CFP Actual by Cuadernos de Aleph

Tiempo al tiempo. Interrogantes cronológicos en las literaturas hispanas, 2024
La revista Cuadernos de Aleph invita a todas las personas interesadas a participar hasta el 12 de... more La revista Cuadernos de Aleph invita a todas las personas interesadas a participar hasta el 12 de marzo de 2025 en su décimo octavo número dedicado a "Tiempo al tiempo. Interrogantes cronológicos en las literaturas hispanas"
La medida del tiempo ha sido y es una de las eternas incógnitas del ser humano en la que se sigue incidiendo a día de hoy, como ya apuntaba Macey (1980). Señala el orden y la irreversibilidad de los acontecimientos, sin olvidar su definición como lógica exquisita que no se detiene. Todo ello ha generado en sus múltiples acercamientos analogías entre este y el universo en aras de entender nuestra existencia. El tiempo puede definirse, entonces, como un parámetro cultural, que incluso se diluye en la propia palabra, puesto que, en verdad, parece existir un consenso global para aludir al concepto, aunque este adquiera la forma de una terminología social e históricamente asumida sobre la que, aún hoy, nos cuestionamos.
Aun teniendo muy presente la amplia bibliografía existente al hilo de este motivo —muchas de cuyas referencias pueden hallarse en el trabajo compilatorio realizado por Macey (1991)—, nos proponemos en el presente número monográfico abrir el espectro a la reflexión de este concepto desde el ámbito literario hispánico. Así pues, nos preguntamos: ¿Cómo han definido y definen los autores de dicho panorama al reloj imparable? ¿Cómo apropiarse de algo que no tiene medida? ¿Qué tiene, en definitiva, el tiempo para generar tales inquietudes?
La revista Cuadernos de Aleph invita a todas las personas interesadas a participar hasta el 1 de ... more La revista Cuadernos de Aleph invita a todas las personas interesadas a participar hasta el 1 de mayo de 2024 en su decimoséptimo número dedicado a Saberes, identidades y estéticas fronterizas en las literaturas y culturas hispanas.
La revista Cuadernos de Aleph invita a todas las personas interesadas a participar hasta el 1 de ... more La revista Cuadernos de Aleph invita a todas las personas interesadas a participar hasta el 1 de mazo de 2023 en su decimosexto número dedicado a Imaginarios, discursos y narrativas de las violencias en las literaturas y culturas hispanas «Hay cosas que nunca desaparecen.
16. Discursos y narrativas de las violencias by Cuadernos de Aleph
“Imaginarios, discursos y narrativas de las violencias en las literaturas y culturas hispanas”, e... more “Imaginarios, discursos y narrativas de las violencias en las literaturas y culturas hispanas”, el volumen número 16 de Cuadernos de Aleph, surge de la pregunta por la violencia y sus relaciones con los productos culturales, un amplio y heterogéneo campo de estudio que algunos de los doctorandos y doctorandas de las literaturas y culturas hispanas cuyas inquietudes repensamos a través de la ficción.
This article proposes an analysis of the different manifestations of violence in three stories by... more This article proposes an analysis of the different manifestations of violence in three stories by the Bolivian writer Giovanna Rivero: "Sweet blood", from Niñas y detectives (2009), "Donkey Skin" and"Kinded Dear", both collected in Fresh dirth from the grave (2021). The elements that are most appreciated are those related to violence such as rape or shame. These concepts should be highlighted since, in addition to being present repeatedly in Rivero's stories, they are often experienced by characters who are migrants. For this reason, an analysis is proposed that links the migrant condition with the different types of violence that are
manifested in the author's work.

In 2010, according to the Spanish Infancia en Datos project, 3,914 children between the ages of 0... more In 2010, according to the Spanish Infancia en Datos project, 3,914 children between the ages of 0 and18 were victims of family violence, and 3,322 suffered crimes against freedom and sexual indemnity. That same year, Maite Carranza published the novel Palabras envenenadas, winner of six literary prizes. The story recounts the physical and psychological experience suffered by the main character, Bárbara, after being
kidnapped and abused by her father for four long years. The omniscient narrator's voice is used in the chapters that relate the point of view of the mother, the investigator, and the victim's best friend. Barbara's chapters are narrated in the first person, and through them, Carranza will provide the necessary information to complete a victimological profile. This will allow us to understand why she was chosen by her father, for what purpose, and the social factors involved in the victim's risk. To limit the analysis of the crimes committed in this novel, I will base my research on the classification made by David Finkelhor in 2008 on minor victims, who
classifies kidnapping and child abuse as "acute victimization". This classification will help us to understand the conceptual framework, the
consequences, and the true scope of this victim typology.

