Papers by Bożenna Czarnecka
Polish Journal of Ecology, 2010

Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2011
The study aimed to determine the long-term changes of the Senecio macrophyllus M.BIEB. population... more The study aimed to determine the long-term changes of the Senecio macrophyllus M.BIEB. population traits: the abundance, reproduction mode, individual fecundity, seed rain and recruitment of new genets in the course of xerothermic grassland overgrowing. The study had also the applied goal: to estimate the chances of special care species to survive in the changing environment without management regime for the maintenance of grassland. The model object was the island population of large-leaved ragwort on Bia³a Góra (the White Mountain) near Tomaszów Lubelski, SouthEast Poland. To achieve these aims I used the following sets of data: phytosociological relevés made in plant communities in an interval of 16-18 years; repeated elaboration of the numbers and life-stage structure of the population, both by non-surface and surface method; observation of plants life cycle in 50 labelled genets; population reproduction and seed rain amounts. The area of an open xerothermic grassland decreased due to the process of overgrowing by bushes which was accompanied by the increasing coverage of forest and meadow herbs as well as monocotyledons, mainly Brachypodium pinnatum and Calamagrostis epigejos. The abundance of the S. macrophyllus population noticable diminished. The flowering mode has been changing during years from an oscillation to a chaotic type which caused the significant decreasing of the individual fecundity, population reproduction and seed rain. In last years it was reflected in the interruption of juveniles recruitment.
Biuletyn Ogrodów Botanicznych, Muzeów i Zbiorów, 2007

Inżynieria Ekologiczna, 2012
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of fluctuation of the ground water level, caused... more The aim of the study was to determine the effect of fluctuation of the ground water level, caused by beaver activity, on the floristic composition of meadow vegetation in the fragment of small river valley (the Szum river, Central Roztocze). We analyzed selected traits of the populations of two perennial species characteristic of variously moist meadows: Filipendula ulmaria and Cirsium oleraceum. On permanent plots we noted the number of shoots (ramets) of marked individuals. Simultaneously, changes in the ground water levels were monitored in piezometres. In the patches of meadow vegetation under the greatest risk of flooding a decrease of biological diversity and reduce the share of species characteristic for the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea was observed. The response of the populations of the species tested for long-term water stress was the decrease in the number of individuals and ramets, and reducing the degree of their clustering.
Polish Journal of Ecology, 2011
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2014
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne w setną rocznicę powstania (1922–2022)
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2014
The paper presents in graphic standardised form ("ecodiagrams") the conditions in which... more The paper presents in graphic standardised form ("ecodiagrams") the conditions in which 24 common species of the herb layer of forest communities occur in the Roztocze National Park. After determining the soil type, its mechanical composition, active and exchangeable acidity, humus content and the content in the rhizosphere layer of nutrient components essential for plants, such as P, K, Na, Ca. Mg. AI, ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, the habitats of common plants of the forest from the class <em>Querco-Fagetea</em> were classified as meso-, eu-meso- and cutrophic. Forest plants connected with communities from the class…

