Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis apakah butir-butir pada skala sikap moderasi beragama si... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis apakah butir-butir pada skala sikap moderasi beragama siswa mengandung bias gender. Menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif metode survei, penelitian ini mengambil populasi sebanyak 54.383 dengan sampel sebanyak 4.188 siswa SMA/MA di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen skala sikap moderasi beragama siswa yang telah memenuhi kriteria properti psikometri dengan indeks item reliability sebesar 0.94. Analisis DIF dilakukan melalui pemodelan rasch. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan informasi bahwa, terdapat 15 item yang terdeteksi DIF dan 21 item yang tidak terdeteksi DIF. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pada pemodelan rasch, sikap moderasi beragama siswa perempuan cenderung lebih mudah untuk menerima konsep moderasi beragama (0.18 logit) daripada laki-laki (-0.22) logit. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih komprehensif mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adanya bia...
International Journal of Business, Law, and Education
The problem of disparity in the learning process between Madrasahs is one of the contributors to ... more The problem of disparity in the learning process between Madrasahs is one of the contributors to the low quality of Madrasahs. To get the quality of learning, variability in the learning process needs to be suppressed to a minimum. Variability in the learning process can be in the form of differences in teacher competence, availability of learning facilities or facilities, financial capabilities of Madrasah, and socio-cultural factors of the Madrasah environment. Using a quantitative approach, this study aims to analyze the disparity in the learning process between Madrasah Aliyah (MA) in Bangka Belitung Province based on the achievement of UAMBN scores. Data analysis using the Statistical Processes Control (SPC) method with statistical techniques T2. The SPC method generates a control chart that will be used to determine if there is a disparity among Madrasah. The results of data analysis show that there is a disparity in the learning and teaching process at MA in Bangka Belitung I...
Al Qodiri : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Keagamaan
Previous literature which focused on studying the philosophical basis of evaluating Islamic educa... more Previous literature which focused on studying the philosophical basis of evaluating Islamic education was still not sufficient to provide a comprehensive understanding and tended to concentrate on Western thought. In fact, Islamic literature also has a strong basis to serve as a philosophical basis for evaluating Islamic education. This study aims to understand how the philosophy of existentialism can be used as a basis for thinking in the evaluation of Islamic education. The results of the study found that existentialism views students not as objects, but as dynamic subjects. In this case, the evaluation is not always carried out by the teacher to the students. However, students can also be encouraged to be able to do self-assessment. From the perspective of the Qur'an, the view of existentialism is also explained in the letter Ar-Rum verse 30 concerning human nature. This nature needs to be not passive but dynamic, so humans need to work on this nature so that it always develo...
The importance of measuring the efficiency of State Madrasah Aliyah in the Province of the Bangka... more The importance of measuring the efficiency of State Madrasah Aliyah in the Province of the Bangka Belitung is at least based on the low achievement of Madrasah output or National Examination scores. This shows that the implementation of Madrasah Aliyah in terms of input and output is still not efficient. This study aims to measure the efficiency of State Madrasah Aliyah in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands in the 2017/2018 and 2018/2020 academic years. This research uses a Data Development Analysis (DEA) approach and is a type of qualitative research with non-parametric statistical analysis. The results of the DEA analysis show that there are inefficient DMUs in the 2017/2018 – 2018/2019 academic year, namely, MAN 1 Bangka, MAN 1 Belitung, and MAN 1 Pangkalpinang. meanwhile, MAN 1 West Bangka and MAN IC Bangka Tengah are DMUs that have been consistently efficient in the 2017/2018 - 2018/2019 Academic Year. Several corrective steps can be taken by the inefficient DMU, such ...
JISAE: Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation, 2022
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report shows that there are sti... more The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report shows that there are still some Asian countries at the lowest level in terms of achieving the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) such as the Philippines, Lebanon, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Saudi Arabia. Based on these problems, it is necessary to group countries in Asia based on PISA indicators so that the characteristics of each country can be known through the k-mean clustering algorithm method. The data in this study are secondary data from the 2018 PISA results which include variables in reading, mathematics, and science. The sample in this study were Asian countries that participated in PISA in 2018 totaling 17 countries. Based on the results of clustering, there are 3 clusters formed, namely, cluster 1 is China and Singapore, which are countries with PISA capabilities above average. Cluster 2 is a cluster consisting of Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Thailan...
