Papers by Christiane Costa
Sicite 2012, Oct 23, 2012
Resumo -O presente artigo apresenta o projeto de uma linha feminina de jóias que, a partir de mat... more Resumo -O presente artigo apresenta o projeto de uma linha feminina de jóias que, a partir de materiais brasileiros, assim como da cultura nacional, reflete, através de suas formas e texturas a singularidade e transitoriedade de uma mulher, fazendo desta uma co-autora das próprias peças.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Blood regulation in Brazil: contextualization for improvement]](
[Blood regulation in Brazil: contextualization for improvement]
Revista panamericana de salud pública = Pan American journal of public health, 2015
The use of blood products as essential medicines and the recognition of the high risk associated ... more The use of blood products as essential medicines and the recognition of the high risk associated with blood transfusions require governments to take regulatory action with a focus on quality and safety. In this scenario, regulatory agencies play an essential role in socially advancing the guarantee that blood components will be produced according to current operating rules. Thus, in the effort to manage sanitary risks involved in the processing and use of blood, the Brazilian regulatory model, based on the construction of a national blood policy overseen by the State, has undergone conceptual improvement and review of the tools employed to achieve its goals. With the inclusion of good manufacturing practices as part of the Brazilian norms, as recommended by the World Health Organization, the country has moved forward in its view of blood facilities as manufacturing centers producing blood-derived biologics for therapeutic applications. It has also strengthened the need to develop sa...

This study proposes that diversity and abundance of rotifers show spatial and temporal variations... more This study proposes that diversity and abundance of rotifers show spatial and temporal variations in the Upper Parana´River floodplain due to heterogeneity of the environment and hydrological level fluctuations of the main river. The structure and dynamics of rotifer assemblages were investigated by samplings carried out during the rainy (February) and dry period (August) of the year 2000, in 36 environments (rivers, channels, backwaters, open and isolated floodplain lakes). The influence of phytoplankton biomass on rotifer diversity and abundance was also investigated. 104 taxa of rotifers were identified. The highest species richness was found in rivers and open floodplain lakes, the highest abundances in the isolated floodplain lakes, and the highest values of species diversity in the channels, especially during the rainy period. b 2 -diversity values were higher in the channels, especially during the dry period. Flow differences and food availability were predominant factors influencing the structure and dynamics of the rotifer communities. Hydrobiologia (2005) 546:405-414

Hortas comunitárias como atividade promotora de saúde: uma experiência em Unidades Básicas de Saúde
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2015
Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) is being practiced in different settings, contributing to ... more Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) is being practiced in different settings, contributing to the improvement of health in communities and healthier environments. In order to identify the meanings and implications of the practice of UPA in Primary Healthcare Units (PHU) as an activity of health promotion (HP), and to what extent its therapeutic dimension characterizes it as an activity aligned with complementary and integrative practices (CIP), a qualitative cross-sectional study was performed in Embu das Artes, State of São Paulo. From the analysis, the following main themes arose: health concept, health outcomes, the return to traditional practices and habits and the reorientation of health services. It was possible to identify the close link between the cultivation of vegetable gardens and HP guidelines and fields of action, such as creating healthier environments, boosting community actions, developing personal skills, stimulating autonomy and empowerment and demands for the reorientation of services. The garden activities, set up in PHU areas, proved to be an implementation strategy of CIP. The conclusion reached is that vegetable gardening activities in community gardens are seen to be health promotion practices that integrate key elements of CIP.
Significados e apropriações da noção de segurança alimentar e nutricional pelo segmento da sociedade civil do Conselho Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional
Saúde e Sociedade, 2012
Práticas e percepções acerca da segurança alimentar e nutricional entre os representantes das instituições integrantes de um centro de referência localizado na região do Butantã, município de São Paulo
Saúde e Sociedade, 2007
... Tatiana Yuri Assão Mestranda da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP, bolsista pelo Conselho Nac... more ... Tatiana Yuri Assão Mestranda da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP, bolsista pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq processo no 135537/2005-3) E-mail: [email protected] Amábela de Avelar Cordeiro Professora Doutora da ...
Estudo da influência de variáveis demográficas na função cognitiva, utilizando o WCST

