Papers by Darci Moraes Barros Battesti
Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária
Systematic and Applied Acarology, 2022
Chiggers are ectoparasites of vertebrates and can cause trombiculiasis or transmit pathogens to t... more Chiggers are ectoparasites of vertebrates and can cause trombiculiasis or transmit pathogens to their hosts. In the Neotropical region, the genus Quadraseta Brennan includes 16 valid species. Quadraseta antillarum (Brennan) and Quadraseta brennani (Goff & Whitaker), are morphologically identical and we propose the synonymy of Q. brennani with Q. antillarum, based on examination of both type series. The little big-eared bat, Micronycteris megalotis Gray from Venezuela is recorded as a new host.
Figure 1. Hannemania aiuabensis Bassini-Silva, Jacinavicius and Welbourn, n. sp. (holotype); (a) ... more Figure 1. Hannemania aiuabensis Bassini-Silva, Jacinavicius and Welbourn, n. sp. (holotype); (a) dorsal view of gnathosoma; (b) ventral view of palp. Symbols: ω = solenidion on palptarsus; Odo = odontus; cs = adoral setae; bs = subcapitular setae. Scale bar: 50 μm.
Additional file 5: Table S3. Proteins exclusively identified in R. rickettsii-infected BME26 cell... more Additional file 5: Table S3. Proteins exclusively identified in R. rickettsii-infected BME26 cells at 6 h.
Figure 7 Lower leg of female bitten by Eutrombicula tinami (Oudemans, 1910). The arrows show
Figure 4 Morphological details of Eutrombicula tinami (Oudemans, 1910); A – Leg I; B – Leg II; C ... more Figure 4 Morphological details of Eutrombicula tinami (Oudemans, 1910); A – Leg I; B – Leg II; C – Leg III. Solid circles = ventral leg setae; open circles = dorsal leg setae; symbols: ζ' = dorsal eupathid tarsus leg I; ζ", ζ = subterminal eupathid tarsus legs I and II, respecively; ω = solenidion tarsus legs I and II; σ, σ',σ" and σ''' = solenidia on the genu of legs I, II and III; κ = microsetae on genu and tibia of leg I; φ, φ', φ" = solenidia on tibiae legs I, II and III; ε = famulus on tarsi of legs I and II; z = companion seta on tarsi of leg I; 1b = coxal field I seta; 2b = coxal field II seta; 3b = coxal field III seta; MTa = mastisetae on tarsus leg III. Scales: A-C 50 μm.
Systematic Parasitology, 2021
Trinidad and Tobago, a neotropical country, has 38 reported chigger species. Of these species, 18... more Trinidad and Tobago, a neotropical country, has 38 reported chigger species. Of these species, 18 were parasitizing bats. Here, we describe a new genus and species parasitizing a ghost-faced bat in this country.

Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 2007
Sao escassos os relatos cientificos sobre demandas de pesquisa e perspectivas para a Acarologia n... more Sao escassos os relatos cientificos sobre demandas de pesquisa e perspectivas para a Acarologia no Brasil. Nesse trabalho, objetivou-se prospectar e caracterizar os estudos em acarologia ja realizados e identificar as principais demandas presentes e futuras em pesquisas em acarologia no Brasil. Para alcancar tais objetivos, realizaram-se revisoes bibliograficas das obras publicadas entre 1996 a 2006 e organizou-se o I Simposio Brasileiro de Acarologia. Os estudos com acaros de interesse medico-veterinario e agricola compoem o maior numero de artigos publicados, com destaque para as familias Ixodidae, Tetranychidae e Phytoseiidae. Esses estudos foram realizados, principalmente, na regiao Sudeste do Brasil. Dentre as principais demandas levantadas, destacaram-se o treinamento de taxonomistas para identificacao de especies de importância agricola e medico-veterinaria, o levantamentos de novas especies de acaros predadores para emprego no controle biologico aplicado, o estudo do papel d...
International Journal of Acarology, 2020
Several mite families are specialized to parasitize only mammals causing severe dermatitis on the... more Several mite families are specialized to parasitize only mammals causing severe dermatitis on their skins. Furthermore, few studies highlight co-parasitism between these families and their impact on their hosts. We are reporting a case of co-parasitism between two acariform families, Sarcoptidae and Cheyletidae, specifically the presence of Sarcoptes scabiei and Cheyletiella parasitivorax on a rabbit kept in captivity in Guatemala. Also, this is the first report of C. parasitivorax in Guatemala.

Acta Parasitologica, 2021
PURPOSE Euschoengastia Ewing is a chigger genus in need of revision as it historically has combin... more PURPOSE Euschoengastia Ewing is a chigger genus in need of revision as it historically has combined species solely on the presence of expanded prodorsal trichobothria. The objective of the present study is to describe a new genus to reallocate two North American Euschoengastia species, to start an organization into this genus. METHODS In this study, we provide drawings, measurements and microscopy images on a Microscope Zeiss for the two redescribed species. RESULTS After examining the types of the species Euschoengastia latchmani Brennan and Yunker and Euschoengastia obscura Wrenn and Loomis, we realized that it was necessary to create the new genus to relocate these two species, mainly based on the following characters: (1) the number of prongs on the odontus; and (2) ornamentation of the prodorsal sclerite. CONCLUSION Goffacarus latchmani n. comb. and Goffacarus obscura n. comb. are redescribed here and to reallocate these two species the genus, Goffacarus n. gen. is proposed.
Metodologia para o estudo da porotaxia em larvas de carrapatos Ixodidae