Pandemi covid-19 yang berdampak pada bidang pendidikan telah merubah proses pembelajaran dari tat... more Pandemi covid-19 yang berdampak pada bidang pendidikan telah merubah proses pembelajaran dari tatap muka ke pembelajaran daring. Terdapat beberapa hal penting untuk dicermati dalam pembelajaran daring yaitu: pertama, untuk memahami bagaimana orang tua siswa di Kecamatan Namang menyikapi pembelajaran daring, kedua, mengetahui pendapat siswa mengenai pembelajaran daring, ketiga, memahami keterbatasan pengetahuan dan fasilitas internet sebagai kendala dalam pembelajaran daring. Penelitian Ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Orang tua yang memiliki anak usia SD, SMP, dan SMA, di Kecamatan Namang setuju dengan kebijakan pembelajaran daring (2) Siswa SD, SMP, dan SMA di Kecamatan Namang menganggap kurang efektif pembelajaran daring. (3) Keterbatasan pengetahuan dan fasilitas internet menjadi kendala utama dalam pembelajaran daring. Penelitian lanjutan dapat dilakukan untuk memahami kendala dan tingkat pengetahuan ora...
This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and ... more This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and formative test occurrence towards students' achievement in English. The design used was the factorial design of 2 x 2. Research result showed that The students' achievement in English who were given the TGT learning model was higher than the students' who were given the NHT learning model, The students` achievement in English who were given the test more frequent was higher than the students' who were given the test lesser, there was an interaction effect between both learning models applied to the students and the formative test occurrence given to students towards the students` achievement in English, the students who were given more frequent formative test and the TGT learning model gave higher score in their English achievement than the students' who got the NHT learning model, meanwhile the students who got TGT learning model and were given less frequent formati...
This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and ... more This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and formative test occurrence towards students' achievement in English. The design used was the factorial design of 2 x 2. Research result showed that The students' achievement in English who were given the TGT learning model was higher than the students' who were given the NHT learning model, The students` achievement in English who were given the test more frequent was higher than the students' who were given the test lesser, there was an interaction effect between both learning models applied to the students and the formative test occurrence given to students towards the students` achievement in English, the students who were given more frequent formative test and the TGT learning model gave higher score in their English achievement than the students' who got the NHT learning model, meanwhile the students who got TGT learning model and were given less frequent formative tests gave higher score than the students who were given less frequent formative test.
The low level of community participation in the development of the tourism village in Penyak Vill... more The low level of community participation in the development of the tourism village in Penyak Village is an essential issue in the community service program organized by the IAIN SAS Bangka Belitung Student Community Service Program. The program focuses on; 1) awareness of tourism-aware villages, 2) making tourism-aware village posters, 3) English language tutoring, and 4) strengthening of tourismaware village groups (Pok-Darwis). The method used in the Tourism-aware Village Movement program in Penyak Village is the method of socialization, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and the method of community education. Data collection techniques in this service use observation, interview, questionnaire, documentation, and FGD techniques. The impact shows that to increase community participation in tourism development in Penyak Village, it will not run optimally if not supported by the Village Government or the regional government. Weak local government support is one of the factors causing the low awareness of the community about the potential of village tourism. The survey results regarding people's perceptions of tourism development in Penyak Village show a positive response. As many as 87.2 per cents of the people agreed that Penyak Village developed into a tourism village. In line with the objectives of the local government which stipulates Penyak Village as one of the Tourism Village development areas. However, the role of local government is still lacking. can see from the results of a survey that shows the low level of public knowledge about tourism development policies in Penyak Village. As many as 45.3 percent of the population stated that they did not know that Penyak Village was a priority for tourism development in Central Bangka
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan, 2020
This study aimed to determine the increase in knowledge and attitudes towards practicing the valu... more This study aimed to determine the increase in knowledge and attitudes towards practicing the values of the Pancasila by Islamic spiritual community of State Vocational Schools in the City of Pangkalpinang through workshops. The approach in this study was quantitative with an experimental method. The design used pre-experimental design one group pre-test post-test. The mean score of knowledge of Pancasila values was 69.70 in the pre-test and 75.3 in the post-test, there was an increase in students’ knowledge after attending the workshop which descriptively increased by 8%. The average score of students’ attitudes toward practicing Pancasila values in the pre-test was 3.81 and the post-test was 4.00, there was a significant increase in the attitude scores of students towards the practice of Pancasila values after attending workshops which descriptively increased by 3%. The students’ knowledge and attitudes towards practicing the values of Pancasila increased through workshop.
