Background: Sevoflurane is one of the most frequently used inhaled anesthetics for general anesth... more Background: Sevoflurane is one of the most frequently used inhaled anesthetics for general anesthesia. Previously it has been reported that at clinically used doses of sevoflurane, cerebral vasoreactivity is maintained. However, there are no data how sevoflurane influences systemic and cerebral circulation in parallel. The aim of our study was to assess systemic and cerebral hemodynamic changes as well as cerebral CO 2-reactivity during sevoflurane anesthesia. Methods: Twenty nine patients undergoing general anesthesia were enrolled. Anesthesia was maintained with 1 MAC sevoflurane in 40% oxygen. Ventilatory settings (respiratory rate and tidal volume) were adjusted to reach and maintain 40, 35 and 30 mmHg EtCO 2 for 5 min respectively. At the end of each period, transcranial Doppler and hemodynamic parameters using applanation tonometry were recorded. Results: Systemic mean arterial pressure significantly decreased during anesthetic induction and remained unchanged during the entire study period. Central aortic and peripherial pulse pressure and augmentation index as markers of arterial stiffness significantly increased during the anesthetic induction and remained stable at the time points when target CO 2 levels were reached. Both cerebral autoregulation and cerebral CO 2-reactivity was maintained at 1 MAC sevoflurane. Discussion: Cerebral autoregulation and CO 2-reactivity is preserved at 1 MAC sevoflurane. Cerebrovascular effects of anesthetic compounds have to be assessed together with systemic circulatory effects.
The coronavirus epidemic that is spreading around our world poses a number of challenges for heal... more The coronavirus epidemic that is spreading around our world poses a number of challenges for healthcare workers. The virus is spread by droplet infection and has a high virulence, so any intervention that generates airway aerosol formation potentially endangers the health of those involved in care. Severe forms of coronavirus infection are associated with progressive respiratory failure, for the treatment of which early endotracheal intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation are essential. There is an increased risk of airway aerosol formation during intubation, resulting in a high risk of infection for care personnel. In addition to the above, difficult airway insurance is relatively common in these patients. The aim of our article is to provide a practice-oriented overview of the specialties of airway insurance in patients infected with coronavirus, with particular reference to aspects of infection control and patient safety. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161 (17): 696-703.
Introduction: The pathophysiology of sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) is not entirely clear... more Introduction: The pathophysiology of sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) is not entirely clear. One of the possible underlying mechanisms is the alteration of the cerebral microvascular function induced by the systemic inflammation. The aim of the present work was to test whether cerebral vasomotor-reactivity is impaired in patients with SAE. Methods: Patients fulfilling the criteria of clinical sepsis and showing disturbance of consciousness of any severity were included (n = 14). Non-septic persons whithout previous diseases affecting cerebral vasoreactivity served as controls (n = 20). Transcranial Doppler blood flow velocities were measured at rest and at 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes after intravenous administration of 15 mg/kgBW acetazolamide. The time course of the acetazolamide effect on cerebral blood flow velocity (cerebrovascular reactivity, CVR) and the maximal vasodilatory effect of acetazolemide (cerebrovascular reserve capacity, CRC) were compared among the groups. Results: Absolute blood flow velocities after adminsitration of the vasodilator drug were higher among control subjects than in SAE. Assessment of the time-course of the vasomotor reaction showed that patients with SAE reacted slower to the vasodilatory stimulus than control persons. When assessing the maximal vasodilatory ability of the cerebral arterioles to acetazolamide during vasomotor testing, we found that patients with SAE reacted to a lesser extent to the drug than did control subjects (CRC controls:46.2 ± 15.9%, CRC SAE: 31,5 ± 15.8%, P < 0.01). Conclusions: We conclude that cerebrovascular reactivity is impaired in patients with SAE. The clinical significance of this pathophysiological finding has to be assessed in further studies.
A koronavírus-pandémia számos kihívással szembesíti az egészségügyi ellátószemélyzetet. A vírus c... more A koronavírus-pandémia számos kihívással szembesíti az egészségügyi ellátószemélyzetet. A vírus cseppfertőzéssel terjed, és magas a virulenciája, ezért minden olyan beavatkozás, mely légúti aeroszolképződéssel jár, potenciálisan veszélyezteti az ellátásban részt vevők egészségét. A koronavírus-fertőzés mortalitása akár 10% feletti lehet, ezért a COVID-19-betegek körében gyakori a reanimáció. A reanimáció során fokozott a légúti aeroszolképződés valószínűsége, így magas az ellátószemélyzet fertőződésének a veszélye. Cikkünk célja, hogy gyakorlatorientált áttekintést adjon a koronavírussal fertőzött betegek újraélesztésének specialitásairól.
