IET Power Electronics, 2009
ABSTRACT A method is presented to compute the switching angles for selected harmonic elimination ... more ABSTRACT A method is presented to compute the switching angles for selected harmonic elimination (SHE) in a multilevel inverter using the particle swarm optimisation technique. For a desired fundamental voltage, the switching angles are computed by the developed algorithm while eliminating the lower-order harmonics. Also, the selected higher-order harmonics are eliminated by additional switching to contribute minimum total harmonic distortion (THD) for the output voltage. The switching angles computed for optimum THD at varying modulation index are stored as a look-up table in digital signal processor (DSP) memory for online application, thus reducing the online computational burden of solving the non-linear equations of SHE problem. Direct solution of non-linear transcendental equations of SHE problem can lead to discontinuity at certain modulation indices. Here the switching angles are computed offline considering optimum voltage THD whereas selected harmonics are eliminated at all possible modulation indices including the point of discontinuity. The computed angles are used in an experimental setup to validate the simulated results.

This paper presents a study on the consequence of source side harmonics on a single-phase transfo... more This paper presents a study on the consequence of source side harmonics on a single-phase transformer. Source harmonics are mostly present in power electronic sources which are commonly used in renewable applications like a fixed frequency inverter for wind power generation. The continued result of source side harmonics is observed on the hysteresis curve of the core of a transformer. Single-phase transformers are used in the proposed study to detect the effect of harmonics on magnetization and demagnetization cycle using an electronic operational amplifier-based integrator circuit. The study also proposes a modified hysteresis model for the transformer which also considers the effect of harmonics. A technique is presented for effectively storing and plotting the hysteresis curve from the terminal measured data of the single-phase transformer. A source harmonic mitigation technique is also proposed in this paper. The proposed study can be an effective tool for easy measurement and detection of harmonic properties on a transformer. The MATLAB/Simulink based simulations with suitable experiments validate the proposed study.
Development, finite element(FE) analysis of magnetic field distribution, performance, control and... more Development, finite element(FE) analysis of magnetic field distribution, performance, control and testing of a new axial flux permanent magnet linear oscillating motor (PMLOM) along with a suitable speed and thrust control technique is described in this paper. The PMLOM can perform precision oscillation task without exceeding the given limit on allowable average power dissipation. The use of new powerful permanent magnet materials such as Neodymium-Iron-Boron alloys can greatly improve the performance of electrical machines. Also its performance parameters, such as the force, current etc. are experimentally assessed. The objective of this paper is to determine the forces for aluminium mover embedded with rare earth permanent magnet experimentally and analytically through FEMM software and develop a microcontroller based IGBT Inverter for its control.

IEEE Access
In this work, a searching space minimization-based particle swarm optimization (SSM-PSO) scheme h... more In this work, a searching space minimization-based particle swarm optimization (SSM-PSO) scheme has been proposed for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind energy conversion system (WECS). DFIG displays non-linearity in P-ωcharacteristics. So different types of conventional and optimization-based schemes are developed for MPPT. The drawbacks in the conventional perturb and observe (P&O) scheme has been successfully abolished by the proposed SSM-PSO method. Because of its weather-insensitive nature, the conventional P&O MPP tracking scheme results in the fluctuation of DFIG output under a sudden change in wind speed. To avoid this problem, maximum and minimum limits for the optimal rotor speed have been determined in the proposed SSM-PSO scheme. Further, the obtained limits for rotor speed are employed to improve the searching space within the non-linear Pω curve. This initial confinement of particles to a limited searching space in SSM-PSO results in a faster response of the system. Since the proposed SSM-PSO is atmosphere sensitive, it avoids fluctuations under an abrupt variation in wind velocity. The improved initialization part of SSM-PSO leads to better dynamic characteristics compared to existing P&O and optimization-based schemes. The proposed SSM-PSO scheme is implemented for a 2MW DFIG system in MATLAB Simulink atmosphere and showed satisfactory results. INDEX TERMS Wind turbine, DFIG and maximum power point tracking.

Modelling, Measurement and Control A, 2021
This paper studies modelling and simulation for an inverter coupled transformer and the effects c... more This paper studies modelling and simulation for an inverter coupled transformer and the effects caused by source side harmonics on it. It also provides an insight to smart analysis and control of the same. These harmonics are present in most power electronic sources alike an inverter which is frequently used in renewable applications. The extended effect of source side harmonics on transformer primary can be shown on the transformer core hysteresis curve. The effect of harmonics is observed on the magnetization cycle with an electronic integrator circuit. The research uses a modified hysteresis model for the core with the effect of source harmonics taken in to consideration. The simplified hysteresis curve is plotted without removing the transformer from operation with measured data of voltages. Internet-of-things based smart control is proposed for remote operation and control of the transformer especially for use in remote microgrids and wind-farms. The proposed research is an ope...
Self excited induction generators (SEIG) are widely used to harness energy from wind power. Howev... more Self excited induction generators (SEIG) are widely used to harness energy from wind power. However, maintaining constant voltage output from SEIG with varying loads and wind speeds is still a major challenge. This paper proposes a control scheme which provides stable voltage output with changing loads and widely varying wind speeds. A capacitor is employed to provide the bulk excitation for the induction generator. An inverter with a photovoltaic (PV) module supplies the variable reactive current needed to regulate the generator output voltage under variable wind speeds and variable loads. Appropriate simulations and experiments with a laboratory prototype validate the proposed model.