Although being usually associated to peace and quietness, silence can be violent. Elena Poniatows... more Although being usually associated to peace and quietness, silence can be violent. Elena Poniatowska’s novel Querido Diego, te abraza Quiela (1978) asserts it, showing the effects of the lack of answer from Diego Rivera to the letters sent by his wife, Angelina Beloff. From the analytical framework of violences against women, this indifference is an act of psychological violence. Moreover, the text of Poniatowska corresponds to a way of representing women that, alongside with the epistolary genre chosen, reflects the symbolic violence to which women are structurally confronted. However, far from adhering to that vision of women as helpless beings who fall into crisis without a man who takes care of them, the Mexican author subverts this tendency, taking it to the extreme to denounce the treatment of Angelina Beloff, and, by extension, of the feminine gender, especially in literature and in the world of art in general.
In this paper we study the poetic reclaim of the writer Miguel de Unamuno through three authors f... more In this paper we study the poetic reclaim of the writer Miguel de Unamuno through three authors from the generation of 1936: Luis Rosales, Leopoldo Panero and Luis Felipe Vivanco. To carry out this analysis we have chosen three significant collections of poems by the authors studied: La casa encendida, Escrito a cada instante and Continuación de la vida. In the first place, we study how Unamuno's philosophy influenced the creation of the poetics of the post-war group. In the second place, we review how these three authors collect in their books the same sense of pain that Unamuno explains on Del sentimiento trágico de la vida.

This paper analyzes the short story by Mariana Enríquez Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego includ... more This paper analyzes the short story by Mariana Enríquez Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego included in the homonymous volume, which narrates the way in which a group of women decide to confront a wave of feminicides in Argentina by throwing themselves into bonfires with the purpose of mutilating their bodies. First, the construction of the fantastic in the story will be analyzed, with its respective problematizations, in order
to proceed to examine to what extent this text fits in with some of the previous notions of the great theorists of the genre. Next, the mimesis of historical reality in the text will be considered, as well as the strategies with which a political and social problematic is addressed, specifically,
the exercise of counter-writing on the female body. Having reviewed these concepts, the conclusions of the article will address the effect that this tale generates in the readers and the relevance of Mariana Enríquez's
fantastic literature in the present day. The article will conclude with a reflection on the emergence of the notion of the unusual as a response to the necessity of rethinking the already existing categories.
This essay analyses Hasta que mueras (2019), apostdictatorial novel by the Argentinian author Raq... more This essay analyses Hasta que mueras (2019), apostdictatorial novel by the Argentinian author Raquel Robles, drawing on Idelber Avelar’s theories on mourning and postdictatorial fiction in Alegorías de la derrota: la ficción postdictatorial y el trabajo de duelo (2000). My aim is to explore how the grief of hearbreake and the demise of dictatorship are superposed in Robles’ work, leading to novels which attempt to address the ineffable through a form of “impossible narration”, and call on the macabre and burial spaces. In this context, metonymic processes are revealed as an expressive tool with which Robles unravels her characters’ traumas, and textuality appears as a coping mechanism.
A modo de edición conmemorativa para la colección de su 50 aniversario, la editorial Akal reedita... more A modo de edición conmemorativa para la colección de su 50 aniversario, la editorial Akal reedita una obra de consulta ineludible para quienes se dispongan a profundizar en el estudio historiográfico de la caza de brujas en la Europa de los siglos XVI y XVII. Así pues, la mayoría de ensayos contemporáneos que abordan el tema la incluyen entre sus referencias obligatorias, aunque no todos la tienen en igual consideración. Este texto de estructura atípica fue publicado por primera vez en Akal en 1987, si bien vio la luz en su versión original en 1862. Es por ello que su contenido debe ser tratado como hijo de su época y no como fruto del contexto actual, esto es, conviene situarlo debidamente en el punto cronológico al que pertenece dentro de la historiografía sobre la caza de brujas.
