Papers by Cristina Dornelles

Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia, 2002
Int rodução: A otite média crônica (OMC) representa entidade de alta prevalência e distribuição m... more Int rodução: A otite média crônica (OMC) representa entidade de alta prevalência e distribuição mundial. Apesar da grande quantidade de estudos publicados a respeito, ainda não há, na literatura pertinente, consenso sobre a patogênese da OMC. Uma das hipóteses é a do continuum, que apresenta a otite média crônica como uma série de eventos contínuos, onde insultos iniciais desencadeiam uma cascata de alterações. Partindo então da idéia de continuum, pesquisamos a orelha contralateral (OCL) de indivíduos com diagnóstico de OMC, descrevendo as alterações encontradas. Forma de estudo: Clínico prospectivo randomizado. Material e Métodos: Foram selecionados 108 pacientes com diagnóstico de OMC nãocolesteatomatosa (OMC NC) ou colesteatomatosa (OMC C) acompanhados no ambulatório do Grupo de Pesquisa em Patologia da Orelha Média do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Nestes, foi realizada otoendoscopia com fibra óptica bilateral. A orelha mais estável foi considerada contralateral (OCL), sendo classificada como normal ou alterada (e as alterações descritas). Resultados: Dentre os pacientes avaliados, 59,2% portavam OMC NC e 40,8% OMC C. 46,3% de todos os pacientes apresentaram alterações significativas na OCL. Dos pacientes com OMC C, 57% apresentavam alteração na OCL, sendo que 39% dos pacientes com OMC NC tinham OCL alterada. A alteração mais freqüentemente encontrada foi retração de MT, em ambos os grupos. Conclusões: Os dados encontrados sugerem que pacientes que apresentam OMC tem maior probabilidade de apresentarem patologia na OCL, o que corrobora a idéia que a OMC se trata de um evento constitucional e não isolado da orelha média.
The Laryngoscope, 2007
Objective: The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of the contralateral ear ch... more Objective: The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of the contralateral ear changes in human temporal bones of donors with chronic otitis media.

Regulatory Peptides, 2012
Objectives: This study aimed to establish the relationship between total ghrelin, acyl ghrelin, d... more Objectives: This study aimed to establish the relationship between total ghrelin, acyl ghrelin, des-acyl ghrelin, leptin, and insulin with anthropometry, gender, and age distribution in healthy children. Results: Data from 111 healthy children aged 4 months to 10 years were studied. All the participants underwent a pre-study screening clinical evaluation and were separated in 3 age groups. All had blood collected to assay. Anthropometric parameters were measured according to World Health Organization. In order to determine the correlation between dependent and independent variables, a multiple linear regression analysis was used. Overall median age of subjects was 60.0 months. After multiple regression analysis, correlation between total ghrelin, acyl ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin remained significant with age. Correlation between leptin values and age, body mass index-for-age ratio, height-for-age ratio, and female gender remained significant. There was no significant correlation between insulin and ghrelin, and between insulin and leptin in all age groups. There was an inverse significant correlation between total ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin with leptin in the whole group. Conclusions: Ghrelin showed an inverse correlation with age and leptin showed a direct correlation with anthropometric parameters and female gender in healthy children. Insulin did not show any correlation.
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2005
confirmed with rotational testing) and only two had normal and balanced caloric responses. Intere... more confirmed with rotational testing) and only two had normal and balanced caloric responses. Interestingly, the only two patients with normal caloric testing both noted vestibular symptoms preoperatively.
Gastroenterology, 2010
Gastroenterology, Volume 138, Issue 5, Pages S-408, May 2010, Authors:Cristina L. Dornelles; Mari... more Gastroenterology, Volume 138, Issue 5, Pages S-408, May 2010, Authors:Cristina L. Dornelles; Maria Ines Wilasco; Rafael L. Maurer; Carlos O. Kieling; Sandra M. Vieira; Cristina Targa Ferreira; Jorge L. Santos; Helena A. Goldani; Themis R. Silveira.