Various factors are considered against the background of a Muslim in buying halal products, some ... more Various factors are considered against the background of a Muslim in buying halal products, some of which is the level of student literacy and religiosity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Halal Literacy and Religiosity on the consumption of halal products for UIN Bandung students. The method used in this research is the survey method and a quantitative approach. The population used is students of MKS UIN Bandung class of 2017 and a sample of 100 respondents was obtained. The research data uses primary data obtained from the research questionnaire. With multiple regression data analysis, the results showed that partially and simultaneously halal literacy and religiosity have a significant influence on the consumption of halal products in MKS UIN Bandung students. Halal literacy and religiosity have a very strong correlation with the consumption of halal products and are able to contribute an impact of 80,7% on the consumption of halal products.
This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between teacher knowledge about Law ... more This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between teacher knowledge about Law Number 35 of 2014 and the attitude of teachers to students. This research is a type of quantitative research with a correlational method. Through data collection techniques in the form of tests and questionnaires. The population taken was all teachers at SMP Negeri Mendo Barat sub-district totaling 68 people with a saturated sample of 68 people. Then the technical data analysis used to test the hypothesis is the product-moment correlation with the teacher's knowledge variable about Law Number 35 of 2014 (X) with the Attitude of Teachers to Students (Y). Furthermore, to test the validity of the independent variable instrument items using the Biserial Point Correlation the results are 29 valid and 1 drop, while the validity of the dependent variable shows 33 valid and 15 drops with a coefficient of 0.20. Then the reliability for the teacher knowledge variable uses the Kuder Richardson-...
AbstrakProgram ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penguatan pengetahuan dan sikap nilai-nilai pancas... more AbstrakProgram ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penguatan pengetahuan dan sikap nilai-nilai pancasila kepada Komunitas Rohani Islam siswa SMK Negeri Di Kota Pangkalpinang melalui pendampingan. Metode pendampingan melalui metode yang dikembangkan oleh Oos M. Anwas yang terdiri dari pemetaan komunitas, intervensi, dan evaluasi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner dan tes. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa, pengetahuan nilai-nilai pancasila siswa sebesar 69.7 pada pre test dan 75.3 pada post test. Sehingga terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan siswa setelah dilakukan kegiatan pendampingan sebesar 8 persen. Sikap siswa terhadap pengamalan nilai-nilai pancasila pada pre test sebesar 3.81 dan post test sebesar 4.00. Hasil uji beda nilai pre test dan post test mengenai sikap siswa terhadap pengamalan nilai-nilai pancasila menunjukkan nilai yang signifikan. Hal ini berarti terdapat perubahan sikap siswa setelah dilakukan pendampingan. The programs aims to provide strengthening knowledg...
JISAE: Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation
There have been studies suggesting that students' reading comprehension in English subject is... more There have been studies suggesting that students' reading comprehension in English subject is influenced by the accuracy of teaching strategy use. The use of appropriate teaching strategies is required to accommodate the diversity of students' abilities. Therefore, measurements are needed to provide actual information about students' abilities. This study aims to examine the levels of students' reading comprehension by using RASCH model. The subjects of this study were8th grade students, totaling 200 responses on the teacher's reading comprehension test with five alternative responses. The data analysis used was the Rasch 1 parameter model consisting of person reliability, item-person distribution maps, and item-person suitability. The findings of this study indicated that the average reading comprehension ability of students was included in the high category with a value (Meanperson) of 1.29 logits above the average level of difficulty of the test items (Meanite...
