Papers by Costantino Meucci
Science, Technology and Cultural Heritage, 2001
Close Document Image Close Document Printer Image Print This Document! Conservation Information N... more Close Document Image Close Document Printer Image Print This Document! Conservation Information Network (BCIN). Author: Meucci, Costantino; Santarelli, Maria Laura Title Article/Chapter: "Degrado e composizione chimica ...

By using a mathematical model it is possible to express a formal representation of any object: su... more By using a mathematical model it is possible to express a formal representation of any object: such a representation is expressed in numerical language and is not automatically influenced by the physical object under study; rather it expresses "knowledge and ideas" relative to the phenomenon that, by means of models, is "interpreted" in this way. In general a model is an object that is constructed artificially in order to simplify the observation of another object. The intention is not to modify the actual physical properties of the things, but rather to represent ideal objects so as to be able to analyse their ideal properties. This allows the collection of information concerning real objects. Our research intends to verify the possibility of the use of mathematical analysis conducted using the method of reconstruction of finished elements on models that are reproduced with increased accuracy; the objects of this modelling have been archaeological shipwrecks. We...
Thermochimica Acta, Jul 1, 1987
Abstract The thermogravimetric analysis of waterlogged archeological samples of woods and of samp... more Abstract The thermogravimetric analysis of waterlogged archeological samples of woods and of samples of fresh woods, of the same nature, yielded quantitative information on some components (water, ashes, cellulose, lignin) and qualitative data concerning some decomposition processes which occurred in the wood. Obtained data are compared with those from traditional chemical methods.
Through x-ray diffraction, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and microprobe analyse... more Through x-ray diffraction, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and microprobe analyses, the mineralogical composition, color, morphology, and elemental distribution in successive layers of stones from eight marble monuments in Rome are studied. Layers of stone, previous treatments, and deterioration products are identified and mapped. See also AATA 10-851, 14-443, and 21-914.
Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica - Natural Sciences in Archaeology, 2016
The remains of the amphorae cargo wrecked close to Punta Romana (Capo Ferrato-Sardinia) has been ... more The remains of the amphorae cargo wrecked close to Punta Romana (Capo Ferrato-Sardinia) has been analyzed through archaeological comparison with well-known typologies, and also by mineralogic, petrographic and chemical analyses in order to ascertain the provenance of the ceramics. The fragments have been identified as Greco-Italic amphorae types MGS III and MGS III-IV produced in the Ischia and Campania kilns in the 4 th-3 rd century BC. SEM-EDS analyses confirmed the origin from the Campania region, while petrography and XRD analyses allowed two different production areas of the shipwreck cargo to be ascertained, namely: the Lacco Ameno furnaces on the island of Ischia; and the furnaces operating in the Capua district.

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2016
Abstract A multi-analytical approach was applied to study majolica fragments coming from the Medi... more Abstract A multi-analytical approach was applied to study majolica fragments coming from the Medieval and Renaissance waste shaft ( butto ) of the Monks' Palace in Capena (formerly Leprignano) in order to test the efficacy of IRFC reflectography to characterize ceramic glazed decorations. A total of 21 pottery samples dating back from 14th to 18th century were analyzed. The majority of fragments referred to Archaic and Renaissance artifacts, but one sherd of painted XVIII century majolica from Albissola has been also analyzed. The chemical composition of the colored layers was ascertained by portable surface XRF, and SEM-EDS analyses performed on freshly cut cross sections. The glazes are variable in thickness and generally composed of silicate materials, to which lead and tin compounds, respectively acting as fluxing and opacifying agents, were added. Analyzing the painted layers allowed identifying the elements responsible of the coloration. Manganese in different concentration has been found in violet, brown and black decorations, while copper was detected in the green and turquoise ones. Cobalt is the main chromophore in blue decorations, and refers to the zaffera , whose arsenic content is related to the production period. Yellow and orange decorations are due to lead antimoniate, to which iron oxides are added in the case of orange-brown decoration. Comparing the obtained analytical data with the mineral composition ascertained by micro-Raman technique gave the possibility to precisely identify all used chromophore. The precise knowledge of the composition of all painted decorations made it possible to interpret the response obtained by IRFC reflectography and couple each false color to the peculiar chromophore. The IRFC methodology was proved to be very efficient to identify the single chromophore even in the case of mixtures of pigments. It is also an alternative non-destructive, and low cost methodology that may be successfully applied to the study of decorated majolica pottery.
Bollettino D Arte, 1987
Detailed report on the restoration of the stone facade of the baroque church of Santa Croce in Le... more Detailed report on the restoration of the stone facade of the baroque church of Santa Croce in Lecce (Italy) contains notes on the building's history (including architectural restoration from 1833 to 1982) detailed description of stone weathering process, account of preliminary analyses, description treatment. Cleaning of stone employed packs of AB 57 with paper pulp followed by washing with deionized water.
Bollettino D Arte, 1984
Available scientific techniques to determine the original colour of plasterworks in historic buil... more Available scientific techniques to determine the original colour of plasterworks in historic buildings. Cross-section analysis has been employed for the study of various paint samples from the xviiith century ospizio di san michele in rome. The article is a detailed report, with discussion of the achieved results pertaining to each single paint layer.

