Papers by Constanze Rossmann

UNSTRUCTURED Background: Uncertainty is integral to evidence informed decision-making and of part... more UNSTRUCTURED Background: Uncertainty is integral to evidence informed decision-making and of particular importance for preference-sensitive decisions. While communicating uncertainty to patients and the public has long been identified as a goal in the informed and shared decision making movement, there is little quantitative research on the issue. Objective: We designed this study to examine how different degrees of uncertainty (Q1) and different types of uncertainty (Q2) impact patients’ perception of the effectiveness of a treatment, the body of evidence, text quality, and hypothetical treatment decision. The study will also examine whether there is an additive effect, when multiple sources of uncertainty are communicated (Q3). Methods: We developed eight variations of a research summary set in a hypothetical scenario for a treatment decision in the context of tinnitus. These were modified only in the degree of uncertainty relating to the evidence of the presented treatment. Parti...
Gesundheitskommunikation als transdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld, 2017
Springer Reference Pflege – Therapie – Gesundheit, 2021
Handbuch der Gesundheitskommunikation, 2019
Die Gesundheitskommunikation setzt sich mit den sozialen Bedingungen, Folgen und Bedeutungen von ... more Die Gesundheitskommunikation setzt sich mit den sozialen Bedingungen, Folgen und Bedeutungen von gesundheitsbezogener und gesundheitsrelevanter, intendierter und nicht-intendierter, intrapersonaler, interpersonaler, medialer und öffentlicher Kommunikation auseinander. Diese Definition resultiert aus einer Begriffsdiskussion im ersten Teil dieses Beitrags. Der Kommunikationswissenschaft kommt hier eine zentrale Rolle zu. Viele Fragestellungen lassen sich als Anwendungsfälle des Faches betrachten und anhand seiner Systematisierungen einordnen. Hierauf geht der zweite Teil ein.
Kumulierte Evidenzen, 2017
Die Studie greift eine Studie von Brosius (1990) zum Einfluss von Hintergrundmusik in Information... more Die Studie greift eine Studie von Brosius (1990) zum Einfluss von Hintergrundmusik in Informationsfilmen auf Bewertung und Erinnerung auf. In einem Online-Experiment zeigten wir 168 Probandinnen und Probanden eine von fünf Versionen eines Erklärfilms über Antibiotikaresistenzen oder einen Kontrollfilm (anderes Thema). Die Musik wurde zweifaktoriell variiert (Faktor 1: Tempo, Faktor 2: Anteil melodiöser Elemente), eine weitere Version enthielt den Antibiotikafilm ohne Musik. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Befunde von Brosius (1990) in weiten Teilen: Film und Musik wurden bei langsamer Musik zwar besser bewertet als bei schneller, jedoch führte dies nicht zu einer besseren Bewertung als ohne Musik. Auch die Erinnerung blieb von der Musikvariation unbeeinflusst. Mediationsanalysen deuten auf Einflüsse über Bewertung und Narrative Engagement auf Wissen hin .
Eight weeks feeding trails were conducted with 120 broiler chickens at poultry production unit of... more Eight weeks feeding trails were conducted with 120 broiler chickens at poultry production unit of the

Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, 2020
Hintergrund Der Anteil älterer Personen in der Bevölkerung wächst stetig. Gleichzeitig steigen im... more Hintergrund Der Anteil älterer Personen in der Bevölkerung wächst stetig. Gleichzeitig steigen im Alter die Risiken für gesundheitliche Probleme. Aus Sicht der Gesundheitsförderung ist es deshalb wichtig, diese Zielgruppe zu erreichen. Für die Auswahl geeigneter Kommunikationskanäle sollte das Mediennutzungs- bzw. Gesundheitsinformationsverhalten berücksichtigt werden. Dabei kann auch eine Segmentierung der heterogenen Zielgruppe 65+ in Teilzielgruppen notwendig sein. Ziel des Beitrags Der Beitrag liefert aktuelle empirische Daten zum Gesundheitsinformationsverhalten der Zielgruppe 65+ insgesamt sowie spezifischer Teilzielgruppen. Auf dieser Basis können geeignete Kommunikationskanäle ausgewählt werden, um diese Gruppen gezielt zu erreichen. Methodik Es wurden zunächst 20 Personen mit qualitativen Leitfadeninterviews befragt und anschließend eine standardisierte telefonische Befragung von 1001 zufällig ausgewählten Personen ab 65 Jahren durchgeführt. Ergebnisse Die Zielgruppe 65+ ka...

To examine how well the theories of reasoned action and planned behavior predict condom use, the ... more To examine how well the theories of reasoned action and planned behavior predict condom use, the authors synthesized 96 data sets (N = 22,594) containing associations between the models' key variables. Consistent with the theory of reasoned action's predictions, (a) condom use was related to intentions (weighted mean r. = .45), (b) intentions were based on attitudes (r. = .58) and subjective norms (r. = .39), and (c) attitudes were associated with behavioral beliefs (r. = .56) and norms were associated with normative beliefs (r. = .46). Consistent with the theory of planned behavior's predictions, perceived behavioral control was related to condom use intentions (r. = .45) and condom use (r. = .25), but in contrast to the theory, it did not contribute significantly to condom use. The strength of these associations, however, was influenced by the consideration of past behavior. Implications of these results for HFV prevention efforts are discussed.