En los últimos años, los debates, polémicas y discusiones de todo tipo acerca del lenguaje inclus... more En los últimos años, los debates, polémicas y discusiones de todo tipo acerca del lenguaje inclusivo han permeado en todos los niveles de la sociedad. Es evidente la fuerte polarización con respecto a estos usos lingüísticos, lo que hace que no haya día sin titulares sobre ellos. Esto se debe a que, como apunta Remedios Zafra en la presentación del libro, «la cosa, no es solo lingüística, es política y es social, del mismo modo que una palabra en sí no es violenta, lo es el tono y el contexto» (Vasallo, 2021: 12).
Se trata de un recorrido investigativo entorno a las identidades emergentes de los personajes de ... more Se trata de un recorrido investigativo entorno a las identidades emergentes de los personajes de seis de las novelas del escritor hispanoamericano Andrés Neuman, los cuales se encuentran atravesados por la experiencia del desplazamiento. Estas son: La vida en las ventanas (2016), Una vez Argentina (2014), Hablar solos (2012), Cómo viajar sin ver (2010), El viajero del siglo (2010) y Bariloche (1999). Un análisis comparativo que examina de forma cronológica la trayectoria literaria de Neuman, acercándonos desde un tono académico a la construcción de sus personajes a partir de ese desplazamiento inaugural.
15. Formas de la heterodoxia en la literatura by Cuadernos de Aleph
This proposal focuses on three tales from El pecado y la noche (1913) of Antonio de Hoyos y Vinen... more This proposal focuses on three tales from El pecado y la noche (1913) of Antonio de Hoyos y Vinent. This analysis will discourse about the paranormal and heterodox elements in the narratives and its decadent perspective which looks for horror and strangeness. Thereby, this paper will expose how this style and its literary topics may weaken the hegemonic and positivist discourses, which were questioned previously by other works like Lá-bas (1974 [1891]) of Joris-Karl Huysmans, known by the author. The objective of this analysis is showing how these narratives could question those discourses and could vindicate subaltern individualities, denouncing the oppression which these subjects live in, victims of a social and economic system supported by science.

Spanish popular literature joined in its different fashions the practices and beliefs of every so... more Spanish popular literature joined in its different fashions the practices and beliefs of every social sector, both the official ones, as the Christian religion, and the unofficial ones, like the Occultism, Prophetic Arts or the Satanism, among others. In this work we deal with the critical edition of t he selected romance, which is a new evidence of this trend that longed to write down those heterodox beliefs that were spread among the population. There are several reasons that provide interest to the poem, but we highlight its date of composition, 1752, in the middle of the Age of Enlightenment, so the progressive advance of the Enlightenment mentality, devoted to Reason, had influence in these miraculous romances in general and, like we suggest in further lines, in this poem in particular. In this way, our edition of the poetic text is complemented by the footnotes with the explanation of the concepts that may cause doubts, as well as the issues referred to the genre that influenced its creation and still influence the understanding of the text in the moment of its creation.
This essay focuses on Leila Guerriero’s writing style when it came to narrate faithfully and with... more This essay focuses on Leila Guerriero’s writing style when it came to narrate faithfully and without artifice the chronicle A Simple Story (2013). The analysis sheds light on the author’s informative and poetic use of language, which sets up the atmosphere of a postmodernist text identifying a precise story of Argentina, at the same time as it addresses the universal topics of cultural heritage, identity, and perseverance. Concisely, A Simple Story is a former journalistic investigation made chronicle, yet also a fiction returned to its reality. In this work, Leila Guerriero juxtaposes two specular quests for authenticity, her literary strive and the malambo dancer living for the preservation of a tradition.
This article proposes an approach to the story «Las voladoras», which opens the homonymous collec... more This article proposes an approach to the story «Las voladoras», which opens the homonymous collection of short stories (Páginas de Espuma, 2020) by the Ecuadorian writer Mónica Ojeda (Guayaquil, 1988), focusing on the landscapes framed within the Andean Gothic genre and the configuration of the story from the point of view of the fantastic one. Specifically, this work analyses the figure of the «voladora», the famous witch that populates the myths of the Andes Mountains, which establishes a deep bond with the protagonist of the story, who makes her transition to adulthood through contact with the body of this creature. The expression of femininity and sexuality of both is configured as dissident and transgressive, so that it escapes the heteropatriarchal intelligibility, embodied in the ambivalent figure of the girl’s parents.
Gloria Fuertes's popularity in children's literature has overshadowed her poetry for adults.
The... more Gloria Fuertes's popularity in children's literature has overshadowed her poetry for adults.