Rendiconti Lincei, 2007
Geologia. Ð Caratteri fisico-meccanici del Tufo Giallo della Via Tiberina (Roma). Nota di GIANCAR... more Geologia. Ð Caratteri fisico-meccanici del Tufo Giallo della Via Tiberina (Roma). Nota di GIANCARLO DE CASA e GIANNI LOMBARDI, presentata (*) dal Socio A. Mottana. ABSTRACT. Ð Physico-mechanical characteristics of the Via Tiberina Yellow Tuff (Rome). This tuff (TGVT) is a product of the Sabatini Quaternary Volcanic District outcropping just North of Rome. The TGVT was used in many monumental structures of Ancient Rome and nowadays large volumes are extracted from quarries located in the Riano area. This work discusses the results of physico-mechanical analyses (density, porosity, imbibition, elastic waves velocity, uniaxial, compressive, tensile and flexural strength) carried out on a series of blocks from quarries. The range of the data obtained in natural, saturated and freezing conditions allowed assessing the influence of environmental conditions on the TGVT. Among volcanic tuffs, the TGVT shows good mechanical properties wholly adequate for its use in the building industry. KEY WORDS: Rome; Sabatini volcano; Tuff; Rock mechanics. RIASSUNTO. Ð Il Tufo Giallo della Via Tiberina (TGVT) e Á un prodotto del Distretto Vulcanico Quaternario dei Sabatini affiorante poco a nord di Roma. E Á stato utilizzato sin dall'antichita Á nelle strutture di monumenti Romani ed attualmente importanti volumi sono estratti da numerose cave nell'area di Riano. Si presentano i risultati di una serie di analisi fisico-meccaniche (densita Á, porosita Á, imbibizione, velocita Á onde elastiche, resistenza a compressione uniassiale, a flessione e a trazione) ottenute da un'estesa campionatura di blocchetti da cave. La determinazione del campo di variabilita Á dei risultati in condizioni naturali, di saturazione in acqua e di gelivita Á ha permesso di valutare la dipendenza del TGVT dalle condizioni ambientali. Tra i tufi vulcanici, il TGVT ha mostrato avere buone proprieta Á meccaniche del tutto adeguate per il suo impiego come materiale da costruzione. (*) Nella seduta del 9 marzo 2007.
Investigation procedures for the conservation and restoration of large wooden structures revealed... more Investigation procedures for the conservation and restoration of large wooden structures revealed by underwater archaeology. Guidelines are presented for the laboratory investigation, temporary storage and protection, and the consolidation of waterlogged wood. The selection of the biocides to be used in temporary storage is also discussed.
The paper deals with the experimental results of the strengthening tests carried out on some shru... more The paper deals with the experimental results of the strengthening tests carried out on some shrunken air dried oak specimens from a ship found in a sand quarry near Ravenna. The impregnation treatment has been performed by means of two different epoxy resins (Isepox Bond 46 and Bond Mare Sub) commonly used in shipyards, and of Kauramin Basf (a melamin resin employed in the Mainz Roman Shipwrecks Museum for the waterlogged wood treatments). The efficacy of the impregnation was assessed by laboratory tests specific for stone materials, such as the calculation of the water capillary absorption coefficient. The experimental results show that Isepox Bond 46 can be used as the strengthening agent, while the Bond Mare Sub resin is more useful as a high resistance filler.
Papers by Costantino Meucci