Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS)
Background and Purpose: The use of technology in school classrooms and other innovations in teach... more Background and Purpose: The use of technology in school classrooms and other innovations in teaching has become very crucial in the education field. Google Classroom is one of the technology innovations which has been developed to allow teachers and learners to meet up virtually to promote an interesting teaching and learning experience. In this present study, this paper outlines the results of a survey which was carried out to identify the factors the intention to use Google Classroom among secondary schools’ teachers in Kinta Selatan District in Perak. The study investigated the different parameter which contribute directly to teachers’ intention to use Google Classroom which are technical support, attitude, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and technological knowledge. Methodology: The sample consisted 216 government secondary schools in Kinta Selatan District. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the participants with the assistance of the principals...

International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization
Education has transformed its means of delivery from face-to-face to online lessons because of CO... more Education has transformed its means of delivery from face-to-face to online lessons because of COVID-19. This study assesses factors impacting the use of Google Classroom (GC) in four northern states located in Peninsula Malaysia for lessons during the COVID-19 pandemic among secondary ESL educators. A non-experimental design for this research was employed. Primary data collected from a self-administered online survey questionnaire are analysed descriptively in a general survey of trends, involving 103 survey respondents (i.e., teachers). The findings of this study will allow Malaysian education stakeholders to understand the factors influencing the use of GC in schools in order to make appropriate decisions about its use among teachers. It will also assist Malaysia's Ministry of Education in formulating policies relating to the use of GC and assist administrators of secondary schools in making decisions on the type of infrastructure and technical support needed. To evaluate the...

International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization
Stories of native peoples being disenfranchised from modern life and being disadvantaged within d... more Stories of native peoples being disenfranchised from modern life and being disadvantaged within different social spheres from the realm of formal education to the world of work are nothing new. Even in developed nations, some native peoples find it hard to adjust to the lifestyles of the majority population, what more within developing countries where the sense of social justice is low and native peoples are left to fend for themselves in the name of development and modernity. Centring on the Orang Asli population of Malaysia, this qualitative research was carried out to map the field before a large-scale academic inquiry is executed at the Royal Belum State Park in the state of Perak, Malaysia for the following two years. Four Orang Asli teachers in the state of Perak were individually interviewed to collect ‘thick’ qualitative data regarding the current state of the Orang Asli population in formal education (i.e., in primary and secondary schools). This research is very much inter...

International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization
Even though the world has crossed into the next decade, non-formal education through community-ba... more Even though the world has crossed into the next decade, non-formal education through community-based learning and other traditional learning avenues remains a powerful force in human lifespan development, especially for native peoples who possess thousands of years of local knowledge. Focusing on the Orang Asli (native peoples) of Malaysia, this empirical study was carried out to map the field before a more extensive research project is executed at the Royal Belum State Park in the state of Perak, Malaysia for the next two years. Six Orang Asli adolescents (three females and three males) from two local institutions of higher learning in Perak were interviewed individually and through focus group discussion sessions regarding their engagement with non-formal education within their own communities, from when they were much younger until they became tertiary level students. This study focuses on three permutations of non-formal education as operationalised by our research questions. Fi...

Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Learning Management System (LMS) is gaining prominence in how education is delivered today due to... more Learning Management System (LMS) is gaining prominence in how education is delivered today due to the increased popularity of remote and online distance learning and the unimaginable COVID-19 pandemic that stuns the world. One of the more popular LMSs in the world is Google Classroom (GC). Due to its popularity, it is essential for the perception of its users particularly educators to be gauged as it is believed that their perception could determine what they do in their teaching and learning sessions. This paper reviewed eleven selected past studies about educators’ perception on the use of GC. The content of these studies was analyzed and coded into themes and specific categories by using the Atlas.ti Software. In general, educators seem to hold a positive perception on the use of GC with their students. However, some reservations about the use of GC have also been expressed. Several recommendations about how GC could be improved were also offered by the participants in the studie...

Studies in English Language and Education
Per its English curriculum, vocabulary instruction is only integrated indirectly in the teaching ... more Per its English curriculum, vocabulary instruction is only integrated indirectly in the teaching of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in Malaysian schools. ESL learners then may overlook the variety of meanings that a word and its spelling can offer. This research aims to describe the effects of the explicit approach of vocabulary instruction on 30 Form Two (eighth grade) students from a suburban school in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. A descriptive style was adopted, and specific vocabulary lessons were used to help students learn the target words. Using descriptive statistics, vocabulary pre- and post-test scores were analysed and compared to determine the impact of this approach. The frequency counts, percentages, mean scores, and standard deviation of the students’ evaluation form responses were analysed. Content analysis was used to transcribe, classify, and categorise qualitative data from the interview session. According to the data, the students’ vocabulary scores in...

Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, May 16, 2022
Education means of delivery has been transformed from in person to online learning because of COV... more Education means of delivery has been transformed from in person to online learning because of COVID-19. This study assesses factors influencing the use of Google Classroom (GC) in four northern states located in Peninsula Malaysia for lessons during the COVID-19 pandemic among secondary ESL educators. A non-experimental design was employed. Primary data collected from a self-administered online questionnaire were analysed descriptively in a general survey of trends, involving 103 survey respondents (i.e., teachers). The findings of this study will allow Malaysian education stakeholders to understand the factors influencing the use of GC in schools to enable appropriate decisions about its use among teachers. It will also assist Malaysia's Ministry of Education in formulating policies relating to the use of GC and assist administrators of secondary schools in making decisions on the type of infrastructure and technical support needed. To evaluate the factors affecting GC used for instructions, a longitudinal study is recommended as such study will indicate whether longer periods of instructions result in better use of GC or not. This study extends significance in the field of instruction for teachers since it can be used to perform additional studies to increase the use of GC by teachers. To better evaluate the power of GC's instructions or other learning management systems in advancing virtual instruction prowess, a potential global expansion of this study should be performed.

Arab World English Journal
Google Classroom (GC) is a technical innovation that allows English as a Second Language (ESL) te... more Google Classroom (GC) is a technical innovation that allows English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers and students to meet remotely to create a more engaging teaching and learning experience. This study investigated factors influencing ESL teachers’ intentions to utilize GC for instructions during the Covid-19 pandemic. An exploratory sequential technique was implemented as part of a mixed-methods research design. Eleven prior studies on educators’ views toward the use of GC were evaluated for the qualitative data analysis. The data from these investigations were analysed and categorized into topics and categories. The findings revealed that ESL teachers had a positive attitude toward utilizing GC with their pupils. For the quantitative data analysis, a research survey was performed. Technical support, attitude, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and technological knowledge were studied as factors that impacted ESL teachers’ intentions to use GC. The sample includes 216 ...

One of the important skills assessed in the academic program in Malaysian universities is oral pr... more One of the important skills assessed in the academic program in Malaysian universities is oral presentations. The purpose of an oral presentation is to speak to a live audience formally about a specific topic. Despite being competent in their field of study, most of the students struggle in presenting their ideas due to their anxiety. Students may underperform in school because of anxiety and they will often avoid speaking in classroom settings. The main objective of this paper is to explain how telegram application could help to reduce their public speaking anxiety. Telegram is one of the platforms for Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in teaching English language skills. Hence, this ‘Spice Up and Speak Up Your Mind Bot App’ is developed through this application to help English learners to improve their English presentation skills. The use of Telegram application in the classroom promotes effective, productive and communicative teaching and learning activities as well as red...

The purpose of this study is to review and identify the Secondary school Islamic education teache... more The purpose of this study is to review and identify the Secondary school Islamic education teachers’ motivational level and factors that regulate it. The relationship between multiple motivational factors from Herzberg Two-Factor Theory (Herzberg, 1959) and their motivational level is analyzed. Involving 173 respondents, a modified version of The Teacher’s Motivation and Job Satisfaction Survey (Mertler, 2001) is employed in this quantitative study. It is observed that the Secondary school Islamic education teachers’ motivational level remains high (min = 4.40), with the profession itself, followed by self-development opportunities, and recognitions become some of the dominant dimensions of factors that motivate them. It is also discovered that there is a modest correlation between the Secondary school Islamic education teachers’ motivational level and the motivational factors (r = 0.541). Factors such as the profession itself, recognitions, and self-development opportunities, have ...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Industry 4.0 manufacturing processes are making advanced hardware and the latest software cheaper... more Industry 4.0 manufacturing processes are making advanced hardware and the latest software cheaper, and easier to employ for teaching and learning. In the process, the objectives of the Higher Education 4.0 initiative are being realized. Tertiary educators should take heed of these developments so that their undergraduate students could benefit from education technologies that are geared for the current technologically savvy generation. The question that needs to be asked is, are tertiary educators taking advantage of innovative teaching and learning technologies by becoming content developers? And, are they deploying educational materials that align to the principles of Higher Education 4.0 for the advantage of their tertiary students? This empirical paper reports and discusses findings from a survey on content development and materials deployment by Malaysian tertiary educators from different fields across a range of tertiary institutions in Peninsula Malaysia. Results do not look ...

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Even though we have effectively completed a fifth of this new century, non-formal education throu... more Even though we have effectively completed a fifth of this new century, non-formal education through community-based learning and other traditional avenues of learning persist as powerful forces in the growth of the human lifespan, particularly for native peoples who have thousands of years of local knowledge. Focusing on Malaysia's Orang Asli (native peoples), this study was conducted to map the field until a more detailed research project is undertaken for the next two years at the Royal Belum State Park in Perak State, Malaysia. Six Orang Asli adolescents (three females and three males) from two local higher learning institutions in Perak were interviewed individually and through focus group sessions regarding their engagement with non-formal education within their own communities, from when they were much younger up to this present time. This study focuses on three non-formal educational permutations as operationalised by our guiding (research) questions. First, as tales of the world around the participants that were shared in their communities by their elders and transmitted from one generation to the next one. Second, as an understanding of first-hand aboriginal knowledge that is unique to their own cultures and still practised by some members