Caracterização polínica das plantas lenhosas do Bosque dos Papagaios, Boa Vista, Roraima, norte d... more Caracterização polínica das plantas lenhosas do Bosque dos Papagaios, Boa Vista, Roraima, norte do Brasil. Os estudos palinológicos são muito importantes, pois podem auxiliar na identificação de espécies botânicas, na identificação do pólen de plantas alergógenas, em estudos palinotaxonômicos, na identificação de paisagens fósseis pelos registros palinológicos contidos em sedimentos e na identificação da origem botânica de amostras de mel através do conteúdo polínico. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar os tipos polínicos das plantas lenhosas do Parque Ecológico Bosque dos Papagaios, município de Boa Vista, Roraima. A coleta do material botânico foi realizada entre junho/2011 a maio/2012. Foram coletados três ramos florais de cada planta, de onde foram retirados botões florais submetidos ao método de acetólise de Erdtman. Para cada espécie, foram observados 25 grãos de pólen para obtenção das medidas do diâmetro polar, equatorial, caracterização da exina e das aberturas. A maioria das 62 espécies estudadas apresentou grãos de pólen colporados de tamanho médio, com forma prolato-esferoidal, e exina reticulada.

As neuroscience is a highly publicized by the media issue, but that is rarely addressed in the cu... more As neuroscience is a highly publicized by the media issue, but that is rarely addressed in the curriculum of undergraduate courses, the Study Group on Neuroscience (GEN) is an extension project developed in Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, whose goal is to perform selected articles of discussions by the group coordinator (education), encouraging participants to develop scientific projects (research) and promote neuroscience lectures (extension), mainly organizing the "Brain Awareness Week," global campaign promoting talks aimed to disseminating knowledge of neuroscience to the community. Thus, the aim of this paper is to report the experiences of the GEN, in order to encourage similar initiatives in other institutions. For this, we describe in detail the progress since its inception in 2012 to date. As a result, we found that the weekly meetings of the GEN continuously stimulate the formation of a critical sense on the participants, discussing issues that are addr...

RESUMO Polygalaceae com aproximadamente 1.300 espécies, possui representantes em praticamente tod... more RESUMO Polygalaceae com aproximadamente 1.300 espécies, possui representantes em praticamente todo o mundo. Está entre as famílias mais importantes das savanas de Rorai-ma, consideradas a maior área de savana da Amazônia Brasileira. Apesar disso, estudos taxonômicos são escassos nessa área. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o levantamento taxonômico de Polygalaceae em uma área de savana em Boa Vista, Roraima. O estudo foi baseado na análise de amostras coletadas durante expedições a campo e de exsicatas dos herbários de Roraima. As excursões para coleta e registro fotográfico foram realizadas no período de outubro de 2006 a julho de 2008 e os exemplares obtidos foram incorporados aos herbários do Estado (MIRR e UFRR). Foram registrados três gêneros da família na área de estudo: Bredemeyera, Polygala e Securidaca. O gênero mais numeroso foi Polygala, apresentando dez espécies, enquanto que Bredemeyera e Securidaca ABSTRACT: (Polygalaceae in a savanna area of Roraima State, Brazil). Polyg...
![Research paper thumbnail of In vitro activity of neem oil [Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Meliaceae)] on Aspergillus flavus growth, sporulation, viability of spores, morphology and Aflatoxins B1 and B2 production](
Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2010
The effectiveness of neem (Azadiracta indica) oil on the growth, morphology, sporulation, viabili... more The effectiveness of neem (Azadiracta indica) oil on the growth, morphology, sporulation, viability of spores, aflatoxin B 1 and B 2 production by A. flavus on Yeast Extract-Sucrose medium was determined. Neem oil inhibited the fungal growth (i.e. mycelia dry weight, diameter of colony and growth rate) on solid media at concentrations from 0.5 to 5.0% v/v, although it significantly increased sporulation in the same conditions. Spores obtained from cultures grown without neem oil reduced germination when incubated in a neem-oil supplemented medium. Colonies grown on solid media and in submerged cultures in the presence of neem oil exhibited morphological alterations, including granular cytoplasm, atypical hyphae branching pattern, abnormal and undifferentiated conidiophores. High Performance Liquid Chromatography was used to measure aflatoxins. In submerged cultures, neem oil at concentrations from 0.5 to 4.0% v/v caused approximately 95% inhibition in Aflatoxin B 1 and B 2 . On other hand, these conditions failed to suppress fungal growth. Current research emphasized that neem oil was not fungistatic or fungicidal, but exhibited anti-aflatoxigenic activity.

Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2003
Rotifers present a high diversity in freshwater ecosystems. This study registered 11 genera and 4... more Rotifers present a high diversity in freshwater ecosystems. This study registered 11 genera and 42 species, new records for the Upper Paraná River floodplain. These results showed an increase in rotifer diversity in this ecosystem from 184 to 230 species. Among them some were registered only in the rivers and others in the lagoons. Thirty-seven species occurred in the littoral zone and 34 species in the pelagic; 3 species were registered only in the former zone and 2 species only in the latter. The lagoons presented the greatest richness, probably because of the greater stability, low current velocity, and the extensive aquatic macrophyte banks in the littoral zone of these environments as compared to those of the rivers. The highest number of species in the littoral habitats occurred due to the greater influence of shoreline vegetation, which allows greater habitat diversification. This fact contributed to the occurrence of non-planktonic species in the zooplankton samples.

The Scientific World Journal, 2013
The essential oil from Curcuma longa L. was analysed by GC/MS. The major components of the oil we... more The essential oil from Curcuma longa L. was analysed by GC/MS. The major components of the oil were ar-turmerone (33.2%), -turmerone (23.5%) and -turmerone (22.7%). The antifungal activities of the oil were studied with regard to Aspergillus flavus growth inhibition and altered morphology, as preliminary studies indicated that the essential oil from C. longa inhibited Aspergillus flavus Link aflatoxin production. The concentration of essential oil in the culture media ranged from 0.01% to 5.0% v/v, and the concentration of curcumin was 0.01-0.5% v/v. The effects on sporulation, spore viability, and fungal morphology were determined. The essential oil exhibited stronger antifungal activity than curcumin on A. flavus. The essential oil reduced the fungal growth in a concentration-dependent manner. A. flavus growth rate was reduced by C. longa essential oil at 0.10%, and this inhibition effect was more efficient in concentrations above 0.50%. Germination and sporulation were 100% inhibited in 0.5% oil. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of A. flavus exposed to oil showed damage to hyphae membranes and conidiophores. Because the fungus is a plant pathogen and aflatoxin producer, C. longa essential oil may be used in the management of host plants.

Molecular Biotechnology, 2008
Recombinant factor VIII is one of the most complex mammalian proteins and a biotechnology venture... more Recombinant factor VIII is one of the most complex mammalian proteins and a biotechnology venture required for the treatment of hemophilia A. The complexity of the protein, post-translational modifications and limitations of expression elements make the production of active recombinant FVIII a challenge. Here we report the production of biologically active Factor VIII in two different cell lines, CHO and HepG2, by transient transfection. Two expression vectors based on the CMV promoter were used: one harboring CMV Intron A (InA) and the other without it. To bypass difficulties in secretion, we also studied the influence of co-expression of the human splice isoform of the XBP1 gene. We report the production of recombinant FVIII possessing bioengineered FVIII heavy and light chains, linked by a minimal B domain. In our study, HepG2, a human hepatocyte cell line, expressed Factor VIII ten-fold more than a CHO cell line, and in HepG2 cells, the expression of XBP1 improved Factor VIII activity. For CHO cells, expression was improved by the presence of InA, but no further improvement was noted with XBP1 co-expression. These data suggest that the minimal B domain rFVIII preserves Factor VIII biological activity and that different expression elements can be used to improve its production.

Journal of Diabetes and its Complications, 2011
Controversial data suggest that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of ... more Controversial data suggest that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of fractures despite having, in some studies, higher bone mineral density. Methods: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of osteoporosis and morphometric vertebral fractures in 148 postmenopausal diabetic women, aged 61.87±7.85 years, and their relationship with clinical and metabolic factors and chronic complications of the disease. Results: The prevalence of osteoporosis was 30.4% at lumbar spine (LS) and 9.5% at femoral neck (FN). The prevalence of vertebral fractures was 23%, mostly mild and located at the thoracic spine. Patients with fractures were older (Pb.001), had been in the menopause for a long period (P=.005), had lower creatinine clearance (P=.026) had and lower bone mineral density at LS (P=.01) and FN (P=.042). The frequency of fractures increased with age (Pb.001), with the duration of the disease (P=.037) and with the presence of retinopathy (P=.030). In patients with fractures, the prevalence of osteoporosis increased to 40% at LS (P=.004) and to 35.7% at FN (P=.049). After logistic regression adjustment, it was observed that the likelihood of presenting vertebral fractures was significantly increased at the age of 60 years or older (Pb.001) and with the presence of osteoporosis at LS (P=.006), irrespective of blood glucose control. Conclusion: We found a high prevalence of osteoporosis and vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus, irrespective of blood glucose control, and these conditions were more frequent in long-standing disease and in patients with retinopathy and impaired renal function.

