Infection, 1992
Dr. Kawada: The First International Symposion on Clinical Evaluation of Drug Efficacy in UTI was ... more Dr. Kawada: The First International Symposion on Clinical Evaluation of Drug Efficacy in UTI was held in October 1989 in Tokyo [1]. At this Symposium, the criteria for uncomplicated and complicated UTI from six countries were introduced, discussed and agreed on (Tables 1 und 2). After the presentation we discussed the establishment of the criteria. First, I would like to summarize the criteria on acute uncomplicated UTI. Only female patients over 16years of age are to be included. The upper age limit is not fixed. The data should be stratifted by age or menopause. The duration of symptoms from the onset and the risk factors such as history of recent infection and sexual activity must be checked and recorded. Dr. Neu: I think we all agree about the female sex. Male patients would have to be studied separately. They must be over the age of 16. The upper age is not fixed, but we are very concerned about the aspect of menopause. Are there any items that anybody in the audience feels would not be feasible to do in a clinical trial? Dr. Stamm: They are quite consistent with what we have proprosed, and I would agree with them. Dr. Norrby: I think everything out there is acceptable. Dr. Neu: What about the French? Dr. Jardin: I think the French would finish with the menopause. Dr. Neu: I think that all will agree that these items are useful for any protocol that a government or a drug company would approve in the future. Dr. Naber: How is recurrent infection defined? Dr. Schaeffer: We are talking about sporadic versus recurrent. That would mean not having had an infection within the last six months or ever, and that would be one type of sporadic; the other would be a patient with more frequent infection. Dr. Kawada: The target is symptomatic lower UTI. Therefore, presence of symptoms p a i n on micturition, urinary frequency or sense of residual urine must be confirmed. Dr. Neu: There are a number of techniques for determining residual urine. Women of lower socioeconomic class may have had multiple births and therefore frequently have a cystocele or have some other failure of their detrusor muscle. Should one include in some of these studies new measures of residual urine? With ultrasound we can determine immediately whether or not you have 10 ml, 25 ml or 50 ml; just by placing the ultrasound over the bladder, an immediate printout will tell you what the residual urine is. Do such patients have to be looked at separately or is this too expensive? Dr. Schaeffer: We started by saying that the patients had no recognized abnormality and now we are talking about residual urine. By definition these patients should not have residual urine in uncomplicated UTI. Dr. Neu: I can tell you, if the woman has six children she has residual Urine. Dr. Schaeffer: That may be true, but should all women have their residual urine measured? Dr. Stamm: That is an interesting point and has been discussed in our committee. One approach might be to measure residual urine in people who fail rather than in everyone. That is a more economical approach, and then you would at least be able to say if you had an infection-prone population. Dr. Norrby: I think you have touched on a very important point, which is to standardize instructions to the patient, and that double voiding is included as well as sexual hygienic measures. If that is not done, different results may be obtained from different centres, perhaps not between the drugs tested but certainly between the centres. Dr. Westenfelder: I believe we must differentiate between uncomplicated and complicated Lrt~I. If the woman reports a sensation of residual urine, then you must check for residual urine, because if she has residual urine, she does not have uncomplicated urinary tract infection. Reinfection occurs more often, and the outcome is different. Dr. Naber: Dr. Bailey stated earlier that in a study at least the failures should be investigated more carefully with regard to their urological status. Dr. Kawada: Only patients with pyuria of at least 10 per HPF and with bacteriuria of at least 103/ml can be included. The breakpoint of the MIC is not fixed beforehand, but relations between MIC and eradication rate must be studied after treatment to find the breakpoints of MIC clinically. Dr. Neu: Do we now agree that the WBC be specified as done in haemocytometer, in unspun urine? The real question in bacteriuria: Is 103/ml a compromise that everybody has agreed upon? Dr. Stamm: Everybody agrees on the 103/ml organisms including our French colleagues. Dr. Neu" What do you think about 104/ml; should we stratify to bacterial counts? Some patients with very high bacterial counts such as 106/ml are probably going to be failures and would be studied anyway. Dr. Norrby: I think it is important to establish that all the analyses that should be done must be in the protocol. One is not allowed to do any analyses when the code is broken. One can do subanalyses afterwards but that is one of the basic…
2021 IEEE 9th Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2021)