A two-step methodology was used to address the power quality concerns for the PV integrated micro... more A two-step methodology was used to address the power quality concerns for the PV integrated microgrid system. In the first step, partial shading was included to deal with the real-time issues. The Improved Jelly Fish Algorithm integrated Perturb and Obserb (IJFA-PO) has been proposed to track the Global Maximum Power Point (GMPP). In the second step, the main unit powered by a DC-AC converter is synchronised with the grid. To cope with the wide voltage variation, an auxiliary unit is connected to the main unit in the opposite phase. This study evaluates various switching approaches to determine the optimal solution for achieving the stated goals. It was found that the IJFA-based SHE in 120 Ö… conduction gives improved results. A novel series compensation technique has been employed to further eliminate harmonics before grid integration. The proposed IJFA has been used to determine the switching angles for the SHEPWM converter. The objective function and novel series compensation work...

IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2020
Coupled inductor based boost converters suffer from high switch current stress in steady state an... more Coupled inductor based boost converters suffer from high switch current stress in steady state and transient due to less self-inductance value in their winding. In this work, a generalized switch current stress reduction technique is proposed by modifying circuit topology of coupled inductor based high step up boost converter (CIHBC). This is achieved by half cycle resonating branch utilizing inductance of coupled inductor. Further, applying the concept, a coupled inductor boost converter is proposed for achieving high stepup ratio with low switch current and voltage stress. The operation of the proposed converter using resonating branch is discussed in both continuous and discontinuous conduction mode. The theoretical findings are verified through simulation study in PSIM 9.1.1. A prototype converter of 100W output power is designed to prove the concept and for performance analysis of the proposed converter.

IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2020
Capacitor is connected primarily between photovoltaic (PV) panel and power electronics converter ... more Capacitor is connected primarily between photovoltaic (PV) panel and power electronics converter (PEC) to suppress input voltage ripple and filter ripple current. However, this capacitor creates an error in maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for a fixed step algorithm under rapidly changing environmental condition if not selected properly. Therefore, the capacitor value selection along with maximum sampling rate determination is crucial for achieving error-free MPPT. A comprehensive analysis is carried out to prove the dependency of capacitor value on MPPT performance under irradiation and temperature variation. The analysis also includes the effect of ripple power on capacitor value selection when PV interfaced converter is connected to the grid. Finally, the capacitor value and the sampling rate of PV interfaced power electronics converter is determined. Simulation and experimental results confirm the theoretical findings.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
This paper focusing on, the total harmonics distortion (THD) of the output voltage is minimized b... more This paper focusing on, the total harmonics distortion (THD) of the output voltage is minimized by the help of a cascade multilevel inverter with non-equal DC sources using particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The nonlinear transcendental equation that describing the harmonic elimination problem is solved by using many methods existing in literature. In the proposed technique, unequal DC sources are taken for the multilevel inverter, which is practical when different renewable sources are used. The desired switching angles are found out by implementing PSO algorithm which results the minimum THD. Experimental details along with simulation results of 11-level inverter are shown to validate the theory.Â

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2018
This paper proposes a simple and effective control technique for interconnection of DG resources ... more This paper proposes a simple and effective control technique for interconnection of DG resources to the power grid via interfacing converters based on Phase locked loop (PLL) and Droop control. The behaviour of a Microgrid (MG) system during the transition from islanded mode to grid-connected mode of operation has been studied. A dynamic phase shifted PLL technique is locally designed for generating phase reference of each inverter. The phase angle between filter capacitor voltage vector and d-axis is dynamically adjusted with the change in q-axis inverter current to generate the phase reference of each inverter. During fluctuations in load capacity, the grid-connected system must be able to supply balanced power from the utility grid side and micro-grid side. Therefore, droop control is implemented to maintain a balanced power sharing. The inverter operates in voltage control mode in order to control the filter capacitor voltage. An adjusted droop control method for equivalent load...