The latter is the result of different aesthetic influences, and her particular vision of the world, which is forged, among other facets, by the weight of her memories, her religiosity and her social commitment. The overlapping of these aspects outlines the poetic space of a good part of the author's work. With this interpretative approach, we intend to analyze Antología y Poemas del suburbio (1954) and prove that space is a vector that conveys the personal and heterodox ideology of the Madrid poet.
This article analyses the operation of marginalization and desconfiguration of masculine identity... more This article analyses the operation of marginalization and desconfiguration of masculine identity in the poems and texts in prose by Leopoldo María Panero. First of all, the inmorality and violence present in Panero’s poems is considered as a nihilist gesture that allows to point a margin. Secondly, the identity destabilization is proposed as a will of maintaining oneself in a marginal identity. And finally, it is specially analyzed the treatment of the body and its different traits always in opposition and resistance to an identitary and psychiatric discourse stablished as a law. In the same way as the body’s desconfiguration will inevitably affect the poem’s approach, this work follows the Panero’s destabilizing intertextual proposal, and is traversed also by the reading of Antonin Artaud.
CFP Actual by Cuadernos de Aleph
La medida del tiempo ha sido y es una de las eternas incógnitas del ser humano en la que se sigue incidiendo a día de hoy, como ya apuntaba Macey (1980). Señala el orden y la irreversibilidad de los acontecimientos, sin olvidar su definición como lógica exquisita que no se detiene. Todo ello ha generado en sus múltiples acercamientos analogías entre este y el universo en aras de entender nuestra existencia. El tiempo puede definirse, entonces, como un parámetro cultural, que incluso se diluye en la propia palabra, puesto que, en verdad, parece existir un consenso global para aludir al concepto, aunque este adquiera la forma de una terminología social e históricamente asumida sobre la que, aún hoy, nos cuestionamos.
Aun teniendo muy presente la amplia bibliografía existente al hilo de este motivo —muchas de cuyas referencias pueden hallarse en el trabajo compilatorio realizado por Macey (1991)—, nos proponemos en el presente número monográfico abrir el espectro a la reflexión de este concepto desde el ámbito literario hispánico. Así pues, nos preguntamos: ¿Cómo han definido y definen los autores de dicho panorama al reloj imparable? ¿Cómo apropiarse de algo que no tiene medida? ¿Qué tiene, en definitiva, el tiempo para generar tales inquietudes?
16. Discursos y narrativas de las violencias by Cuadernos de Aleph
manifested in the author's work.
kidnapped and abused by her father for four long years. The omniscient narrator's voice is used in the chapters that relate the point of view of the mother, the investigator, and the victim's best friend. Barbara's chapters are narrated in the first person, and through them, Carranza will provide the necessary information to complete a victimological profile. This will allow us to understand why she was chosen by her father, for what purpose, and the social factors involved in the victim's risk. To limit the analysis of the crimes committed in this novel, I will base my research on the classification made by David Finkelhor in 2008 on minor victims, who
classifies kidnapping and child abuse as "acute victimization". This classification will help us to understand the conceptual framework, the
consequences, and the true scope of this victim typology.
to proceed to examine to what extent this text fits in with some of the previous notions of the great theorists of the genre. Next, the mimesis of historical reality in the text will be considered, as well as the strategies with which a political and social problematic is addressed, specifically,
the exercise of counter-writing on the female body. Having reviewed these concepts, the conclusions of the article will address the effect that this tale generates in the readers and the relevance of Mariana Enríquez's
fantastic literature in the present day. The article will conclude with a reflection on the emergence of the notion of the unusual as a response to the necessity of rethinking the already existing categories.
15. Formas de la heterodoxia en la literatura by Cuadernos de Aleph
The latter is the result of different aesthetic influences, and her particular vision of the world, which is forged, among other facets, by the weight of her memories, her religiosity and her social commitment. The overlapping of these aspects outlines the poetic space of a good part of the author's work. With this interpretative approach, we intend to analyze Antología y Poemas del suburbio (1954) and prove that space is a vector that conveys the personal and heterodox ideology of the Madrid poet.
La medida del tiempo ha sido y es una de las eternas incógnitas del ser humano en la que se sigue incidiendo a día de hoy, como ya apuntaba Macey (1980). Señala el orden y la irreversibilidad de los acontecimientos, sin olvidar su definición como lógica exquisita que no se detiene. Todo ello ha generado en sus múltiples acercamientos analogías entre este y el universo en aras de entender nuestra existencia. El tiempo puede definirse, entonces, como un parámetro cultural, que incluso se diluye en la propia palabra, puesto que, en verdad, parece existir un consenso global para aludir al concepto, aunque este adquiera la forma de una terminología social e históricamente asumida sobre la que, aún hoy, nos cuestionamos.
