Teaching Documents by D. Horatius Herman
Karunia-karunia Roh yang diuraikan di bawah ini adalah karunia-karunia Roh yang dapat diukur dan ... more Karunia-karunia Roh yang diuraikan di bawah ini adalah karunia-karunia Roh yang dapat diukur dan telah dilakukan dalam pelayanan Anda.

didirikan tahun 753 SM mula-mula merupakan kelompok masyarakat yang terdiri dari beberapa desa di... more didirikan tahun 753 SM mula-mula merupakan kelompok masyarakat yang terdiri dari beberapa desa di wilayah sekitarnya. Roma berkembang menjadi satu organisasi politik, dengan bentuk pemerintahan republik. Tahun 265 SM Roma mengepalai seluruh semenanjung Italia. Tahun 265-146 SM Roma terlibat dalam satu persengketaan serius dengan Kartago. Pada awalnya Kartago adalah sebuah koloni Bangsa Fenisia tapi ketika negara induk Fenisia dikalahkan oleh Aleksander, Koloni ini harus menjadi negara yang mandiri. Perluasan wilayah yang begitu cepat mendatangkan perubahan yang besar dalam kehidupan bangsa Romawi. Sewaktu pemimpin militer berkuasa, mereka bukan hanya mengalahkan musuh tetapi juga menunjukkan kekuasaannya di antara sesamanya sendiri. Agama primitif pada masa awal adalah animisme yang menyembah dewa-dewa. Pertumbuhan negara militer dan hubungan dengan kebudayaan Yunani mengakibatkan peleburan dewa-dewi di bawah dominasi Pantheon Yunani. 2 Meskipun Pemujaan terhadap dewa-dewi lokal tetap bertahan, kesadaran kosmopolitan yang makin kuat di dalam negara membuka peluang bagi sebuah agama baru, pemujaan terhadap negara. 3 Agama-agama lainnya adalah agama rahasia, Pemujaan Alam Gaib, dan Filsafat-filsafat. 4 Sosial Ekonomi. Di kalangan Yudaisme maupun orang-orang kafir terdapat kelompok kaum ningrat yang kaya. Mereka adalah orang-orang alim ulama yang sebagian besar terdiri dari keluarga para imam dan tokoh para nabi. Keadaan sosial ekonomi, dalam banyak hal, yang berlangsung pada masa itu sama halnya dengan masa sekarang, di mana orang kaya dan miskin, baik dan jahat, majikan dan budak, saling hidup berdampingan, bahkan faktor sosial ekonomi sangat berpengaruh dalam
Papers by D. Horatius Herman

HUPERETES: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2019
Christian witness in Indonesia, in an encounter with Islam, experienced rejection. The message ab... more Christian witness in Indonesia, in an encounter with Islam, experienced rejection. The message about Jesus Christ (or Isa Al Masih) is acknowledged exist in Islam’s scripture, Al Qur'an, but has several different parts and even contrary to the New Testament. Some teachings about Jesus in the Qur'an are interpreted differently: 'Isa is the Kalimatullah (a word from God),' Isa is mercy, 'Isa will come again,' Isa is a justice Judge at the end of time and others, all that is different from the New Testament’s teachings. Christians, in their testimonies, tried to interpret and used the same terms. This gives rise to debate and is of course contrary to the ethics of faith, where religious teachings cannot be explained by the perspective of other religions. This study aims to obtain an objective view of Jesus Christ from the Islamic view to form an initial understanding for the preaching of the Christian faith, but this study is not intended to seek justification (...

HUPERETES: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2020
The various interpretations of John 15:1-3 point to errors in the method of interpretation. Of co... more The various interpretations of John 15:1-3 point to errors in the method of interpretation. Of course, Jesus only had one purpose. This research aims to find the meaning of the true teachings of Jesus that will lead every believer to the true Christian life, so that the wrong meaning, which confuses Christian to Understand the teachings of Jesus, can be anticipated. This study uses a hermeneutic research method that specifically exegesis to the discussion texts. This research examines the context of Jesus in the Gospel of John as a whole; the Old Testament context relating to John 15:1-3; and reviews in general, the context of the chapters around John 15:1-3 and concludes based on these steps. John 15:1, explains Jesus' statement as Yahweh and the statement of Jesus as the embodiment of Israel. John 15:2a describes “the cut branches” referring to all Israelites who rejected Jesus. Meanwhile "the cleansed branches" (15:2b) refers to Jesus' disciples and all the Isra...

Predica Verbum: Jurnal Teologi dan Misi, 2021
There are many interpretations made of John 15: 4-6. The many interpretations can lead to confusi... more There are many interpretations made of John 15: 4-6. The many interpretations can lead to confusion about the purpose of Jesus. This study aims to find the meaning of the teachings of Jesus according to Jesus' intent so that the problems of different interpretations can be resolve. This study was done by exegeting and relating the text to the context of Jesus' story, the context of the Gospel of John, the context of the Old Testament, and the context of the first reader and then implies its meaning to current Bible readers. This research was conduct in three parts. First, study 15:4 “Abiding versus Not Abiding in Jesus.” which refers to a command or invitation to take sides with Jesus; The second study on 15: 5 Fruitful versus Unfruitful. It relates directly to the responses to the invitation in the first section; and third, the study of 15: 6 He threw out, He dried and is on burning. This section describes the condemnation of rejecting Jesus.
Drafts by D. Horatius Herman
Teaching Documents by D. Horatius Herman
Papers by D. Horatius Herman
Drafts by D. Horatius Herman