Journal of Communication, 2021
This study uses a three-wave prospective longitudinal survey (at 6-month intervals) to test effec... more This study uses a three-wave prospective longitudinal survey (at 6-month intervals) to test effects of information seeking and scanning on attitudes toward marijuana among college students in Israel (N = 700). We integrate constructs from the elaboration likelihood model to contrast processes of attitude change among individuals who vary in moderators of information processing depth (motivation and ability). In addition, we test whether trust in the information source moderates these processes, and use propensity score matching to reduce bias. Results of autoregressive cross-lagged structural equation models show that scanning from interpersonal sources predicted attitudes toward marijuana among individuals who were low in elaboration motivation or ability. Seeking and scanning information about marijuana from interpersonal sources were positively associated with attitudes toward marijuana among individuals higher in elaboration motivation and ability, who had greater trust in the s...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), augmented by the concept of self-concordance (deri... more Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), augmented by the concept of self-concordance (derived from self-determination theory, SDT), we conducted a study to identify the key determinants of physical activity in older adults. We applied structural equation modeling of telephone survey data from a random sample of adults aged 65 years and older living in Germany (N = 865). Relations of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (PBC) with intention strength and self-concordance of intention to be physically active were tested. Habit strength was analyzed as a moderator. Data analysis showed this model to be well-suited for explaining the intention to be physically active—especially for people with a weak habit. The influence of TPB components on intention would have been underestimated if we had investigated intention strength only, without considering the self-concordance of intention. While attitude and PBC had positive relations with a strong and self-determ...

Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020
Background Uncertainty is integral to evidence-informed decision making and is of particular impo... more Background Uncertainty is integral to evidence-informed decision making and is of particular importance for preference-sensitive decisions. Communicating uncertainty to patients and the public has long been identified as a goal in the informed and shared decision-making movement. Despite this, there is little quantitative research on how uncertainty in health information is perceived by readers. Objective The aim of this study was to examine the impact of different uncertainty descriptions regarding the evidence for a treatment effect in a written research summary for the public. Methods We developed 8 versions of a research summary on a fictitious drug for tinnitus with varying degrees (Q1), sources (Q2), and magnitudes of uncertainty (Q3). We recruited 2099 members of the German public from a web-based research panel. Of these, 1727 fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were randomly presented with one of these research summaries. Randomization was conducted by using a centralized ...

„Mensch Opa, du bist noch so fit!“, 2020
Physical activity is an important part of healthy ageing—an issue that has become increasingly im... more Physical activity is an important part of healthy ageing—an issue that has become increasingly important due to demographic change and longer life expectancy. To promote physical activity in the long term, it is necessary to increase older adults’ awareness of the influence of physical activity on health as well as their interest in being active. This project provides a foundation for the evidence-based design of effective and efficient communicative measures. To this end, the authors identified crucial behavioural determinants and the health information behaviour of people aged 65 and above in Germany using a combination of semi-structured interviews and a standardised telephone survey. On this basis, they were able to outline an evidence-based communication strategy for older adults in Germany in general and in particular for vulnerable target groups.

BACKGROUND As a result of demographic changes, the number of people aged 60 years and older has b... more BACKGROUND As a result of demographic changes, the number of people aged 60 years and older has been increasing steadily. Therefore, older adults have become more important as a target group for health communication efforts. Various studies show that online health information sources have gained importance among younger adults, but we know little about the health-related internet use of senior citizens in general and in particular about the variables explaining their online health-related information–seeking behavior. Media use studies indicate that in addition to sociodemographic variables, lifestyle factors might play a role in this context. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to examine older people’s health-related internet use. Our study focused on the explanatory potential of lifestyle types over and above sociodemographic variables to predict older adults’ internet use for health information. METHODS A telephone survey was conducted with a random sample of German adults aged ...

Background Recent studies increasingly examine social support for diabetes self-management delive... more Background Recent studies increasingly examine social support for diabetes self-management delivered via mHealth. In contrast to previous studies examining social support as an outcome of technology use, or technology as a means for delivering social support, this paper argues that social support has an impact on the use of diabetes mHealth apps. Specifically, we postulate differences between the impact of healthcare professional versus non-professional (family/friends) support on mobile app use for diabetes self-management.Methods This research employed a triangulation of methods including exploratory semi-structured face-to-face interviews (N= 21, Study 1) and an online survey (N= 65, Study 2) with adult type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. Thematic analysis (Study 1) was used to explore the relevance of social support (by professionals versus non-professionals) for diabetes app use. Binary logistic regression (Study 2) was applied to compare healthcare decision-making, healthcare...
American journal of public health, 2017
Gesundheitskommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis, 2016
eHealth in Deutschland, 2016
This paper proposes a new manipulation method for environment control systems using a shape senso... more This paper proposes a new manipulation method for environment control systems using a shape sensor for the physically disabled.This system enables a human operator to control various home electric appliances,and can assist the physically disabled in their daily activities.The operation method can be easily changed according to operator's ability.The operator can use not only haptic devices such as a keyboard,a mouse and a touchscreen,but also the bioelectric signals.In this paper,we propose a new manipulation method for environment control systems using a shape sensor that can measure a small curvature change.This paper shows the basic concept of the system design and the developed prototype system.The effectiveness of the developed system is verified through experiments by patients with a cervical spine injury.
Theory of Reasoned Action - Theory of Planned Behavior, 2011
Theory of Reasoned Action - Theory of Planned Behavior, 2011
Papers by Constanze Rossmann