Papers by Džingischan Mário

M u z e u m P o d k a r p a c k i e w K r o ś n i e późne średniowiecze w Karpatach, 2024
The aim of the text is to present late medieval and modern finds from two archaeological excavati... more The aim of the text is to present late medieval and modern finds from two archaeological excavations that took place at the Nitra castle in 2010 and 2013. The subject of the research was the Gothic ditch and the reservoir water tank situated in the palace courtyard. The ditch was originally dug up in the second half of the 15th century, but soon lost its primary function and was gradually filled up. A renaissance bastion was built south-eastwards from the ditch. The pottery found in the infill dates from the end of the 16th to the beginning of the 17th century. Most represented are pots, jugs, pans, skillets, lids and bowls. Other artefacts include various small items made of iron, bronze, antlers and glass. In 2013, were documented the layers in the reservoir water tank situated in the courtyard of the Bishop's Palace. The previous research (undertaken in 1996) examined the first 460 cm of its backfill, while our research examined the tank up to the depth of 850 cm. The material is represented mostly by tableware pottery including plates and dishes. Stove tiles represent the chamber type. The most common themes are geometric and botanical which are related to the Ottoman Empire influences. The waterlogged deposit of the water tank enabled also the preservation of wood, leather and animal bones. Collected artefacts came from the late renaissance.
Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV, 2019
Obr. 1. Nitra-Janíkovce. Pohrebisko z obdobia Avarského kaganátu. Poloha na mape 1 : 10 000 je fi... more Obr. 1. Nitra-Janíkovce. Pohrebisko z obdobia Avarského kaganátu. Poloha na mape 1 : 10 000 je fixovaná červeným krúžkom (© GKU). Obr. 2. Nitra-Janíkovce. Poloha pohrebiska na mape 1. vojenského mapovania (© ARCANUM). Obr. 3. Nitra-Janíkovce. Poloha pohrebiska na mape 2. vojenského mapovania (© ARCANUM).
študijné zvesti, 2019
Avar period, Nitra
Výkonný redaktor / Executive editor Miriama Nemergutová Počítačové spracovanie / Computer elabora... more Výkonný redaktor / Executive editor Miriama Nemergutová Počítačové spracovanie / Computer elaboration Beáta Jančíková Grafický návrh a počítačové spracovanie obálky / Graphic layout and computer elaboration of the cover Ivan Kuzma Tlač / P rinted by V EDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, Bratislava © Archeologický ústav SAV, Nitra 2019 Dátum vydania -máj 2019 IČO vydavateľa -00 166 723 Poradie vydania -65. číslo Evidenčné číslo MK SR 3403/09 / Ministry of culture evidence No. 3403/09 Kontaktná adresa (príspevky, ďalšie informácie) / Contact address (Contributions, Further informations) Archeologický ústav SAV, Rozširuje, objednávky a predplatné prijíma / Distributing, booking and subscription receives Archeologický ústav SAV, Za znenie a obsah príspevkov zodpovedajú autori. / Authors are responsible for their contributions.

Zborník SNM Archeológia 28, 2018
First season of the archaeological excavation at Plavecký hrad in Malé Karpaty (SW Slovakia). In ... more First season of the archaeological excavation at Plavecký hrad in Malé Karpaty (SW Slovakia). In the introductory stage, we focused on excavating the bridge structure into the middle castle, and excavation of the northern palace of the upper castle. Probe 1 was situated within the entrance bridge structure into the upper castle, where until now the remains of two bridge pillars stood, built in the second half of the 16 th century and gradually rebuilt in the 17 th century. The excavation identified two further bridge pillars. Probes 2 and 3 were located in the basement area of the northern palace from the 15 th century, rebuilt in the 16 th century. In probe 2 we identified an entrance door frame and the threshold of the entrance into the cellar. In probe 3 we documented a vault by the southern wall of the palace, which covered the area to the north. Finds were also revealed in the area of the northern entrance into the cannon tower of the upper castle. Ceramics, tiles, small items (nails, a fragment of an iron mortar ball) and animal bones were analysed. In the paper, we present the first results of the research into the material culture of the upper social classes from the Modern Age (the second half of the 16 th century to the middle of the 17 th century) in the Záhorie region, when the castle was owned by the Balaš, Bakič and Fugger families.
Papers by Džingischan Mário