Papers by DR. Andriani Kusumawati

Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021
This paper examines the effect of e-service quality on the users of the Facebook marketplace. Use... more This paper examines the effect of e-service quality on the users of the Facebook marketplace. Users can always have stickiness intention. Stickiness intention is regarded as repetitive visits to and use of a certain website because of a commitment to continue using that website. Hence, we examine and explain the influence of e-service quality variables on stickiness intention. The variables used for e-service quality include efficiency, fulfillment, system availability, and privacy. The researchers related stickiness intention variable to online media users who always use the Facebook marketplace longer than other marketplaces, and users who visit the Facebook marketplace more often than other marketplaces. The method of data analysis was using inferential statistics GeSCA method. The GeSCA method is a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique that can directly analyze latent variables, indicators, and measurement errors. The results of the GeSCA method before the COVID-19 pandem...
This research aims to explore the factors that influence student choice in the selection of an In... more This research aims to explore the factors that influence student choice in the selection of an Indonesian Public University. The research design is conducted by mixed-method approach. For the first phase, semistructured and focus-groups interviews were carried out with the same cohort of 48 first-year undergraduate students in five Indonesian public universities. Preliminary results revealed 25 choice criteria for selecting a university considered by Indonesian students. Finally, implications and recommendations are presented.

This study to determine the effect of experience quality on customer satisfaction and custome... more This study to determine the effect of experience quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. the relationship between experience quality and customer loyalty indirectly through customer satisfaction is explained in this study. A total of 168 questionnaires were distributed to respondents who already had experience visiting and enjoying food in natural outdoor cafes in Malang, Indonesia. Data was collected by direct survey to respondents and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) equation and then analyzed with three stages of inferential statistics. The demographics of the respondents were also described in this study. The findings of this study indicate that the emergence of millennial generations has made changes in lifestyle today. The results of hypothesis testing of this study prove that experience quality has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction...

Service quality is an important market differentiator and is an instrument that has strong compet... more Service quality is an important market differentiator and is an instrument that has strong competitiveness. The purpose of this research was to test and to analyze the influence of service quality towards customer trust and customer loyalty, especially in the retail industry. In such an industry, service quality is the key to improve competitiveness. The research was carried out in North Sulawesi with 135 supermarket customer as the sample. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The research result showed that service quality had significantly positive influence either on the customer trust or customer loyalty. Besides, on the relationship between customer trust and customer loyalty, it also had significant positive finding. Such finding was in line with the concept of SERVQUAL and The Commitment-Trust Theory, stating that service quality interaction would minimize the gap between the expectation and the service received so that it would improve customer trust and eventually...

Thіs reseаrch іs bаsed on Experіentіаl Mаrketіng аs one of the mаrketіng strаtegіes thаt cаn be а... more Thіs reseаrch іs bаsed on Experіentіаl Mаrketіng аs one of the mаrketіng strаtegіes thаt cаn be аpplіed to аll fіelds of busіness, one of them іs food аnd beverаge busіness іn the hope of creаtіng sаtіsfаctіon thаt wіll encourаge customers to shаpe post-purchаse behаvіor. Thіs reseаrch wаs conducted іn the Jаpаnese udon frаnchіse, Mаrugаme Udon Іndonesіа, whіch hаs а unіque concept of open kіtchen, freshly cooked аnd self-servіce. Thіs purpose of thіs reseаrch аre to аnаlyze: (1) The іnfluence of Experіentіаl Mаrketіng on Customer Sаtіsfаctіon; (2) The іnfluence of Experіentіаl Mаrketіng on eWOM (3) The іnfluence of Customer Sаtіsfаctіon on eWOM. Type of reseаrch used іs explаnаtory reseаrch wіth а quаntіtаtіve аpproаch. The sаmplіng technіque thаt used іn thіs reseаrch іs purposіve sаmplіng technіque аmounted to 116 respondents by determіnіng certаіn consіderаtіons. Dаtа аnаlysіs used іn thіs reseаrch usіng descrіptіve аnаlysіs аnd pаth аnаlysіs. The results of the reseаrch reveаle...