Terenową penetrację źródeł prowadzono z różnym natężeniem w latach 1997−2008. Badania miały na ce... more Terenową penetrację źródeł prowadzono z różnym natężeniem w latach 1997−2008. Badania miały na celu określenie różnorodności fitocenotycznej i florystycznej źródeł strefy krawędziowej Roztocza na tle charakterystyki geochemicznej wypływów. Podjęto ocenę stopnia ich naturalności bądź antropogenizacji w zależności od położenia obiektu (źródła na terenach leśnych i nieleśnych, głównie wiejskich) oraz odpowiedź na pytanie czy ochrona pomnikowa źródeł gwarantuje zachowanie ich wartości przyrodniczych. Badanym źródłom towarzyszy specyficzna grupa gatunków roślin naczyniowych i mszaków, które reprezentują różne kategorie krenofitów. W niewielkich niszach źródliskowych rozwijają się zbiorowiska rzeżuchy gorzkiej i śledziennicy skrętolistnej Cardamine amara-Chrysosplenium alternifolium lub rzeżuchy gorzkiej i potocznika wąskolistnego Cardamino-Beruletum erecti, zdominowane przez kilka gatunków krenofitów obligatoryjnych i/lub fakultatywnych. Wzdłuż odpływów wód źródlanych rozwijają się fitocenozy szuwaru manny fałdowanej Glycerietum plicatae. Obecność krenofitów świadczy o wysokim stopniu naturalności środowiska strefy krawędziowej Roztocza. W dużych niszach źródliskowych dominują synuzja okazałych bylin, jak wierzbówka kosmata Epilobium hirsutum, mięta długolistna Mentha longifolia, trędownik oskrzydlony Scrophularia umbrosa, pokrzywa zwyczajna Urtica dioica, sadziec konopiasty Eupatorium cannabinum, ostrożeń warzywny Cirsium oleraceum. Na terenach wiejskich, pod wpływem antropopresji (wydeptywanie, spasanie itp.) w ich miejsce rozwijają się nitrofilne zbiorowiska dywanowe, które budują wiechlina roczna Poa annua, życica trwała Lolium perenne, babka średnia Plantago media, głowienka pospolita Prunella vulgaris, oraz tzw. gęsie Bożenna Czarnecka 28 pastwiska z dominującym pięciornikiem gęsim Potentilla anserina i mietlicą rozłogową Agrostis stolonifera. Przykłady drastycznej ingerencji człowieka w obrębie nisz źródliskowych świadczą o małej skuteczności ochrony tych obiektów w formie pomników przyrody.
Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody, 2000

Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu, Apr 17, 2014
The mesoregion of Tomaszow Roztocze is the central part of the Roztocze re ion (in the south-east... more The mesoregion of Tomaszow Roztocze is the central part of the Roztocze re ion (in the south-east Poland). Southern slopes of this mesoregion are drained by five small rivers, which are the Tanew river tributaries: Szum with Niepryszka, Sopot, Jelen and the Łosiniecki Stream. All of them use transverse faulting of the escarpment zone. The rivers are deeply incised into the calcareous bedrock (up to 25 m) and there fore they have features characteristic of mountain streams. The rarity of such breaks is enhanced by the presence of rock faults in all rivers (water falls reaching up to 1.5 m in height, on the rivers of Jelen and Łosiniecki Stream). In the break sections of the valleys there occur numerous springs. Among them there have been discovered 21 ferruginous ones (content of ferrous ion reaches even 2.0 mg Fe2+· dm-3). In their vicinity the picturesque rusty depositions of ferric ochre can be observed. Presence both of rock faults and springs in ecological corridors of river valleys, accompanied by rich and differentiated plant cover, makes this mesoregion an area of unique landscape values of regionally and Europe an importance. The most valuable sections of the river breaks are preserved in the borders of three landscape reserves: “Szum” (“The Hum”), “Czartowe Pole” (“The Devil’s Field”) and “Nad Tanwią” (“On the Ta new River”).

Vegetation landscapes in river valleys are determined by the following factors: land configuratio... more Vegetation landscapes in river valleys are determined by the following factors: land configuration, bed- rock character, type of water regime, water chemistry, the type of soil and its physico- chemical properties. Interdisciplinary field studies were carried out in the years 1997–2001 aimed at determining how configurations of plant communities (toposequence) reflect the degree of naturality or anthropogenic changes of the environment in small river valleys of the Tomaszow Roztocze (south-east Poland). Complexes of semi -hydrogenic and hydrogenic soils in the river floors are accompanied by landscape phytocomplexes of ash -alder forest Fraxino -Alnetum and bog -alder forest Ribesonigri -Alnetum. Steep slopes of valleys covered with podzoil soils are mostly grown with fir forest Abietetum polonicum. Model of toposequence is best realised in forested sections of river valleys, i.e. within the borders of the nature reserves: “Szum” (“The Hum”), “Czartowe Pole” (“The Devil’s Field”) an...
Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą, 2006
Wiadomości Botaniczne, 2019
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu, Apr 17, 2014
Papers by Bożenna Czarnecka