Purpose of Review This review summarizes the anesthesiologist's role in transferring critically i... more Purpose of Review This review summarizes the anesthesiologist's role in transferring critically ill surgical patients at different phases of care. Recent Findings Early recognition of patients at high intraoperative and postoperative risk is one of the most important first steps, followed by preoperative and intraoperative stabilization measures depending on the individual needs. It mainly is the anesthesiologist's responsibility to decide on postoperative ICU admission. The transfer of the critically ill should be planned; the ICU staff has to be informed as early as possible. Locally developed checklists should be used during the preparation of patient transport. Trained, dedicated staff should be made available in every institution. A detailed handover using dedicated institutional flowcharts should ensure patient safety upon arrival to the ICU. Summary Transfer of critically ill patients from the OR to the ICU is an interdisciplinary task with a high probability of eventual incidents. Anesthesiologists should play a key role in all phases of the procedure to improve patient outcomes.
Jelenleg a COVID-19 kezelésére bizonyítottan hatékony terápia nem áll rendelkezésre. Az alábbiakb... more Jelenleg a COVID-19 kezelésére bizonyítottan hatékony terápia nem áll rendelkezésre. Az alábbiakban a teljesség igénye nélkül az ilyen vonatkozásban leginkább vizsgált gyógyszerek kerülnek bemutatásra. A felsorolt terápiás lehetőségek mindegyike kísérletinek tekintendő ebben a fázisban. Tekintettel a járvány súlyos népegészségügyi hatásaira, illetve az intenzív osztályon kezelt COVID-19-betegek potenciálisan fatális kimenetelére, 'off-label' alkalmazásuk mégis megfontolandó.
Jelenleg a COVID-19 kezelésére bizonyítottan hatékony terápia nem áll rendelkezésre. Az alábbiakb... more Jelenleg a COVID-19 kezelésére bizonyítottan hatékony terápia nem áll rendelkezésre. Az alábbiakban a teljesség igénye nélkül az ilyen vonatkozásban leginkább vizsgált gyógyszerek kerülnek bemutatásra. A felsorolt terápiás lehetőségek mindegyike kísérletinek tekintendő ebben a fázisban. Tekintettel a járvány súlyos népegészségügyi hatásaira, illetve az intenzív osztályon kezelt COVID-19-betegek potenciálisan fatális kimenetelére, 'off-label' alkalmazásuk mégis megfontolandó.
Collateral capacity of the Willisian arteries is of clinical importance during and after carotid ... more Collateral capacity of the Willisian arteries is of clinical importance during and after carotid endarterectomies. Aims: Assessment of cerebral hemodynamics using a flow circulation model based on a mathematical formula. Patients and methods: Four patients suffering from ischemic stroke in moribund stage were investigated using transcranial color-coded duplex sonography. By compressing the common carotid arteries, the function of the Willisian collaterals was assessed. After the death of the patients, the circles were removed, the diameters and lengths of the arterial segments were measured. The data were analysed with the mentioned circulation model. Results: The diameters of non-functioning collateral arteries were 0.4 mm, while that of the functional ones were 0.7 and 0.8 mm, respectively. In the two cases where the anterior communicating arteries did not function, a near-critical hemodynamical status was found in the end-arteries. This was especially true if the mean arterial blood pressure was 70 mmHg. The most critical hemodynamical status developed in case 4, where internal carotid occlusion on one side, a contralateral severe carotid stenosis and a non-functioning anterior communicating artery were observed. Conclusions: A special flow circulation model based on mathematical formula enables the calculation of the cerebral blood flow in the different arterial segments of the circle of Willis. Further studies are needed to clarify whether the method can be used for preoperative modeling of the cross-clamping phase of carotid endarterectomy.
