’ satisfaction. Methodology/Technique – This study will be conducted in quantitative method. Primary data will be obtained by distributing of questionnaires survey to the library users and will be analysed using SPSS, while secondary data will be collected from analysis of literature from previous study. Findings – The marketing mix has a positive influence on the usage of library services towards library users’ satisfaction. Novelty – This study is about marketing in library services which will increase the awareness of available library services among library users, and thus lead to library users’ satisfaction. Type of Paper: Conceptual
Explosion in information management and information system technology has brought dramatic change... more Explosion in information management and information system technology has brought dramatic changes in learning and library system environments. The use of academic digital libraries does witness the spectacular impact on academic societies' way of performing their study in Malaysia, a country with a multi-racial people. This paper highlights a research on examining the socio-demographic differences on the preference and use of academic digital libraries as compared to physical libraries at higher learning institutions. Findings indicate that preference towards digital libraries differed between ethnicity, gender and university. However none of the socio-demographic factors is statistically significant in terms of the use of digital libraries.

pertanika journal of science and technology, 2017
This study aimed to examine the association between second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure and psycholo... more This study aimed to examine the association between second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure and psychological distress amongst non-smoking pregnant women. A cross-sectional study was used to obtain a representative sample of non-smoking pregnant women attending health clinics (n = 661) across six states in Malaysia. The duration of SHS exposure inside and outside the house was recorded from the participants. Psychological distress was assessed via General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12). The analyses were conducted using a logistic regression adjusted for demographic variables and other variables. Amongst non-smoking pregnant women, the prevalence of global SHS exposure and psychological distress was 80.4% and 64.2%, respectively. In the multivariate adjusted odds ratio (OR) models for psychological distress and the duration of SHS exposures, there was an OR of 1.04 (95% CI: 0.61-1.77) for individuals with SHS exposure of 1-4 hours/week, 0.44 (95% CI: 0.23-0.81) for SHS exposure of 5-14 hours...