Thesis Chapters by Csaba Barnabas Horvath
(Abstract) Prehistoric migrations and geographical origins of language families has been subject ... more (Abstract) Prehistoric migrations and geographical origins of language families has been subject of fascination ever since the dawn of recorded history. Earlier it has been subject of ancient myths and legends, and later much researched by scholars and scientists. Recently archaeogenetics offers additional clues to the issue. This paper attempts to build up a consistent model of the geographic origins of the language families of Eurasia since the Neolithic, combining archaeogenetic data with results of archaeology and genetic linguistics in a multidisciplinary synthesis.

China in the light of global challenges, 2017
This article consists of five core parts. The first part places Chinese energy policy in a broade... more This article consists of five core parts. The first part places Chinese energy policy in a broader context, since energy policies are interconnected with the needs of societies. In case of China the energy needs of a truly great world power are being satisfied. The second part examines the current Chinese energy mix, providing a snapshot of where we are. In the Chinese energy mix coal consumption
still plays a major role that has multiple consequences, which would
be examined later. The third part provides data and analysis of China’s place in global energy systems – production and consumption, export and import, reserves and capacities – focusing on coal, petroleum, natural gas, and electricity.
Such a systematic analysis based on the charts of EIA allows us to get a
fact-based picture of China’s energy production and consumption in reference to top players of the world. Part four outlines some essential aspects environmental and climate implications that shape energy policies, since energy policies must take into consideration issues different from economic arguments.
Climate change does and will have very severe consequences, which would alter world economy and ultimately the fate of humanity, including China. The fifth part summarises some major, foreseeable Chinese energy production and consumption trends, providing hints to what we can expect.
Papers by Csaba Barnabas Horvath
Danube Papers, 2023
Since the 19th century the countries located between Germany and Russia have envisaged some kind ... more Since the 19th century the countries located between Germany and Russia have envisaged some kind of a union. From the Danube Confederation of Lajos Kossuth in 1848 to General Piłsudski's Intermedium proposal of 1918, such a project has been a recurring dream of political thinkers and democratic activists of Central Europe. In fact, the formation of the Visegrád Group (1991) was a manifestation of this historical project. Echoing this ideal too, was British Prime Minister Boris Johnson May 2022 proposal to a number of countries in the region to form such a block in alliance with the UK, which he described as a potential alternative to the European Union. Is it possible that in the aftermath of a Russian retreat from Central Europe, such a potential union will shape the future of the region?
Danube Papers , 2023
This paper attempts to take an overview of the issue of how extensive China’s economic and demogr... more This paper attempts to take an overview of the issue of how extensive China’s economic and demographic weight is relative to the strategic landscape of Asia. To do so, we attempt to define which Asian countries form a group band wagoning with China (including China itself), and those countries which fall into a group of rivals that seek to balance China’s rise. Using several different metrics, we compare the two groups according to demographic and economic factors. What we discover suggests that China’s power relative to Asia has already peaked, and will soon be in relative decline compared to the entirety of the Asia-Pacific and Indo-Pacific.

Danube Papers , 2023
The Russian narratives regarding the war often depict it as a conflict between a unipolar and a m... more The Russian narratives regarding the war often depict it as a conflict between a unipolar and a multipolar world order. If we judge Chinese and Indian policies regarding the war by their deeds, and not by their words, then it indeed outlines a kind of new multipolar world, but not quite the one Russia would have wanted. Rather one in which two emerging superpower aspirants are playing the role of the laughing third, (as well as laughing fourth) in the systemic conflict of the other two that were the superpowers of the 20th century. What some in the West and Russia see as a pro-Russian stance on behalf of China and India, can rather be described as neutrality on behalf of both. The neutrality of a proactive kind, in which both China and India appears to aim to extend their power and maximize gains while the conflict in Ukraine binds the attention and resources of both Russia and the West, however, the net outcome of their game appears to erode Russia’s power much more during the process.
Danube Papers , 2023
Throughout the 18th-19th century, the European order was shaped by a multipolar power balance on ... more Throughout the 18th-19th century, the European order was shaped by a multipolar power balance on the continent, with Britain as an offshore maritime island nation pursuing a strategy of keeping the continental powers in balance, preventing any of them from achiving hegemony over the others. Several trends today suggest a similar international order being reformed, but this time with Eurasia as the continent characterized by a multipolar balance of continental powers, and the United States as the maritime power offshore pursuing a similar continental balancing strategy, as Britain did in the period before 1914.
European Scientific Journal, Sep 18, 2014
This paper attemps to find a plausible explanation for the origins of Balto-Slavic and Finno-Perm... more This paper attemps to find a plausible explanation for the origins of Balto-Slavic and Finno-Permian languages in Northeast Europe by a research based on the analysis of statistical databases of human Y-chromosome haplogroups. The mainstream view that associates Balto-Slavic languages with haplogroup R1a and íthe Corded Ware Culture, and Finno-Permian languages with haplogroup N, fails to solve several contradictions: How come, that the presence of subclades of haplogroup R are as high in most Finno-Permian populations, as the presence of haplogroup N? How come, that Corded Ware culture spread so far north, that it covered the early-medieval range of most Finno-Permic languages? This paper is trying to set up a hypothesis that solves these contradictions.