Aun teniendo muy presente la amplia bibliografía existente al hilo de este motivo —muchas de cuyas referencias pueden hallarse en el trabajo compilatorio realizado por Macey (1991)—, nos proponemos en el presente número monográfico abrir el espectro a la reflexión de este concepto desde el ámbito literario hispánico. Así pues, nos preguntamos: ¿Cómo han definido y definen los autores de dicho panorama al reloj imparable? ¿Cómo apropiarse de algo que no tiene medida? ¿Qué tiene, en definitiva, el tiempo para generar tales inquietudes?
manifested in the author's work.
kidnapped and abused by her father for four long years. The omniscient narrator's voice is used in the chapters that relate the point of view of the mother, the investigator, and the victim's best friend. Barbara's chapters are narrated in the first person, and through them, Carranza will provide the necessary information to complete a victimological profile. This will allow us to understand why she was chosen by her father, for what purpose, and the social factors involved in the victim's risk. To limit the analysis of the crimes committed in this novel, I will base my research on the classification made by David Finkelhor in 2008 on minor victims, who
classifies kidnapping and child abuse as "acute victimization". This classification will help us to understand the conceptual framework, the
consequences, and the true scope of this victim typology.
to proceed to examine to what extent this text fits in with some of the previous notions of the great theorists of the genre. Next, the mimesis of historical reality in the text will be considered, as well as the strategies with which a political and social problematic is addressed, specifically,
the exercise of counter-writing on the female body. Having reviewed these concepts, the conclusions of the article will address the effect that this tale generates in the readers and the relevance of Mariana Enríquez's
fantastic literature in the present day. The article will conclude with a reflection on the emergence of the notion of the unusual as a response to the necessity of rethinking the already existing categories.
The latter is the result of different aesthetic influences, and her particular vision of the world, which is forged, among other facets, by the weight of her memories, her religiosity and her social commitment. The overlapping of these aspects outlines the poetic space of a good part of the author's work. With this interpretative approach, we intend to analyze Antología y Poemas del suburbio (1954) and prove that space is a vector that conveys the personal and heterodox ideology of the Madrid poet.
ragpicker narrator, essential to understanding
contemporary memory writings (exemplified here by
titles focused on the Argentine Dirty War). Some features
of the works that resort to it will be highlighted: 1) the
attention paid to the matter, for which the testimonies
take the form of objets trouvés in the form of letters,
clippings, and notes; 2) the reinterpretation of the history
by different techniques (montages, juxtapositions,
anachronism); and, finally, 3) the frequent intercalation
of images (intervened, blurred, sketched or forgotten
drawings and photographs).
work, Álvaro Cunqueiro lived a life full of wild tales and published novels
bursting with imagination, an imagination that also spills over into his
gastronomic books. His narrative texts, journalism and travel guides
share his culinary knowledge, but it is his cookbooks that reveal the full
extent of his irreverence. In order to understand his behaviour and
aesthetic construction, we first establish a catalogue of the works in
which gastronomy is the main topic.
In them, he uses intertextual techniques to transform dishes
into worlds of classical heroism or into medieval knights. The cookbooks
lose their utilitarian and prescriptive value, instead becoming a source of
dazzling literary accounts. The reader, thinking they bought a book that
would help them as a cook, instead finds themselves in a room having
lunch with Alonso Quijano or observing the balcony scene from Romeo
and Juliet.
At the same time, Cunqueiro is guided by memories and
sensations rather than quantities and ingredients when putting together
his recipes; as such, the practical factors that usually characterise
cookbooks are lost completely. This article is dedicated to this transfer
between worlds that should not normally be connected as well as to
Cunqueiro's astonishing imagination.
