Journal articles by Conceição Pequito Teixeira
Political Impacts of the COVID19 Pandemic in Portugal, 2023

Party Politics, Nov 2016
Notwithstanding the prolific research on the crisis of democracy since the 1980s, the attention t... more Notwithstanding the prolific research on the crisis of democracy since the 1980s, the attention that has been given to political parties has not been enough to fully understand the (increasing lack of) citizen support for them. Additionally, there is too little research on how the economic context can contribute to changes in support for political parties. Focusing on the Portuguese case, this article has three main goals: to assess citizen support for parties before and after the economic crisis; to explore the contribution of the crisis to changes in the explanatory models of support; and finally, to identify the consequences of support for parties, with regard to electoral turnout. Findings reveal the economic crisis has affected support for parties in Portugal, specifically regarding diffuse-institutional support and party legitimacy. Changes in public support for parties between 2008 and 2012 have had consequences on voter turnout.
Papers by Conceição Pequito Teixeira

Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science, 2016
To what extent, if any, does social capital contribute to the democratic formation of citizens´at... more To what extent, if any, does social capital contribute to the democratic formation of citizens´attitudes? It is a major influence among several others or just a minor one when it comes to forming political attitudes? This paper provides an empirical answer to these questions, drawing from the 2010 European Social Survey questionnaire. Its first section includes a discussion about the quality of democarcy in the culturalist approach of Political Science. The following section addresses the operationalization of the concept of quality of democracy and its main dimensions, with particular attention to social accountability. It then seeks to relate the concepts of social accountability as a pivotal dimension of the quality of democracy and social capital as formulated By Robert Putman. We used a multivariate regression analysis to test our hypotheses, which focus on whether the components that make up social capital have a differentiated impact on the formation of political attitudes, i...
Political Institutions and Democracy in Portugal, 2019
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Representation, 2012
This article analyses the attitudes of members of parliament towards representation. Based on the... more This article analyses the attitudes of members of parliament towards representation. Based on the PARENEL project dataset, it takes an individual-level approach to examine the focus and style of representation of Belgian, French and Portuguese representatives. It shows that, given the complexity of the process of representation, MPs have various principals and develop multiple foci of representation. It also demonstrates the impact of electoral rules, career patterns and MPs' goals on their focus of representation.
Brazilian Political Science Review, 2012
This article reviews the case of the often claimed ???crisis of parties??? in Portugal, and argue... more This article reviews the case of the often claimed ???crisis of parties??? in Portugal, and argues that such controversy rests at least in part on ???ambiguous??? evidence. We will try to answer two fundamental research questions: 1) What motivates popular support for ...
Adopting a neo-institutionalist perspective, our aim in this series of two articles is to determi... more Adopting a neo-institutionalist perspective, our aim in this series of two articles is to determine what influence political and institutional factors have on the models for the selection of parliamentary candidates in the five main Portuguese parties. We focus on ...
The Oxford Handbook of Portuguese Politics, Oct 20, 2022

The current decline in political participation is a great cause of concern among political scient... more The current decline in political participation is a great cause of concern among political scientists, opinion makers and political leaders. There are two main approaches to this decline that occurs especially in Europe. The first one is the ‘modernization’ thesis. The second is the ‘social individualization’ thesis. Nevertheless, the empirical debate has not been successful in providing a detailed record of the relations between social capital and political participation. Much of it is due to a reductionist use of both concepts’ operationalization. In this article we have two main goals. Firstly, we showed that the concepts of social capital and political participation are, theoretically and empirically, multidimensional concepts. Secondly, we assessed, through multivariate regression analyses, the explicative capacities of the more traditional political participation explanatory models: ‘the individual resources model’ and the ‘civic voluntarism model’ together with the more recen...

Political Studies Review, 2021
Basing on the previous and early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, this article analysis the main ... more Basing on the previous and early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, this article analysis the main determinants of citizens’ trust in the prime minister over that period. Prior research on the political effects of the pandemic has mostly focused on identifying a rally around the flag effect, and little is known about other reasons behind the increase in trust after the outbreak of the pandemic. Based on survey data from February to July 2020 for Spanish citizens, we argue that the reasons for the increased trust in the prime minister following the pandemic outbreak are due more to performance evaluations than to emotional-related factors regarding COVID-19 health issues. We also argue that among performance evaluations, the assessment of policy performance in fighting the COVID-19 crisis is of preeminent relevance in explaining trust in the prime minister during the pandemic period. Findings widely support our argument. By comparing the effects of conventional to emotional-related fac...

