Papers by Cristina ALPOPI

The fundamental objective of this research is to learn how trade liberalization, male employment,... more The fundamental objective of this research is to learn how trade liberalization, male employment, urbanization, and foreign direct investment (FDI) affect women’s participation in the labor force. To continue, this study aims to determine the effects of trade and other factors on women’s employment in three distinct sectors (i.e., agriculture, industry, and service). From 1991 to 2021, we analyzed data from eight SAARC countries. The study’s theoretical foundation was the Cobb–Douglas production function. To better understand the connections between trade liberalization and the SAARC labor market, this paper used panel quantile regression (QR) and generalized method of moments (GMM) to empirically explore the key determinants of female employment in total and three sub-sectors. The QR method was used in the study because it looks at how variables affect each other beyond the data mean. Additionally, our data set does not follow a normal distribution, and the connection between the e...
Proceedings of Administration and Public Management International Conference, 2013
This paper presents an overview of the investments in the Romanian economy and its evolution from... more This paper presents an overview of the investments in the Romanian economy and its evolution from 2006 until now. It’s also presented the dynamics of investments in total expenditure at the country level and the evolution of investments at the most important branches of the economy and it’s also shows the origin of investments (local or foreign). It’s also achieved a ranking of Romanian development regions which have made the biggest foreign investments and the countries that have invested the most in our country in the last years.
Management and Marketing, 2010
Both the process of creating a business, but especially during the course thereof, the entreprene... more Both the process of creating a business, but especially during the course thereof, the entrepreneur should consider a future in terms of domestic and international presence. This would require a marketing strategy for attracting and maintaining loyal customers domestic and international, for whose implementation it should be mentioned for specific tactics, identify ways to internationalize the business and choose the most appropriate forms of advertising.

This paper contains an analysis concentrated on 7 poles from Romania: Bra?ov, Cluj-Napoca, Consta... more This paper contains an analysis concentrated on 7 poles from Romania: Bra?ov, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Craiova, Iasi, Ploiesti and Timisoara which are declared growth poles in which priority investments are made from domestic and European funding. We analysed information presented in official documents, including strategies, integrated urban development plans (IUDP) for the programming period 2007-2013, project presentations and other documents. We set to focus our analysis on endeavours of the local public authorities to apply the human and digital intelligence in planning development of the respective cities. The research interest focused on identifying whether becoming smart city is part of strategic planning, either as strategic objective or as specific project as part of another objective meant to contribute to overall urban development. The analysis on the availability of local authorities from Romanian growth poles to take up in their planning endeavours aspects related to human and digital intelligence that Romanian growth poles do not seem to explicitly envision themselves as smart cities, with no explicit reference being made to ”smart city” in their visions. One could nevertheless notice that the dimension related to human intelligence is present in the visions, with some growth poles - Timi?oara and Cluj-Napoca - making reference also to technological intelligence that is to be taken into account for economic development of the respective growth poles. These two growth poles are the two most advanced economically of the seven growth poles. Of theses seven, we argued that Brasov stands out as the one that showed more awareness and interest in becoming a smart city, as its IUDP included a policy towards development of information society, reflected in two programs and several projects that converged towards development of integrated data management systems in the local authority, in order to improve access to public information and to management of several public services provided by the local authorities. Thus, it is more advanced in its endeavours towards becoming a smart city, as their coherent actions that followed the initial planning proved. The other growth poles took into account specific interventions, through projects, which involved mostly technological intelligence.
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2006
Developing the knowledge-based economy has changed dramatically in the guiding forces of urban de... more Developing the knowledge-based economy has changed dramatically in the guiding forces of urban development in Europe. In conditions of globalization, the competitiveness of cities not only depends on basic infrastructureroads, energy, water and sanitation-thouse beeing forced to fight on the field of technology through the adoption of modern management structures. Thus, the provision of services at higher level becomes the main activity in cities, leading to the emergence of a new concept, the "intelligent cities".
Economia: Seria Management, 2008
ntre urbanism şi mediu există o complexitate de relaţii teoretice şi operaţionale care sunt greu ... more ntre urbanism şi mediu există o complexitate de relaţii teoretice şi operaţionale care sunt greu de definit şi de cuantificat. Acestea se explică prin faptul că urbanismul, referindu-se la totalitatea activităţilor legate de amenajarea teritorială şi a localităţilor, interferează pe multiple planuri şi în numeroase subdomenii cu mediul, atât cel natural, cât şi cel influenţat de activităţile colectivităţilor umane. De asemenea, dată fiind

Solar energy can be used in large areas in Romania, particularly in regions of south, south-east ... more Solar energy can be used in large areas in Romania, particularly in regions of south, south-east and south-west of the country. Taking into account the weather-solar conditions in Romania, the use of this form of energy is cost-efficient for both domestic heating, or for obtaining domestic hot water. The solar receptors run within time interval from March to October, with good yield and requiring relatively reduced investment. It is also expected the obtaining of electrical energy from the solar photovoltaic stations, but in this case investments will be much larger. Granting of green certificates, as legal rights for investors and/or of subsidies, facilitates both Romanian and foreign investments in this energetic field. Thus, Romania will be fitted over the next few years in the European Union directives for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
The objectives of sustainable development of human settlements are related to controling the urba... more The objectives of sustainable development of human settlements are related to controling the urban space evolution, to enabling a more balanced system, especially tracking the dynamic cities growth, alleviating social and spatial segregation especially in major cities, environmental problems and those generated by transport. These objectives require integration and continuity of socioeconomic development policies, in particular those concerning urban development, both vertical (at all levels: local, regional, national and international) and horizontally, between all the social, administrative and economical components.
Proceedings of Administration and Public Management International Conference, 2012
The public service supply heat, generally, across the country and especially of Bucharest city, i... more The public service supply heat, generally, across the country and especially of Bucharest city, is a public service interest which belongs to the community utilities services, operating in a centralized system. In this study, we analyzed the main problems that encounters the heating system of Bucharest city, and the relationship between the issues that encounters RADET in terms of ensuring quality services and the options for rehabilitation of heating system in the Bucharest municipality . Was also studied the value of investments that should be done in order to implement the rehabilitation and modernization strategy of the entire heating system of Bucharest city.