The aim of the present work was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of different health care wo... more The aim of the present work was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of different health care workers and laypeople toward the donation and transplantation procedure. A survey consisting of questions regarding brain death diagnosis, legal organization or organ donation, and the transplantation procedure were sent to participants: 56 intensive care unit (ICU) doctors, 76 ICU nurses, 188 sixth-year medical students, and 320 general practitioners (GPs). Laypeople were also asked to complete the survey. The majority of participants reported being aware of legal regulations for organ donation in Hungary (88.5%). Roughly 25% of GPs and 60% of laypeople were unaware of the opt-out system effective in the country. Less than one-third of ICU physicians (26.9%) and nurses (34.7%) were able to list the organs that may be transplanted from a deceased donor; GPs (22.4%) and medical students (20%) performed even worse on this item. The willingness of ICU specialists (57%) and ICU nurses (45%) to support donating their own organs was moderate. The results of this survey indicate a need for graduate and postgraduate education and regular teaching programs regarding organ donation and transplantation. More active use of modern media is proposed to improve public awareness and acceptance of organ donation.
Background: Sevoflurane is one of the most frequently used inhaled anesthetics for general anesth... more Background: Sevoflurane is one of the most frequently used inhaled anesthetics for general anesthesia. Previously it has been reported that at clinically used doses of sevoflurane, cerebral vasoreactivity is maintained. However, there are no data how sevoflurane influences systemic and cerebral circulation in parallel. The aim of our study was to assess systemic and cerebral hemodynamic changes as well as cerebral CO 2-reactivity during sevoflurane anesthesia. Methods: Twenty nine patients undergoing general anesthesia were enrolled. Anesthesia was maintained with 1 MAC sevoflurane in 40% oxygen. Ventilatory settings (respiratory rate and tidal volume) were adjusted to reach and maintain 40, 35 and 30 mmHg EtCO 2 for 5 min respectively. At the end of each period, transcranial Doppler and hemodynamic parameters using applanation tonometry were recorded. Results: Systemic mean arterial pressure significantly decreased during anesthetic induction and remained unchanged during the entire study period. Central aortic and peripherial pulse pressure and augmentation index as markers of arterial stiffness significantly increased during the anesthetic induction and remained stable at the time points when target CO 2 levels were reached. Both cerebral autoregulation and cerebral CO 2-reactivity was maintained at 1 MAC sevoflurane. Discussion: Cerebral autoregulation and CO 2-reactivity is preserved at 1 MAC sevoflurane. Cerebrovascular effects of anesthetic compounds have to be assessed together with systemic circulatory effects.
Collateral capacity of the Willisian arteries is of clinical importance during and after carotid ... more Collateral capacity of the Willisian arteries is of clinical importance during and after carotid endarterectomies. Assessment of cerebral hemodynamics using a flow circulation model based on a mathematical formula. Four patients suffering from ischemic stroke in moribund stage were investigated using transcranial color-coded duplex sonography. By compressing the common carotid arteries, the function of the Willisian collaterals was assessed. After the death of the patients, the circles were removed, the diameters and lengths of the arterial segments were measured. The data were analysed with the mentioned circulation model. The diameters of non-functioning collateral arteries were 0.4 mm, while that of the functional ones were 0.7 and 0.8 mm, respectively. In the two cases where the anterior communicating arteries did not function, a near-critical hemodynamical status was found in the end-arteries. This was especially true if the mean arterial blood pressure was 70 mmHg. The most cr...
Previously numerous investigators reported about impairment of cerebrovascular reserve capacity i... more Previously numerous investigators reported about impairment of cerebrovascular reserve capacity in Type I, diabetes mellitus. However, no similar data are available about patients suffering from Type II diabetes. The goal of the study was to assess cerebrovascular reserve in Type II diabetic patients. 14 NIDDM patients and 20 healthy controls were studied. Middle cerebral artery mean blood flow velocity was measured at rest and during 20 minutes after i.v. administration of 1 g. acetazolamide. Velocities measured after acetazolamide were compared to resting values and were expressed as the percent increase of the mean velocity. Data obtained in diabetics and healthy persons were compared using Student's t-test. The correlation between age of the patients, diabetes duration, actual blood glucose-, insulin-, glycosylated hemoglobin-, urine microalbumin concentrations and resting blood flow velocity and cerebrovascular reserve capacity was assessed using linear regression analysis....
Diabetes mellitus results in macro- and microangiopathies. Early diagnosis and preventive treatme... more Diabetes mellitus results in macro- and microangiopathies. Early diagnosis and preventive treatment of the cerebral vessel complications may influence the prognosis of the disease. The aim of the present work is to summarize the recent results of the cerebral hemodynamic studies in diabetics. A suitable, non-invasive screening method for diagnosis of the altered cerebral arteriolar function is discussed.