2021 IEEE 12th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC)
Breakwater is one type of infrastructure built to protect the shore from incoming waves and preve... more Breakwater is one type of infrastructure built to protect the shore from incoming waves and prevent the coastal erosion. However, the effectiveness of breakwater as the protective measures is still questionable. Over time, sand will accumulate towards a breakwater and the down drift sand tends to erode. This research is performed to assess the vulnerability of the near shore emphasizing on the components of slope percentage, sea level rise, geomorphology as well as wind speed and temperature of the CVI based on the three identified sampling zones of the three breakwaters’ localities and to identify the rank of vulnerability of the three specified sampling zones. The variables considered are beach geomorphology, beach slope, sea level rise and climatic conditions such as the wind speed, temperature and types of wave. The data collection for this research is obtained from different resources such as field study (in-situ) and survey, ancillary data from existing and previous research, as well as pre-existing data obtained from various agencies. Google Earth Pro is utilized to acquire samples of the beach profile and visual observation is used to determine the beach geomorphology. The usage of anemometer aids in the acquisition of temperature and wind speed data. The research conducted indicates that there are zones in Tok Jembal beach that is highly risked and prone to erosion despite the construction of breakwaters.

2016 7th IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 2016
The study of historical monument needs a great care especially for the old object. Along with cur... more The study of historical monument needs a great care especially for the old object. Along with current technologies, allowing the object studied scanned in three dimensions. To make the objective achieved, the digital form of objects studied has almost become mandatory for simplicity of study and also variety of analysis. For various scale of objects that present everywhere, hardware and software equipment exist often involve cost that considered high. Besides, the question of knowhow to handle both software and software also becomes important issue. These are probably the reasons why the technology is not widely spreads in the community. Among others, Digital Close Range Photogrammetry (DCRP) provide a wide variety of possibilities to produce 3D data by using simple method and reasonable cost. This study particularly focuses only one solution which is PhotoModeler Scanner (PMS) software but using two different processing technique including manual and automated project. Manual project needs user to digitize manually using basic tool like point and line but automated project using a Smartmatch tools to produce point clouds where both will lead to the formation of the same result form, 3D model. The comparison is completed according to several important criteria based on 3D model produced itself. The most important criteria are accuracy; it is therefore significant to quantify the ability to produce a reliable 3D. The product from this study can also contribute to the documentation of historical monument that need to be keep for future reference.
Poverty-a collection of characteristics which has a dynamic condition of vulnerability or suscept... more Poverty-a collection of characteristics which has a dynamic condition of vulnerability or susceptibility to risks After 3 decade of rapid urbanization and development-poverty much more complex than the lack of money where a multitude of factors could contribute the pathway into poverty-the term poverty can also be referred to different adverse social and psychological repercussions namely domestic violence, crime, perceived inadequacy of social investments and social expansion of human capital, unfair service delivery, and feeble political participation thus make the definition of poverty is ultimately country specific
2012 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 2012
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has been widely used in many fields such as flight simulation, surf... more Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has been widely used in many fields such as flight simulation, surface analysis, engineering works and flood risk assessment. In these recent years, it can be seen that the use of DEM in flood risk assessment and modeling is increasing. This paper describes a study made on the extraction of DEM using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) in flood risk assessment. The objective is to explore and understand the characteristics and the use of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in flood risk assessment. There are some different sources of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) highlighted in this paper which include ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer), LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and topographic map.