Cogent Engineering, 2016
Efficient utilization of electrical energy plays a significant role for sustainable development o... more Efficient utilization of electrical energy plays a significant role for sustainable development of the industries. Moreover, effective implementation of energy efficiency technology in the industrial infrastructure and production chain is a part of smart grid mission. However, the cost effectiveness of the project is always a constraint for adoption and implementation. In this paper, for demand side management, an appropriate rule based strategy has been proposed which improves the energy efficiency of a production unit in a cost effective manner. Also, an attempt has been made to develop a fair trade-off based captive renewable power augmentation scheme which will further enhance the cost effectiveness of the presented energy efficiency model for the plant. Moreover, this approach can significantly reduce the maximum demand of the plant which will unburden the power utility. The developed model has been applied in a cement-asbestos industry considered for case-study which produces satisfactory results. The proposed model can be suitably customized for other type of production industries. The trade-off mechanism has been validated using HOMER Pro-3.2 software.

International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2014
Self excited induction generators (SEIG) are widely used for wind power generation in remote area... more Self excited induction generators (SEIG) are widely used for wind power generation in remote areas. The challenge is to maintain constant voltage and frequency under variable load and variable wind speeds. In this paper a reactive power control technique of the generator partially through fixed capacitor bank connected at the stator terminals and switched dc power source is proposed for constant voltage operation. The dc power source can be a battery charged from a solar module and from the generator during light loaded condition. The capacitor provides the bulk excitation current for the induction generator (IG) while the inverter adds the reactive current needed to regulate the IG output voltage under variable wind speeds and loads. The method is simple and can also be applicable for a wider speed range of operation. Different simulations and experiments are performed on a real machine to validate the proposed concept. ï€
In this paper the development, finite element analysis(FEA) and electronic control of an axial fl... more In this paper the development, finite element analysis(FEA) and electronic control of an axial flux permanent magnet linear oscillating motor (PMLOM) suitable for short strokes is described. The forces for aluminium mover embedded with rare earth permanent magnets are determined analytically through finite element method. A microcontroller based inverter is developed for the control of thrust and oscillation frequency. The PMLOM can perform precision oscillation task with relatively low power dissipation. The use of powerful permanent magnet material such as Neodymium-Iron-Boron alloys has greatly improved the performance of the machine. Simulation and suitable experiments are in good agreement to the theoretical calculations.

Several well-known analytical techniques exist for the force profile analysis of permanent-magnet... more Several well-known analytical techniques exist for the force profile analysis of permanent-magnet linear oscillating motors (PMLOMs). These techniques, however, make significant simplifications in order to obtain the magnetic field distribution in the air gap. From the field distribution, the force profile can be found. These widely used techniques provide a reasonable approximation for force profile analysis, but fail to give really accurate results in the sense of the exact shape of the force profile caused by effects that due to simplification are not fully included. To obtain the exact shape for the force profile in these cases, the computationally expensive finite-element method (FEM) is often applied. In this from the resulting field distribution, the force profile is calculated by means of the Maxwell stress tensor. The objective of this paper is to determine the forces for aluminium mover embedded with Nd-Fe-B Rare Earth Permanent Magnet experimentally and analytically through FEMLAB6.2 WITH MATHWORKS software and develop a microcontroller based IGBT Inverter for its control. In this paper Development, Finite Element Analysis of Magnetic field distribution, performance , control and Testing of a New axial flux permanent magnet linear oscillating motor (PMLOM) along with a suitable speed and thrust control technique is described.

Cogent Engineering, 2016
In this paper, a wind power generation scheme using a grid connected doubly fed induction generat... more In this paper, a wind power generation scheme using a grid connected doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) augmented with solar PV has been proposed. A reactive power-based rotor speed and position estimation technique with reduced machine parameter sensitivity is also proposed to improve the performance of the DFIG controller. The estimation algorithm is based on model reference adaptive system (MRAS), which uses the air gap reactive power as the adjustable variable. The overall generation reliability of the wind energy conversion system can be considerably improved as both solar and wind energy can supplement each other during lean periods of either of the sources. The rotor-side DC-link voltage and active power generation at the stator terminals of the DFIG are maintained constant with minimum storage battery capacity using single converter arrangement without grid-side converter (GSC). The proposed scheme has been simulated and experimentally validated with a practical 2.5 kW DFIG using dSPACE CP1104 module which produced satisfactory results.

2021 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Jan 21, 2021
Over the last few decades, residential electrical load classification and identification have bee... more Over the last few decades, residential electrical load classification and identification have been one of the most challenging research in the area of non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) for home energy management system. The application of NILM technique in the smart grid has gained enormous attention in recent years. Several methods, including information from the given domains into NILM, have been proposed. Recently, among these methods, machine learning techniques are shown to be significantly better based on large-scale data for load monitoring. In this paper, machine learning techniques are utilized for residential load classification on novel cross-correlation based features, which are extracted from the synthetic time series data. We also present a t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (t-SNE) based dimensionality reduction from the high dimensional feature set so that the classification can be implemented on a general-purpose microcontroller for near real-time monitoring. Our experimental results show that the extracted features are suitable for reliable identification and classification of different and the combination of residential loads.