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2009
The quantiWcation of angiogenesis and metalloproteinases may be useful in cholesteatoma behavior ... more The quantiWcation of angiogenesis and metalloproteinases may be useful in cholesteatoma behavior assessment as markers of its aggressiveness. The objective of this study is to compare markers CD31, MMP2 and MMP9 in pediatric and adult patients. This study is based on cross-sectional studies of pediatric (·18 years old) and adult groups (¸19 years old). Samples of 120 cholesteatomas were Wxed in 10% formol, prepared on Wve slides of each sample through habitual histological techniques, and number of blood vessels (CD31), marking with MMP2 and MMP9, number of matrix cells and thickness at perimatrix cell were observed. Data were analyzed through SPSS using Spearman and Mann-Whitney coeYcients. Cholesteatomas were equally distributed: 60 in pediatric patients (11.77 § 3.57 years); 60 in adult patients (38.29 § 14.51 years). When correlating the number of blood vessels and metalloproteinases with perimatrix thickness, we obtained the following values: pediatric CD31, 7 (4-11); adult CD31, 4 (0-10) (P = 0.044); pediatric cytoplasmatic MMP2, 1 (0-3); adult cytoplasmatic MMP2, 0 (0-1) (P = 0.006); pediatric nuclear MMP2, 0 (0-1); adult nuclear MMP2, 0 (0-1) (P = 0.056); pediatric MMP9, 2 (0-4); adult MMP9, 0 (0-4) (P = 0.049). In conclusion, pediatric cholesteatomas present a more exacerbated inXammatory degree, produce more metalloproteinases, factors that, when combined, could characterize pediatric cholesteatomas as more aggressive than adult cholesteatomas.

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2009
Chronic otitis media is generally associated with some degree of hearing loss, which is often the... more Chronic otitis media is generally associated with some degree of hearing loss, which is often the patient's chief complaint. This hearing loss is usually conductive, resulting from tympanic membrane rupture and/or changes in the ossicular chain due to Wxation or erosion caused by the chronic inXammatory process. When cholesteatoma or granulation tissue is present in the middle ear cleft, the degree of ossicular destruction is even greater. An issue that has recently gained attention is additional sensorineural hearing loss due to chronic otitis media. While the conductive loss can be minimized through surgery, sensorineural hearing loss constitutes a permanent after eVect, attenuated only through the use of a hearing aid. However, a few groups have reported a decrease in sensorineural function in these patients as well. This survey study performed at a referral center evaluates the occurrence of sensorineural hearing loss in ambulatory patients with this disease. We reviewed the Wles of patients with unilateral chronic otitis media. One hundred and Wfty patients met the inclusion criteria: normal otoscopy and normal hearing in the contralateral ear. Main outcome measure: bone-conduction threshold averages were calculated for frequencies of 500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000 Hz, with comparison between the normal ear and the ear with chronic otitis media. Thresholds were examined separately for each frequency. The bone-conduction threshold averages for the normal side were lower than those for the ear with chronic otitis media. The threshold shift was statistically signiWcant for each frequency (P < 0.0001, Student's t test). There were diVerences between the groups when analyzed for age (500 and 1,000 Hz) or the presence of cholesteatoma (1,000 Hz). This study shows that chronic otitis media is associated with a decrease in cochlear function.
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2009
Tympanic membrane pathological findings such as perforations and tympanosclerotic plaques (along ... more Tympanic membrane pathological findings such as perforations and tympanosclerotic plaques (along with conductive hearing loss and purulent drainage) are the most typical trademarks of either active or burned-out chronic otitis media. These findings are normally evaluated by an expert using visual subjective analysis. In this work, we present a computational semi-automated method to quantify these pathologies. We also present a validation study of the method using a subset of 39 cases randomly extracted from a set of more than 2000 cases (perforations and tympanosclerosis) of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. The validation was performed using Ground Truth images, generated by experts, and has shown promising results.
Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 2008
Objective: To study the contralateral ear of patients with chronic otitis media (COM).
Revista HCPA. Porto …, 2007
Comparação da angiogênese e de metaloproteinases entre colesteatomas mesotimpânicos e epitimpânic... more Comparação da angiogênese e de metaloproteinases entre colesteatomas mesotimpânicos e epitimpânicos. ...
Papers by Cristina Dornelles