Several studies show the increase of radical attitudes among high school students in several regi... more Several studies show the increase of radical attitudes among high school students in several regions in Indonesia. Developing a reliable instrument to measure religious moderation attitude is needed as a preventive effort to tackle this trend. However, a standard scale to measure the attitude in the context of Indonesia is extremely rare. This study aims to develop a Thusrtone scale of religious moderation attitude with the Equal Appearing Interval (EAI) method. There were 77 initial items constructed. Forty-two panelists from various relevant backgrounds were involved to assess the initial items. A number of 43 items was selected using the values of median (>6) and interquartile (≤4). The validity of the scale was tested using biserial correlation resulting 42 valid items and 1 invalid item. The result of reliability test using KR 20 technique showed that the scale is strongly reliable with a coefficient value of 0.98. The distribution of scale values on the 42 items of the sele...
An efforts to improve the quality in higher education needs to be done on an ongoing basis. One w... more An efforts to improve the quality in higher education needs to be done on an ongoing basis. One way is by providing optimum academic services for students. This study aimed to describe how big the satisfaction index of students to academic services which include aspects, tangibles, reliability, empathy, responsivenes, assurance, and information systems. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive survey method. The population in this study were all students of IAIN SAS Bangka Belitung. Engineering samples using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. By using Taro Yamane formula obtained the number of samples are 831 students consisting of 416 students from the Department of Tarbiyah, 291 students of Syariah, and Ekonomi Islam, 125 students from the Department of Dakwah and Komunikasi. Data analysis using techniques percentage calculations and compares the percentage index consisting of a category of very satisfied, satisfied, fairly satisfied, and very dis...
Tujuan utama penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan karakteristik... more Tujuan utama penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan karakteristik khusus tes buatan guru Akidah Akhlak melalui pendekatan Item Response Theory (IRT) model Rasch. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Subjek pada penelitian ini berjumlah 67 pola respon siswa terhadap tes dengan lima alternatif jawaban. Perangkat tes buatan guru ini diambil dari hasil pelaksanaan Ujian Akhir Semester tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 melalui teknik dokumentasi. Analisis data kuantitatif dilakukan melalui pendekatan IRT model Rasch dengan bantuan software QUEST. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dari 30 item terdapat 28 item fit dengan model Rasch dengan nilai OUTFIT t ≤ 2.00. Ditinjau dari tingkat kesulitan item, terdapat 7 item atau sebesar 25% dengan kategori sangat sulit. Item dengan kategori sulit sebanyak 6 item atau 21.4%, kategori item sedang sebanyak 2 item atau sebesar 7.14%, kategori mudah sebanyak 13 item atau sebesar 46.4%, dan 0% untuk kategor...
The purpose of this study to estimate the parameters in Clasical Test Theory (CTT) approach on Ac... more The purpose of this study to estimate the parameters in Clasical Test Theory (CTT) approach on Academic Ability Test Instrument new students of IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung academic year 2018/2019. Data was collected through documentation techniques in the form of 425 sheets of student test answers. Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that the index of difficulty level in all problem fields has not shown a balance of comparison of easy, medium and difficult questions. The average questions are distributed in the medium category questions with a percentage of 25% easy questions, 51% medium questions, and 24% difficult questions. Distinguishing power index, in all question areas shows there are 37% of questions that are able to distinguish test takers 'abilities and as many as 18% questions are not able to distinguish test takers' abilities. While the effectiveness of distractors there are 239 or 79.6% functioning and there are 61 or 20.3% of t...