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Tales of indigenous peoples being disenfranchised from modern life and marginalised from formal e... more Tales of indigenous peoples being disenfranchised from modern life and marginalised from formal education to the world of work within various social spheres are nothing new. Even in more developed nations, it is problematic for some indigenous peoples to adapt to the lifestyles of the majority population, what more in developing countries where social justice is low and indigenous peoples in the name of development and modernity are left to fend for themselves. Centring on Malaysia's Orang Asli population, a qualitative study was conducted to map the field prior to a large-scale academic inquiry for the next two years at the Royal Belum State Park in the state of Perak, Malaysia. Four Orang Asli teachers in Perak state were interviewed individually to gather 'thick' qualitative data about the current state of the Orang Asli population in formal education (in primary and secondary schools). This empirical project is very interested in three main topic areas. First, how formal education and the schooling cycle play a part in the lives of children and adolescents living in Orang Asli communities. Second, what Orang Asli teachers and other educators do to ensure that Orang Asli children and adolescents benefit from their primary and secondary educational experience. And third, where is the position of non-formal or informal education within Orang Asli's lifespan

Vocabulary is often neglected despite being one of the most crucial aspects of language acquisiti... more Vocabulary is often neglected despite being one of the most crucial aspects of language acquisition. Due to the lack of emphasis on vocabulary learning, ESL students have issues in learning the English language effectively, which resulted in low-level language proficiency. Hence, this paper attempts to address this problem by introducing Visual Vocabulary to learn the target words. The main research question: How effective is the use of the Visual Vocabulary to learn vocabulary for Form Two learners? To investigate the effectiveness of the use of the Visual Vocabulary, 60 students of Form Two from sub-urban schools in Ipoh and Teluk Intan, Perak, were selected. These students were instructed to learn a total of 45 target words and Visual Vocabulary was applied to assist them to learn and simultaneously understand the meaning of the target words. The independent sample t-test, paired sample t-test, and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the scores of the pre and post-tests. ...

Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2020
Obstacles, both imagined and real, continue to hinder the wider adoption of Education 4.0 learnin... more Obstacles, both imagined and real, continue to hinder the wider adoption of Education 4.0 learning technologies although these technologies are available in the mainstream consumer market. At the same time, the boom in Industry 4.0 manufacturing has brought down the prices of these technological tools making them generally more affordable. A case in point is 360-degree spherical video cameras and software that can record, render and playback immersive 'real life' contents. 360-degree spherical video contents can then be rendered and post-processed into VR (virtual reality) experiences that are not just immersive but also allow for limitless exposure time to learners. Both technologies allow for learner-driven learning to happen in the truest sense, for instance for second and foreign language learners. This research paper examines data collected from 560 undergraduates (n = 560) who were immersed and exposed to 360-degree videos and VR experiences for degree level courses on English (as a second language), Mandarin (Chinese) (as a third or foreign language, and Arabic (as a third or foreign language) at four public university campuses in Peninsular Malaysia. The benefits of 360-degree videos and VR experiences in second and foreign languages content delivery were evident to support learner-driven learning: Contents were developed by local lecturers and then uploaded for free online and learners could learn anytime, anywhere; total immersion could be achieved using cheap VR goggles powered by learners' smartphones; and most beneficially, weaker learners who desperately need more time to understand and practice difficult degree level second or foreign languages now have the freedom to revise and upskill themselves at their own pace.

International Journal of Modern Education, 2020
In human lifespan development, identity construction is central within social and personal experi... more In human lifespan development, identity construction is central within social and personal experiences, even more so for teenagers and young adults (youths) who are looking for their sense of self and own identity. The construction of identity involves the growth of a whole person and the development of a stable sense of self. At the same time, the process of identity construction causes some youths to become self-conscious about how others perceive them; this usually results in repeated self-discovery and identity experiment cycles. Their identities are thus constructed and reconstructed as they try out different role types in different settings, such as in schools. The focus of this research paper is to examine the experience of formal schooling and how it relates to the identity process of Malaysian youths. Employing qualitative face-to-face interviews, data were collected from six research participants from a private university in Selangor, Malaysia who were purposively selected...

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
There is a tendency at this moment to see augmented reality (AR) application to be used in eco-to... more There is a tendency at this moment to see augmented reality (AR) application to be used in eco-tourism sector. In this day and age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the way we communicate with the aid of technology has already been revolutionized, making things easier and quicker than ever before. The advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have allowed us to broaden the scope of their functional implementations to include advanced, personalized, and more 'human' areas. This research paper shares findings form a study of augmented reality characteristics in the eco-tourism sector. Quantitative data from existing augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality characteristics and previous research in the market provide a significant perspective on the topic of characteristics of AR for ecotourism sector. Four major practices in eco-tourism sector were examined to understand more on AR characteristics: Local community involvement, nature literacy, incomegenerating and natural environment. Findings from this research paper show that much more needs to be achieved not only in the creation and implementation of AR in eco-tourism sector but also, more precisely, in order to ensure that the process of familiarizing and normalizing the use of AR with eco-tourism is more aggressive.