2014 IEEE 10th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications, 2014
The art of photogrammetry has expanded where non metric cameras are used to replace metric camera... more The art of photogrammetry has expanded where non metric cameras are used to replace metric camera as technology grows. Non metric cameras are widely used today in close range photogrammetry application as the numbers of pixels increase. The non metric camera is created for photography used. The interior orientation is unknown and requires camera calibration. The research investigated on the relationship of the number of pixels and the accuracy in camera calibration and classified the accuracy based on the user's requirement. Camera calibration for optimisation accuracy and stabilisation for the non metric camera was carried out in this research. The evaluation of the accuracy of camera calibration and stability of interior orientation parameters (IOP) is evaluated by using the root mean square and standard deviation. Twelve images are taken by using the standard method in PhotoModeler Scanner Version 6.0. The numbers of photographs process are 6, 9 and 12. Processing using the default setting and preset setting were applied and the image arrangement resembles how the images are taken are altered when insert the images into the software to be processed. Results showed that the lesser the number of photographs and the number of megapixels, the smaller the root mean square error. In addition, the standard method developed by Eos Systems Inc. in terms of setting and image procedure has a smaller root mean square error. Furthermore, compact camera is inconsistent in terms of lens distortion.

2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 2013
Abstracts: Integration of the Geographical Information System (GIS) technology and various applic... more Abstracts: Integration of the Geographical Information System (GIS) technology and various applications are able to contribute towards reconstructing the dynamic of representation in GIS visualization. WEB-based GIS visualization users like architects, planners, landuse planners and urban designers are capable to visualize the effect of urban, proposed and zoning landuse. It's also capable to predict the results of smart growth initiatives for sustainable development to be achieved. Therefore this paper will review and discuss on how the GIS and other combined techniques are potentially into modeling a WEB-based GIS visualization of the real heritage world. This paper will focus on the discussion in establishing the WEB-based GIS together with visualization towards sustainable development of George Town (not "Georgetown" as most people used and tend to spell it) as world heritage site while application from this WEB-based is capable to become a tool for sustainable development of George Town as world heritage site. It is expected that by using WEBbased GIS many users are capable to analyst the categories of heritage building in George Town, in terms of non -heritage building or heritage building and so on. Therefore it is believed that WEB-based GIS is capable to become efficient tools to be use in supporting the process of such as data sharing, decision making, manipulation of data information and map for George Town as the world heritage site.
2013 IEEE 4th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, 2013
ABSTRACT Image based modeling and documentation are become important elements in historical or he... more ABSTRACT Image based modeling and documentation are become important elements in historical or heritage representation. As an alternative method, The Digital Close-range Photogrammetry (DCRP) approach offers a manual and semi automatic measurement process to provide the digital base drawing for creating the three dimensional (3D) model. In this paper overall view of measurement method, visualization and modeling are presented. The final output is a digital visualization of various angle model, viewing side plan and three dimensional models.

2013 IEEE 3rd International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, 2013
The suitability location of Hindu Temple at section 19 was very importance among Shah Alam's ... more The suitability location of Hindu Temple at section 19 was very importance among Shah Alam's people. The housing build by PKNS was much closed with that Hindu temple. That issue give a lot of sensitive dilemmas were come up and need to investigate using technologies which is Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The aim of this study is to find the suitable location of Hindus Temple by investigates the characteristics, factors and criteria. The objectives for this study are (i) to explore and identify the suitable criteria location of Hindu temple (ii) to use all the suitable criteria and integrate the demographic data (iii) to analyze the results of suitable location after processing the data. Researcher has analyzed four factors which can determine the suitability of Hindu Temple. The factor considered were races population between Malay, India, China and others, distance factor, physical and environmental factor. This project has been process using GIS tools which is vector data analysis such as buffering, overlay, intersect, union and erase. The final result shows the suitable location of Hindus Temple.
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a technology that has been used for years with the variety... more Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a technology that has been used for years with the variety of applications including the production of digital terrain models (DTMs), and high-accuracy mapping. LiDAR offers a very detailed collection of 3-D point clouds of the earth surface which can be used in generating orthophotos. Traditional orthophoto production based on the DTM has to
2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 2013
Image based modeling and documentation are become important elements in historical or heritage re... more Image based modeling and documentation are become important elements in historical or heritage representation. As an alternative method, The Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry approach offers a manual and semi automatic measurement process to provide the digital base drawing for creating the three dimensional (3D) model. In addition, differential rectified images of the three research objects have been generated. In this paper overall view of measurement method, visualization and modeling are presented. Finally a precise and an accurate 3D model output with a digital visualization of various angle model, viewing side plan and three dimensional models was generated.