This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and ... more This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and formative test occurrence towards students' achievement in English. The design used was the factorial design of 2 x 2. Research result showed that The students' achievement in English who were given the TGT learning model was higher than the students' who were given the NHT learning model, The students` achievement in English who were given the test more frequent was higher than the students' who were given the test lesser, there was an interaction effect between both learning models applied to the students and the formative test occurrence given to students towards the students` achievement in English, the students who were given more frequent formative test and the TGT learning model gave higher score in their English achievement than the students' who got the NHT learning model, meanwhile the students who got TGT learning model and were given less frequent formative tests gave higher score than the students who were given less frequent formative test
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis apakah butir-butir pada skala sikap moderasi beragama si... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis apakah butir-butir pada skala sikap moderasi beragama siswa mengandung bias gender. Menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif metode survei, penelitian ini mengambil populasi sebanyak 54.383 dengan sampel sebanyak 4.188 siswa SMA/MA di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen skala sikap moderasi beragama siswa yang telah memenuhi kriteria properti psikometri dengan indeks item reliability sebesar 0.94. Analisis DIF dilakukan melalui pemodelan rasch. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan informasi bahwa, terdapat 15 item yang terdeteksi DIF dan 21 item yang tidak terdeteksi DIF. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pada pemodelan rasch, sikap moderasi beragama siswa perempuan cenderung lebih mudah untuk menerima konsep moderasi beragama (0.18 logit) daripada laki-laki (-0.22) logit. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih komprehensif mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adanya bia...
International Journal of Business, Law, and Education
The problem of disparity in the learning process between Madrasahs is one of the contributors to ... more The problem of disparity in the learning process between Madrasahs is one of the contributors to the low quality of Madrasahs. To get the quality of learning, variability in the learning process needs to be suppressed to a minimum. Variability in the learning process can be in the form of differences in teacher competence, availability of learning facilities or facilities, financial capabilities of Madrasah, and socio-cultural factors of the Madrasah environment. Using a quantitative approach, this study aims to analyze the disparity in the learning process between Madrasah Aliyah (MA) in Bangka Belitung Province based on the achievement of UAMBN scores. Data analysis using the Statistical Processes Control (SPC) method with statistical techniques T2. The SPC method generates a control chart that will be used to determine if there is a disparity among Madrasah. The results of data analysis show that there is a disparity in the learning and teaching process at MA in Bangka Belitung I...
Al Qodiri : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Keagamaan
Previous literature which focused on studying the philosophical basis of evaluating Islamic educa... more Previous literature which focused on studying the philosophical basis of evaluating Islamic education was still not sufficient to provide a comprehensive understanding and tended to concentrate on Western thought. In fact, Islamic literature also has a strong basis to serve as a philosophical basis for evaluating Islamic education. This study aims to understand how the philosophy of existentialism can be used as a basis for thinking in the evaluation of Islamic education. The results of the study found that existentialism views students not as objects, but as dynamic subjects. In this case, the evaluation is not always carried out by the teacher to the students. However, students can also be encouraged to be able to do self-assessment. From the perspective of the Qur'an, the view of existentialism is also explained in the letter Ar-Rum verse 30 concerning human nature. This nature needs to be not passive but dynamic, so humans need to work on this nature so that it always develo...
The importance of measuring the efficiency of State Madrasah Aliyah in the Province of the Bangka... more The importance of measuring the efficiency of State Madrasah Aliyah in the Province of the Bangka Belitung is at least based on the low achievement of Madrasah output or National Examination scores. This shows that the implementation of Madrasah Aliyah in terms of input and output is still not efficient. This study aims to measure the efficiency of State Madrasah Aliyah in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands in the 2017/2018 and 2018/2020 academic years. This research uses a Data Development Analysis (DEA) approach and is a type of qualitative research with non-parametric statistical analysis. The results of the DEA analysis show that there are inefficient DMUs in the 2017/2018 – 2018/2019 academic year, namely, MAN 1 Bangka, MAN 1 Belitung, and MAN 1 Pangkalpinang. meanwhile, MAN 1 West Bangka and MAN IC Bangka Tengah are DMUs that have been consistently efficient in the 2017/2018 - 2018/2019 Academic Year. Several corrective steps can be taken by the inefficient DMU, such ...
JISAE: Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation, 2022
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report shows that there are sti... more The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report shows that there are still some Asian countries at the lowest level in terms of achieving the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) such as the Philippines, Lebanon, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Saudi Arabia. Based on these problems, it is necessary to group countries in Asia based on PISA indicators so that the characteristics of each country can be known through the k-mean clustering algorithm method. The data in this study are secondary data from the 2018 PISA results which include variables in reading, mathematics, and science. The sample in this study were Asian countries that participated in PISA in 2018 totaling 17 countries. Based on the results of clustering, there are 3 clusters formed, namely, cluster 1 is China and Singapore, which are countries with PISA capabilities above average. Cluster 2 is a cluster consisting of Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Thailan...
