Papers by Tonia DE GIUSEPPE

The current knowledge society is characterized by the pervasive use of information and communicat... more The current knowledge society is characterized by the pervasive use of information and communication technologies, which is producing forms of global cognitive capitalism with dynamic social economies. The flipped inclusion model aims to promote an inclusive cybersociety aimed at reflective, co-responsible and participatory critical training, through educational investment in prosocial skills. The complex idiomatic phrase with inverted inclusion derives from the interconnection of the methodological-didactic vision of the inverted class and from the inclusive mission of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, introduced by the World Health Organization. Flipped inclusion is an educational-training model of existential planning prosocial-inclusive. The flipped inclusion model follows a multi-method approach organized through opposing ethodological-design logics: formal, not formal and informal. The research carried out at the University of Salerno (Italy) was organized by levels: macro systemic (interinstitutional), meso systemic (course / university school); microsystemic level (academic context, class context). The data emerging from the qualitative and quantitative analysis and from a meta-analysis corroborate the validity of the model and its transformative impact both in relation to learning, cooperative and attribution styles, and in relation to the modification of the learning context. which was organized in an inclusive cooperative and systemic perspective

9th Edition of the International Conference New Perspectives in Science Education, 2020
The experimental research of the Flipped Inclusion model, conducted by the University of Salerno,... more The experimental research of the Flipped Inclusion model, conducted by the University of Salerno, following the conceptual paradigm ergonomic anthropocentric, declines the concept of inclusion in a micro-meso-and macro systemic perspective, using cyclical modular paths of cooperative interdependence focusing on flipped and non-linear teaching actions aimed at solving the cultural tendencies connected to disoriented postmodern society. Starting from the needs and the involvement of the person, the Flipped Inclusion translates the international standard ISO through the immersion and framing of problematic conceptual issues, the development and implementation of solutions, following the four sequential-transformative design phases of the Flipped Inclusion (Exploring-Conceiving -Designing-Testing). The aim is to provide critical interpretation tools capable of promoting inclusive prosocial profiles, ergonomically redesigning the operating procedures and inclusive socio-relational contexts, in the optics of the promotion of anthropocentric co-constructed processes

International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations
As participation in electronic sports (esports) continues to expand globally, colleges and univer... more As participation in electronic sports (esports) continues to expand globally, colleges and universities are considering how such competitive video gaming might impact recruitment, retention, and the overall student engagement experience. This mixed-methods study focuses on the perceptions of college students in both the United States and Italy regarding the esports phenomenon. A compilation of the research findings from two case studies compared and contrasted themes associated with the benefits and risks to college students participating in esports. The findings highlighted the notion that even during challenging times such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the college students in this study were still driven to invest their time in esports play. However, the risks such as those of addiction, health impairment, and social isolation may outweigh the perceived benefits to game play. Included are critical considerations and policy recommendations for campus esports programs as well as future ...
International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence
Deep environmental, social, and economic imbalances are characterizing the geological epoch of th... more Deep environmental, social, and economic imbalances are characterizing the geological epoch of the anthropocene: it is man who alters the integrity of the biosphere, which has a decisive influence on global ecology and on the quality of life. The training of teachers, agents of change to guarantee environmental sustainability, represents a necessary investment. The authors propose to apply active and participatory eco-pedagogical models of existential planning such as flipped inclusion, whose scientific evidence is already amply corroborated about the inclusive-ecosystem transformative impact, as the model invests in media ecology as a process of prosocial education to be anchored in human values.

