Conference Presentations by Cristina Carabillò
Procedure di voto nel mondo greco: la documentazione epigrafica, 2022
Papers by Cristina Carabillò
The subject of this contribution is a thought about the secrecy of the vo-ting in the Greek world... more The subject of this contribution is a thought about the secrecy of the vo-ting in the Greek world, expressed through the psephophoria procedure which provi-ded for the use of psephoi as voting tools. Here is proposed an analysis of some lite-rary, epigraphic and iconographic sources considered particularly significant which, in some way, record the presence of a secret vote or refer to it. This analysis shows that the secrecy wasn’t an inherent feature of the psephophoria procedure, and it confirms once again the suggestion, commonly accep-ted, that the need to hide one’s vote was felt as a necessity only in judicial contexts or in cases where the rights of a private citizen were involved.
SPOLIA. Annual Journal of Medieval Studies, 2021
The article analyzes, through the examination of literary and epigraphic sources, the functioning... more The article analyzes, through the examination of literary and epigraphic sources, the functioning and meaning of ekphyllophoria, a voting procedure in use in the Greek world, in particular in Athens, which sees the use of leaves as voting objects, in place of the more usual psephoi.

Axon Vol. 3 – Num. 1 – Giugno 2019, 2019
The inscription was rediscovered in the early years of the last century among the ruins of the Cr... more The inscription was rediscovered in the early years of the last century among the ruins of the Cretan town of Tylisos and it comes from the perimeter wall of a sanctuary dedicated to Artemis. It reads the text of an alliance agreement between the towns of Knossos and Tylisos – probably stipulated after a controversy – where Argos seems to play the mediator role; the dating oscillates between 462/1 and 451/0 BC. The text is written in Argive alphabet and organized on three columns: the central one (B) is intact, while the two on the sides (A, C) are mutilated. The text contains a series of clauses about the sacrifices in common, potential stipulation and overturning of alliances with other countries, truces and mutual defence. The agreements undergo the vote and cannot be stipulated without the support of the plethos – term whose interpretation has often drawn attention of the critics. Particular attention has been paid to the role played by Argos in the supposed controversy, from which clearly derives the correct definition of the type of text in question. Scholars share the opinion that the document cannot be considered an arbitration, as it has been thought for some time, considering that Argos is directly involved in the pacts stipulation. Therefore Argos would have played the role of a simple mediator, because of its status of metropolis of the two Cretan towns that would have turn to Argos with the aim of putting hostilities aside and establish peace relations. Given that, the treaty – which it also provides a relevant contribution to the knowledge of diplomatic agreement procedures – holds a prominent position in the study of the relations between metropolis and apoikia, and it leads to reconsider the recurring idea in historiography that in the 5th century the isle of Crete would be isolated or at least on the edge of the international political scenario.
Book Reviews by Cristina Carabillò
Incidenza dell'Antico, 16, 2018
Incidenza dell’Antico, 14, 2, 2016
Contributi in volumi by Cristina Carabillò
Biblioteca di "Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica" 16, Il teatro greco. Strutture, società, eredità, 2023
Scienze dell'Antichità 29.2, 2023
Luciano Editore, 2018
Questo volume nasce dalla constatazione dell'assenza, nel pure ricco panorama editoriale, di un m... more Questo volume nasce dalla constatazione dell'assenza, nel pure ricco panorama editoriale, di un manuale pensato per dare risposta alle esigenze specifiche poste da un corso di Storia antica destinato a studenti di Scienze della Formazione primaria.
EVENTI by Cristina Carabillò

Starting from 2018 the Italian Archaeological School at Athens runs a Seminars programme organize... more Starting from 2018 the Italian Archaeological School at Athens runs a Seminars programme organized and hosted by the Post Doctoral Fellows of the current year.
Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects.
The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion.
Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form:
The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at
[email protected]
and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
Conference Presentations by Cristina Carabillò
Papers by Cristina Carabillò
Book Reviews by Cristina Carabillò
Contributi in volumi by Cristina Carabillò
EVENTI by Cristina Carabillò
Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects.
The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion.
Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form:
The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at
[email protected]
and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!
Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects.
The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion.
Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form:
The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at
[email protected]
and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
Thank you!