Background: Sevoflurane is one of the most frequently used inhaled anesthetics for general anesth... more Background: Sevoflurane is one of the most frequently used inhaled anesthetics for general anesthesia. Previously it has been reported that at clinically used doses of sevoflurane, cerebral vasoreactivity is maintained. However, there are no data how sevoflurane influences systemic and cerebral circulation in parallel. The aim of our study was to assess systemic and cerebral hemodynamic changes as well as cerebral CO 2-reactivity during sevoflurane anesthesia. Methods: Twenty nine patients undergoing general anesthesia were enrolled. Anesthesia was maintained with 1 MAC sevoflurane in 40% oxygen. Ventilatory settings (respiratory rate and tidal volume) were adjusted to reach and maintain 40, 35 and 30 mmHg EtCO 2 for 5 min respectively. At the end of each period, transcranial Doppler and hemodynamic parameters using applanation tonometry were recorded. Results: Systemic mean arterial pressure significantly decreased during anesthetic induction and remained unchanged during the entire study period. Central aortic and peripherial pulse pressure and augmentation index as markers of arterial stiffness significantly increased during the anesthetic induction and remained stable at the time points when target CO 2 levels were reached. Both cerebral autoregulation and cerebral CO 2-reactivity was maintained at 1 MAC sevoflurane. Discussion: Cerebral autoregulation and CO 2-reactivity is preserved at 1 MAC sevoflurane. Cerebrovascular effects of anesthetic compounds have to be assessed together with systemic circulatory effects.
The coronavirus epidemic that is spreading around our world poses a number of challenges for heal... more The coronavirus epidemic that is spreading around our world poses a number of challenges for healthcare workers. The virus is spread by droplet infection and has a high virulence, so any intervention that generates airway aerosol formation potentially endangers the health of those involved in care. Severe forms of coronavirus infection are associated with progressive respiratory failure, for the treatment of which early endotracheal intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation are essential. There is an increased risk of airway aerosol formation during intubation, resulting in a high risk of infection for care personnel. In addition to the above, difficult airway insurance is relatively common in these patients. The aim of our article is to provide a practice-oriented overview of the specialties of airway insurance in patients infected with coronavirus, with particular reference to aspects of infection control and patient safety. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161 (17): 696-703.
Introduction: The pathophysiology of sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) is not entirely clear... more Introduction: The pathophysiology of sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) is not entirely clear. One of the possible underlying mechanisms is the alteration of the cerebral microvascular function induced by the systemic inflammation. The aim of the present work was to test whether cerebral vasomotor-reactivity is impaired in patients with SAE. Methods: Patients fulfilling the criteria of clinical sepsis and showing disturbance of consciousness of any severity were included (n = 14). Non-septic persons whithout previous diseases affecting cerebral vasoreactivity served as controls (n = 20). Transcranial Doppler blood flow velocities were measured at rest and at 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes after intravenous administration of 15 mg/kgBW acetazolamide. The time course of the acetazolamide effect on cerebral blood flow velocity (cerebrovascular reactivity, CVR) and the maximal vasodilatory effect of acetazolemide (cerebrovascular reserve capacity, CRC) were compared among the groups. Results: Absolute blood flow velocities after adminsitration of the vasodilator drug were higher among control subjects than in SAE. Assessment of the time-course of the vasomotor reaction showed that patients with SAE reacted slower to the vasodilatory stimulus than control persons. When assessing the maximal vasodilatory ability of the cerebral arterioles to acetazolamide during vasomotor testing, we found that patients with SAE reacted to a lesser extent to the drug than did control subjects (CRC controls:46.2 ± 15.9%, CRC SAE: 31,5 ± 15.8%, P < 0.01). Conclusions: We conclude that cerebrovascular reactivity is impaired in patients with SAE. The clinical significance of this pathophysiological finding has to be assessed in further studies.
A koronavírus-pandémia számos kihívással szembesíti az egészségügyi ellátószemélyzetet. A vírus c... more A koronavírus-pandémia számos kihívással szembesíti az egészségügyi ellátószemélyzetet. A vírus cseppfertőzéssel terjed, és magas a virulenciája, ezért minden olyan beavatkozás, mely légúti aeroszolképződéssel jár, potenciálisan veszélyezteti az ellátásban részt vevők egészségét. A koronavírus-fertőzés mortalitása akár 10% feletti lehet, ezért a COVID-19-betegek körében gyakori a reanimáció. A reanimáció során fokozott a légúti aeroszolképződés valószínűsége, így magas az ellátószemélyzet fertőződésének a veszélye. Cikkünk célja, hogy gyakorlatorientált áttekintést adjon a koronavírussal fertőzött betegek újraélesztésének specialitásairól.