Pandemi covid-19 yang berdampak pada bidang pendidikan telah merubah proses pembelajaran dari tat... more Pandemi covid-19 yang berdampak pada bidang pendidikan telah merubah proses pembelajaran dari tatap muka ke pembelajaran daring. Terdapat beberapa hal penting untuk dicermati dalam pembelajaran daring yaitu: pertama, untuk memahami bagaimana orang tua siswa di Kecamatan Namang menyikapi pembelajaran daring, kedua, mengetahui pendapat siswa mengenai pembelajaran daring, ketiga, memahami keterbatasan pengetahuan dan fasilitas internet sebagai kendala dalam pembelajaran daring. Penelitian Ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Orang tua yang memiliki anak usia SD, SMP, dan SMA, di Kecamatan Namang setuju dengan kebijakan pembelajaran daring (2) Siswa SD, SMP, dan SMA di Kecamatan Namang menganggap kurang efektif pembelajaran daring. (3) Keterbatasan pengetahuan dan fasilitas internet menjadi kendala utama dalam pembelajaran daring. Penelitian lanjutan dapat dilakukan untuk memahami kendala dan tingkat pengetahuan ora...
This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and ... more This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and formative test occurrence towards students' achievement in English. The design used was the factorial design of 2 x 2. Research result showed that The students' achievement in English who were given the TGT learning model was higher than the students' who were given the NHT learning model, The students` achievement in English who were given the test more frequent was higher than the students' who were given the test lesser, there was an interaction effect between both learning models applied to the students and the formative test occurrence given to students towards the students` achievement in English, the students who were given more frequent formative test and the TGT learning model gave higher score in their English achievement than the students' who got the NHT learning model, meanwhile the students who got TGT learning model and were given less frequent formati...
This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and ... more This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and formative test occurrence towards students' achievement in English. The design used was the factorial design of 2 x 2. Research result showed that The students' achievement in English who were given the TGT learning model was higher than the students' who were given the NHT learning model, The students` achievement in English who were given the test more frequent was higher than the students' who were given the test lesser, there was an interaction effect between both learning models applied to the students and the formative test occurrence given to students towards the students` achievement in English, the students who were given more frequent formative test and the TGT learning model gave higher score in their English achievement than the students' who got the NHT learning model, meanwhile the students who got TGT learning model and were given less frequent formative tests gave higher score than the students who were given less frequent formative test.
The low level of community participation in the development of the tourism village in Penyak Vill... more The low level of community participation in the development of the tourism village in Penyak Village is an essential issue in the community service program organized by the IAIN SAS Bangka Belitung Student Community Service Program. The program focuses on; 1) awareness of tourism-aware villages, 2) making tourism-aware village posters, 3) English language tutoring, and 4) strengthening of tourismaware village groups (Pok-Darwis). The method used in the Tourism-aware Village Movement program in Penyak Village is the method of socialization, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and the method of community education. Data collection techniques in this service use observation, interview, questionnaire, documentation, and FGD techniques. The impact shows that to increase community participation in tourism development in Penyak Village, it will not run optimally if not supported by the Village Government or the regional government. Weak local government support is one of the factors causing the low awareness of the community about the potential of village tourism. The survey results regarding people's perceptions of tourism development in Penyak Village show a positive response. As many as 87.2 per cents of the people agreed that Penyak Village developed into a tourism village. In line with the objectives of the local government which stipulates Penyak Village as one of the Tourism Village development areas. However, the role of local government is still lacking. can see from the results of a survey that shows the low level of public knowledge about tourism development policies in Penyak Village. As many as 45.3 percent of the population stated that they did not know that Penyak Village was a priority for tourism development in Central Bangka
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan, 2020
This study aimed to determine the increase in knowledge and attitudes towards practicing the valu... more This study aimed to determine the increase in knowledge and attitudes towards practicing the values of the Pancasila by Islamic spiritual community of State Vocational Schools in the City of Pangkalpinang through workshops. The approach in this study was quantitative with an experimental method. The design used pre-experimental design one group pre-test post-test. The mean score of knowledge of Pancasila values was 69.70 in the pre-test and 75.3 in the post-test, there was an increase in students’ knowledge after attending the workshop which descriptively increased by 8%. The average score of students’ attitudes toward practicing Pancasila values in the pre-test was 3.81 and the post-test was 4.00, there was a significant increase in the attitude scores of students towards the practice of Pancasila values after attending workshops which descriptively increased by 3%. The students’ knowledge and attitudes towards practicing the values of Pancasila increased through workshop.