Administraţie şi management public, Nov 25, 2022
Urban growth is a specific phenomenon to the evolution of cities, which exhibits over time throug... more Urban growth is a specific phenomenon to the evolution of cities, which exhibits over time through the fact that cities, from the moment they emerge, go through a continuous process of development and expansion. Urban growth means the spatial multiplication of the built-up (or otherwise valorized) land surfaces inside and outside the city boundary. Our research objective is to better understand all the dimensions affected by urban growth and their relationships, thus being necessary to use remote sensing techniques to identify the type of satellite imagery processed output that is best related to the economic and social indicators recorded statistically and historically. In the present paper, following the research carried out, the authors present the progress that they have made in terms of monitoring and studying the urban growth phenomenon for the city of Bucharest, based on the spatial patterns of the land use/land cover surfaces obtained through remote sensing of Landsat satellite imagery that emphasize the changes in the built-up land surfaces in more than four decades. Thus, the authors identified the changes at the macro scale of the city using the techniques of satellite remote sensing and established the most effective relationships to the historic, spatial, economic, and social statistical determinants. The results show which factors are decisive and which are the best land observations and forecasting techniques that can help the urban management of the city and its future development. The forecasting can be used both to estimate the chronological evolutions and future changes in urban surface and to think about city development policies and to surmount the absence of statistical socio-economic data.
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2019

Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, Feb 1, 2016
Throughout this work the authors are making an analysis of the evolution of industry in the urban... more Throughout this work the authors are making an analysis of the evolution of industry in the urban areas and in the eight development regions of Romania. In doing it so indicators, such as: distribution of the employees according to each region and turnover in the industrial field, the spreading of the industries, the distribution of brands in industry, the coefficient of variation in the number of brands in industry, their size etc. are considered. The used methodology aims at pointing up the competitive advantages of each of the eight development regions, through the analysis of all subsectors of industry: mining, manufacturing industry, production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning, water supply, waste management, cleaning, decontamination activities. The effect of the restructuring process within development regions is also presented here, the most affected being the mono industrial ones. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the territorial development of the Romanian industry reveals significant differences from one region to another due to the first level of accessibility, the existence of a qualified labour force and that of public services of general interest. In the past 20 years, all regions have been affected by the restructuring process of the economy, witnessing both ascending and declining evolutions in the estimated indicators.

Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2007
The difficulties generated from the great concentration of the human population, put in doubt the... more The difficulties generated from the great concentration of the human population, put in doubt the long-term sustainability of it, especialy if they are put in touch with the great resources necessary to maintain in operation the large urban areas. The objectives of the sustainable development of the human settelments are related with the control of the urban space evolution, to build a more balanced system, especially the tracking of the growth towns dynamics, the alleviate of the spatial and social segregation in the big cities, the environmental and transport problems. These objectives require the integration and the continuation of the socioeconomic development policies, especially those concerning the urban development, both vertical (at all levels: local, regional, national and international) and horizontal, between all the social, administrative and economical components system.

The goal of sustainable design is to find thouse constructive solutions, which are reflected in t... more The goal of sustainable design is to find thouse constructive solutions, which are reflected in the construction features, which will ensure on the one hand the welfare and on the other hand the coexistence of the three groups that make up the global ecosystem (inorganic elements, living organisms and people). Achieving sustainable design goal is through education in a conceptual framework that has three levels: principles, strategies and methods. They correspond to the three objectives of architectural education regarding the environment: the creation of care towards the environment, explaining the building ecosystem and learning how buildings can be designed in the concept of sustainable development. Each of this principles includes a unique set of strategies, whose study leads to a better understanding of the interaction with the environment. This creates the premise for analyzing the specific methods that both builders together and architects together with other professionals can apply to reduce the impact of buildings they made with the environment.

Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2007
The goal of sustainable design is to find thouse constructive solutions, which are reflected in t... more The goal of sustainable design is to find thouse constructive solutions, which are reflected in the construction features, which will ensure on the one hand the welfare and on the other hand the coexistence of the three groups that make up the global ecosystem (inorganic elements, living organisms and people). Achieving sustainable design goal is through education in a conceptual framework that has three levels: principles, strategies and methods. They correspond to the three objectives of architectural education regarding the environment: the creation of care towards the environment, explaining the building ecosystem and learning how buildings can be designed in the concept of sustainable development. Each of this principles includes a unique set of strategies, whose study leads to a better understanding of the interaction with the environment. This creates the premise for analyzing the specific methods that both builders together and architects together with other professionals can apply to reduce the impact of buildings they made with the environment.
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2014
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 2017
Applied Research in Administrative Sciences
The article evaluates the progress made by Romania in order to achive the sustainable development... more The article evaluates the progress made by Romania in order to achive the sustainable development goal regarding sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11). The 10 indicators and targets associated with SDG 11 are taken into account from the point of view of the evolution recorded by Romania in the period 2010-2020. This exploratory study aims to analyse secondary data collected from the Eurostat platform dedicated to SDG-related indicators. Thus, we aim to track the extent to which Romania has progressed toward achieving each target associated with SDG 11 and to identify the target(s) for which progress has been most significant.
Papers by Cristina ALPOPI