Purpose of Review This review summarizes the anesthesiologist's role in transferring critically i... more Purpose of Review This review summarizes the anesthesiologist's role in transferring critically ill surgical patients at different phases of care. Recent Findings Early recognition of patients at high intraoperative and postoperative risk is one of the most important first steps, followed by preoperative and intraoperative stabilization measures depending on the individual needs. It mainly is the anesthesiologist's responsibility to decide on postoperative ICU admission. The transfer of the critically ill should be planned; the ICU staff has to be informed as early as possible. Locally developed checklists should be used during the preparation of patient transport. Trained, dedicated staff should be made available in every institution. A detailed handover using dedicated institutional flowcharts should ensure patient safety upon arrival to the ICU. Summary Transfer of critically ill patients from the OR to the ICU is an interdisciplinary task with a high probability of eventual incidents. Anesthesiologists should play a key role in all phases of the procedure to improve patient outcomes.
Jelenleg a COVID-19 kezelésére bizonyítottan hatékony terápia nem áll rendelkezésre. Az alábbiakb... more Jelenleg a COVID-19 kezelésére bizonyítottan hatékony terápia nem áll rendelkezésre. Az alábbiakban a teljesség igénye nélkül az ilyen vonatkozásban leginkább vizsgált gyógyszerek kerülnek bemutatásra. A felsorolt terápiás lehetőségek mindegyike kísérletinek tekintendő ebben a fázisban. Tekintettel a járvány súlyos népegészségügyi hatásaira, illetve az intenzív osztályon kezelt COVID-19-betegek potenciálisan fatális kimenetelére, 'off-label' alkalmazásuk mégis megfontolandó.
Jelenleg a COVID-19 kezelésére bizonyítottan hatékony terápia nem áll rendelkezésre. Az alábbiakb... more Jelenleg a COVID-19 kezelésére bizonyítottan hatékony terápia nem áll rendelkezésre. Az alábbiakban a teljesség igénye nélkül az ilyen vonatkozásban leginkább vizsgált gyógyszerek kerülnek bemutatásra. A felsorolt terápiás lehetőségek mindegyike kísérletinek tekintendő ebben a fázisban. Tekintettel a járvány súlyos népegészségügyi hatásaira, illetve az intenzív osztályon kezelt COVID-19-betegek potenciálisan fatális kimenetelére, 'off-label' alkalmazásuk mégis megfontolandó.
Collateral capacity of the Willisian arteries is of clinical importance during and after carotid ... more Collateral capacity of the Willisian arteries is of clinical importance during and after carotid endarterectomies. Aims: Assessment of cerebral hemodynamics using a flow circulation model based on a mathematical formula. Patients and methods: Four patients suffering from ischemic stroke in moribund stage were investigated using transcranial color-coded duplex sonography. By compressing the common carotid arteries, the function of the Willisian collaterals was assessed. After the death of the patients, the circles were removed, the diameters and lengths of the arterial segments were measured. The data were analysed with the mentioned circulation model. Results: The diameters of non-functioning collateral arteries were 0.4 mm, while that of the functional ones were 0.7 and 0.8 mm, respectively. In the two cases where the anterior communicating arteries did not function, a near-critical hemodynamical status was found in the end-arteries. This was especially true if the mean arterial blood pressure was 70 mmHg. The most critical hemodynamical status developed in case 4, where internal carotid occlusion on one side, a contralateral severe carotid stenosis and a non-functioning anterior communicating artery were observed. Conclusions: A special flow circulation model based on mathematical formula enables the calculation of the cerebral blood flow in the different arterial segments of the circle of Willis. Further studies are needed to clarify whether the method can be used for preoperative modeling of the cross-clamping phase of carotid endarterectomy.