Acta Parasitologica, 2021
BACKGROUND The Caribbean country Jamaica has only seven reported chigger species. Of these, one w... more BACKGROUND The Caribbean country Jamaica has only seven reported chigger species. Of these, one was recorded from bats. METHODS For the specimens examined in this study were provided drawings, measurements, and microscopy images on a Microscope Zeiss. This material is deposited in the Smithsonian National Chigger Collection. RESULTS In the present study, we describe a new genus and species parasitizing the Antillean ghost-faced bat in Jamaica. This new genus can be separated from all other genera of this family for the following combination of features: (1) palptarsus with four branched and three nude setae; (2) 3-pronged odontus; (3) femur I divided into basifemur and telofemur; and (4) 3 σ on genu I. CONCLUSION The description of this new genus contributes to the increase in the knowledge of chiggers that parasites bats in Jamaica. Also, this is only the second record of a chigger parasitizing this host in this country.
Systematic and Applied Acarology, 2011
The antimicrobial activity of substances present in the egg wax of Amblyomma cajennense (Fabriciu... more The antimicrobial activity of substances present in the egg wax of Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius) was studied, focusing on bacteria, fungi and yeast. Wax was extracted using chloroform/methanol (2:1), and antimicrobial activity was evaluated by the solid culture diffusion assay method, with evaluations at 24, 48 and 72 hours after inoculation. The best results were obtained against yeasts, fungi and Gram-positive bacteria. For enteroviruses, no cytophatic effect in Vero cell cultures was observed for at least 48 hours, and the cell morphology was preserved, suggesting a very interesting potential virustatic activity.
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 2019
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária, 2008
The types of Haemaphysalis cinnabarina Koch and its junior synonym H. sanguinolenta Koch, both fr... more The types of Haemaphysalis cinnabarina Koch and its junior synonym H. sanguinolenta Koch, both from State of Pará, Brazil, have been studied. Although H. cinnabarina has been considered a synonym of H. punctata Canestrini and Fanzago (a Palearctic species), they were compared to another closely related species H. chordeilis (Packard) (a Nearctic species). Based on the morphology and geographical distance among of H. cinnabarina, H. chordeilis and H. punctata, we are reasonably sure that all are valid taxa. The lack of additional reports of H. cinnabarina is more related to few investigations in South America, mainly in Northern Brazil, rather than suggesting that it does not exist.

Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 2022
The establishment and characterization of the ASE-14 cell line derived from embryos of Amblyomma ... more The establishment and characterization of the ASE-14 cell line derived from embryos of Amblyomma sculptum is described here. Primary cultures were started, and after 60 days of culturing a confluent monolayer was formed and the first subculture was then carried out. After this, new subcultures were carried out every 4 weeks. Cryopreservation of cells was successful only after the 14th subculture. We compared the chromosomes of the ASE-14 cell line with those of parental ticks. Cytogenetic analysis revealed occurrences of variable and increased diploid numbers in the ASE-14 cell line in comparison with adult ticks, probably through polyploidization events, chromosome fusions and translocations, which allowed generation of cells with distinct diploid numbers. Confirmation of the origin of the A. sculptum cell line was obtained through conventional PCR and sequencing of a fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. In addition, no DNA from Anaplasma marginale, Anaplasma spp., Babesia/Theileria spp., Bartonella spp., Coxiella spp., Ehrlichia canis, Mycoplasma spp. or Rickettsia spp. was detected in the cells through PCR assays. Cytological analyses were performed using live phase contrast microscopy and cytocentrifuge smears stained with Giemsa, while periodic acid-Schiff and bromophenol blue staining techniques were used to detect polysaccharides and protein, respectively. In conclusion, a new cell line derived from embryos of A. sculptum was generated and characterized in this study. The ASE-14 cell line was deposited in the Tick Cell Biobank at the University of Liverpool, and in the Tick Cell Biobank South America Outpost at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). The ASE-14 cell line is an important addition to the existing panel of tick cell lines and can be used as a tool for advancing research in various areas of the virology, bacteriology, biology and control of this tick.
Additional file 8: Table S6. Proteins exclusively identified in R. rickettsii-infected BME26 cell... more Additional file 8: Table S6. Proteins exclusively identified in R. rickettsii-infected BME26 cells at 48 h.
Additional file 6: Table S4. Proteins differentially expressed in BME26 cells after 48 h of infec... more Additional file 6: Table S4. Proteins differentially expressed in BME26 cells after 48 h of infection with R. rickettsii.
Additional file 2: Figure S1. Growth curve and photomicrograph of R. rickettsii in BME26 cells. T... more Additional file 2: Figure S1. Growth curve and photomicrograph of R. rickettsii in BME26 cells. The number of rickettsiae was determined at each time point by qPCR using specific primers and a hydrolysis probe for the single-copy gene gltA (A). Error bars: ± SD (n = 3). Aliquots of BME26 were removed at 24 h (B), 48 h (C), 72 h (D) and 96 h (E) post-infection, stained by Gimenez and visualized under a light microscope. A high concentration of rickettsiae (colored in purple and indicated by the arrows) was observed in the nuclei (n) of the cells at 24 (b) and 48 h (c).
Additional file 4: Table S2. Proteins exclusively identified in noninfected BME26 cells (control)... more Additional file 4: Table S2. Proteins exclusively identified in noninfected BME26 cells (control) at 6 h.
Papers by Darci Moraes Barros Battesti