International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence
The complex society is a human organization in which the number and variety of internal and exter... more The complex society is a human organization in which the number and variety of internal and external relationships are multiple and intertwined. The global unification of people's behaviors, lifestyles and thinking takes place, often through adaptation to Western standards and habits of life. Consequently, the educational action must be reviewed (with respect to all contexts of application: formal, informal and non-formal) in order to enhance the multidimensional balance and enhance uniqueness. Cultural values have a significant role in the functioning of societies and their social institutions. They serve as a guide to the ideals and behavior of the members of a culture Deardorff's (2006) model of intercultural competence is extremely explanatory of the "contagion" effect generated by individual actions of intercultural sensitivity. For this reason, it is believed that in classes with a mixed cultural background an effective model to be used is Flipped inclusion, ...
Aracne Editrice, 2016
Il testo, espressione di professionalità multiprospettica, si pone quale strumento di trasposizio... more Il testo, espressione di professionalità multiprospettica, si pone quale strumento di trasposizione didattica rivolto a studiosi, ricercatori, docenti universitari ed educatori, che vivono con flessibilità nel continuo cambiamento Schola reformanda semper. L’innovazione metodologica e l’agire didattico consentono la strutturazione di spazi educativi, quali architetture formative delle nuove generazioni, in un transfert pedagogico di valori, per una consapevole mediazione tra artefatti cognitivi e sovrastrutture sociali. La ricerca scientifica come cultura che si rinnova nel tempo contribuisce alla crescita della comunità educante, rivelazione concreta di una scuola inclusiva di qualità

International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence
The complex postmodern hyperstimulation exacerbated by the pandemic crisis from Sars-Cov19 is pro... more The complex postmodern hyperstimulation exacerbated by the pandemic crisis from Sars-Cov19 is producing a proliferation of psycho-social paradoxes not always consciously managed. Through an investment in the transformative power of education for a permanent organizational the flipped inclusion model didactically transpose the design architecture of computational thinking and affects both the transformation of identity (by acting on learning, communicative, relational, and attribution styles) in an inclusive plural perspective, and indirectly for the promotion of inclusive contests, as emerges from the data of multi-research method being tested since 2014 at the University of Salerno. The activation of experiential training strategies, which affect the promotion of prosocial value, allows to foster an education in the management of potential risks deriving from unconscious transductive processes, generated in hybrid social systems formal, non-formal, and informal, virtual and real.

According to recent literature, men and women do not process spatial information in the same way ... more According to recent literature, men and women do not process spatial information in the same way (Berthoz, 2009). The origin of these differences is not known, but experimental evidences demonstrate a huge variety of strategies the representation of space according to sex, context, purpose to reach, education, age. Our assumption is that the different behaviors between genders is important in studying geography, in particular in use of maps. Using maps, if concurrent with navigation, implies a transformation from the egocentric perspective to the geocentric perspective, which is one of the aspects in which gender-related behaviors mainly differ. This peculiar problem is inscribed, in Italy, in a broader framework that sees an educational emergency linked to the study of geography. This emergency arises from the reduction in the number of hours dedicated to the discipline and the distance between the theoretical dimension of human geography and the need for practical activities that ...

La complessità delle variabili socio-contestuali, determinanti nei processi sistemico-apprenditiv... more La complessità delle variabili socio-contestuali, determinanti nei processi sistemico-apprenditivi, sottolineano la necessità di strutturare proposte metodologico-didattiche intrinsecamente congetturali, di superamento della linearità tra stili d’apprendimento, cognitivi e d’attribuzione. Si tratta di sperimentare sistemiche reticolarità tra modelli epistemologici complementari, in un’ottica di processi, che da approcci/stili/modelli individuali, attraverso assetti intersoggettivi di mutua trascendenza (enattivismo), comprendano,trasformino, co-costruiscano trame cognitive, metacognitive, affettive, relazionali, finalizzate non alla sola produzione di conoscenza, bensì alla condivisaconsapevolezza di una conoscenza agente di processo e generatrice di saperi. La ricerca didattica flipped inclusion, incentrandosi su proceduralità sistemiche, sta sperimentando strumenti didattici a sostegno di un’educazione non lineare ma pluridimensionale nella crossmediale società fluida della conoscenza, puntando all’etica triade, self esteem, interazione e cooperazione