Tujuan penelitian adalah: 1) Untuk menjelaskan periklanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputus... more Tujuan penelitian adalah: 1) Untuk menjelaskan periklanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen. 2) Untuk menjelaskan promosi penjualan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen. 3) Untuk menguji yang mana satu dari dua variabel yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian explanatori dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Aksidental Sampling dengan jumlah responden 100 responden yang disebarkan melalui angket dengan menggunakan skala Likert. Variabel penelitian ini adalah Periklanan (X1), Promosi Penjualan (X2) dan Keputusan Pembelian (Y). Penelitian ini telah diadakan di Kantin Halalan Thoyyiban, yang sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Citra Land (CL). Kantin Halalan Thoyyiban terletak di Jl. MT. Haryono No.6 Malang dimana lokasinya terletak di dalam wilayah Kampus Universitas Brawijaya (UB). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data regresi. Hasil penelitian...
The purpose of this study is to present the conceptual framework of city branding that combines i... more The purpose of this study is to present the conceptual framework of city branding that combines it with the concept of tourist gaze as a tourist perspective which makes it a framework for attracting tourists, investors and new residents, especially in city tourism. This study explores the essence of city branding that is linked to urban tourism through the theory of "Tourist Gaze" by John Urry, then links with the city image, and the relationship between city imaging. Branding has symbolic value because branding is a strategy to provide places, cities, images, and cultural meanings. Branding shows the need for individuality and emotional connection with the environment in the context of globalization, thus providing depth and originality of the city or its distinctive character. .

This research aimed to (1) identify and explain the influence of YouTube Beauty Vlogger on Consum... more This research aimed to (1) identify and explain the influence of YouTube Beauty Vlogger on Consumer Purchase Intention (2) to know and explain the influence of YouTube Beauty Vlogger on Purchase Decision of Product (3) to know and explain the influence of Consumer Purchase Intention on Purchase Decision of Product . The type of research used is explanatory with quantitative approach. These research variables include YouTube Beauty Vlogger, Consumer Purcahse Intention and Purchase Decision of Product. The population in this research were Maybelline Cosmetic Users who had watched one of YouTube Beauty Vlogger Abel Cantika, Sarah Ayu or Tasya Farasya used Maybelline products. The sampling technique for this research was using purposive sampling and the data collection method by distributing questionnaire to 116 respondents. Data analysis used is descriptive statistical analysis and path analysis. The data in this study was processed using SPSS 22 for Windows. The result of path analysi...

This research possesses a background on marketing development especially in Digital Marketing. Th... more This research possesses a background on marketing development especially in Digital Marketing. This research have a purpose to: (1) Discover and define the implementation of Content Marketing Strategy Amstirdam Coffee Malang, (2) Discover and define the form of Customer Engagement based on the implementation of Content Marketing Strategy Amstirdam Coffee Malang, (3) Discover and define the effect of the implementation of Content Marketing Strategy on Customer Engagement Amstirdam Coffee Malang. The research method is using qualitative research. The data collection is using semi-structured interview, participative observation, and documentation. The informant of this research has an amount of ten informant. The research validity is using triangulation technique. The data analysis is using Miles and Huberman data analysis model. The result of this research is the implementation of Content Marketing Strategy Amstirdam Coffee Malang is corresponding with the channel of Content Marketin...

The potential power and implications of using social media to reach an enormous audience has been... more The potential power and implications of using social media to reach an enormous audience has been recognised as well as the technological habits of prospective students today. However, many universities are not leveraging on this media tool beneficially as part of their marketing tools. This research provides an analysis and evaluation of the use of social networking sites for university search and selection. The research investigates the current issues related to the information sources used by students for selecting a higher education institution. The research conducted a content analysis from a sample of business and marketing sciences research published in refereed journals from 2000 to 2013. The findings show that the use of social networking sites for university search and selection among prospective students is growing in importance. The reason for the popularity of these sites is that they can supply information from three different sources: direct information from the unive...

