Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 8, 2023
Porang nowadays has become a commodity that is claimed to have high export potential because it i... more Porang nowadays has become a commodity that is claimed to have high export potential because it is the basic ingredient for making sirataki, a healthy food that is currently trending. In the market, Sirataki has a high price, so many people assume that the price of porang as a raw material is also high. But unfortunately this contrasts with the reality experienced by the farmers in Ngrayun Village, Ponorogo. Where the price of porang among farmers actually experienced a very drastic price drop. Therefore this study aims to identify the factors that cause this phenomenon to occur, that by helping Porang farmers in the village of Ngrayun Ponorogo the results are: 1.) Limited knowledge of farmers about supply chain management, 2.) Limited to human resources who lack knowledge planting Porang, and 3.) Dependence of farmers on collectors.

The Fish Auction Place (TPI) is an important infrastructure to facilitate the marketing of fish c... more The Fish Auction Place (TPI) is an important infrastructure to facilitate the marketing of fish catches at Puger Beach. However, TPI Puger's potential is less than optimal in attracting anglers and buyers. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT Analysis) and develop a marketing plan to increase the potential of TPI Puger. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The information obtained was analyzed using SWOT analysis to identify internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) factors that affect the potential of TPI Puger. In addition, based on the SWOT analysis, a marketing plan was created which included market segmentation, targeting, purchasing positions, marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion) and evaluation. The results of the SWOT analysis show that TPI Puger's strength lies in i...

Jurnal Manajerial
Background – Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, human travel was severely restricted and reliant o... more Background – Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, human travel was severely restricted and reliant on digital technology. Tourism is one of the businesses that has been obliged to adapt to digitalization in order to keep its primary source of income from travelers. The present transition to digital tourism is taking the shape of virtual tours or long-distance interactive tours, such as those seen in museums. To reach more tourists, some museums in Indonesia already entered the digitization stage by offering virtual tours and edutainment. Aim – This study intends to provide emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of disruptive innovation in the sense of digitization in the tourism industry, particularly museums. Design / Methodology / Approach – An detailed review of existing literature regarding digital technology, disruptive digital innovation, smartphone technology, social media, internet, and mobile applications from the perspective of museum tourism was used. Findings – Digita...

Porang nowadays has become a commodity that is claimed to have high export potential because it i... more Porang nowadays has become a commodity that is claimed to have high export potential because it is the basic ingredient for making sirataki, a healthy food that is currently trending. In the market, Sirataki has a high price, so many people assume that the price of porang as a raw material is also high. But unfortunately this contrasts with the reality experienced by the farmers in Ngrayun Village, Ponorogo. Where the price of porang among farmers actually experienced a very drastic price drop. Therefore this study aims to identify the factors that cause this phenomenon to occur, that by helping Porang farmers in the village of Ngrayun Ponorogo the results are: 1.) Limited knowledge of farmers about supply chain management, 2.) Limited to human resources who lack knowledge planting Porang, and 3.) Dependence of farmers on collectors.

I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal
Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) merupakan salah satu faktor penggerak perekonomian suatu wilaya... more Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) merupakan salah satu faktor penggerak perekonomian suatu wilayah. Kelurahan Kendangsari memiliki banyak potensi UMKM, namun masih belum dikelola secara optimal untuk bisa memajukan perekonomian di kelurahan tersebut. Optimalisasi tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan merancang pembangunan sebuah destinasi wisata, seperti Wisata UMKM Terpadu Kendangsari dengan berbasis digital branding. Perancangan wisata ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat branding dan pemasaran UMKM yang ada di Kendangsari. Adapun tahapan-tahapan yang dilakukan dalam merancang Wisata UMKM Terpadu Kendangsari, yaitu 1) Pemetaan UMKM, 2) Pelatihan dan Pendampingan UMKM, 3) Pendaftaran Wisata di Google, 4) Pembuatan Akun Instagram Wisata, 5) Pembuatan Alur dan Peta Wisata, dan 6) Pembuatan Video Alur Wisata. Rancangan Wisata UMKM Terpadu Kendangsari juga memberikan manfaat bagi para pelaku UMKM berupa pembuatan akun Instagram bisnis, logo bisnis, dan tips membuat caption yang baik.

I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal
Jika ditinjau lebih mendalam, tiap wilayah yang ada di Indonesia memiliki keunikan yang dapat diu... more Jika ditinjau lebih mendalam, tiap wilayah yang ada di Indonesia memiliki keunikan yang dapat diunggulkan menjadi potensi pariwisata. Sejalan dengan pengembangan sektor pariwisata berbasis masyarakat lokal, Pemerintah Kota Surabaya gencar membangun destinasi wisata sesuai dengan karakteristik tiap wilayah, termasuk di Kelurahan Sukolilo Baru, Kecamatan Bulak, Kota Surabaya. Kawasan Sukolilo Baru ini memiliki bermacam-macam potensi yang lekat dengan laut sehingga dapat dirangkai menjadi suatu wisata bahari terpadu. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mendukung pengembangan pariwisata di Kelurahan Sukolilo Baru, sehingga masyarakat dapat mengenali potensi-potensi wilayahnya. Kegiatan KKN ini juga memiliki target memberdayakan masyarakat untuk membentuk suatu rancangan atau grand design pariwisata yang cocok dengan karakteristik wilayah Sukolilo Baru. Kegiatan ini terbagi menjadi beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan pendampingan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat ...
Quantitative Economics Journal, 2020
This research aims to test the influence of ROA, ROE, The Total Revenue and the BI rate towards t... more This research aims to test the influence of ROA, ROE, The Total Revenue and the BI rate towards the transport sector stocks. The sample of this research is the transportation company registered in BEI in 2009-2014 and is chosen by the method of random sampling. The data used are the panel data with secondary data typescollected by the method documentation. Hypothesis testing is done by the method of multiple regression analysis that views of R-Squared with e-views program results showed that ROA, ROE, Total Revenue doesn’t have a significant influence on the price of the shares, while BI Rate has a significant influence on the price of the stock. This research contributes to the development of the capital market in particularscience-related stock price.