Political Institutions and Democracy in Portugal, 2018
The 2008 crisis has revealed, in Portugal, a political culture characterised by deeply dissatisfi... more The 2008 crisis has revealed, in Portugal, a political culture characterised by deeply dissatisfied and sceptical democrats, who have made the recourse to “exit” strategies of the political system (through electoral abstention) the prime “punishing” answer to the political class’s austerity policies. This is a very different attitude from the “critical citizens” who are characterised by a more demanding and challenging attitude towards the status quo through protest and vote in new radical and populist parties, as is happening in other peripheral European countries. This chapter seeks to answer some of the following questions: Faced with the rapid resurgence of the narratives of Southern European “exceptionalism”, how was the Portuguese democracy able, or not able to weather the legitimacy crisis? To what extent do the diffuse and specific types of support for the political system remain independent of each other in these hard times? What changes have occurred in the evolution of these two types of political support during this period? Are there signs that the economic crisis created transitory (pendulum effects) or lasting and stronger effects (catalyst effects) in the legitimacy of the political system in the citizens’ eyes?

Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 2012
Most of the empirical research on political representation has either focused on the analysis of ... more Most of the empirical research on political representation has either focused on the analysis of descriptive representation, or on policy or ideological correspondence between voters and deputies. Only occasionally research has paid attention to what are the representatives’ attitudes toward political representation, or to the type of relationship they establish with their voters and parties with this regard. By exploring the attitudes and behaviour of Portuguese deputies towards their role as representatives, using data of 2008, this paper intends to contribute to fill that gap in the literature. Although mainly descriptive, the paper also intends to unravel the individual determinants for the focus and style of representation. The findings suggest that party is the main reference in representational relationships in Portugal, and that the factors that best explain the focus and style of representation are the deputies’ immediate political goals

Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science, 2018
This article reviwes the case of the often-claimed "crisis of parties" in Portugal, and... more This article reviwes the case of the often-claimed "crisis of parties" in Portugal, and argues that such controversy rests partly on "ambiguous" evidence. Our two main objectives are: 1) finding out the nature and extension of public support (or lack thereof) of parties, determining what are the consequences of the lack of public support for parties in citizens´ pressure to reform democrtic institutions. Based on data of four National Public Opinion Surveys, we show that attitudes regarding parties comprehend two conceptually and empirically distinct dimensions: diffuse support and specific support. Afterwards we saw, how a strong criticism of parties' performance coexists in Portugal with strong citizen pressure over political actors compelling them to implement democratic reforms. Lastly, through logistical regression models, we can conclude that both lack of specific support ("critical antipartysism") and lack of diffuse support ("delegitimi...

Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 2012
In this article, we study how Portuguese citizens see and assess the democratic regime in a longi... more In this article, we study how Portuguese citizens see and assess the democratic regime in a longitudinal and comparative perspective. This individual-level study is based on the assumption that mass attitudes have a clear and direct impact on politics, especially on democratic polities. Inspired by the original theoretical and conceptual Easton’s framework, developed and reformulated later by other authors (Norris, Kinglemann and Dalton), we explore the multidimensional perspective of the concept of political support, its levels and components. Building on a wide range of national and cross-national survey indicators for evidence, concerning both the Portuguese case and some European countries included in the fifth wave of the World Values Survey, we analyse and try understanding the longitudinal trends concerning each political system’s dimensions or components. The main objective of this article is to find out to what extent it is possible to speak of an erosion of Portuguese citizens ' support for the political system during the last decade, and if there has been to discern its nature, cumulative effects and magnitude. The time series analysis allowed us to conclude that the hypothesis of a crisis of legitimacy in Portugal during this period must be rejected. Thus, what seems to be contested in Portugal, as in other European democracies, are the political objects that comprise a more specific level of support, including regime performance, regime institutions and political actors, due to an increasing level of frustration of accumulated unfulfilled expectations of democracy processes.
Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos Legislativos, 2011
Journal articles by Conceição Pequito Teixeira
Papers by Conceição Pequito Teixeira