This study examines and explains the relationship of income factor variables from the application... more This study examines and explains the relationship of income factor variables from the application of the green supply chain management concept, namely the strategic orientation and government regulation, and further effect on. The object of this research is small and medium enterprises which are associated with the traditional semi-modern greengrocery market in Malang Regency. This study uses census sample method by involving all the owners of traditional semi-modern greengrocery market. The results of this study indicate that, firstly, strategic orientation and government regulation have a significant positive impact on green supply chain management, secondly, green supply chain management has a significant positive effect on environmental performance, thirdly, strategic orientations and government regulation have a significant positive impact on environmental performance through green supply chain management.Penelitian ini menguji dan menjelaskan hubungan variabel yang menjadi fak...
This study aims to discuss and test the role of permission email marketing that have an impact on... more This study aims to discuss and test the role of permission email marketing that have an impact on purchase intention and purchase decision in the marketplace. Permission email marketing is one marketing tool that has many advantages, including the ability to reach a wider area and different market share but also the ability to make marketing deals with a small amount of investment. The researcher used the questionnaire as the primary data source given to 168 respondents, namely subscriber at Lazada Indonesia. The analytical tool used is Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) which is a causal modeling approach that aims to maximize the variance of latent variables which can be explained by predictor variables. The results showed that there was a strong influence between email marketing permissions with purchase intention and purchase decisions.

This research aims to clarify the influence of experimental marketing to customer satisfaction, t... more This research aims to clarify the influence of experimental marketing to customer satisfaction, the influence of experimental marketing to repurchase intention and the influence of customer satisfaction to repurchase intention. This type of research is explanatory associative with quantitative approach. Variable in this research is experimental marketing, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention. Population in this research is Coto Abdesir Restaurant’s customer aged 17 years old and older, knew how to fill in a questionnaire and was visited more than twice in last two month. The sample used in this research was 113 people chosen with purposive sampling and data collection methods in questionnaire. Analysis of data used descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result of path analysis shows that experimental marketing significantly influence the customer satisfaction and repurchase intention, customer satisfaction significantly to repurchase intention. Based on this researc...

This research aimed to (1) explain the influence of Celebrity Endorser towards purchase intention... more This research aimed to (1) explain the influence of Celebrity Endorser towards purchase intention, (2) explain the influence of Celebrity Endorser towards purchase decision, (3) explain the influence of Electronic Word of Mouth towards purchase intention, (4) explain the influence of Electronic Word of Mouth towards purchase decision, (5) explain the influence of purchase intention towards purchase decision. This research used explanatory research with quantitative approach. The variables of the research are Celebrity Endorser, Electronic Word of Mouth, purchase intention and purchase decision. The criteria of population in this research are Zoya’s consumers with minimum age of 17 years old, has been buying Zoya’s products, follower of Official Account Instagram Zoya Fashion and Hijab, knowing one of the Zoya’s Celebrity Endorser. This research for the sampling technique used purposive sampling and the data collection method by distributing online questionnaire to 138 respondents by...

Service Quality is a condition related to how much the service provider can provide the type of s... more Service Quality is a condition related to how much the service provider can provide the type of services that customers expect, and ultimately make the customers feel satisfaction and ending with the attitude of loyalty. It can be influenced by various factors that exist in dimensions of service quality that is: reability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, and tangibles. This type of research is explanatory with quantitative approach. Population in this research is savings customers on BCA who aged 20-50 years old, have savingаccount BCА, feel the service on BCА, аnd conduct trаnsаctions on behаlf of its own more or less one yeаr. The sаmple used in this reseаrch wаs 134 people choosen with purposive sаmpling. Аnаlysis of dаtа used descriptive аnаlysis аnd pаth аnаlysis. The result shows thаt service quаlity hаs significаnt influence on the customers sаtisfаction аnd customer loyаlty, аnd customer sаtisfаction hаs significаnt influence on customer loyаlty. Bаsed on this result, th...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menjelaskan pengaruh Celebrity Endorser terhadap Brand Awarene... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menjelaskan pengaruh Celebrity Endorser terhadap Brand Awareness, (2) menjelaskan pengaruh Celebrity Endorser terhadap Purchase Decision , (3) menjelaskan pengaruh Brand Awareness terhadap Purchase Decision . Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksplanatori ( explanatory research ) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Variabel pada penelitian ini terdiri dari Celebrity Endorser, Brand Awareness dan Purchase Decision . Kriteria populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang berstatus sebagai mahasiswa aktif S1 dengan usia minimal 18 tahun-22 tahun, pernah melihat iklan dari Oppo Smartphone, dan telah melakukan pembelian salah satu produk Oppo Smatphone. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan metode pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner secara online kepada 116 responden yang sesuai dengan kriteria populasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Celebrity E...