Many in the political, as well as academic circles believe that the BRICS grouping
is a direct ch... more Many in the political, as well as academic circles believe that the BRICS grouping
is a direct challenge to the global position of the United States of America. And
the same group believes that China is the driving force behind this move. After
the economic collapse of 2008–2009, Russia, followed by China saw the need to
build a safety-valve to the current international economic system, which was built
and dominated by the USA. China has benefi ted enormously from the actual
world economic system and was not aiming to pulling it down. China’s fears were
related to the uncertainties of the current system. By increased complexities and a
shady regulatory system the US had made it into a gigantic casino where countries
like China were structurally cornered to lose. China’s response to this was to support
the BRICS initiative, which was purely economic. Recently however, things
have taken a new turn. It has become evident that the United States can no longer
sustain its dominance in the economic sphere and cannot supplement its defi cit
of infl uence through military means, so it has to resort to “terror” as a means to
regulate world aff airs, although it is certainly not the author or instigator of such
acts. Terror has taken the centre stage in world aff airs. Th is makes the BRICS a
safe haven and a safety net for a new world order, but everything depends on the
attitude of India and the “China–India” relationship.

European Scientific Journal ESJ
When and how did the Indo-European language family expand into western Europe? What language fami... more When and how did the Indo-European language family expand into western Europe? What language families were present there before, and where did they come from? Where does Basque and Etruscan come from? These are questions and puzzles that have been in the focus of the archaeological community since long ago. The present paper offers a coherent hypothesis mapping the expansion of language families in the western half of Europe from the Copper Age till the Roman conquest, based on matchings identifies between the newest genetic evidence, and earlier results of archaeology and historical linguistics. The approach focuses on matching phylogenetic and geographical distribution patterns of Y-DNA lineages with archaeological cultures, and the phylogenetics of language families in order to identify migrations and language families in Western Europe in the 3 rd-1 st millennia BCE.
Thesis Chapters by Csaba Barnabas Horvath
still plays a major role that has multiple consequences, which would
be examined later. The third part provides data and analysis of China’s place in global energy systems – production and consumption, export and import, reserves and capacities – focusing on coal, petroleum, natural gas, and electricity.
Such a systematic analysis based on the charts of EIA allows us to get a
fact-based picture of China’s energy production and consumption in reference to top players of the world. Part four outlines some essential aspects environmental and climate implications that shape energy policies, since energy policies must take into consideration issues different from economic arguments.
Climate change does and will have very severe consequences, which would alter world economy and ultimately the fate of humanity, including China. The fifth part summarises some major, foreseeable Chinese energy production and consumption trends, providing hints to what we can expect.
Papers by Csaba Barnabas Horvath
is a direct challenge to the global position of the United States of America. And
the same group believes that China is the driving force behind this move. After
the economic collapse of 2008–2009, Russia, followed by China saw the need to
build a safety-valve to the current international economic system, which was built
and dominated by the USA. China has benefi ted enormously from the actual
world economic system and was not aiming to pulling it down. China’s fears were
related to the uncertainties of the current system. By increased complexities and a
shady regulatory system the US had made it into a gigantic casino where countries
like China were structurally cornered to lose. China’s response to this was to support
the BRICS initiative, which was purely economic. Recently however, things
have taken a new turn. It has become evident that the United States can no longer
sustain its dominance in the economic sphere and cannot supplement its defi cit
of infl uence through military means, so it has to resort to “terror” as a means to
regulate world aff airs, although it is certainly not the author or instigator of such
acts. Terror has taken the centre stage in world aff airs. Th is makes the BRICS a
safe haven and a safety net for a new world order, but everything depends on the
attitude of India and the “China–India” relationship.
still plays a major role that has multiple consequences, which would
be examined later. The third part provides data and analysis of China’s place in global energy systems – production and consumption, export and import, reserves and capacities – focusing on coal, petroleum, natural gas, and electricity.
Such a systematic analysis based on the charts of EIA allows us to get a
fact-based picture of China’s energy production and consumption in reference to top players of the world. Part four outlines some essential aspects environmental and climate implications that shape energy policies, since energy policies must take into consideration issues different from economic arguments.
Climate change does and will have very severe consequences, which would alter world economy and ultimately the fate of humanity, including China. The fifth part summarises some major, foreseeable Chinese energy production and consumption trends, providing hints to what we can expect.
is a direct challenge to the global position of the United States of America. And
the same group believes that China is the driving force behind this move. After
the economic collapse of 2008–2009, Russia, followed by China saw the need to
build a safety-valve to the current international economic system, which was built
and dominated by the USA. China has benefi ted enormously from the actual
world economic system and was not aiming to pulling it down. China’s fears were
related to the uncertainties of the current system. By increased complexities and a
shady regulatory system the US had made it into a gigantic casino where countries
like China were structurally cornered to lose. China’s response to this was to support
the BRICS initiative, which was purely economic. Recently however, things
have taken a new turn. It has become evident that the United States can no longer
sustain its dominance in the economic sphere and cannot supplement its defi cit
of infl uence through military means, so it has to resort to “terror” as a means to
regulate world aff airs, although it is certainly not the author or instigator of such
acts. Terror has taken the centre stage in world aff airs. Th is makes the BRICS a
safe haven and a safety net for a new world order, but everything depends on the
attitude of India and the “China–India” relationship.