Papers by Cristian Vasquez

HANELLY ORTIZ BOLAÑOS Proyecto de grado presentado para optar el título de Administración Empresa... more HANELLY ORTIZ BOLAÑOS Proyecto de grado presentado para optar el título de Administración Empresarial Asesor del proyecto EDISON CORCINO B FUDACION UNIVERSITARIA CÁTOLICA LUMEN GENTIUM FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS EMPRESARIALES ADMINISTRACIÓN EMPRESARIAL SANTIAGO DE CALI 2015 ABSTRACT The career of administration of companies in the headquarters Melendez is a career in order to stimulate entrepreneurs to carry out his ideas of business, in which the plan was studied for the creation of a distribution company and trading of flesh of natural fruit, focusing in the region vallecaucana, in his beginning having his principal headquarters in the commune five of Santiago of Cali emphasized the observation of the environments of market that are located in this sector, bearing in mind that is a zone of enough trade by which very opportune profitability is waited. Stimulated in offering products of great hierarchy to an attainable price there is started the idea of creating a natural product that benefits the health of the persons, offering a rich product to the public in vitamins and of great quality for the palate of the consumers. PATE will offer 8 flavors to the public: Guanábana, strawberry, default, handle, pineapple, lulo, maracuyá and tomato of tree, in which his channel of distribution I target will be TAT, possessing an initial investment for his constitution of ($35.472.342) what does a very attractive idea for the investors of agreement with the awaited usefulness.
Papers by Cristian Vasquez