This research aimed to (1)explaining the influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on Consumer Satisf... more This research aimed to (1)explaining the influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on Consumer Satisfaction (2)explaining the influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on Purchase Intention (3)explaining the influence of Consumer Satisfaction on Purchase Intention. The type of this research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. The variables of the research are Electronic Word of Mouth, Consumer Trustworthiness, and Purchase Intention. The sampling technique for this research was using purposive sampling and the data collection method by distributing online questionnaire to 116 respondents according to population criteria. Data analysis used descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results showed that Electronic Word of Mouth significant influence on Consumer Trustworthiness, Electronic Word of Mouth has significant influence on Purchase Intention, and Consumer Trustworthiness has significant influence on Purchase Intention. Based on the results of this research, Zalora sho...

In digital environment nowadays, data about Internet usage can be used to tailor content and adve... more In digital environment nowadays, data about Internet usage can be used to tailor content and advertisements to users’ interests. Interactive advertising allows customers to become more involved because they initiate most of the action. Social media allows customers and prospects to communicate directly to the brand representative or about the brand with their friends. Experiences during this interaction will drive brand attitudes. Since online behavioural advertising uses a targeted approach and the advertisement of the retailer is directed to the most appropriate and interested consumer and online retailers interact with online consumers for their transactions, online behavioural advertising becomes a very important tool especially for online retailers. However, online behavioural advertising programs through social media, which target consumers based on their interests and preferences, still raises debate concerning consumer privacy interests in connection with business data colle...

The development of technology has an impact on all aspects of life including changes to the exist... more The development of technology has an impact on all aspects of life including changes to the existing payment methods. Electronic money (E-money) is a non-cash payment instrument in addition to credit cards and debit cards. E-money offers advantages over debit and credit cards that provide convenience, speed, and efficiency. Indonesian society began to move into a cashless society as a proof, more and more Provider's E-money is available with many choices and advantages of each. In fact, some of them provide profitable cashback. So that more and are turning into users E-money now. Issues discussed in this study include the main reasons for the use of electronic money LinkAja and perceptions about the use of electronic money LinkAja Indonesia in 2019. LinkAja is the first form of E-money application in Indonesia which was launched in 2017 with the initial name Tcash and changed its name to become LinkAja in 2019. LinkAja became e-money first choice in Indonesia since its inception...

The Indonesian higher-education landscape has evolved rapidly to become more market-oriented: ins... more The Indonesian higher-education landscape has evolved rapidly to become more market-oriented: institutions compete for student enrolments. Therefore, understanding students’ choice criteria for selecting a higher-education institution has become increasingly important. The purpose of this study was (1) to explore and determine the most relevant factors considered by Indonesian students when selecting an Indonesian public university in which to study; (2) to estimate the relative importance the students attach to the factors that influence them to select a public university and the various levels of each factor; (3) to determine whether there are groups of students for whom different factors are more important; and (4) to determine market-share predictions for real and ‘ideal’ student choice criteria in the selection of an Indonesian public university. Understanding both the factors that are most influential in selecting an institution and the prospective students’ methodology in the...
Papers by DR. Andriani Kusumawati