Association Between Vascular Calcification and Osteoporosis in Men With Type 2 Diabetes
Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 2012
Atherosclerotic vascular disease is common in diabetes, and some data support a link with bone lo... more Atherosclerotic vascular disease is common in diabetes, and some data support a link with bone loss. This study evaluates the association between osteoporosis and clinical and metabolic factors and chronic complications of diabetes. We studied 59 diabetic men aged 50-80 yr who were assessed with bone densitometry (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry). Of them, 10.2% of the patients were found to have osteoporosis in the lumbar spine and 45.8% osteopenia, whereas in the femoral neck, 11.8% had osteoporosis and 49% had osteopenia. There was a significant association of osteoporosis in the lumbar spine L1-L4 (p=0.004) and in the femoral neck (p=0.036) with iliac artery calcification. In addition, there was no association with any other metabolic factors, clinical factors, or chronic complications of diabetes evaluated, except for an association between a previous personal history of fractures (p=0.016) and low bone mineral density in the femoral neck. In conclusion, we found a positive association between the iliac artery calcification and osteoporosis in type 2 diabetic male patients.

Hydrobiologia, 2005
This study proposes that diversity and abundance of rotifers show spatial and temporal variations... more This study proposes that diversity and abundance of rotifers show spatial and temporal variations in the Upper Parana´River floodplain due to heterogeneity of the environment and hydrological level fluctuations of the main river. The structure and dynamics of rotifer assemblages were investigated by samplings carried out during the rainy (February) and dry period (August) of the year 2000, in 36 environments (rivers, channels, backwaters, open and isolated floodplain lakes). The influence of phytoplankton biomass on rotifer diversity and abundance was also investigated. 104 taxa of rotifers were identified. The highest species richness was found in rivers and open floodplain lakes, the highest abundances in the isolated floodplain lakes, and the highest values of species diversity in the channels, especially during the rainy period. b 2 -diversity values were higher in the channels, especially during the dry period. Flow differences and food availability were predominant factors influencing the structure and dynamics of the rotifer communities. Hydrobiologia (2005) 546:405-414
Hydrobiologia, 2011
The relative importance of carbon sources supporting aquatic food webs within and among estuaries... more The relative importance of carbon sources supporting aquatic food webs within and among estuaries may be influenced by factors that affect relative availability of autotrophic carbon sources, as well as movement of individuals among marine, estuarine and freshwater zones. We used stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to examine (

Glia, 2000
The precise role of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF␣) in multiple sclerosis (MS) is still contr... more The precise role of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF␣) in multiple sclerosis (MS) is still controversial. Most findings from the animal model experimental allergic encephalomyelitis have yet to be confirmed in multiple sclerosis. The aim of this study was to define the significance of TNF␣ with respect to the hallmark of MS, that is demyelination. Therefore, 78 lesion areas from diagnostic brain biopsies of 32 patients were analysed. Lesion demyelinating activity was classified by the presence of myelin degradation products in macrophages and macrophage activation markers. Nonradioactive in situ hybridisation was carried out to detect TNF␣ mRNA expressing cells. DNA fragmentation was visualised by TdT-mediated X-dUTP nick end labeling. A significantly higher number of cells expressed TNF␣ mRNA in active demyelinating lesions than in inactive or remyelinating lesions irrespective of the extent of the inflammatory infiltrate. TNF␣ mRNA expression correlated with the appearance of DNA fragmentation in T lymphocytes and oligodendrocytes within the lesions. In the periplaque white matter, expression of TNF␣ mRNA negatively correlated with oligodendrocyte numbers. These data support previous findings from animal models and in vitro experiments. Although not proving, the current study strongly suggests a pathogenic role of TNF␣ in demyelination in human multiple sclerosis and gives further support for TNF␣-directed therapeutic strategies.
Prognostic importance of pre-operative CEA and CA 19-9 levels in gastric carcinoma
Gastroenterology, 2003
Papers by Christiane Costa