Various factors are considered against the background of a Muslim in buying halal products, some ... more Various factors are considered against the background of a Muslim in buying halal products, some of which is the level of student literacy and religiosity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Halal Literacy and Religiosity on the consumption of halal products for UIN Bandung students. The method used in this research is the survey method and a quantitative approach. The population used is students of MKS UIN Bandung class of 2017 and a sample of 100 respondents was obtained. The research data uses primary data obtained from the research questionnaire. With multiple regression data analysis, the results showed that partially and simultaneously halal literacy and religiosity have a significant influence on the consumption of halal products in MKS UIN Bandung students. Halal literacy and religiosity have a very strong correlation with the consumption of halal products and are able to contribute an impact of 80,7% on the consumption of halal products.
This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between teacher knowledge about Law ... more This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between teacher knowledge about Law Number 35 of 2014 and the attitude of teachers to students. This research is a type of quantitative research with a correlational method. Through data collection techniques in the form of tests and questionnaires. The population taken was all teachers at SMP Negeri Mendo Barat sub-district totaling 68 people with a saturated sample of 68 people. Then the technical data analysis used to test the hypothesis is the product-moment correlation with the teacher's knowledge variable about Law Number 35 of 2014 (X) with the Attitude of Teachers to Students (Y). Furthermore, to test the validity of the independent variable instrument items using the Biserial Point Correlation the results are 29 valid and 1 drop, while the validity of the dependent variable shows 33 valid and 15 drops with a coefficient of 0.20. Then the reliability for the teacher knowledge variable uses the Kuder Richardson-...
AbstrakProgram ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penguatan pengetahuan dan sikap nilai-nilai pancas... more AbstrakProgram ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penguatan pengetahuan dan sikap nilai-nilai pancasila kepada Komunitas Rohani Islam siswa SMK Negeri Di Kota Pangkalpinang melalui pendampingan. Metode pendampingan melalui metode yang dikembangkan oleh Oos M. Anwas yang terdiri dari pemetaan komunitas, intervensi, dan evaluasi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner dan tes. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa, pengetahuan nilai-nilai pancasila siswa sebesar 69.7 pada pre test dan 75.3 pada post test. Sehingga terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan siswa setelah dilakukan kegiatan pendampingan sebesar 8 persen. Sikap siswa terhadap pengamalan nilai-nilai pancasila pada pre test sebesar 3.81 dan post test sebesar 4.00. Hasil uji beda nilai pre test dan post test mengenai sikap siswa terhadap pengamalan nilai-nilai pancasila menunjukkan nilai yang signifikan. Hal ini berarti terdapat perubahan sikap siswa setelah dilakukan pendampingan. The programs aims to provide strengthening knowledg...
JISAE: Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation
There have been studies suggesting that students' reading comprehension in English subject is... more There have been studies suggesting that students' reading comprehension in English subject is influenced by the accuracy of teaching strategy use. The use of appropriate teaching strategies is required to accommodate the diversity of students' abilities. Therefore, measurements are needed to provide actual information about students' abilities. This study aims to examine the levels of students' reading comprehension by using RASCH model. The subjects of this study were8th grade students, totaling 200 responses on the teacher's reading comprehension test with five alternative responses. The data analysis used was the Rasch 1 parameter model consisting of person reliability, item-person distribution maps, and item-person suitability. The findings of this study indicated that the average reading comprehension ability of students was included in the high category with a value (Meanperson) of 1.29 logits above the average level of difficulty of the test items (Meanite...