The pilot study of the flipped inclusion model of descriptive-transformative type, with a democra... more The pilot study of the flipped inclusion model of descriptive-transformative type, with a democratic approach to existence, has invested in forms of accessibility methodological-teaching complex blended learning, aimed at promoting inclusive contexts and profiles with a situated and conjugated semplex approach to teaching in academic and scholastic contexts. The research followed a bottom-up (from knowledge to prosocial skills) and top-down (for systemic levels of interdependence) path for assessment and planning. It has also seen the use of the Spiral platform, in an attempt to decline experimentally both the instrumental and cooperative use of technology, and the value of scaffolding, central in the flipped approach and, more generally, in the systemic logic of inclusiveness of the prosocial design model flipped inclusion. Lo studio pilota del modello flipped inclusion di tipo descrittivo-trasformativo, con approccio democratico all’esistenza, ha investito in forme di accessibilità metodologico-didattica complex blended learning, volte a promuovere contesti e profili inclusivi con una situata e coniugata didattica semplessa, accademica e scolastica. La ricerca ha seguito una logica valutativa e progettuale bottom-up (dalle conoscenze alle competenze prosociali) e top-down (per livelli sistemici d’interdipendenza). Ha visto l’impiego anche della piattaforma Spiral, nel tentativo di declinare in via sperimentale sia l’utilizzo strumentale e cooperativo della tecnologia, sia il valore dello scaffolding, centrale nell’impianto flipped e, più in generale, nella logica sistemica d’inclusività del modello progettuale prosociale flipped inclusion

At the University of Salerno it is in its third year of experimentation an interdepartmental rese... more At the University of Salerno it is in its third year of experimentation an interdepartmental research project entitled "Flipped Inclusion: theoretical and experimental framework for an augmented classroom". The concept of Flipped Inclusion serves to decline one of the possible uses of Blended Instruction, that is, the use of technology to make available to students the materials on which to carry out learning activities before of confronting with the teacher. Lesson is Flipped because it just reverses the usual order of teaching actions: traditionally students get the information with a lecture and they study at home, in the Flipped Lesson students will get information by freely exploring the selected materials, and thenthey will interface with the teacher. Educational strategies of problem solving, learning-by-doing and reflective learning complement and support the flipped approach: at the center of educational process there is an activity, learning is first hand experie...

Il contributo, nel valutare i fenomeni di interazione e contrapposizione tra elementi teorici, pr... more Il contributo, nel valutare i fenomeni di interazione e contrapposizione tra elementi teorici, prassi, consuetudini sociali e pregiudizi discriminanti, nonché tensioni ricorrenti e tentativi di conciliazione tra elementi opposti e contrapposti, intende fare riflettere sul ruolo chiave della pedagogia e dell’educazione, nell’individuazione delle contraddizioni e nel superamento delle stesse. Fornendo strumenti di lettura critica e decodifica di realtà sociali e dimensioni stigmatizzanti, la teoria pedagogica e la prassi didattica hanno il compito di favorire lo sviluppo consapevole non solo di una visione sistemica del processo ideologico-evolutivo inclusivo, ma anche delle cicliche battute d’arresto discriminatorie. Tale approccio educativo deve contribuire alla costruzione di una sana quotidiana normalità inclusiva, che vada oltre la semplicistica declamazione, pure se legislativa, e diventare atto sociale, culturalmente consolidato. Abstract: While evaluating the phenomena of interaction and juxtaposition of theoretical elements, practices, social customs and discriminating prejudices, this paper aims to reflect on the key role of pedagogy and education by identifying and overcoming their contradictions. Providing tools for critical reading and decoding of social realities and stigmatizing dimensions, educational theory and teaching practice have the task of promoting the conscious development of a systemic view of the inclusive process, taking into account its cyclical discriminatory setbacks. This educational approach has to promote the building of an healthy inclusive everyday normality, going beyond the simplistic legal declamation becoming a social act, culturally consolidated