Juan Marsé, paying special attention to the polyphony
and the use of the aventis from an integrative perspective
that combines notions related to «Biopoetics» and
Cultural Memory Studies. To achieve this, the
confluence of voices in the text will be interpreted
according to several concepts linked to biopolitics, such
as citizen status and linguistic agency, and to the memory
of the defeated as the driving force and subject of the
narrative. The complexity of the novel takes on another
meaning when it is interpreted as an example of
heterodox «post-traumatic» discourse in which the status
of the victims and their relationship with speech, truth
and memory in the Spanish postwar period is not only
problematized, but (re)produced.
novel, Lectura fácil (2018), is proposed, attending to its
discursive complexity and the relationships established
among health, illness and normalization. First, an
appropriate interpretative framework is proposed in
which the novel is related to other texts that appeared
especially in the context of the “2008 crisis” as a protest
against the current political situation. In the analysis of
the text, based on Foucault, Juan Carlos Rodríguez and
Hannah Arendt, among others, the varied discursive
typology and the ideology of the novel are studied.
Finally, it is defended how Morales' novel is a
paradigmatic example of literary subversion that clearly
pursues a political aim. unprecedented creation in literature
trauma is either destruction of resilience? Catherine Malabou in
Ontología del accidente (2018) tells us that there can be a third
possibility: «Something is shown thanks to the damage and the
cut» (14). In fact, trauma, contrary to what has traditionally been
said, can derive into a creation in our reality. In Lina Meruane's
Rotten Fruit (2007) there are two protagonists: Zoila, who is
diagnosed with diabetes, and María, who will sacrifice her
children for medical experiments in order to pay for Zoila's
treatment. I consider that both suffer trauma. The destruction
of María's character, however, will not generate creation, since
her actions will continue in the line of self-exploitation to avoid
becoming a disposable body. However, the destruction in
Zoila's character will indeed produce creation. In Zoila, we will
see an example of what Malabou calls «destructive plasticity»
since, from the trauma, that is, from her illness, a new
subjectivity will emerge, developing an ontological
metamorphosis of her being. She, her character, will become an
unprecedented creation in literature.
trace of posestructuralism, neo-avantgardes and, specially, with
the entrance in the western world of posmodernism and the
neobaroque aesthetics, the narrative began a liminar stage of
experimentation in resources, formats and posibilities,
resketching, modifying or subverting the preestablished
patterns, in a radical and impetuous way by the vanguardists,
and in a withdrawn and playful one by the posmodernists. El
Garabato, an original novel of the mexican writer Vicente
Leñero, which moves within this field, plays with narrative and
authorship specularity till it is no one novel, but three. El
Garabato exposes itself as a self-referential mise en abyme split in
three leves, each one embedded in between the others. It
explores new scriptures until achieving a fractal structure in
which each one of its own matrioshkas is related with the others
and reflected by the one who contains it, raising intriguing
metafictional questions. From this narrative heteroglosy, in which
each one of the embedded novels shapes the next and at the
same time completes the previous one, Leñero acomplish to
create a playful narrative puzzle that subverts the previous
canonical patterns, presenting new questions about narrative’s
ontology and breaking ground for heterodox paths never raised
before until its appearance in 1967.
honors or pointing out their origins respectively, Adiós a los próceres (2010) by Pablo Montoya and La carroza de Bolívar (2012) by Evelio Rosero promote the demystification of common places within the Colombian historical imaginary that were based on patterns of premeditation and bias of a historiography that shaped them. This process of desacralization is at the same time a literary act in which the use and questioning of archival sources produce a narrative that sets itself apart from traditional conceptions of chronology or literary gender within the historical novel in the country
Desde aquí es desde donde yo leo los dos números que tengo el gusto de presentar. Desde el amor por quien recordó y desde el convencimiento de que, en efecto, vivir no es tan importante como recordar, porque necesitamos de la memoria para saber quiénes somos y no ser quienes otros quieren que seamos. En medio del olvido, de la amnesia generalizada de los estados, de la pretensión de borrar todas las otredades con que se encuentra esa ideología que es la hegemonía, la memoria es un ejercicio de combatividad y resistencia. Y, con Francisco Caudet, creo firmemente que «La memoria del pasado y su verbalización son antídotos contra el abandono y la renuncia, contra la aceptación del fracaso» (2005: 22).
la autobiografía ficticia y a la posible genealogía literaria que entrañaría su elección por parte del novelista.
como base para multitud de trabajos que abordan el tema desde esta perspectiva. Lejos de ocuparse únicamente de la vertiente teórica, Federici ha mantenido una implicación directa con prácticas políticas que, dentro del activismo feminista, han tratado de dar visibilidad y de revisar críticamente los procesos de cazas de brujas. Uno de los puntos más interesantes de su trabajo tal vez sea el modo en que, desde nuestra actualidad, integramos esta experiencia histórica en nuestro horizonte cultural.