Several studies show the increase of radical attitudes among high school students in several regi... more Several studies show the increase of radical attitudes among high school students in several regions in Indonesia. Developing a reliable instrument to measure religious moderation attitude is needed as a preventive effort to tackle this trend. However, a standard scale to measure the attitude in the context of Indonesia is extremely rare. This study aims to develop a Thusrtone scale of religious moderation attitude with the Equal Appearing Interval (EAI) method. There were 77 initial items constructed. Forty-two panelists from various relevant backgrounds were involved to assess the initial items. A number of 43 items was selected using the values of median (>6) and interquartile (≤4). The validity of the scale was tested using biserial correlation resulting 42 valid items and 1 invalid item. The result of reliability test using KR 20 technique showed that the scale is strongly reliable with a coefficient value of 0.98. The distribution of scale values on the 42 items of the sele...
An efforts to improve the quality in higher education needs to be done on an ongoing basis. One w... more An efforts to improve the quality in higher education needs to be done on an ongoing basis. One way is by providing optimum academic services for students. This study aimed to describe how big the satisfaction index of students to academic services which include aspects, tangibles, reliability, empathy, responsivenes, assurance, and information systems. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive survey method. The population in this study were all students of IAIN SAS Bangka Belitung. Engineering samples using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. By using Taro Yamane formula obtained the number of samples are 831 students consisting of 416 students from the Department of Tarbiyah, 291 students of Syariah, and Ekonomi Islam, 125 students from the Department of Dakwah and Komunikasi. Data analysis using techniques percentage calculations and compares the percentage index consisting of a category of very satisfied, satisfied, fairly satisfied, and very dis...
Tujuan utama penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan karakteristik... more Tujuan utama penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan karakteristik khusus tes buatan guru Akidah Akhlak melalui pendekatan Item Response Theory (IRT) model Rasch. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Subjek pada penelitian ini berjumlah 67 pola respon siswa terhadap tes dengan lima alternatif jawaban. Perangkat tes buatan guru ini diambil dari hasil pelaksanaan Ujian Akhir Semester tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 melalui teknik dokumentasi. Analisis data kuantitatif dilakukan melalui pendekatan IRT model Rasch dengan bantuan software QUEST. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dari 30 item terdapat 28 item fit dengan model Rasch dengan nilai OUTFIT t ≤ 2.00. Ditinjau dari tingkat kesulitan item, terdapat 7 item atau sebesar 25% dengan kategori sangat sulit. Item dengan kategori sulit sebanyak 6 item atau 21.4%, kategori item sedang sebanyak 2 item atau sebesar 7.14%, kategori mudah sebanyak 13 item atau sebesar 46.4%, dan 0% untuk kategor...
The purpose of this study to estimate the parameters in Clasical Test Theory (CTT) approach on Ac... more The purpose of this study to estimate the parameters in Clasical Test Theory (CTT) approach on Academic Ability Test Instrument new students of IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung academic year 2018/2019. Data was collected through documentation techniques in the form of 425 sheets of student test answers. Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that the index of difficulty level in all problem fields has not shown a balance of comparison of easy, medium and difficult questions. The average questions are distributed in the medium category questions with a percentage of 25% easy questions, 51% medium questions, and 24% difficult questions. Distinguishing power index, in all question areas shows there are 37% of questions that are able to distinguish test takers 'abilities and as many as 18% questions are not able to distinguish test takers' abilities. While the effectiveness of distractors there are 239 or 79.6% functioning and there are 61 or 20.3% of t...
This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and ... more This study is aimed at examining the influence of both learning models used in the classroom and formative test occurrence towards students' achievement in English. The design used was the factorial design of 2 x 2. Research result showed that The students' achievement in English who were given the TGT learning model was higher than the students' who were given the NHT learning model, The students` achievement in English who were given the test more frequent was higher than the students' who were given the test lesser, there was an interaction effect between both learning models applied to the students and the formative test occurrence given to students towards the students` achievement in English, the students who were given more frequent formative test and the TGT learning model gave higher score in their English achievement than the students' who got the NHT learning model, meanwhile the students who got TGT learning model and were given less frequent formative tests gave higher score than the students who were given less frequent formative test