Fragile X syndrome is among the most frequent types of hereditary intellectual disability. It is ... more Fragile X syndrome is among the most frequent types of hereditary intellectual disability. It is an X-Linked disorder due to the alteration / mutation of a gene located in the X chromosome. The typical behavioral characteristics of subjects affected by the syndrome are likely to include multiple features of autism spectrum disorders. The excessive reaction to different environmental or socialstimulations and the resulting hyper-excitation is connected to the inability to regulate impulses, with the risk of degenerating into fits of anger or in auto / hetero aggression. It is useful to invest in the inclusive model of flipped inclusion (De Giuseppe, Corona, 2016e) which applies the concept of inclusion in an ecological-systemic perspective (Bronfenbrenner, 2002) and traces the flippededucational logic at the level (Alberici, 2002) of system learning (De Giuseppe, Corona, 2017b, p.133-134). It is a matter of promoting a functional meta-reflection to a behavioral modification in relati...
Incidence of pressure injury in an adult intensive care unit Incidência de lesão por pressão em u... more Incidence of pressure injury in an adult intensive care unit Incidência de lesão por pressão em unidade de terapia intensiva para adultos Incidencia de lesión por presión en unidad de terapia intensiva para adultos

Il percorso di ricerca, con radici scientifiche nell\'attivismo pedagogico montessoriano/dewe... more Il percorso di ricerca, con radici scientifiche nell\'attivismo pedagogico montessoriano/deweyano, si origina da una riflessione sui nuovi scenari socioantropico- culturali in stretta correlazione con le prospettive socio-costruttiviste-connettiviste dell\'apprendere. Attraverso un focus d’interesse sugli emergenti bisogni formativi e sulle avanguardie didattiche, si evidenzia il bisogno di un passaggio paradigmatico inevitabile dalla logica dei modelli metodologico-didattici tradizionali ad una teaching methodology, che presupponga inversione/rotazione ciclica dell\'Agire didattico, nel rispetto dei tempi della persona. Il per-corso, in atto presso l\'Università degli Studi di Salerno, si snoda in progettazioni di contesto inclusive, macro (MAPCI) e meso (MEPCI), da cui derivano cooperative production, micro progettazioni contestualizzate inclusive (MIPCI), risultato consequenziale delle azioni di cooperative planning, sviluppate secondo fasi paradigmatiche di Esplorazione, Ideazione, Progettazione e Sperimentazione. La ricerca, rivolta a studenti, docenti e comunità educanti, in ottica di lifelong learning è intesa come condivisione e confronto sperimentale di modelli inclusivi didattico-educativi. Abstract The research route with scientific roots activism pedagogic Montessori / Dewey, originates from a reflection on the new socio-anthropic-cultural scenarios in close correlation with socio-constructivist-connettiviste of learning perspectives. Through a focus of interest on emerging training and the educational needs of the avant-garde, it highlights the need for a paradigm inevitable transition from the logic of the traditional methodological-didactic models to a teaching methodology, which requires inversion / cyclical rotation educational action, in compliance of the times of the person. The percourse, taking place at the University of Salerno, unfolds in the context of inclusive design, macro (MAPCI) and meso (Mepci), from which production cooperatives, micro designs contextualized inclusive (MIPCI), consequential result the planning of cooperative action, developed second paradigmatic phases of Exploration, Planning, Design and Experiencing. The research, aimed at students, teachers and educating communities in the lifelong learning perspective is understood as sharing and experimental comparison of teaching and educational inclusive models

The social context in which we live, exerts a considerable influence on the individual, so as to ... more The social context in which we live, exerts a considerable influence on the individual, so as to define our personality and affect our development. The American psychologist Bronfenbrenner has, in the theory of Ecological Systems articulation of the social context within which they interact chains of interrelation systems, which affect individual and collective wellbeing. Any adjustments to the education system, means contributing to the creation of motivating significant relationships, in an exchange between systems-environment, what kind of family, class / school, community / society. In the seven points on which articulates the organization of inclusive education presented by the American psychotherapist Erickson, the main issue concerns the use of emotional and motivational management of pupils learning which of address carrier for a promotion of social welfare. The emotions are the driving force of conscious motivation to action, the result of interdependencebetween rationality...
Papers by Tonia DE GIUSEPPE