The aim of the present work was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of different health care wo... more The aim of the present work was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of different health care workers and laypeople toward the donation and transplantation procedure. A survey consisting of questions regarding brain death diagnosis, legal organization or organ donation, and the transplantation procedure were sent to participants: 56 intensive care unit (ICU) doctors, 76 ICU nurses, 188 sixth-year medical students, and 320 general practitioners (GPs). Laypeople were also asked to complete the survey. The majority of participants reported being aware of legal regulations for organ donation in Hungary (88.5%). Roughly 25% of GPs and 60% of laypeople were unaware of the opt-out system effective in the country. Less than one-third of ICU physicians (26.9%) and nurses (34.7%) were able to list the organs that may be transplanted from a deceased donor; GPs (22.4%) and medical students (20%) performed even worse on this item. The willingness of ICU specialists (57%) and ICU nurses (45%) to support donating their own organs was moderate. The results of this survey indicate a need for graduate and postgraduate education and regular teaching programs regarding organ donation and transplantation. More active use of modern media is proposed to improve public awareness and acceptance of organ donation.
Background: Sevoflurane is one of the most frequently used inhaled anesthetics for general anesth... more Background: Sevoflurane is one of the most frequently used inhaled anesthetics for general anesthesia. Previously it has been reported that at clinically used doses of sevoflurane, cerebral vasoreactivity is maintained. However, there are no data how sevoflurane influences systemic and cerebral circulation in parallel. The aim of our study was to assess systemic and cerebral hemodynamic changes as well as cerebral CO 2-reactivity during sevoflurane anesthesia. Methods: Twenty nine patients undergoing general anesthesia were enrolled. Anesthesia was maintained with 1 MAC sevoflurane in 40% oxygen. Ventilatory settings (respiratory rate and tidal volume) were adjusted to reach and maintain 40, 35 and 30 mmHg EtCO 2 for 5 min respectively. At the end of each period, transcranial Doppler and hemodynamic parameters using applanation tonometry were recorded. Results: Systemic mean arterial pressure significantly decreased during anesthetic induction and remained unchanged during the entire study period. Central aortic and peripherial pulse pressure and augmentation index as markers of arterial stiffness significantly increased during the anesthetic induction and remained stable at the time points when target CO 2 levels were reached. Both cerebral autoregulation and cerebral CO 2-reactivity was maintained at 1 MAC sevoflurane. Discussion: Cerebral autoregulation and CO 2-reactivity is preserved at 1 MAC sevoflurane. Cerebrovascular effects of anesthetic compounds have to be assessed together with systemic circulatory effects.
Collateral capacity of the Willisian arteries is of clinical importance during and after carotid ... more Collateral capacity of the Willisian arteries is of clinical importance during and after carotid endarterectomies. Assessment of cerebral hemodynamics using a flow circulation model based on a mathematical formula. Four patients suffering from ischemic stroke in moribund stage were investigated using transcranial color-coded duplex sonography. By compressing the common carotid arteries, the function of the Willisian collaterals was assessed. After the death of the patients, the circles were removed, the diameters and lengths of the arterial segments were measured. The data were analysed with the mentioned circulation model. The diameters of non-functioning collateral arteries were 0.4 mm, while that of the functional ones were 0.7 and 0.8 mm, respectively. In the two cases where the anterior communicating arteries did not function, a near-critical hemodynamical status was found in the end-arteries. This was especially true if the mean arterial blood pressure was 70 mmHg. The most cr...
Previously numerous investigators reported about impairment of cerebrovascular reserve capacity i... more Previously numerous investigators reported about impairment of cerebrovascular reserve capacity in Type I, diabetes mellitus. However, no similar data are available about patients suffering from Type II diabetes. The goal of the study was to assess cerebrovascular reserve in Type II diabetic patients. 14 NIDDM patients and 20 healthy controls were studied. Middle cerebral artery mean blood flow velocity was measured at rest and during 20 minutes after i.v. administration of 1 g. acetazolamide. Velocities measured after acetazolamide were compared to resting values and were expressed as the percent increase of the mean velocity. Data obtained in diabetics and healthy persons were compared using Student's t-test. The correlation between age of the patients, diabetes duration, actual blood glucose-, insulin-, glycosylated hemoglobin-, urine microalbumin concentrations and resting blood flow velocity and cerebrovascular reserve capacity was assessed using linear regression analysis....
Diabetes mellitus results in macro- and microangiopathies. Early diagnosis and preventive treatme... more Diabetes mellitus results in macro- and microangiopathies. Early diagnosis and preventive treatment of the cerebral vessel complications may influence the prognosis of the disease. The aim of the present work is to summarize the recent results of the cerebral hemodynamic studies in diabetics. A suitable, non-invasive screening method for diagnosis of the altered cerebral arteriolar function is discussed.
Papers by Csilla Molnár